99-712 BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 County of Warren (518) 761-8256 VALUE $ 0 Building Permit No. 9 9 712 TAX MAP NO. 102 . -1-8 Permission is hereby granted to FINKELSTEIN, LEVINE GITTELSOHN Owner of property located at 711 STE 2 GLEN ST. in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a CERTIFTCATF. OF OC:C:TTPANCy at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbuty Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: & PARTNERS, LLP 717 GLEN STREET QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name: Contractor or Builder's Address: Electrical Inspection Agency: Type of Construction: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY Plans and Specifications: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY. NO STRUCTUAL WORK TO BE DONE AS PER APPLICATION Proposed Use: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $ 0 PERMIT FhE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 1 2001 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury lthis 1 Day of December 19 9 9 SIGNED BYE for the Town of Queensbury • Code Enforcement Officer ', 14 ,' a x � f1,, 7 8115C ° "`_if ,. FLG&P COMM DEFT LVu4 tuti . < '�:, N . '' 4 J °16745 759 A G y FOWL & RICHARDS PAGE: O�r02 111.I6(1999 , 11 e 4'` IE745 437 E TOWN OF OUEENSEURY P PAGE 0 ,,,,,,A.- "'Fa } iy..�- t �` •1 i<'"� i d �':�C aW r ! 1 t yt 1 • YE 4e�f ' {l�K�1 4 , �r'; C � 4 `� a3 if o '+e a F! .; ! l {p r � ` l , cs I �' � ,��}�'.N,S ff ' '.� ,�a�..�.'$ �-i i 0-,F S'�1�k�''i=�� t r.•:� i•:• .l 4 ,�<t:. r31 l3ay Road 1 Quiensb ury, NY 12804 • r. 3 rlir2y �y ( , siii T•�. }- trej14, R S, •9C ;� !l @3 1 �i is-; M # F 3 t ., i y<y oh jd a(` - 3 is -' • nE> , ( or pc� u Ct on with no work re � � � Gd Y . �'r requiring �bulfding'perrnit) 6efi i° w(1ID F8C'In RequlrEid For This Parrett !� ,,is( • ill t,t,trt< i;.` . r' PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN To ABOVE ADDRESS Name of Business: Finkelstein Levine Gittelsohn Partners Addra$$: 717 Upper G1+ n Street, .,Glens Falls, NZ 12801 ' Person In Charge or Manager: toseph _P. Rones, Esq. Business Phone Number: . (_914) 563=95'53 Type of Business (i.e,, Mercantile, Restaurant, Hobby Sihap, Plumbing Store): Legal office • • Owner of Property: ' MJD LLC- John Doty, Contact Name • Address: 715 Upper Glen •str,eet. 'Liens ,Falls, NY 12801 Phone Number: (515i 793 -31_ _8 , • Please provide a layout of. your' store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, counters and fixture.fay out-on::a separate sheet of paper. Please try to make the drawing .as blase to scale ssible- • Signature of person submitting this form: - - Y-t-e?. .e,-/,<A7,-/-7"-- . Crricc Use Oniy • Property Tax Map Number: „' - pate Recaived: t , il • As 011.1k. ' - .- - TOWN OF Q UEENSB UR , BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT J 531 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 NO',/ .1 G 1999 (518) 745-4447 T0A t, euir_ lies iJiJ��uBURY NEW BUSINESS CODS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT (For occupanc o. with no work requiring building permit) No Fee Is -ea uired For This Permit PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN TO ABOVE ADDRESS Name of Business: FIt k&-i6�e1in / Led net cgas-�-�- / Liim j' ✓'�ki etS i_ i_ p Address: 717 1.i1 -*eel"- PtieeA_Sn i /d-POy Person in Charge or Manager: Business Phone Number: 6-;:Re of Business (i , Mercantile, Restaurant, Hobby Shop, Plumbing Store): )� ) R"' Owner of Property: H ) D I, I- Ja��dqXrieTarit-/ Address: —1I 6iZ - ± cJ Phone Number: Please provide a layout of your store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, re t rooms, counters and fixture layout on a separate sheet of paper. lease try to make the drawing as close to scale as possible. Signature of person submitting this form: Office Use Only Ica. Property Tax Map Number: I v - I - R Date Received: i 17 - ri '139 11/18/99 16:58 129145629362 FLG&P COMM DEPT a 003 1/03/1999 10.22 5167457759 POHL & RICHARDS PAGE 02/02 „ OV-02--99 TUE e4 ;1 PM U RENT ALL 51O79a 2A4 p_ ei F ro,1"I. 2Q 0/1- • • • oN • v) ...,,..+ _.,n .�./i ....-_..._:_..-'..._ 0 . a .14 E I. E Nti YVa" ' I.d...�, r.:.5#/ : ", 1.�� /._J�• -1 A to (,. � /, T f J I1 '� - .� ri ' `� �-'+�f ,, E (gfr EnTik ef' SCALE '. fif "llb / Amor- ain)EASh1As PAW/ ►