97-200 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK • July 10 98 Date 19 _ IA 1/ This i to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 97200 . has been completed. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING • This structure may be occupied as a LOT 64#104 HUDSON POINTE BLVD. Location MICHAELS GROUP Owner TAX MAP NO. 148 —3—6 4 By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY -3&/iff,"4 Director of Bldg. at Code Enforcement BUILDING ''`,PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY VALUE $ 133000 • No. TAX MAP:NO.... 148.—3-64 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to MICHAELS GROUP OWNER of property located at TOT 64 �old tl UDSON POINTE B •��,— Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury,To Construct or place a SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING__'r:.: at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address ii 1810=ROUTE 9r GEORGE - NY 1.2845 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name : IICHAELS:',.GROUP 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name NEW YORK. BOARD. • 5. ARCHITECT'S Address _YORKa; BOARD. OF FIRE-- UNDERWRITERS. 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) SINGLE. FAMILY,'DWELLING. : 1 1 Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( )Steel ( 1 7. PLANS and Specifications _ ::186� SQL FT: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH• 2.-,CAR...ATTACHE_Dr,:GARAGE� i F; PLAN: SPECIFICATIONS . 8. Proposed Use SINGLE_,FAl1ILY DWELLING a , ziv.1 .4.2.4 r1:2� 9 94w��,� $ PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 9 i (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the expiration date.) ' 12� December- Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of i 19 SIGNED BY _ for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector . , . TOWN OF Q UEENSEURY 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 APPLICATION FOR SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES AND CHIMNEYS _.-) Q ,- .0, n„,- 7' Date ,19 Permit No. c - APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Dept. for the issuance of a Building and Use Permit pursuant to the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable lawsoidinance , regulation's, and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow all inspectors to ei te'r premises to•perform required inspections. Please fill out additional form if more than one appliance and/or chimney. -Gap APPLIANCE (check appropriate boxes) Applicant 1 c� �,`,-t ;� �, _ d Address \, }) Q) 4 0 STOVE: ❑Wood o Coal o Pellet o Gas (- 0 FIREPLACE INSERT )-,,_C -4 '' « n: . Zip j 6 .,:.) o FIREPLACE, FACTORY-BUILT: C _ . ❑ Wood . O Gas Phone \ — 0 FIREPLACE, MASON '1�' ❑ Wood ❑ Gas Owner nib-AD 0 FURNACE: ❑ Wood ❑ Gas ❑ Oil Address '~ IF NON-MASONRY APPLIANCE: Manufacturer: --- -- - _— Zip —_ — Model. Phone CHIMNEY (check appropriate boxes) *EXACT ADDRESS of proposed construction ❑ MASONRY: 0 Block ❑ Brick 0 Stone )--0-' 6U `" )O td (Sr) if 0'.'v FLUE: 0 Tile 0 Steel w . .a. : ....,,. ... �.... Size: inches CONSTRUCTION / INSTALLATION MUST 0 FACTORY-BUILT: CONFORM TO NYS FIRE PREVENTION & Manufacturer: Model: BUILDING CODE. CONSULT AVAILABLE Listed By: Number: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HANDOUTS 0 Double Wall ❑Triple Wall REGARDING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. 0 Insulated 0 Direct Venting L ❑ Chimney Liner Cashier's Department Town of Queensbury, New York Dept: Fire Marshal Amount Collected Amount Refunded Code Number Title t. L....- 0. A 173 3389 (190) Public Safety A 233 2655 (230) Minor Sales _ mot`-. "0 r I,' 'T ,t , (-`�---J(' f Fee Collected From or Refunded to: I I e, \' '.,, _e211, /tom..% d L LA--- F.:1 Address: ( ',, ,' it) C 1 ) i t Dated: — S -- ? Town, Clerk or Deputy: ( ) V.,( ' -! t"/(: \ TY White: Applicant Green: Fire Marshal Yellow: Bldg. Dept. Pink & Goldenrod: Cashier's Dept. 07/03/95 13: 27 5187454423 TOWN OF QUEENSBUR'Y PAGE 01 • ' " TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fee Paid '' BUILDING & CODES DEPARTMENT-41lj Permit # APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-DECKS- , �` ``' , ;,' DOCKS A BOATHOUSES Est. Cost 4 PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. TWO SETS OF STRUCTURAL PLANS SHALL BE SUIIMITTEI WITH THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property: The Michaels Group, LLC . P.O. Address 1810 Rte9, Lake George, NV r4. Phone # 668-3376 % Property Location lj- (6.4_ , . Qg Ui-t .wi,'�t�l'4Tax Map # Name applicable i cabl e Hudson Pointe ..__c��ar Subdivision (Ifpp - PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES: ----,, Name: Jim Chandlery Address Same Phone#Eric Rice .__,_.—._ BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: ` Type of work to be done: Porch ( Deck ) Dock Boathouse (Circle one) Size of Structure to be built (square footage) : 0,0, Foundation Material : Width 8" Concrete Pi1l}zlckrtess Depth of Footing, below grade: To frost line per code Size of Posts or Studs: 4" x 4" x per gradbong Size of Floor Joists: 2" x 8" • x 10 ' , Span Decking or Flooring Material : 5/4 x 6 pressure treated Flow will Porch or Deck be fastened to building? Lag Bolted . . --- • If Roof Will Be Installed, Answer Fol lowing 'Questi.ons;, Size of Posts or-Studs: x _ -- x Long Roof Rafters: ,x -•Spacing Span Roof Trusses (pre-engineered---spacing) : Span Type of Roof: Sloped- Flat '---„Shed Other (Circle one) , Material of Roof: ' - . ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showiny clearly and distinctly allbuildings, whether existing or proposed and indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. Size of Property: ft. x ft. Existing building(s) : Size ft. x ft. Size ft. x — ft. Use of Existing building(s) : _ . Proposed structure, distance from property line: Front .yard ft. Rear yard ft. Side yards ft, and ft. If on corner, setback from side street: _— ft. - DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this' applica.tion, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be. done on the described premises and that a 1 provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining t ' the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. 1....----- )ATE: - 0 \1� SIGNATURE 40 ---- 'Tier, �wner s Agency hi Contract 1 1EVIEWEI) BY CODE. ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, DATE 41 S NATURE--— Building Permit` Application., - To►vri of Qtceeiisbu.l y - Dept. ,fCommunity Development, 742 Bay Road, Queensbuty, NY 12804 [761-8256J ---0 BUILDING c.F CODE ENFORCEMENT • !NOTICE Requirements prior to issuance • r" of this permit: PERMIT FILE Na 7 A permit must be obtained before 2 ct_ beginning construction. No inspections PERMIT FEE PAID$ 3, will be made until applicant has received . n Zoning Board Action a VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All Atca l USe RECREA7%ON F $ applicants' spaces on this application MUST be completed and•the signature fl Planning Bond Action [ REVIEwEDBu. of lire applicant must appear on the Sint / Subdivision /Other Building Inspector pplicatiou form. 7 .�t,r,. J Recreation Fee Payment Tire M�.chae.P�S Glcoup, Inc. Owner: Sante --• • Applicant: . Address: 1810 Route 9, Lake Geo1cge, NV 128A5dress: Phone # ( 518 ) 668 - 3376 Phone # ( ) - II ,�, i-- Y ate RAti- -- . :: ' -4 4 Luton Po I n . Property Location: l_43 �Q a el .Tax Map Number ----/ / Subdivision Nanr tut son Po i n272 Cedar Count Section Section Block Lot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE . x New Building: CONSTRUCTION: -$ i ,Q()O residence / commercial Addition to Building: residence / conunercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION: • Alteration Ito Building: Primary Building - residence / commercial X Single Family. Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family yDwe :], nrg;a� 1, - no change to exterior size . Family Dwe,ling P. t;,, Office Other Work (describe below) Mercantile DEC 01 1997 Manufacturing ,` Other TOE,.;';, v, ,' _::. : ,..;i,, e•�y GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: BOO -- 0 If ADDITION, what will use 1st Floor tl� sq. ft• c3S of new addition be? : 2nd .Floor " WO% sq. ft. ),, , N/A • Other Floors sq. ft. ,3, (not unfinished cellar or basement) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: Detached Garage 1, 2 car jj Attached Garage 1,• 2 car . TOTAL FLOOR AREA: � w� SQ. FT. ,x_ private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building Other • SC) FEET X 5rl 1 1.1 I FEET . Foundation Type: Poured Will any second-hand or ungraded ' Number of Stories : 2. _. lumber be used? If so, for what? (habitable space only) I No feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM: Height (grade to ridge) : 2� circle all wlnic 1' es) Number of fireplaces and/or woodstove Elircrec / Oil Ga 51, Wood 1es) to be installed: Forced Hot Air / trboard / Other Person respons' for supervision of work as regards to building codes is : Jim Chard!'/;., Pno1oot Mra.vti 't --. p one or Eric Rice, Project • Names resss Lake George, h 12845 518-668-3376 : Builder: The M.LcltacL Group, IN.c. 1810 Rte 9, • • Plumber: Java Ptum6Lna, 16A Park Road, G.!'erv5 Fa.La. NY 12801 518-798-4399 . Mason: _]) l3ora.c'.hek, lion. 268, G)can.v-i.fJP., NV g 518-371-9922 • Electrician: FantPuPh Ffcetnio, 2446�'Jaf{,n0y St. , Schenee,tad- 518 Ny DECLARATION: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with-the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it'is understood that 1/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed survey• raven to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. oi .Signature: \i . ner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) .,-- . . i. . uildng Permit Application. •Town of Queensbuiy - Dept. of Community Development, 742 Bay Road, Queens.bury, IVY 12804 [761-8256] N ^ - BUILDING & -.CODE ENFORCEMENT 'NOTICE . Requirements prior to issuance of this permit: PERMIT FILE NO. C . A permit must be obtained before ^ C beginning construction. No inspections • PERMIT FEE PAID$ �� will be made until applicant has received n Zoning Board Action a VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All • • . Area /Use -RECREATION FEE PAID$ • applicants' spaces On this application . MUST be completed =s01gnttim n Planning.Boa7d Action REVIEWED BY::the • SPR / Subdivision /Other Building Inspector Opplication form. Thank y+ou. J Recreation Fee Payment • Applicant: The MichaeL Gnaup, Inc. Owner: Same • .Address: 1810 Route 9, Latze Geokge, NY 1284Sdress: Phone # ( 518 ) 668 - 3376 Phone # ( . ) - • . Property Location: .�1 " 4q— luY- 1� ,acit"�1.., tin /SI l Tax Map umber_ �--� Subdivision Nam : NurIAon 1)a.i.nt1 Ces(l aunt Section Block Lot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: • ESTIMATED MARKET VALU OFnTH x New Building: COP1STRUCTION: /Co,q residence / commercial { �.(.5f Addition to Building: . c residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION: ' Alteration to Building: Primary Building - ' residence / commercial X Single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercial. Two Family` Dwelling . no change to exterior size r amity Dwelling Other Work' (describe below) Merca'n // Aiie' T9971ng GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: l3 TO • • w- —. n • �d I ,,B�i cou t ' will use 1411st Floor J sq• of new ad i i 2nd .Floor - sq• ft• N/A Other .Floors • sq. ft.• (not unfinished cellar or ba emen ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: S Detached Garage 1, 2 ca TOTAL FLOOR AREA: 0( 11 L1 SQ. FT. x Attached Garaged, 4g0100 . Private Storage Bui 1;ing SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: 3Se • Commercial Storage Building `1 c FEET X �1 FEET Other • • • • -.•. Foundation Type: Pau Will any second-hand or ungraded ' Number of Stories: •- lumber be used? If so, lot what? (habitable space only) Na Height (grade to ridge) : feet TYPE OF: HEATING SYSTEM: Number of fireplaces and/or woodstove - (circle all whie 1'es) to be installed: Electric / Oil Gas) Wood I- Forced Hot Air / - Joboard / Other • Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building' codes is : Jim Chand2vh_, Phojont. Mahagen Name Addresss • Phone • Builder: The. Michae.t Gnaup, IYte: 1810 Rte 9, Lake George, NY 12845 518-668-3376 -:-------2--. - --Plumber ---=-Favor-Humbing• 16A-Ra,tFz--Raad,-_G.fe►vs--fa.tos,Nh-1-2-801.518-.79_&-4399_ - Mason: JV &Lichen, Baz 268, Gnanvitee, NY • Electrician: FOhPVPtr FPPo.irir, 2446'loOrey 8t. , SP.hv.nescadj., NY 12308 ;18-371-9922 DECLARATION: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and,all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed survey •'drawn to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. } ..Signature: /" . r, owner's agent, architect, contractor) -ASEPTIC EPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT STA •MP RECEIVED Location of property for installation: j�((�)1i ,, ( I� '�i1 I (�3IY`1— 71�::�,L1;� tk PERMIT NUMI3EA Owner's Name: The Michae?.s Gnoup. LLC . Address: • 1810 Rowto 9, La.17o Goonno,NV 19845 c2J2/ (= InstaIler's Naiue: Fk-i-adrnan Excavcu:ing FEE PAID .Phone #: ( ) 518-639-4035 Number of bedrooms (if residential): FO 600 Total daily flow (residential -compute ri (50 gal. per bedroom): Topography: X Fiat Rolling Steep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: I '' Sand Loam Clay Other '/Depth: Ground Water: at what depth? 30 feet . Bedrock or Impervious Material: at what depth? feet i Percolation Test: l Not Required I^ ( Required/Rate 1 nPg es-"((��itfc �� 1t1997 • • 1 TOW;' L':;� .... _ .CRY ' Domestic Water Supply: Municipal (-1 Well, 1---1 Other rwac,r:: ccztr,r';r14 iP If domestic water supply is a WEi.l.: water supply from any septic absorption is feet . PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic lank: 1250 gal. (minimum size: •1.000 gal.) Iile Field: each trench 54 feet. / total system length 216 . -feet. Seepage Pil(s): number of NSA / , size cacti: ft. x rt. • Size of stone to be used: # 2 Shone I depth or thickness feel. • HOi..DING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: N/A Size of each: gal. 11 Alarm system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queenshury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon ..:. any material misrepresentation or failure to make a Material fact or circumstance known by or on ' ' behalf of an applicant, shall be void. • I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements o f the Town of Qneensbury S nary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. ' Sienature of responsible person: _ I.)ate: 12—I (h , . - 4 bed home 12-1 1—'I 997 S:Sl:P•1 FROM STEVES/N4CE/I.1 I LLER 51 S 792 SE'I 1 P. 1 � I �i K -z 4 ? � �� {t5{��1_ t�by F ?.�'P� �-,�t,+E'ER �r.x 37 Chester Street, Glens Falls,NY 12801 Phone-518-745-4400 Fax -518-7 92-85I 1 ! December 11, 1997 Mr.Jim Chandler VIA FAX 668-4523 The Michaels Group 1810 State Route 9 Lake George,NY 12345 RE: Hudson Pointe PUD - Phase III Construction Services File#46109 Dear Jim, On December 11, 1997, I performed percolation tests on lots #64, 65, 66, 76, & 7 in Hudson Pointe PUD. These tests were performed in the approximate location of the proposed septic systems. All tests were performed between 24" and 30"below existing grade. On all lots I encountered 6 to 10"of topsoil over fine loamy sands and medium fine sands. Stabilized percolation rates were: 4-Lo1= 5 -tom s= 1'minutes;-.00 seconds Lot#65 1 minutes, 02 seconds Lot#66 1 minutes, 08 seconds Lot#76 1 minutes, 04 seconds Lot#77 1 minutes, 00 seconds Please call me if you have any questions. This comp1 =s the percolation tests for all of the lots in Phase III of Hudson Pointe. Sincerely, _�-- i Thomas Vv%_Nace,P.E. • • a i.)•tix:.,• a2.x• .r�a�,�a.,pa,.i...tgA..x,....p.�.a,!,x, s... a....1.t .),.xa..,,...tykavt.,,,aip....�,",,,,y.Q._:a.ca,I,e .,.. oy.1,)..1:,,,Ar.,.z...«..,4:a a to ,,,z...5.,s4: :J.s..m: ta,.p,s s....,�a, r• "4. THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS I.INc..,, 1 j; LI.G 287 11t BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY -c; I 111 WASHINGTON AVE., SUIT , LBANY, NY 12210 • • • Date MAIL. 07 , 9'.)8 Application No on file l jY 0409 j :9./ P. I Q.c;D-it 4.k: THIS CERTIFIES THAT F I-4111.T N . 97--.20 ._ !i only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by t !leant med on the above application number in the premises of i !.E{1t; 'I il'.r.°HF9,-,1s!,, ,,.14,ROkil:, 10.a: 1-Ikl»S011 Mx, 111,0; 3.,IYP i34r QUEENS'3011-Sr t•n' ,- s<' in the following location; .1:1 Basement .. 1st Fl. 0 2nd Fl. CAR Section Block Lot ,_;4 was examined on rtr.Ft 1 1, •i 3, 1 s•;;8 and found to be in compliance with the National Electrical Code. ;. • FIXTURE FIXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS � OUTLETS RECEPTACLES SWITCHES � INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT OTHER AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. H.P. Y" y ,) tl; �;v; I . .L. 12 27 .. 1' j• -A' DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT. TIME CLOCKS BELL UNIT HEATERS MULTI-OUTLET DIMMERS 1• .,-Y AMT. K.W. OIL H.P. GAS H.P. AMT. NO. A.W.G. AMT. AMP. AMT. AMPS. TRANS. AMT. H.P. NO.OF FEET AMT. WATTS i; 1 F 3 ? 1.2 1 . @ I SERVICE DISCONNECT NO.OF S E R V I C E AMT. AMP. TYPE METER 1,9 2W 1,B 3W 3 0 3W 3,B'4W NO.OPER irCOND. OF CC.COND. NO.OF HI-LEG OF'HI-LEG NO.OF NEUTRALS OF NEUTRAL '4! ;It: • I 1.50 C-li 1 X .i :.:f0 1. .l f0 • OTHER APPARATUS: ?; r sT L;IC;-U--1 ' LitliAl ICE`fl "-,,L'OR;-- .....t :; '4 tea. '< ,.:x;: - • ....,•,, , car • l_ .wz Jt l { i , 9 . 1 J t ' T- y;t ;.91 7 1. .r. 71 1 , .�i^}� Pd V.�41 .�.A l.tl�e� 7 Il`1i.:1S..1 S:D�i94'l l.-J. . t.l..Y.�...�¢2P D'. 1 > 11� t:l[E:t�:l_?�Jd D. [,:..'IJ L4`.`S'LU4l '. ' = '--(.,,y. i I a*y�+ -$...zei GENERAL MANAGER 't•:t ., Et : . - k: st' I-,k317/.71.'u , try', 1:?•l{,,l. - , . _ - k .:,:r i - 75Per,, This certificate must not be altered in any manner; return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. a "i• vt vat vt lih lrPt W tiu vit vir tat 1M>iit lit lkt vt vit lft 11E1 Tit lft>ferist Idt tilt mullet lat vit vet ler.el)*t it try t*t Tett]N lot lanai.1®rmirdu at .YYY Y:..TYYY YY Y,Y'1 Y'%YY YY Y9' COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ..F _. •,t BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 ARRIVE: DEPART: INSP: FINAL INSPECTION REPORT - RESIDENTIAL`7 DATE INSPECTION REQUEST •CEIVED: / (j7 NAME \cAk. /h,(_O LOCATION (r61 ti'(.k_ JP1\ !V# 1 j ) DATE '7 `I CO ( g PERMIT X)lf/ TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING _ ROUGH PLUMBING _ SEPTIC _ INSULATION FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE N/A YES NO CHIMNEY HEIGHT/B VENT/HEIGHT PLUMBING VENT ROOFING EXTERIOR FINISH PECK/PORCH/STEPS RAILINGS RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WATER OP .TING INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DIRS EINISH FLOORS: BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGHT OTHER FLOORS SWEEPABL OTHER FLOORS CARPE D STAIR CLEARANCE/• • LINGS SMOKE DETECTORS PATHROOM FANS .LUMBING FIXTURES FOUNDATION INSULATION GARAGE FIRE PROOFING POOR CLOSERS FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN/VARIANCE REO. (� AL SURVEY PLOT PLAN OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL • �,,,; . QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED Ti -_RT1 q NAME d4, 4S LOCATION )vq. qt(4/1(1/4ZAleCI� - DATE PERMIT # -/-(0 C(" e•-2--f, APPROVED N/A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AUTO. EXTINGUIS ING SYSTE HOOD INSTALLATI AUTO. SPRINKLER SY TEM ALARM SYSTEM INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SP INKLERS CLEARANCE TO H ATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOODSTOVE FIREPLACE-MASONRY FIREPLACE- FACTORY BUILT r/ REMARKS: ( OK TO THIS DATE /6 • INSPSLIP.PUB INSPECTOR RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: 7—1 "C(d' JO 3( ) &-n-, Building& Code Enforcement /P;• Dept of Community Development Arrive am/pm Depart Pm Town of Queensbury Inspector's InitialTTP 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 G�1 NAME 0 /, Pp , ERMff# ! 7 LOCATION pDATE "'—I D TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YE NO COMMENTS Chimney HeightP'B"Vent/Direct Vent Location (/' , Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof (:/// • Roof Complete ' 1; Exterior Finish Complete J Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 3 " Exterior Handrails,balconies,Ian g 18 in. or re ✓ `. — Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 r more • s Grade 2%away from foundation /i 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18' a Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or thin line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to ce area / Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating' y Relief Valve(s)installed r /� • Headroom,6 ft. 6 in.on stairs 1, � Basement stairs,6 ft.4 in. y/�/ Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than 3 risers i�L� �G2 `�,�d�� Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36" i( /Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight e Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. or more Y f Railing across window in stairwells tlI Smoke Detectors: every level �V// every bedroom CV i lP G 1 �- ebsy outside every bedroom inter connected ai Bathroom fans V Plumbing fixtures �� �" �C �� L!/i�c- ,'� Foundation insulation /„. I 3/4 hour fire door/door closer tZ fireproofing t/ Garage firep g V Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) / Light ventilation per room :7( Safety glazing 18"7Iesi from floor .7 Final Electrical 2) f6 ,l/ /V Site Plananance re q ed Final Survey Plot Plan I�/� 12—. �G!-���� As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/O(Certif. of Occupancy) ' / Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif. of Occupancy) RESIDENITAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 761-8256 /.--; C f Building & Code Enforcment Arrive: .� 7 Insp: •"� Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury Date Inspection Request Received: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME k�.kG� t,S -P�P l PERMIT N a. (7' ?-dOO LOCATION •i D L IL��. �7-. 6 c 0 . DATE 7 1;11 TYPE OF STRUCT E • N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Height/"B" Vent/Direct Vent Location 4/ Fresh Air Intakev Plumb Vent Through Roof V g, Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete L Interior/Exterior Railings 30" to 36" ill Exterior Handrails, Balconies, Landing 18 in. or more Vi, Interior Handrails Stairs Both Sides 3 or More Risers UY. Grade 2% Away From Foundation ;� 8" Clearance To Sill Plate J f/i/fr Valve Shut-Off Exposed/Regulator 18" Above Grade VI Gas Furnace Shut-Off within 30 Feet or within Line of Site / .J Oil Furnace Shut-Off at Entranc5e to Furnace Area V Furnace/Hot Water Heater Operating '+r i Relief Valve(s) Installed Headroom 6 ft.. 6,in. On Stairs Basement Stairs 6:ft. 4 in. if Handrail Exterior`Stairs Both Sid More n 3 Risers Vr/, Interior Privacy/Tritn/Doors/ in Entrance 36" V • Floor Finish '17 • Bathroom/Kitchen Wate Interior Handrails Balc es/Landing 18 in. or more / t• )' Railing Across Wind ' in Stairwells V Smoke Detectors: V /1 every level 47 every bedroom ' outside every bedroom ii inter connected 11/ Bathroom Fans .4i Plumbing Fixtures �1 Foundation Insulation 7 3/4 Hour Fire Door/Door Closer v/ Garage Fireproofing V/" Garage Penetrations Sealed I Furnace In Separate Room Protected (In Garage) . / t f _ Light Ventilation Per Room V �t� t`�f�J C,) < � Safety Glazing 18" or Less From Floor f / Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance Required Final Survey Plot Plan / 1 b(' (0 /`J5 Ue, c/1 F;4� As Built Septic System Layout Req. J IJ'r�U�q eV_..... r Okay to Issue Temp C/O ( rs IP j\ GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury r/ Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: .j e�� /?9i X Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive T2&tam Depart ` i = Inspector's Initi: _ &frit 1 ...A0-0 - NAME: Jr4 b t 0 L APERMIT# LOCATION: //S f�� C/W. E DATE : ,J/ :-Qk31 / 2"9 2 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: '-L c.IC opK evv (.— RECHECK N/A YESAVO COMMENTS tings/Piers llci' I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping n_ - r } .TOWN OF QUEENSBURY "='� ' A FIRE MARSHAL. r, ,,,: QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 :' s ... Vi?. .f. : (518) 761-8205 (PO -FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT/ /� REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED `f'—q "/ V • NAME t-ee CS ( . - iit-t-1--(3 LOCATION 1 (/ I ��(Y� �D - P)11i GC . , 61 , , LtD TE PERMIT # /�C` A7000 —f!U4 9/(161; APPROVED N/A YES NO i ITS AISLE WIDTHS' EXIT SIGNS .: EMERGENCY\LIGHTING V' I, !'I Vi FIRE EXTINGUIS, ERS 1 AUTO. EXTINGU;SHING SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLA ION AUTO. SPRINKLER\ YSTEM '' ALARM SYSTEM '�. r, INTERIOR FINISHES k ,1/, STORAGE: �A CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE 1 A CHIMNEY ' WOODSTOVE / FJREPLACE—MASONRY / ✓FIREPLACE— FACTORY BUILT •; REMARKS:. / ❑'OK TO THIS DATE r r' / 't, , / . ,, INSPSLIP.PUB P CT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 • SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name W,,\G (_S `per. Location 1/64 kO , Pi . LVi, Date 3 Ae . Permit # CO-VD SOIL TYPE: San•-Loam-Clay- Resul is of •ercol 'No'n Test- , (if applicab -) R.te-Minute/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM. / ABSORPTION FIELD, HotJ1 Length; Length of each tre+.chi 5- Depth of trench•s Size of stone %tr.A11470 SEEPAGE PITS: Number Size - ft. I ft. Stone size • PIPING: Si e Type Bldg. ' to Tank 1�`7 ' 1_ Tank. to Dist. Box 7n :=s Dist. Box to Field/RA4 Openings Sealed? 7;<=(Yes No Partial LOCATION/SEPARATION••-' Foundation to Tank __JX.feet Foundation to Absorption feet Separation of Pits _ f �0 Conforms as -per Plot Plan Yes No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY: (circle • 9 Front - near - 'Left Side - Right Side Middle F - Middle Rear COMMENTS: A'� C c_K 8— f ,i SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES ( 0 Arrived: %0 2_5 Departed: %1 Building Inspector ,7,.....5. 42 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Ux' BUILDING A CODE ENFORCEMENT p70i_ 742 Bay Road 1; d Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name 4'C S /_: Location //4./- /4 a2 1i/ />/4W T Date ` ` // Q' Permit # q ,)17 -p_ir SOIL TYPE: Sand-Loam-Clay- Results of Percolation Test- (if applicable) Rate-Minute/In TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPTION FIELD: Total Len t Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS: Number- Size - ft. .x ft. Stone size PIPING: Siz Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist. Box Dist. Box to Field/Pit Openings Sealed? Yes No Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorption feet Separation of Pits eet Conforms as per Plot Plan No (:( LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPER (circle one) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS: -7 45 _ 6 olLT g.4A) (3/0 66 • SYSTEM USE APPROVED: 41111 NO Arrived: r3 Departed: /:35 ie Building Inspector GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road 5 ✓� Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive - am/pm Depart ✓ m Inspector's Initials - NAME: pf ic,:k l;? PERMIT# q(1) --AOD LOCATION: I p lI- (isn, t�� �IJ DATE : —•� "�lj TYPE OF STRUCTURED RECHECK _L-iug4 N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In iegisulation Found.at ion Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging • Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping 'CM GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury • R) Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request receive -9 Y Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road / Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive7(2)am/pm Depa e, am/pm Inspector's Initial/ �C✓ /� rC1 NAME: f PERMIT# - 9" LOCATION: !D ' l JdZ. DATE : • r� 5/T TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VenUVents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In 9thsulation_ 41‘7� L 4511, UU k iV 6 . Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- G L _ Floors R- Walls R- � � Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in (' unheated spaces R- �— ` &i-eG-c \ Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT . Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: �(7 C( Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road r Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive/ �.dinipni--- Depa t,v, a s pm Initials NAME: ' S PERMIT# LOCATION: I U ,��- -v4 ,Dn,�, f6/1---Inspector's J,(1, DATE : dif . (.,(0-f" TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ,/,� / RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers I I I , Monolithic Pour Form t Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour / Reinforcement in.Place / • Foundation/Dampproofing ' Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab ./. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place / Rough Plumbing / Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- l Walls R- l .iAC-e-— J C--W\e, 1C-� Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in L A C /Aunheated ces R- • J / Proper Vent ' Vey _ ming L/ �t_� (7/ Jack Studs/Headers 1/ Bracing/Bridging ✓ Joist Hangers / - ' Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed ' Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 ay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive am/pm DepartTOR, pm Inspector's Initials NAME: `C It—lr,S__ l`��/ `J� PERMIT# I t4LOCATION: b Z ITN,Pr- t�LV o / DATE : } � a S TYPE OF STRUCTU : i 'r 9 RECHECK G ,r +, N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers '�, 1 I Monolithic Pour Form \ Reinforcement in Place `, r. The contractor is responsible,for r providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement r of the concrete. ,, r.' Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour ',, r' ' Reinforcement in Place ''`,. Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab e i'l plumbing Vent/Vents in Place 1' ough Plumbing Heating Rough-In / Insulation / Foundation Walls Interior R=' Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R/ Walls R= Ceiling F;R- , Duct work or piping ins,' unheated spaces ' R- Proper Vent, Attic Ven, Framing Jack:Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam \< Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping >fi°°a=:, TOWN OF QUEENSBUR :'00;iii. FIRE MARSHAL. ,'; QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 , FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED c,2 _fQ gr/ NAMEd4 LOCATION )61. 447-k(P/ . ll)G • DA PERMIT # 9197‘ AV -` 6)-/e/ ,L-.. T(1Gfii2---1 APPROVED N/A YES NO EXIT AISLE WIDTHS j , EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHT! 'G FIRE EXTINGUISHERS \, AUTO. EXTINGUISHING,SYSTEM I , HOOD INSTALLATION , I AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEI 1 ALARM SYSTEM \ I ,r INTERIOR FINISHES , STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPRINALEI‘S CLEARANCE TO HEATING 1 NITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY / \ WOODSTOVE / ‘ • FIREPLACE-MONRY �l, FIREPLACE- F TORY BUILT • REMARKS: . ,K TO THIS DATE /1;-/-"l",-1 a( \ 77/1- .}(71, --if b 24/01- L".. ox,,, / ' 4.),_,,, Lt� (01"—X-lane . eW,-414Lej INSPSLIP.PUB INS ECTOR csge, (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT :` 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY/12804 041 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARE' JDEPAI - i)I ' REQUEST FOg INSPECTION CEIVED: NAME 1_ (` Q !! -51Ltl LOCATION ) I L\ `�t ��� � -C-t do j IC DATE C-a ^ (n `9 Q PERMIT A 9-7- V �� D-O TYPE OF STRUCTURE: c(' RECHECK _ APPROVED N/A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POU• FORM REINFORCEMENT I PLACE THE CONTRACTOR iS RESPONSI: E FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM REEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOILONING TN: PLACE- MENT OF THE CON•" TE. MATERIALS FOR TH.S PURE', E ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOWN REINFORCEMENT IN P __ FOUNDATION/DAMPPRoo G V - BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENT' I PLACE ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER Sy AB FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADER' _ BRACIZSG/BRIDGING JOIS HANGERS JACK/POSTS MAIN BE. AINFILT. TION BARRIER HEATING RO/GH-IN INSULATIO. : FOUND. ION WALLS INTERIOR R- FOUND•TION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOC R- WALL R- \ CEI NG R--� DUC WORK OR PIPING IN UNHATED SPACES R- o - (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY .- BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT ','r I/",. 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 ° r._ ,2 :,,,i AirY INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARR`C)i6DEPARTir) 0I,T—, REQUEST FOR INSPECTIONC9 LRECEI/VEDD: Air NAME V\‘CORF-L-b 6`,,,•v , (� ` LOCATION \D 1-�- +\ 11'7l�4L, CL`it,V ,17.�r1_1�� DATE 1 - rj-cal, PERMIT I -'z is TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK APPROVED N/A YES NO. FOOTINGS/PIERS d MONOLITHIC POUR FORM / / REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE / THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLONING THE PL7ACE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. / MATERIALS FOR THIS: PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR\, %!I REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE J _ • b / I/ J1FOUNDATION/DANPPRooFINdJ BACKFILL APPROVAL "' . . Ic PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE r ROUGH PLUMBING I( • PLUMBING UNDER SLAB * FRAMING: '., JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING , JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM • AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER V+ / HEATING ROUGH.'IN • INSULATION: / FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- _ FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R • - fV( 5'r (518) 761=8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY &`e * �' BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT wf.. 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY .12804 Viz$, j11'' Z4.4p INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARF1��DEPART `. I 4e- REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEil- ED: NAME r\9 _ \" , 17 f 1 I.1 LOCATION 1 1' Ve• ✓ • 00 , DATE 1 '-) 9- -671V . PERMIT A [ 7- .029 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 0 RECH CK APPROVED N/A YES NO * OTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORM }} REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE/J^'4 / THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE 1 R PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. _ MATERIALS FOR TH S..PURP0.E 0 SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOU' _. REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC4' _ __ FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOF G BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENT IN PLACE ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB _ FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADERS _ BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- _ FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R- /9? 0,.,05 Fer-37-06 (-01-5 4,,,„,606-10 a& A„,, ,ecc, l -ram 4) ( Icti (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 • w�- ,� INSPECTOR'S REPORT:, ARRI(` DEPAR7l,I..1 INT N REQUEST FOR INSPECTIONDt`L RECEI}IED: - -� NAME J`-[/ (i �J— i'ee 5 ? `e_ LOCATION JcI 1 � j .. • / ;1 V(- DATE ( '- (/ (� PERMIT A C17-01-66 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK APPROVE . N/A YES NO i OOTINGS/PIERS Z' MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE _ (,// THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBL FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FROM R•EZING FOR 48 HOURS FOL�kOWING TH P •CE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS 'URPO•E ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- _ FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R • - II fil (1) .,,,. 0: 11\ iik :".\\•, . k tg, I ' •vr'ar \\‘.t,,,,, .ip l'' Cp) 81 N\o/f1,C). P 1111 \i ? 7Cli'l A 1 (N 0 1 li 02 ("? 1\4) F4)14) " t se , 1 0 "iljt. ' aa i 177 110',5 , L ; I IV t I / tral . i (f.. N.,..N--- , I , 1 . I t'd I ri ; ,f i i' !• , ; 1 i r . , ' Prgcli'''"•,,,,, ........."-, , ,,--.,, . ..,,_ ---4 d , , , i L..... I , 5 1 ' ' f : , .,,...,_, 1 gip i 1 ) t .1 0 .........,.., 1 , i ,t) . C) .....,,....... j ...LI; 1 i L., / . 1 t qi ---.....„_. .1 ...."....) ---A , Ittratr,,v ozpria nw,...__ —.......„. S 2 2 -----,1%,"9 ti".„Tel,r1,2 .. 5 7 -51 ti, 14/ V :11 . 30 00 • 7 ) tVirrintaost ......(411......zztutzva b ..-.....,) . ...... 114zArramezcalth L too ou S 25 `22 7 r P 31 " .tuuzintrzauratc • 1 ant,: i C M ii,.y cry . .._, ,..,,,, \ I iiizazrzystazaw. 0 Air 252 7 ° (Yr . . , 31 II • '.4.."...."...--041%. i •--^. 0 rp... ,e0.0— r r,,cpriztrz . F- o : --, i N „.„.-7...... 1,...,1, t.' Ar.vow••' iref) .c...) •L:1.0 II I •VAVITZTAtmank_ nMatramtazu......_ . (; tif 0 f k.f ) 1 41\ / ,.1 iN . ........ 0. ! ,. .....,4 / to k.A1 C'41 MAP REFERENCE: HUDSON POINTE P.U.D. PHASE II BY VAN DUSEN do STEVES DATED MAY 1994 LAST REVISED MARCH 7, 1996 FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON APRIL 16, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 44 PLAT CABINET B SLIDE 64 an D us e & Steve s Land Surveyors, LLC 37 Chester Street Glens Falls, New York 12801 (518) 792-8474 New York Lfc. No. 50135 �7.12 IV z 39 96. OJ� J O 10,3 O ti LOT 64 24,965 sq. ft. LOT 65 'UNAUTRODRD ALT@MTION CR ADDUDN To A SURVEY WRP W-4MM A UCENSED LAND 7UNVENORS SEAL n A MCLA11M CP SEC" 7M &*—WftV N % OF THE NEW YO K STATE ERM1X I LAW 'ONLY COPES FRURN TE ODNNAL OF MRS SURVEY NARKED wTH AN ORONAL OF TE LAND SURVEYORS SEK SHALL NE CONSWERED 10 SE YMD TRUE CONES• 'ClIt1MICU7ONS NWAIM HMM OWT THAT TNS SURVEY WAS MRPARED INACCORDANCE" THECOMM OWE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURIEVORS AOOPT® BY THE NEW YOIN STALE MISOCIATON OF PROFE MNNA. LAND S RVEY= SAD CERTFICATIUNS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR Oft 1 E SIURVEY IS PREPARED. AND ON HIS BEHALF TO TIE WILE MWANY. WMI ENTAL ADNCY AND MOM NSTTURON LIS= N OVON, AND TO THE AS G EES OF THE UMM OWTUMC 19) At63y-16 0 12•,, Map of a Survey made for TIMOTHY J. & ANTONETTE H. WEAVER Town of Queensbury, Marren County, New York JUL 15 Ift I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. THIS CERTIFICATION SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THE SURVEY WAS PREPARED, AND ON THEIR BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. CERTIFIED TO: TIMOTHY J. do ANTONETTE H. WEAVER TRUSTCO BANK. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. IT'S SUCCESSORS AND\OR ASSIGNS CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFIED BY MATTHEW C. STEVES, LLS NYS 50135 DATED: JULY 9. 1998 NO. I DATE DESCRIPTION ,ow Rv a,i-ra Uate: JULT Y, IYYtS Scale 1 "=30' S-1 SH r1OF1 HUDSON POINTE HP-64 M