98-619 CERTIFICKrE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY . NEW YORK Da te_ (fin t nber 2 19 .. q 98618 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . has been completed . This structure may be used as a SEPTIC ALTERATION Location 2 CRESTWOOD DR . Owner MEEHL . DARRELL & By Order of Town Board TAX. MAP NO , 76 . - 2 - 1 . 2 TO_WNN OF QU NSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSSURY VALUE $ TAX MAP NO . 76 . - 2 - 1 " 2 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YQRK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Street. Road or Ave. OWNER of property located at 2 CRES in the Town of Queensbury. To Construct ar place a n in accordance to application nd at the above location together with plot plans and other information hereto filed a own of Queensbury Building and zoning Ordinance. approved above in compliance nlianas with the T t. OWNE 'S Address i R s ROSEMARIE 2 CRESTWOOD DR , QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACT003 or BUIt aE" Plants I . B . S . SEPTIC 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 2 LOWER WARREN STREET QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 4. ARCµITECT"S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address $. TYPE of Constructwn — (Please Indicsta by Xi SEPTIC l i Wood Frame I I Masanry 4 I Steel i 1 7. PLANS and gpecificstions SEPW,,TC ALTERATION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS t3. Propiosed use SEPTIC ALTERATION cya caper 3 2000 25EXPIRES tS pERh1I17 FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT to the 8uildkV and Zonirw in$Pector Of the mum tlf a lor4w Period is ry before the gWiration date 1plicot ion I or an wtenriort sown of clueer►sbu*Y 3 October 11998 19 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this pay of 1. for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY uiWlne and 2onirq Irapeeter • A iication for SEPTIC DISP'O►SAL PERMIT' pP Town of (�yeensbury FFee a. 'Dept. of Community Development Building & Codes Office $�^ 742 Bay Road Queeusbury, NY 12804 far installation: r f C�'' Jam. Location of property � � l Property owner's Name: f Property Owner's Mailing Address: Installer' s Name: �- r Phone # Number of bedrooms (if residential): - Total daily flow: (residential. - com lbdrm.) Topography: rolling, steep slope 90 of slope Soil Nature: sand, loam, clay, other I depth: Ground water: at what depthy(Ai: feet ! Bedrock or Impervious Material: at what depth? feet Percolation test: not required, required E rate min. per inch ] well, other zrnunicipaLDomestic water supply: watersupply If domestic water supply is a WELL, from any septic absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM Ay Septic tank-/4&.0_ gallon (,mt�inimum size: I ,Q00 -) Tile field: each trench �---__^' f ,I feet ! Total system length: t'.' ' ` feet Seepage pit(s): number of ! size each. ft. by ft. I dearth or thickness Size of stone to be used: # feet Y HOLDING TANK. SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: Size of each: gallons�� 11 Alrnm system aood associated electrical work to be inspected by s y- For your protection. please note that pursusnxt to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town. of Qoemsb►rotY, any p or approval granted. which is based upon. or vs granted M reliance upon any material miser or faure to makes a material fact or ciorcumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, aball be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this spdiTtLonand. agree to abide by and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary sewage Disposal Ik • Date: Signature of responsible person 1 0 T01&l OF QUEEKSBURY is SUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Say Vtoad NY I�$04 Queen,sbury (518) 761-8256 , SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEW INSPECTION Name Location _ C�? Date — r Pe rn it #_ SOIL TYP San oam- Clay- Percalatian Test- Rsults o f applicable) Rate-minute/ Inch e ��4 TYPE OF SYSTEM: To Len ABSORPTION FIELD ` h l Length of a ch tr Depth of tre h Size of stone SEEPAGE PI f t . x f t . size - -- e Stone s ze _ Six y'P PIPING: Bldg , to Sank Tank to Dist . Box � t Dist . Sox to Field/�' gyp ar sa { ppeni ngs Sealed? Ye LOCATION/SEPARATION eet Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorption et Separation o Pits oesNo an Conforms as per Plot P pROPERTY - LOCATIt�t YSTEM ON ( circle Rear Left Side - Right Side Front Middle 'Rear Middle F C{ iTS SYSTEM USE APPROVED = tyr-S) NO edo Arriv Departed: Sui ding Inspector 1M►�! Ln live t , R jing j0 HMO yt ! S1 wa"t Lv vti�(