98-614 CERTIFICATE OF COIMI'MANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY . NEW YORK Date July 16 19 9 [ "br � [ � � � 1 • 9861 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . _ has been completed . • TNGROUND PC7C]L This structure may be used as a 14 VERANDA LANE Location _- HREDA , MIcHAEL & Owner - - TAX MAP NO . 8 7 . - 1 - 10 . 5 By Order of Town Board / TOWN EENS tl Director of Building Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98614 TAX MAP NO . 87 . - 1 - 10 . 5 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, PERMISSION is hereby granted to BREDAr MICHAEL & OWNER of property located at 14 VERANDA LANE Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueenstwry. To Construct or place a INGROUNG FOOL at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance- 8 1 LAFAYETTE AVE . PARK RI 'Er NJ 076S6 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILt]ER'S Nam* ADIRONDACK POOLS g, Sol 1 1"'.V f'1it13 i LOE R S Addrew QUEENSBURY r NY 12804 4. ARCHITECT'S Name COP040NWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY S. )A�� T� ress HAGUE r NY 12836 6, TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) POOL ( 1 Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( 1 Steel ( 1 [INGROUND LANS and Specifications NGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS No. roposed 'Use POOL 35 October 2000 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (if a torger period is required an application lot an eKtension must be enade to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the eKpiration date.) 1998 5October Dated at the Town of Clueensbury this Day of 19 for the Town of aueensbury SIGNED BY ......... 111,21111:51 F Building and Zoninp lrupmoct tr Bay v Havilaild Road, 0Lje#:"s.'1r-rry, NY 7 2804-9 72S--5f8-7P2-5.w,32 S'dIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATrOH Q b FEE PA I D. S — :. ;; � TEc _ qg ;z - brI8 LG?CA i '_ v;! /�7 _ d' C� AI4tr1 /r1 4ov. U ,-y� -r " P RSCt! RESPONSIBLE. FOR CODE REQUIREMENTS . /fie f,� Wf�' l/!4 ASS _ TEL T Y , C ,= POOL � 3x, 8 in- ground ab4vx- ground S S '* = LSnct an 14 . f Ai d. 6"h � � r f 4. • � 4J � almoter ft. J Depth �? f f 4 "WAS :: „ C;6..CrTY Z0 0C7C::) gal tans , ,t� 7E :? ':AL5 USED I< ICNSTRUGTION : ( c ' rcla one ) I' — a f; — i - a ..— ag/ 5 -J_ :7 L�rS 'i '�" 8 - - i- ,OQ'.: Y7+.' ^ {. ^.C1Gr8i."�. -' — Other \\\\ CC.''; ' . .. . � Tu '..i : fYSTnW_ B:� ,I �7GirC} i` 'C'Ft ! +C}Qls - - ,n�/C'_ TEL '7<7E3 &5 J Z I '-!PCdRi^ifT INSTRUCTIONS : SEP30 1998 Can m. « _ .* rate pie . aa of racer , sa-brilit a diagrZ• drown to show : P ARC P = R i f LINES - EXIST`1NG STRUCTURES - P90P0SED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION OF P +ROPOSEO SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot Tines to both the pool and t;a structures , as well as -saparations between. APP17CATION FU.; ELECTRICAL INSPECTIO14 IS NECE2S5ARY. A COPY OF THE APPLICATIOtl I5 T J , ; FTLcD L;1 '8 THIS OFFICE . : S OFFICE IS TO NOTIFIED UPON COMPLETIC.o4 OF CONSTRLCTION6 INCLUDING ~ I7.5 T.-. L. LATION OF F $1lCIHG . A F1,4AL rNSPECTIGN WILL 8E MADE BEFORE USE Of THS FOOL IS AUTNOMZEL� . OVER C/o TOWN OF S2u "FORCEM"T DUILI]IOG & CODES ROAD 742 aRY NY 12604 UU EEN S8UR7Ca1-&256 TNSP : DEPART : MTIAI. ARRi VW: : CT IK3 T3 REPORT . r FIpALPF ECE IV EI7 ' DATE INSPECTIOta REQUEST R �----- 1 NAME {,sit:A•r I(]N PERMIT DATR of5'l'RUCTllRE V,"14lNG __--- TYVE O an ILL FCUVDATION - INSULATION --- FOOT114 SING SEPTIC3'TOVE OR FIREPLACE --�- RC1UGll PLUM WOOD FINAL ELECTRICAL y NT iE I {{T 11MN I '�—.----- �� PLUMM NG VENT ,�----- p EXTT 4 alOR FINISH F S I2I S L]L;.C4t f P�7RC 4i_1'S _ V yes FURN IliOT W E T M FRIVA If MOORS I NTE R T.O FINI14I�'- G RT 13 TI3 lK TCI{F OTl{ER FLOG S SW EPRSLE --� C:A ETEII _____.__ C7TIls, FLOOR'S S'I`AIR CLEARANCE SMCIKE DSTE'C O 'S n r L� F'OU'NDA C1N I N 5 AT ION _------ GA GE FIRE PROOFING �-- RN sIwrE P v LAN FILAR S Ex O To I ssU.�LC_ T C O C C s ALTII ELEC IItiCAL INSPFC"fION 5r.r`• Road - Mariheim. Ph t754`a ROYAL Ca1r41vIONV . _ ELECrVRICAU APP G p,+lain O[isTi'C'1CATC' . MUNICIPAL CE ............." 6 � � 139 Cut-in Card No. ................. C ert.N- Panel Board NO.................... G .. .,............................. .........._-....... ............,. l �'...... ''c.I .r.... ............................. /J ia1+�,... ! J G d rho................... lnstallatian Consisting oF ,..- ...'�.. . Ind any uusty issued is certificate {, � �t _..l...e�:.C1:. ...........:.... ........ . .........�..... an the - overned the issuance of this certtftca%e, a4 date. Up �• lnstalled I3y.... .......... The conditicxm fnik3"T'inb rc,mptly made £ur inspectzon. I� c}ecirical equipment and installation rondtttuns a and if its cance}ted. - covers the lication shall be p t}ons at any time. `This certificate only ui ment car alterations. app e of making Shall have the pnuileg introduction of additional Company IT151 tars of sha{l have the right to r T•-7 . ............. any ��[/-^[-/ . rules are violated, the Corn i ..�.......... ixsP+ coo R ....,..�............ ...... Memberi.A ...-.�... .,..�. tt Lv I %J 1S 'AIN LS LOT 8 N28��'*�+32 55"E r ` 60*00 ! [1} T iboo N PE ♦9.45 a t�19`52 51 150,55 " L E � 127,7 193' 1 � r a 0 h LO Q CT.Y. •�•. 504.75 S28'42'46'W Qi, LOT 1 t322' from back line L _ 16' x 32' 6U' —i from lot M 3 4' raid 136 from lot Al 1 27 %Ingr ess ess d. home garage 1998