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l %' Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#: CG - OaogD ' Z©2-3 Toxin ofQu_c sne bury APPLICATION permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Invoice#: Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed B Project Location: 3 ,9 b;x Ay c- Tax Map ID #: ` I Subdivision Name: E C E 0 W PROJECT INFORMATION: FEB 06 202310 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING& CODES TYPE: ❑ Residential Commercial, Proposed Use: ❑ Single-Family ❑ Two-Family ❑ Multi-Family (#of units_) ❑ Townhouse ❑ Business Office ❑ Retail ❑ Industrial/Warehouse ❑ Garage (#of cars ) ❑ Other(describe ) ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1st floor: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: 3rd floor: Basement (habitable space): Basement(habitable space): Total sq ft: Total sq ft: Scope of work to be done: �Oai� fiU� ` ��l g7t�leeA ge1�'- r� lU Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ A Sy � 2. Source of Heat (circle one): ❑ Gas ❑ Oil ❑ Propane ❑ Solar ❑ Other: k Fireplaces/inserts need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimney Application 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? ❑ YES [ NO Explain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? ❑ YES NCO SITE INFORMATION: • Is this a corner lot? ❑ YES ❑ NO • Will the grade be changed as a res t of the construction? ❑ YES �0 • What is the water source? PUBLIC ❑ PRIVAT LL • What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? SEWER ❑ PRIVATE SEPTIC YP DECLARATION: I. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities priorto issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above:PRINT NAME: Le V 1` A/_ SIGNATURE: DATE: '9_ Z Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): 0— 1-4� e dry. icr_Y Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /31 /Z Zo 2- Cell Phone: ( 5j'qr ) c-2 Land Line: Email: P,•� P u ���1 c�=� c Primary Owners : Name(s): �� A5�- /1 Mailing Address, C/S/Z: �a Cell Phone: &S- ) -<'-Z.7- 27-,,g'3 Land Line: Email: L,; C L.1'C,I. Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: _�) Land Line: Email: "Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" • Arch itect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:�_) Land Line: Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Le-VI' fwte14I Cell Phone: c 5qf ) SZj - Zz - 7 Land Line: Email: Lev` Ca ���� I ,•� Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 T— FEB 0 6 20 6-111L U-E TOWN OF QU r-- cS.1 co 1 41 1 N G C 0 D 5A. BUILD • L,,Sb 0 IS W371301 V - t -�%0 'Icl ftWt# o 9m PME In 80*36'46' E IS 6413?",V 93T, C5 0 oc E c4lcpLm WWARA M Ita> In. C�p j ILLSTIN QMIV INC,• Orbl awIqV czamg, "p 51 c,MP LIKQ 995 Pam LIVER 469 At F%CCL PAGE �x v eo 01 oil ca o,�Q- 0 WEI M S ANIO Also, 44 PACE e 196 CD "u-j ............. T-f-LLL Iui F-11 Cc> i I I I Lj:I na 7* r6m y\ M INI I I i I I I I 1H I I ill 1 481 ''Nim a'' IF!If rl I IIII iilQ III:! I r) H I 11 H I 1 11!111 J1 Mllluli ow 1-di Al-A E. —-7 4) "M W IN. tiAM U.4-. :kill 1111-7111 n i i;I I I I 11-0 11 jl&* )I I I H I i I I I I F T1 I'T I TI F1 I I I T 17 1!U 14 k It 1. TT fT IT1,TT Ff I_5 ll'Ti—I!—11—i!F1*I i III Ff ITI MTI I I—I i7i-i'll i-i F Mi MI. 1 �_ ' - ---tx .(ilRl•�i�l(I'til!If! _ (! ' 1 •!1!!!1!!li.111i.iiliFii!l�ili.l.!1!!L(.11Jfi1i .i.!•i!!l.iitl!!!1!!!!i.l.'• rt•�. ;;;,_--.,` ^::_ AGARA mm"WX POW90 COMP %Iocoah KDAVOK, pOvc1l raw. i. .fir UBM 157 PAW 156 N 90*12*26' W T. TA%PAPM=19-111-57 IKQ Is?PAGE Syr, Prv- LANDS corvErra?a 0 armi,LpqfEo pAushtes-ti, Y. LIVER 710 PAGE 51 AWA m3muc PO4D cWPO"IMN acsom Af Q1T:•rTS SO WAPOAM AN,0KNENTOUTLAC WILITIE1 LIKII, pArx 31 V low OR rzpxzs?.v -pp PQWc TIC- i 5 TYPICAL DETAIL NOTES 2. ATTACH TO TOP ANGLE UH-07 BOTT. ANGLE UH-18 AND HORIZ. CEES WITH #8 SCREW UH-38 AT 30" O.C. 3. U—PANEL UH-02 n n 5. TOP ANGLE UH-07 6. NON LOAD BEARING STUD (N.L.B.) UH-08 7. BOTTOM ANGLE UH-07 WITH GAS DRIVEN PINS AT 30" O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN PROJECT DOCUMENTS. 8. H-36 AT . LEG D-0 SHEET REV-001 10 of 18 11/28/17 1 1 ]__] TYPICAL CUBICLE PARTS PART # DESCRIPTION FINISH U 32_" WIDE x 26 GA. D—PANEL (VERTICAL HALLWAY PANEL) HIGH GLOSS WHITE H—01 Jf1-02 36" WIDE x 2.9 GA. U=-PANEL (HORIZOt-4 AL PANEL). GALVALUME LtN-03 3"x3"x18 GA. ANGLE TRIM (OUTSIDE CORNER) GALVANIZED URGE UH-04 (#650) ROLL UP DOOR, ALUM. BOT. BAR, U—HAUL PUNCHED GUIDES & HDWR. — SIZE PER PLAN (NOT SHOWN) 5 ERRA SU SETE UH-05 12" HIGH x 18 GA. KICK PLATE GALVANIZED UH-06 3"xYq"x1"x20 GA. J—MOLD TRIM HIGH GLOSS WHITE UH—U7 2'x2"x20."GA. ANGLE GALVANIZED �lH_08 LF-2X"x1 "x)is x20 GA.-CEE GALVANIZED H-08 LF-2Yz"x1��"xX,,"%20 GA. CEE GALVANIZED LF-4"x1Y2"x1"x16 GA. PRESS BREAK CEE (DOOR JAMB STUD) GALVANIZED Ufi_.11 3"x2"x20 GA, ANGLE TRIM w/ DOOR STOP ANGLE (LEFT JAMB, RIGHT JAMB, HEAD w/ EDGE GUARD) HIGH GLOSS WHITE UH-12 3"x2Y4"x20 GA. ANGLE JAMB TRIM (LEFT JAMB AND RIGHT JAMB TRIM AT ROLL—UP) HIGH GLOSS WHITE JH-1?_F 3"x2"x2O GA. ANGLE HEAD TRIM (HEADER TRIM) HIGH GLOSS WHITE Ufi-13 3"x3"x20 GA. ANGLE TRIMI (INSIDE CORNER) GALVANIZED UH-16 FLUSH SWING DOOR w/ 501 & 502 LATCHES, DIAG. BRACING & HDWR. (SC10, STACKED LOCKER) - SIZE PER PLAN GALVANIZED UH-32 SCREW TIP COVERS (INTERIOR STORAGE) - NOT SHOWN WHITE OR GREY UH-33 2"x%"x13,," ANGLE CLIP (SIMPSON A21 OR EQUAL) GALVANIZED UH-35 }y" DIA. RIVETS (�/B" TO X;" LONG) ZINC COATED UH-36 Y�" DIA. RIVETS (:)a" TO Y2" LONG) HIGH GLOSS WHITE J 4,-�7 #12-x, -%` SDS GALVANIZED UH-38 #8 x -4" SDS HIGH GLOSS WHITE UH-39 0.145 DIA. POWER—DRIVEN PINS (3/4" MINIMUM EMBED) OR APPROVED EQUAL ZINC COATED UH-50 STAINLESS STEEL R.U.D. LATCH — FACTORY INSTALL — NEW CONSTRUCTION — SHOWN ON UH-04 STAINLESS STEEL UH-51 501 AND 502 SWING DOOR LATCHES w/ HDWR. (ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION) — NOT SHOWN ZINC COATED UH-52_ 7' TALL, 9650 UNIVERSAL R.U.D. GUIDES x PAIR, PRE—PUNCHED FOR DOOR CONTACTS — NOT SHOWN GALVANIZED UI1-53 7' TALL, #501 UNIVERSAL R.U.D. GUIDES x PAIR, PRE—PUNCHED FOR DOOR CONTACTS — NOT SHOWN GALVANIZED JH-200 LF—IS GA. PRESS BREAK CEE (DOOR JAMB STUD ASSEMBLY FOR SINGLE LEVEL SWING DOOR ONLY) GALVANIZED UH-2.O i 18 CA. PRESS BREAK SWING DOOR JAMB ASSEMBLY PIECE GALVANIZED JH-2U 18 GA. PRESS BREAK SWING DOOR JAMB ASSEMBLY PIECE GALVANIZED D-1 SHEET REV-001 11 of 18 11/28/17 DETAILS V PANEL -01 w/ 'U' PANEL H-0 w/ #8 SCREW H-3 #'12 SCREW H-3 ® BOT. ANGLE, MID-SPAN BOT. ANGLE & TOP CEE & TOP ANGLE ANGLE ® 18" O.C. 18" O.C. ON 2Y2' CEE UH-08 VERT. 0 60" O.C. (MAX.) 2Y2" CEE UH-08 60" O.C. (MAX.) KICK PLATE H-0 1" A.F.F w 0 RIVETS H-35 BOT. ANGLE w/ 24" O.C. TOP ® BOT. UH-0 %" HILTI PINS H-39 ® 16" O.C. (MAX.) & 6" FROM END (MAX.) 221 NLB PARTITION AT DIVIDING PANEL AT AISLE N.T.S. U' PANEL H-02 / #12 SCREW UH-37 0 BOT. ANGLE & TOP 27 - CEE H-OB ANGLE 0 18' O.C. ® 60" O.C. (MAX.) a t MOO BOT. ANGLE UH-07 w/ (� � �' HILTI PINS � 16' O.C. (MAX.) & ' & 6 FROM END (MAX.) 123-1NLB PARTITION AT DIVIDING PANEL N.T.S. D-3 SHEET REV-001 13 of 18 11/28/17 y � � � �•` � � � �� � � , k � 0 _ r . i,..�: •�; ,.j:�e.r.: .. _ � - � - - _ .ii_:tea.. e► - 1 %,AO..