98-416 Certiflicate of Compliance Town of +Queansbury Warren County, New York July 20 98 ] Date Le -� } y C :> 98416 This is to certify that work requested to be dame as shown by Permit No. _. has been. completed. INGROUND SWIMMING POOL This structure rnay3 used INGW RD . Owner GREENWOODF MICHAEL & TAX MAP NO . 148 . - 2 - 12 By Order Town Board T+©W�d ©F-�UEYEN B Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN 4F QUEENSBIURY No. 98416 TAX MAP NO . 148 . — 2 - 12 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to GREENWOOD , MICHAEL & OWNER of property located at 3 GOLDFINCH RD . Street , Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury, To Construct or plaoe a INGROUND SWIMMING POOL at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1, OWNERS Address is DAPHNE 3 GOLDFINCH RD . QUEENSB$URYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name SPRAGUE POOLS 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD , NY 12828 4, ARCHITECTS Nance COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL S. ARCHITECTS Address B. TYPE of Construction — fPlease indicate by X) I I Wood Frame I I Masonry I ) Steel I I 7. PLANS and Specifications ItUNGROUND SWIMMING POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS 8. Proposed Use INGROUND SWIMMING POOL 35 July 10 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the 8ulldirg and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the expiration date.) 10 July 1998 Crated at the Town of Qveelsbury this _ Day of i9 SIGNED BY for the Town of Oueensbury hu ilb I a nd Zan ing Irapedor came Bey at Havifand Pcad, Q e :ury. IVY 728D4-97 5 8-T9�-"��2 SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION U FEE P n • i r a CZ ti VV :'ins .— FC 11 .=:!•i... LOC:=. T ' Cr, -► � tJG�d A ` QUEu-t*.]5 (3ue e ] PERSz40?4 RESPOi`jS13L = FOR CODE REni1I REMEN T S : C) f, vg Gi K3 Gl ADDRESS TEL . T YPE C - POOL n- g. rcLindµ � 00ove ground cI �E . Lengt ^ / Wid 5 t . O a::eter � . aP .0 � I ;'. . T E :�r.Tw .. C.�;P.-.CiTY �oc) cal tons . P. USED T Ifii C :_. . • � �. LC VJED � ii cals I RDCI � 01'4i : t i rL onC ! "Sta : ,` ' 21 oarg s - - n _ - - d rcn ram �_ - _ ; , r i la s G Pa re : _ C. - he CO^; uR `7q 7 � a 79AL-\ IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : On se , .- rat . P E o PaPer , s .: bm' d ' � - a ^ ; crown to s ` cw : PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYST.- - LOCA T ION OF PROPOSED SWIMIMING POOL - Show all distances fron ] cat lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as seoarvtions between . APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IS NECESSARY , A COPY OF THE APPLICATION IS TO BE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE _ THIS OFFICE IS TO 5E NOTIFIED UPON{ COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION - I `�CL�1DING INSTALLATION OF FENCING * A F1NAL INSPEC T IC 'i WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE POOL IS AUTHORIZ=j . OVER Sec ti on 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 , Pri vate Swim,im! nq Pool s . Pri vate s �rimmi n-g pool s , permanent and portabI e , which shall be accessory to a principal , non - comimercial dwelling use shall be regal aced as fol 1 ows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimini ng pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length , a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than tan ( LO ) feet from the side lot line , or buffer zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Such, use shall not adversely affect the charactar of the neighborhood . d ) All private swimming poets steal 1 be enclosed by a pertinent fence Of dura5le material at least Four ( 4 ) feet in height . e ) In t ^•.z case where a lot ronis on tvio ( 2 ) or more public rig ^ ts - af-Nay , a private swirinrk i ng pool shal l be erected cnl v cn that tort ion of the said lot th.; t is directly adjacent to gnat side c= t :ne principal building which is directly opposite the architectural main entrance of sa ? d building and the neighboring side la-L. line . In no case s hal 1 the pool be any nearer to t e lot 1 i nes abutting any public r ; ght- of-t.-lay than the required front setbeck for the principal bui l c i ng of the zoning district in which it is looted . Furtherrore , the pool shall be screened from the view of the public right- of-way and the ne1ghboring property by means of landscaping . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES $ 25 Fee for Abov=- Ground Swimming Pool $ 35 Fee for In - Ground Swimming Pool NOTE : ALL POOL PEfIMI T APPLICATIONS MUST STATE MATERIAL TO BE USED . COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim, PA 17545 � 14/� t MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Panel Board No. ........ ... . . . ... Cert . 59174 Cut-in Card No. .. .. .. . . ... .. . . ...-..-.-- Owner . .- Occupant .----- ._. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ................ .. .. . . . . . . . .. .............. .... .. . .. . . .......... . h•.•• ,. .. . ... Location ----�. . . .. . . ..a ..... y �r ] nstallazict Consist i ng of ...�. t.. 0 C Gt1 d ,tom / AJG %V` 1,9R&,u,6 z . . . . .. . . . . . . . .�.+C.!. . — d - .. . . ........ ... . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . ............... .. . . . . . . . . Installed BY /?. . . .. + :LL.1H I C'�.-- . _.. . . . ...... ............. Lic . #.. ... . . . . . . ., . . . .. The conditions fallowing governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate prcviously issued is cancelled: — This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date- upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of maki ins to at any time, and if its rules are io tat ed, the Com any shall have the right to revoke r TDate . ,, '� Q' - SNSPEGTOIZ . .-•----.. i Member N.F.P.A., I.A.E.I. r ► > C. �l Gl e. ,{ :t- PIP C: �f� K . • dP ' .lr' r' rI.f^ _ PIP d. v r�s8 { ;: 40 IPP!! :r^ „#A r I . . r r •. r' •s i• 1 ° ,r's r r �i e{ 'Jt . 3 . x1r . . rr .v ds t,: ro J a rr .�.x. kF r PI r POP L:ipp PIP . .r IP;L Pl 'F171 R12EDALTERATKIN OR ADORION TO •_ r AlR.'P.r, l ts,Pvc .'„ ..m L1P.E..+ 1 • n � �'• 1 w DOCiII.IEM 18 "A VIOLATION OF SE'CTIO�H ' �' ' ' L. ' a., .- G1LJ%,%lydl.] , n r fN �;l + r 200 BUBDeAWN 2 OF THE NEW .NOW STATE Y` EOUCATIClN W1r. �.` r `�.1+.YGauz'i, Prr.A!.i-T 'i�Lx9.•..TL:'k'JO iYY ►a►.w.+lJ+�u} rr ' I' r r xr r - r �f3i31 0A.XKLC.:r,.F+►A.L^� AS-'-.I{sG V 1 !' yy'' • / .- r ° i1 z'�rr ys cy. .r y ,{r ! 2.� ` r yy r.rr 4'r ttr rn ! r 1 .f '•t T]'A1�1•' t7'QC- � «y�I. 'q +Q.w. . .�7 � v r.,e 1 i�i { r - t! q, t l•u�, 'I f G .3 V PP u Y S }Sr ! 1•r. 1.I.vJ '1 b;� ] "F' yrr' '` r �'{Y" i. r j . 1 "": a �,:2 x r 1 ar ry n' .,+v 1u•'"y Pr R ,r Irk x 1 ' �Y 1 .y C 1 r J 1-�+ ., �F+ i ((1 . 7 yy40, r '. A r f`- r.� -� i J o r s 3is*' {kf l Pr}}t. #r y.rir r wa' 4r ,' j. w a . . . . . Y (+ . "� t... r r. 1r+N If . r .rxrr r� 1& 7r r .'- P. . x" . k I '� J f,• �rla"� ,�,}+,I ysr ,'��S.ti 1 r' 11 r - ! r ., - Pt + ' I r s rp .;F FIJIff lll!!!✓✓✓ . +• "J .try C z r'` . .. .x Y r rJr r 1I. /#�'! " x 'y � a { e' �. ,I k`✓'1 ►.7 � rtJ ,� .�' C�J'CC:., �'" 1? Y' J. '1•.� 1 +C1 F' t 'V'al+� 1' �C71 W L A. 1 k PI 6 IPA Pr r 33I- rs r"'Sr rpF` t . `.r . r {r ,. ,+ r s PA , ' . T {k; rX i. 41';, r }: :,:" I'r7 �'. -' - h._.,t v...::i - :prr ly'S, 1' r , S r. fiv r n rri� wsv 7r r Jri l .14.. • r. #k• 4, I. .. . 'F^� _ s' . . 4 t _ - _ Tt+ r ..' `^ LLS. Y " tJ ✓�,' r k � � r;/ ` 7 . . r h. . •.,' 1 r iT si hr, .'�^� fiLn x'+ r r r J P"4y[ r r rSr`, r 't.7r Y " . .,. t' r: ii .a_ f: E'i r SIT } . . ?. . M ~ YI . s. " � �< .rtr1 k r r nrr. A . , . � ? � � �x,` _ - cs -rs ©s' oc w rc+ c:a . c� o : i :, , ; �►,si �i�1�+ ��s ; � Pq - [ . v �. F .. .. . ...^, , n rrfe • s l PIP. Lrlln ' 1?rlf.;�i ..0 _ , , . - , r { r L v .�rr L psi r .. . y/ P. -z It �q PIN V ! rR. � �t}t}-� /'y © V P. # s rla.l; air T" .n. PP q I It ..I+ - «. , I =Im III . . I1 ,+ R R} , .4 ' r Iv PIP I 69 ' ; Vr�'� � 1CJUSe .s J . I'. V N N r :. zs . 1"L gca .cs4 . "a + 4 moo' g OLn 1 L Cs 1 .,16 1..«..r v„ r L�o.sci«r r+.l'={.`r C-L-tI±.. Ce,to�r.l7.= , . -, N r7 - 25 . Lx at" a. tlflr tou:...reiie..%y '1• � tKtlaSls,-�rua�r+7- .1uw brrn - . . prayared • 1aa .+rauesdrs..f: rS.tla �;;. . :: .- •l • {` , a 7:ba, .:Cade `-e! '1'cavt S.ae floc . 1,aad r . ltus+`ayr '+a+brtad by I" N.1r.S. i . Ammoolahlom of pcaflarrirra l � L� F , �4r,� �.(l .+�'b%V> C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES P.C. '��•.'s .•ZA g& .`EYtMallow* as 'last y•' f 'r. r ro.r,iaadz ,r. p .s,•.•. .;' .,,u• 1 (P Sp' TZ .o 't+J , •�,'• ri. .•.:ram. 'i f•: ...+. y.r •; T: ; �Jk.Y G'Y•�+�'�'�l.-. i7 - . rc.R.IE=FJtil rhlt�n0 Nov �� �} + ry ."'.,� '.•pI.A }i �.11'<•. _.Lr . C3 R1r VY �13 , -' i=uafutf�s� 1N'C3 .�.�.. SLL{'+�wE+.'S SO WS • rlh.�JOJ4 PL. .'" 1G/J� , �j 1'7� R dry' r� f�I r� �'+('� r r� - , Gli1 O "T'4T�R5.. {.1.]SU'FTA.A}.G1if- Gn MPA,r+a V /- f�� lY f EV AI�1 U' lw}J L+ E1f ;. P. - !. - f, `OHLY COPIES OF TMr YAP SIGNED IN RED y INS AND EYEOSSED VAT14 THE SEAL or .w g1.?k SsrJ W..1 PI.S p1}.1�- C7AT� OFfYLET OF C. T^ REPMAt MONTAAT1AE. r.C,; �' - •J � " of COltW[r EDTTV Of A VAUD TrwE COPY L"L Dote RECORD of YVGIRFC +aver GToX..■s/ ) s= %% T■ 4a GN`�► Roa.� rr./ TJ fJ '" c> • j PIP z.�u COUNTYr FLEW YORK 4 I {CaIrm MALE ASSOCIATES, PmC= [� v - 'SO CADMMRY` ;LbR rP.q,FW%(42676 BTNA11W 12310 4 l��lJ t K3ruftnr S Checker C.� mNc . sulivETlNc . u{cNrrccTLIITE . LAND PLANNOM ONE LANDSCAPE PACHRECTURE . C )NPUTER SERWZS °1 Pra . Ma. q_Z : ►_74PS � APPr. by SCALE: Y' 3� PATE: wa ov . t 9 Y sI OWNSAND W/ GRAVEL Nf FiNE GRAVEL ,Y SAND W FINE 4ES TO 9F DIA. JWN SAND W/ GRAVEL V FINE GRAVEL OBBLES 7 W/ FINE GRAVEL. NOTE I . ALL - a= 2_ ALI w Pr 3. DU." A� T^i 100$-0' I 100*' C' B LATERALS AT 340 j 10'— D" (TYP. FOR 3 BEDROOMS III 20I—O" HOME) i a a i T1 2'-°" — — — — TYPICAL SEPTIC SYSTEM LAYOUT SCALE: 'l '= 34•—O"