98-529 e CERrnFICA.'TE OF 0CCUPA.N Cy TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK February 16 9 1 Date 9 8529 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. i has been completed. DEMOLITION OF OLD ADDITION This structure they be occupied as a 55 JENKINSVILLE RD . Location erBENNE'TT , RICHARD & PATRICIA A}C MAP NO , 5 2 . - 1 - 3 +6 By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE IS 0 TOWN OF CQUEENSBURY No. 48524 _ TAX MAP NO . 52 . - 1 - 36 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Street. Road or Ave. OWNER of property located at 5 5 J in the Town of t]ueensbury. To Construct or pleat a or OLD ADDITIC"IIIIIIIII-� at the above location in aocordan+re to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. O VON E RaS Address is 55 JENKINSVILLE ROAD QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BuILOER"S Name BENNETTr RICHARD rCON TRACTOR or BulLOER"S AddreptCHITECT'S Hama S. ARCHITECT'S Address G. TYPE of Construction — {Please indiate by X} DEMOLITION ( } Wood Frame ( i Masonry ( I Steel i I 7. PLANS end Specifications PA1ka,IAL DEMOLITION OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS S. Proposed use DEMOLITION OF OLD ADDITION IIIIIIIIIIII 20 August 27 2000 S PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 1fl (If a longer period is required sot application for an extension must be arl to the Buiidlnt and Zoning inspector of the town or Clummsbury before the tap}rstlon date.i 19 98 27 August Dared at the Town of Queensbury this �DMV of i9 for the Town of (jueensbury SIGNED BY Bulldirw end Zoning ImpectOr TOWN OF QUEENS .BURY 742 Bay Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12844-9725 Application for DEMOLMON PERMIT —5c Permit No. Instructions for completing the application Date: Fee Paid: 1. All applicable spaces are to be completed. 2. Two plot plans are to be submitted, drawn to scale, showing: a. lot boundaries, with dimensions and adjacent roads and streets. b. all existing structures, indicating which are to be removed. ,, . } c. location of all utilities. AuG,,,L 3. Fee submitted per current fee schedule. r� vJ�-lls Owner of property: ich a rJt! t? i� }Y i C its Property Location- 65 :ro4 k;As v f k ng Maili Address: C4[ ►n's w f 1de ecti Tax Map No, Son Lt . Block f . Lot:%P Person responsible for wait i ca l) bp4l t' +' 1 Telephone No. it `l� '��►�� Mailing Address: 3l7Ttr csS �7cVe-- Where will demolition material be disposed of? f/ 1c 0 l i Y7 Is there any asbestos within building to be demolished? Yes I No If YES, name of firm removing asbestos from structure, license number, and where asbestos will be disposed of- NAME OF FDW LFCENSE NUMBER LC)CATION WII RE ASBESTOS WILL BE DISPOSED A COPY OF ASBESTOS REMOVAL REPORT MIDST BE FILED WITH THIS DEPARTMENT BFXORE DEMCLMON BF G1Ns. The following building(s) located on pmperty described above are to be removed: Previous use of building (circle one). residence garage storage business other c:�)ICJ CLDU41 Have all utilities been disconnected? gas electric M25.__ , propane water Size of buildin,g(s). 1 . ft. by ft. Location on property 2. ft. by ft. Location on property 3. Number of stories: Ili 1 I . 4. Foundation type (circle one): full cellar crawl space slab ��1�` + �� t'�� '�d_gill Foundation will REMAIN BE REMOVED 5. Another structure WILL WILL NOT , replace this building_ +7C5 f Ste ' c 7 :5 +► k 7c�- NOTES: Signature of Applicant: OWnu'x, (}wper'8 pgexri, anhit.:cl, Donl C9ctd' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 BAYROAD iQUEE f +15 SBURYN444721304 INSP : ARRIVE : , �. FINA L INSPECTION REP DATE INSPECTION REQoEST RECEIVED : NAME LOCATION „^ PERMIT DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE __. - PLUMBING__, FOOTINGS .BACKFILL� FRAMING INSULATION N A IRS NO CH MNE " B" VENT EIGHT PLU B NG VENT FIK URES G T IO FI 5H E T GjHQT W T R E EF VALVES p,TJON INSULA'I'_I'-r�-N IN IOR STAIRS RA L NGS C OOM EN OSURE E DEM SE W LLS PEN T ION RE DAM ERS C ING FI S'I'OPP NG R DOO C SERB DOO HARD WA E a&,-T-ST IasiRAIPL LS O LEV TO H P C S CAP O B T S KiAN OLCApPED FA ING INAL CTR CAL SIT PL V I C RE FI SU V P OT N RE OK TO i i i ,l I'. TOWN OF (QUsENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 BAY SBURYROAD (,�UEE 12804 ( 51g) 745N4441 caw �_----- DEPART O ARRIVE : FINAL xggpH6'TIO��rREpQR COS PECTION REQUEST RE CEIVE'fl�: DATE INS `� [] NAZ'LERY"�4�1il ,\�^y� - LOCATION _ PERMIT i DATE TYPE rtr* TURF FOOTINGS BACKFILL__,. FRAMING__ PLUHBING� INSULATION �— p A qEg 110 C NE µgw VEN IG T p UM ING VENT FIX URES pOF NG Ex IO H A G OT T ELIE VALVES aR *tiUAmrON INSULA?IUN INTERIOR STAZRs---�RAILIN s BOOM ENCLOSU E E S WALLS E RA N IR AMP RS ING FI E STOPNG RE R C OS S IV OR HA ARE TV VA OR i PP D B T S 1 Li D C PPEP PAR ING i g'YNAL E ECTR CA crTF' PT 7iN VARI<A_� . K. un�L SURV� OK To 3 RESIDENTIAL FMAL INSPECTION REFC)RT Date inspection request received: nfrice No. (518) 761-8256 ��3-i".� Building Ali Code Enforcement aTn/pin Degas am/pm A r��'e Dept. of Community Development Inspector's Initials Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road _ Queensbury, N w York 128d4 98 � �J PERMIT # r _L) 77.7 PATE NAME LOCATI0N ffPS7— it TYPE OF STRUC cONWENTS N/A YES NQ 0 Chirnmey Heightr'W" Vent/Direct Vent Location � L_ Fresh Air intake Plumb gent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Railing 3 „ to 36" interiorlExtenor Rail es, landing in, or more Exterior Handrails, bat ore risers Interior handrails stairs th sides 3 or Grade 2% away from to dation 8" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-46ff ex regulator S" above grade Gras Furnace sh toff wi 30 feet within line of site oil Furnace shut ' ace area Furnace j4ot Water lea er operating Relief Valve(s) install Headroom, 6 ft. 6 in- o stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft. in. handrail exterior stair bath sides more than 3 risers interior privacy/trirrjd rslmain entrance 36" Floor Finish lathroom/Kitchen erirght 18 or more interior Handrails Balconiesll aridir►g Railing aeross window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/decor closer Garage fireProofmg Garage penetrations sealed protected tin garage) Furnace in separate room pro Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 1 $" or less from floor Final Electrical site Plan/Vanance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic Svstern layout required Okay to issue C/C W if. of Cornpliance)_ Okay to issue temp. C" ( t e'rtif, of K.k cuP�cu) y) Okav to issue permanent CI(J (C;ertif. of Occupanccy) •l� h� .ratirn ilkRP Ups a U t+a C+1 !In)11 ail SUmiqft Pa Salo S1�at !Mb s a �.!P�N P604M aq IN 1100 wow= +10 iwaSp p Jac as paw a 44 pol