1981-12-08 I TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1981 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances WaZter-Supervisor Mr. Daniel OZson-CounciZman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Mr. Daniel MorreZZ-CounciZman Mr. Hammond Robertson-CounciZman Mr. Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel I Pledge of Allegiance Zed by Supervisor HaZter GUESTS: Mr. Turnbull, Mr. DaZZeck i OFFICIALS: Mr. Lynn, Mr. Dean PRESS: G.F. Post Star, WWSC, WBZA li Meeting Opened 7:41 P.M. RESOLUTIONS j RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES 1 RESOL T Q ,,, ,, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: 1 RESOLVED, that the minutes of November 24, 1981 be and hereby are approved. I DuZy adopted by the following vote: I Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None I Absent: None Town Clerk-DonaZd Chase, presented the Town Board with the final order from the New York State Dept. of Audit and Control for the Land O'Pines Water District. . . Supervisor Walter- We have now gone through the ZegaZ mechanics to form the I Land O' Pines Water Dist. The Establishment of a Water Dist-6ict in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York to be known as the Land O'Pines Water District in said Town RF.',SYI LLCLT nN Nn- a Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, has heretofore duly caused a general map, plan and report to be prepared by a j competent engineer, duly licensed by the State of New York, which have been filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town in relation to the estab- Zishment of a proposed rater district in said Town, to be known as The Land' 0' Pines Water District; and WHEREAS, an order was duZy adopted by said Town Board on the 30th day of June, 1981, reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed water district, the improvements proposed therefore, the maximum amount proposed to be extended for said improvements, the proposed method of financing to be employed, the fact that said map, plan and report were on file in the Torun CZerk's Office for public inspection, and specifying the 30th day of June, 1981 at 7:30 o'eZock p.m., prevailing time, at the Queens- bury Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads, in said Town, as the time when and the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding a public hearing to hear aZZ persons interested in the subject there- of concerning the same; and j WHEREAS, such order was duZy published and posted in the manner and within the j time prescribed by Section 209-d of the Town Law and proof of such publication and posting has been duZy presented to said Town Board; and �1 WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly heZd at the time and place set forth in said order, as aforesaid, at which time aZZ persons desiring to be heard were duZy heard and WHEREAS, following said pubZie hearing, and based upon the evidence given thereat, said Town Board duly adopted a resolution determining in the affirmative aZZ of the questions set forth in Subdivision 1 of Section 209-e of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, foZZowing said pubZie hearing, said Town Board also duZy adopted a resolution approving the estabZishment of said water district and the construc- tion of the inTrovements proposed therefore, said resolullon expressly providing C that it was subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 209-e of j the Town Law; and I WHEREAS after the expiration of the time for filing a petition requesting that the matter be submitted to a referendum of the eligible' voters of the proposed district, the Town CZerk duZy fiZed in the Office of the County Clerk and in the Office of the Department of Audit and Control at A.Zbany, New York, a certificate stating that no petition requesting that the matter be submitted to a referendum had been fiZed with the Town CZerk; and WHEREAS, in response to an appZication duly made pursuant to Subdivision 3 of Section 209-F of the Town Law, the State ComptroZZer has duZy made an order, in duplicate, dated November 30, 1981, granting permission for the estabZishment of said district, proof of which has been fiZed in the Office of the Town CZerk j and which has been submitted to said Town Board , Now, Therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,- as foZZows: Section 1. A water district in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, to be known as The Land O'Pines Water District, is hereby estabZished in accordance with the aforesaid order of the State Comptroller and is bounded and,described as set forth in Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. The improvements proposed for said water district, consisting of the construction of a mater system to serve said district, incZuding originaZ Ll furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required in connection therewith, and also incZuding the acquisition of Zands and rights in Zand required in connection therewith, aZZ as more fully described in the map, plan and report prepared in connection therewith, is hereby authorized and approved. The maximum amount to be expended for such improvement is estimated to be $240,000.00. The $240,000.00 cost of said improvement shaZZ be financed by the issuance of not exceeding $240,000. 00 in SeriaZ Bonds of said Town maturing in annuaZ installments`over a period not exceeding 30 years, which cost shaZZ be borne by ZocaZ assessment upon the several i Zots and parcels of Zand in said district which the Town Board shaZZ determine and specify to be especiaZZy benefited thereby; but, if not paid from such source, aZZ the taxable real property in said Town shaZZ be subject to the Zevy of ad vaZorem { taxes, without Zimitation as to rate or amount, sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due and payable. i 1 Section 3. The Town CZerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this order to be duZy recorded in the Office of the CZerk of Warren County, New York, within ten days after the adoption of this order by this Town Board and to file a certified copy thereof,within that time in the Office of the State Department of Audit and ControZ, in Albany, New York both pursuant to Subdivision 1 of Section 209-e of the Town Law. When so recorded, such order shaZZ be presumptive evidence of the regularity of the proceedings for the estabZishment of slid Land 0' Pines Water District, of the proceedings instituted for the construction of the improvements hereinbefore described and of aZZ other action taken by said Town Board in re-Zation thereto. Section 4. The order shall take effect immediately. NZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes Mr. OZson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None Absent: None APPENDIX` "A" "BEGINNING at a point in the northerZy bounds of Peggy Ann Road on the i i 12 !� present Queensbury Water District boundary, being also in the easterly bounds of lot 77 of the Queensbury patent, running from thence southerly, crossing Peggy Ann Road and following the easterly bounds of Land of Salvatore S. Leombruno, to the northeasterly corner of the Bailey-Jennejohn subdivision; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said BaiZey-Jennejohn subdivision, to the north- ` easterly corner of lands of Margaret Germain; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Germain, crossing Sherman Avenue, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 9, Sherman Acres subdivision; thence southerZy along the easterly bounds of the said Lot 9 to the northeasterly corner of Lands of Elizabeth A. and Walter 0. Rehm III; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said Lands of Rehm to the southeasterly corner thereof; thereof; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of Rehm to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Lands of Rehm to the southwesterly corner of Lot 21, Sherman Acres Shbdivision; thence Northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Sherman Acres subdivision to the southeasterly corner of Lands of Eileen and Harry Kaplan; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands of Kaplan, being also along the southerly bounds of Lot 77 and 84 of the Queensbury Patent, to the southeasterly corner of lands of Lois Holmes; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands of Holmes and still along the southerly bounds of the said Lot 84 Queensbury Patent, to the southeasterly corner of other lands of Kaplan; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands of Kaplan and still along the southerly bounds of the said Lot 84, Queensbury Patent to the southwesterZy corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lot 84 to the southeasterly corner of Lands of Earle and Eve Bellew ; thence northerZy along the easterly bounds of the said Lands of Bellew and the westerly bounds of the said Lot 84 to the northeasterly corner of the said Lands of BeZZew;thence northerly along the said westerly bounds of Lot 84 to the center of West Mountain Road; thence northerly in the center of West Mountain Road to a point therein where the northerly bounds j of CZendon Brook Road projected easterly intersects; thence westerly along the northerly bounds of CZendon Brook Road to a point 200 feet westerly measuring at right angles from the westerly bounds of West Mountain Road; thence northerly, passing through Lands of Albert H. and Marguerite J. Holmes, to the southwesterly corner of lands of Charles and Alberta Greeno; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Lands of Greeno to a point in the southerly bounds of Lands of Gordon C. and Beverly A. Kilts; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands of.KiZts to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Lands of Kilts and a portion of the westerly bounds of lands of Nelson L. and Joan F. Miller to the southeasterly 1 corner of Lands conveyed by Frank S. Morgan to Raymond E. Bailey by deed dated November 11, 1972, recorded in book number 560 of deeds at page 21 in the Warren County Clerk's Office; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands conveyed to Bailey to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly t along the westerly bunds of the said Lands conveyed to Bailey to an angle point in the property Line thereof; thence northwesterly, passing through a portion of the said Lands conveyed to Bailey, to the southwesterly corner of Lands of j Cynthia G. Lawrence; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly Zvunds of the said Lands of Lawrence, to the southeasterlylounds of Fuller Road; thence north- easterly along the southeasterly bounds of Fuller Road to an angle point in the highway bounds; thence northerly, crossing Fuller Road along a Line which is approximately perpendicular to that portion of Fuller Road running easterly therefrom to West Mountain Road, and continuing the said course through Lands of Albert C. Fuller to a point in the southerly bounds of Lands of Frank K. Bronk; thence easterly along the southerly bounds of the said Lands of Bronk and the i northerly bounds of the said Lands of Fuller to the northeasterly corner of the said Lands of Fuller; thence northerly, passing through Lands of Bronk to the south westerly corner of Lands of Ashton Aggregates, Inc.; thence northeasterly, passing through Zands of Ashton Aggregates, Inc. to the most southwesterly corner of lands conveyed by Marion Potter Bates to Charles A. and Mary Elizabeth Baker by deed dated May 12, 1981, recorded in book number 639 of deeds at page 147 in the Warren County Clerk's Office; thence northeasterly passing through the said Lands of Baker to the southwesterly corner of Lands conveyed by Raymond E. and Marion E. Bates to Charles A. and Mary Elizabeth Baker by deed dated October 5, 1962, Irecorded in book number 427 of deeds at page 360 in the Warren County Clerk's LI Office; thence northerly along a portion of the westerly bounds thereof to a point; thence easterly perpendicular to the Last course, passing through the said premises conveyed by Raymond E. Bates to Charles and Elizabeth Baker, to the northwesterly corner of permises conveyed by Lottie McEchron to Charles and Elizabeth Baker by deed dated March 14, 1970, recorded in book number 519 of deeds at page 105 in the Warren County Clerk's Office; thence easterly along the northerly bounds thereof to the westerly bounds of West Mountain Road; thence continuing easterZy, crossing West Mountain Road to the northwesterly corner of Zhnds of 14-vA L. McEchron; thence continuingeasterZy along the northerly bounds of the said Lands of Sarah L. McEchron, to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of Lands of the Estate of Mary A. Howe; thence northerly along the westerly bounds of the said Lands of Howe, to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said Lands of Howe f 13 to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the lands of Howe to the northeasterly corner of lands of Nesbert and Eugena T. DeHoney; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said lands of DeHoney to the center of Potter Road; thence westerly in the center of Potter Road to the lands of Sara L. McEchron; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said Lands of McEchron to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said lands of McEehron and the southerly bounds of lands of Charles and Mary Elizabeth Baker to the easterly bounds of West Mountain Road;, thence southerly along the easterly bounds of West Mountain Road to the northwesterly corner of Lot 11, West Mountain Park subdivision; thence easterly long the northerly bounds of West Mountain Park to the northeasterly corner of Lot 32 therein thence southerly along the easterly bounds of West Mountain Park to the southeasterly corner of lot 26 therein; thence easterly along the northerly i bounds of Braydon Avenue and the northerly bounds of Lot 41, West Mountain Park, to the northeasterly corner of the sadi Lot 41; thence continuing easterly along the northerly bounds of Ruggles and Benack subdivision, being also along the northerly bounds of Lot 84 of the Queensbury Patent, to the northeasterly corner of the said subdivision and the northeasterly corner of the said Lot 84 and the northwesterly corner of Lot 77, Queensbury Patent; thence southerly along the easterly bounds of the said Ruggles and Benack subdivision and westerly bounds of the said Lot 77 ' Queensbury Patent, to the northerly bounds of Peggy Ann Road; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of Peggy Ann Road to the point and place of beginning. " RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RFg0TnTTnN NQ - Z,1 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: WHEREAS, various appropriations are over budget and various appropriations are under budget, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to transfer funds in the following manner: 64.00 to A1010.100 Town Board, Personal Services from A1010. 440 TB contr. 608.00 to-A1620. 410 Bldg. Phone from A1010. 440 TB Contr. 1,100.00 to A1220.100 Supervisor, PerSer. from A1110.100 Justice Per. Ser. 344.00 to A1410.100 Town Clerk, PerSer. from A1345.100 Purchas. Per Ser. 2,414.00 to A1355.100 Assessor,. Per. Ser. from A1910.440 UnaZ. Ins. Contr. 3,000. 00 to A1420. 440 Town Attornery Cont. from A1990.0 Contingent Acct. 843.00 to A1620. 430 Bldg. Utilities from A8010.100 Zoning, Per. Ser. 13 000.00 to A1620. 441 Bldg. Gen. Contr. from A1620. 443 Hgy. Bldg. Maint. j 2,200.00 to A5132. 430 Hgy. Gar. UtiZ. from A1910.440 Unallocated Ins. 2, 700. 00 to A9060. 800 Employee Benefits, Hosp.. from A1910.440 Un. Ins. 43025. 00 to A7310. 300 Recreation, Capital from A1990. 0 Contingent Acc. 35. 00 to A3510. 100 Dong Control, Per. Ser. from A8510.440 Com. Beauti fi. 215. 00 to A4010. 100 Bd. of Health Per Ser.. from A8730. 440 Conser. Council 20.00 to A5132. 410 Hgy. Garage, .Phone from A8730.440 Conser. Council 1,000.00 to A5182. 440 Street Light. Contr. from A9040.800 Workers Comp. 95. 00 to A7550.440 Celebrations, Contr. from A90.10.800 Emp. Ben. Retir. 218. 75 to A9050. 800 EmpZoyee Bene. , VI from A9010. 800 Emp. Ben. Retir. 6,500. 00 to A9543. 900 Interfund Tran. Hgy. Snow from A1910.440 UnaZ. Ins. 100.00 to C8810.410 PineView, TeZe. from C9050.800 Emp. Bene., VI 2,000. 00 from DM5130.100 Hwy. Machinery, Personal Services 7,907.00 from DM5130.200 Hwy. Machinery, Equipment 92.00 from DM9010. 800 ► ► ► ► Employee benefits, retirement 9,999.00 to DM5130.440 Hwy. Machinery, Contractual I 102.00 from DM9010. 800 Hwy. Employee Ben. R►mt. to DM5130.420 Hwy. Mac. Ins. - 57. 74 from SW1 8330. 200 Purif. Equip. to SW1 8330.100 Pur. Per. Ser. 11000.00 from SW1 8340.100 Trans & Dist.. Per Ser. to SW18320.100 P&S Per. S. 6,211. 32 from SW1 8330. 440 pur.,Contr. to SW1 8320.100 P&S Per. S. i 67. 26 from SW1 8330. 200 Pur. Equip. to SW1 8320.100 P & S Contractual 11.25 from SW1 8340. 440 Trans. & Dist. Cap. tontr. to P&S Contractual j 66.00 from SW1 8320. 200 P&S Equip. to P & S. Contractual 1,100.00 from SW1 8340. 400 Trans. & Dist. Cap. Contr. to P&S Contractual 3,835. 79 from SW1 8330. 440 Purification, Contr. to P&S Contractual Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: Mr, Olson, Dr. Fisenhart� Mr, Morrell,, Mr. Robertson., Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None i i 14 RESOLUTION TO REVISE WATER RATES RES Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: { WHEREAS, operational costs have increased significantly because of the inflationary economy, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT j RESOLVED, that rates for water service in the Town of Queensbury be established as follows, effective February 1, 1982: QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED METERED WATER RATES - Minimum 1st. 15,000 gallons 15.00 per quarter Next 10,0001000 . 7211000 ► ► ► ► Next 10,000,000 .6311000 ► ► ► ► Next 20,000,000 .5611000 ► ' ► ► All over 40,000,000 .5111000 " ► ' i QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED FLAT RATE WATER RATES FamiZy use 15. 50 per quarter 1st. Bath/Shower 15. 50 ► ► ► ► Add Bath/Shower 4. 50 ► ► ► ► First Toilet 15. 00 ► ► ► r Add Toilet 12. 60 Shop 15. 00 ► ► ► ► Garage 25. 00 ► ► ► ► j Office 28.00 ► ► ► ► Store 31.00 Restaurant 50.00 " ' ► Dental Fountain 25. 00 ' ► " Bar 75.00 ► ► ► ► Mobile Home 45.00 Hose May & August 25. 00 MoteZ - per unit 31.00 In addition any connected premise which is not in an established water district within the Town of Queensbu2,y shall pay an additional charge ! equal to the foZlowing: The assessed valuation of the connected premise times the tax rate of the Queensbury Water District. Both figures to be those as of January 1, of the calendar year then starting. The added charge is to be paid in quarterly installments starting with the February billing of that year. If re- quired, New York State Equalization Rates shall be used to make assessed valuation comparable to Queensbury assessments. i Duly adopted by the following vote: I Ayes Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter i Noes: None i Absent: None Councilman Robertson-The last time the water rates were raised was in 1975— if you'take a flat 5% inflation rate in costs and compound that over six years you have a 36% increase. On our meter rates this represents 157.-it is necessary to maintain the water dist. in a sound financial condition which this board� in the last five to six year has gotten. This will not last if inflation keeps on the way it is now, but it will do for two or three years, the difference will be made .up in the growth of water sales. In the case of the proposed flat water rates, they are up, it is intended I to induce those people who have been reluctant to go on the metered rate to make it worth their while to go on the metered rate. . .in most cases he will find it in his benefit to be on the metered rate. We do have a problem in Big Boom and Big Bay Roads, where we extended water down these roads through the cooperation of the state., to reach the rest areas, those lines are outside of the present Qsby. Water Dist. we intent to incorporate those houses into the QsPy. Water Dist., in the mean-time we do not think it is fair to sexy to these people you are not in the water dist., you cannot have water, we have designed the water expenses to be equal to those that are in the district. . . Councilman Eisenhart- what about the ,Industrial Park? f i 1 15 Councilman Robertson-The Board will have to discuss this, but I would feel they would be as the last paragraph states in the resolution, it makes them an equal customer. . . Councilman Eisenhart- Bow many are not on meter? Councilman Robertson- approximdidy,250. . . Supervisor Walter- Thank Mr. Robertson for his work on this project. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RFS �T„TON M. 2?4 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, f seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, to transfer $3,452.14 from Boychuck Fund to C8810.440 Contractual for II � resurfacing of cemetery road. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart Mr. Morrell, 1'fir. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 275, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its I adoption, secon e by Mr. Daniel Olson: j i RESOLVED, that Frances J. Walter, Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, j on behalf of the Town, is hereby authorized to enter into contract with Kestner Engineers, P. C. for engineering services for the Town of Queensbury Water Main Extension Big Boom and Big Bay Road, Contract No. 27, at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00. i DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None i Absent: None i RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH GLENS FALLS SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER, INC. a SOLUTION NO. 276, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its I adoption, secon'de"fc by Dr. Charles Eisenhart WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has heretofore contracted with the Glens Falls Senior Citizens Center, Inc. to provide for services for the elderly, and WHEREAS, New York State Aid is available for the establishment, maintenance and expansion of Senior Citizens Center Programs, which aid was expanded by the provision of Ch ap ter 1001 of the laws of New York 1974 providing among I other things that State Aid will be available for approved expenditures for a municipaZ program, and E WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury desires to continue its support of the Glens Falls Senior Citizens Center, Inc. under provisions of law so as to be E eligible for State Aid as a Co-sponsoring municipality, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT i RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby is empowered to contract with the Glens Falls Senior Citizens Center, Inc. for the furnishing of services to the elderly residents of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1982 and the payment of $5,000. 00 therefore be approved, and the Supervisor is hereby directed to execute the contract on behalf of the Town and a copy of such contract, duly executed shall be filed with the Town Clerk. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes:. Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter i Noes: None Absent: None f 1 16 Supervisor WaZter- This is a resolution that we do each year it has to accompany the application for State Aid . . . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A $45,984.00 BOND ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK TO RENEW IN PART A $57,484. 00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE OF SAID TOWN TO PAY I PART OF THE COST OF THE PURCHASE OF A WHEELLOADER FOR SAID TOWN R „ n ,ITTOV 77. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on December 9, 1980 adopted a bond anticipation note resolution in the amount of $57,484. 00; and WHEREAS, such bond anticipation note subsequentZy was sold by the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to the First National Bank of Glens Falls, Glens Falls, New York; and WHEREAS, said bond anticipation note is due and payable as of December 9, 1981; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and she hereby is authorized to (a) Pay toward said bond anticipation note the sum of $11,500. 00; and (b) Renew partially said bond anticipation note with a balance of $45,984.00 with the First National Bank of Glens Falls, Glens Falls, New York, for a period running from December 9, 1981 to December 8, 1982 with interest at the rate of nine (9%) percent per annum. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter f I Noes: None i Absent: None i Discussion on Dr. DaZZeck Roads Councilman Olson noted that he had met with the developer and the problems with the road had been corrected. . . Councilman MorreZZ reinspected the road thisafternoon. . .everthing is sufficient. . . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED TO LAND FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES I, RESSOLUT;ON N0. 278. Introduced by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: Whereas, Irving DaZZek and Alice DaZZek have executed and offered a deed for two town roads, each of which is not less than fifty (501) feet in width, and which are described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part i hereof, and WHEREAS, Daniel R. GeaZt, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that he recommends that this Board accept this land for highway purposes into the Town Highway System, and WHEREAS, Thomas K. FZaherty, Water Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury, has advised these,proposed roadways are not situate within the geographical boundaries of the Queensbury Water District, and WHEREAS, the form of the deed has been approved by Joseph R. Brennan, Esq., Counsel to the Board, i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT I RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk be hereby authorized and directed to j cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County CZerk's Office after i which said deed shaZZ be properly filed and maintained in the Office of the ! Town CZerk of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further I G 1 17 RESOLVED, that the new roads be hereby added to the officiaZ inventory of Town Highways, respectiveZy, described as foZZows: i ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION NAME: AZiee Drive , MILEAGE p7 ROAD N0. g , i r � . I DESCRIPTION NAME SUSAN PLACE MILEAGE , p DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. OZson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None Town CZerk-Donald Chase, noted that he did not have the right information in regard to the road named Susan PZace. . . Supervisor WaZter- the resolution to accept the two roads wiZZ be contingent upon the Town CZerk receiving from the Highway Dept. the proper information regarding the two roadways. . . COMMUNICATIONS: Ltr. Chief Judkins: recommending that the Town purchase two patroZ cars from Lakewood Motors. . . (on file) RESOLUTION TO ACCEP BID ON NEW PATROL CARS I RESOLTTION NO_ 9.7.9_ Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its i adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ: I i WHEREAS, Chief CharZes Judkins, for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise of bids for two new patroZ cars, and WHEREAS, two bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time and place by the Director of Purchasing/Town CZerk 1bnaZd A. Chase, and such bids were then turned over to Cheif Judkins for his recommendation, and WHEREAS, Chief Judkins by Zetter has recommended that the bid be awarded to Lakewood Motors, Chestertown, New York, NOW THEREFORE BE IT i RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the bwn of Queensbury hereby accepts the bid of Lakewood Motors, Chestertown, New York in the amount of $17,160.00 for two patroZ cars, and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing for such patroZ ears is incZuded in the 1981 Police Budget. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None i Absent: None REPORTS: Town CZerk and Building &.Zoning for the month of November 1981 were p Zaced on fi Ze. . . OPEN FORUM 8:14 P.M. Mr. Turnbull- presented the Town Board with the 1980 Census figures with breakdown. . . Mr. Tougas- how much has the flat rate for water gone up? I' i 1$ CounciZman Robertson- Double. . . 100% RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS 280 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that Audit of BiZZs as Zisted on Abstract 81-12A and numbered 2063 through 2240 and totaling $63,552.94 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter - Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION t RESOLUTION NO. 281, Introduced by Mr. Dani6Z MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss contracts and personneZ matters. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None Absent: None j RESOLUTION TO REOPEN MEETING RESOLUTION N0. 282 Introduced by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, secon ed by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves back into session. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: 'Mr. OZson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter I Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTS i FOR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RESOLUTION N0. 2832 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its 1 adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ Olson: i WHEREAS, there has been duZy estabZished in the Town of Queensbury a fire protection district embracing aZZ of the geographicaZ territory of said Town, and i WHEREAS, the Town has provided for fire protection therein by contract with five volunteer companies in the Town, which current contracts wiZZ expire on December 31, 1981, and WHEREAS, negotiations have been held between the Town of Queensbury ! and appropriate representatives of the five volunteer fire--:companies reZative to the renewal of said contracts on behaZf of the fire protection district with the five volunteer fire companies for fire protection in said district, and WHEREAS, a tentative proposed agreement has been reached by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury with each of the five volunteer fire companies for fire protection for the fire protection district for the period from January 1, 1982 through December 313 1983, and WHEREAS, said five proposed agreements have been reduced to writing in the form annexed hereto, and WHEREAS, the form .of said five proposed agreements have been approved by Joseph R. i 19 Brennan, Esq., Counsel to the Board, and WHEREAS, Town Law 83 184 mandates that a public hearing be held prior to entering into such agreements for fire .protection in the fire protection district, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay & Haviland Roads, Town of Queensbury, New York on the 22nd day of December, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering each of five contracts in the form annexed hereto proposed to be entered into with the five volunteer fire companies in the Town of Queensbury for the furnishing of fire protection to the fire protection district of said Town, at which time and place said Town Board will consider sucy proposed contracts and hear aZZ persons interested in the same. AND BE IT FURTHER �..- RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to take any and 'aZZ necessary action as required by Zaw for the posting and publication of any and aZZ notices of public hearing. . DuZy adopted by the following vote: i Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk i TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 22, 1981 I Town Board Members Present: Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor Mr. Daniel OZson-CouneiZman I Dr. Charles Eisenhart-CouneiZman Mr. Daniel MorreZZ-CouneiZman j Mr. Hammond Robertson-CouneiZman Mr. Joseph Brennan-_Town Counsel PRESS: G. F. Post Star, WWSC, WBZA GUESTS: Representatives of the Five VoZ. Fire Companies E TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Lynn, Mr. Dean, Mr. Flaherty 1 Meeting opened: 7: 38 P. M. Pledge of Allegiance Zed by Councilman Olson PUBLIC HEARING-7: 39 P. M. Fire Contracts l Councilman Eisenhart-This is a very sizable increase, one thing j that we are faced with is the purchase of one Zadder truck, not j because we have high buildings but because we have Zarge buildings. The price of a Zadder truck runs from One Hundred and Seventy thousand to Three Hundred Thousand, we are in the process of getting other bids. . . Noted that in the Town of Queensbury we are only dealing with the eost �of twenty percent of our fire protection, we do not pay for personnel, we do not provide public money except for the actual fighting of fire, the equipment, gas etc. . . . . . Supervisor Walter- asked for input from the pubZic. . . hearing none the public hearing was closed 7: 43 P. M. i RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES i { I 20 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconds J by Mr. Daniel Morrell: RESOLVED, that the minutes of December 8th, 1981 be and hereby are approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs . WaZter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 285 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: WHEREAS, the Queensbury Recreation Department budgeted $8, 000. 00 A7310. 300 in the 1981 department budget for the purpose of future recreation expansion, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has created a recreation facility-CapitaZ Construction Account H-11 and has previously transferred similar amount from past recreation depart- ment budget, and WHEREAS, capital expenses depleted this account, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to transfer $800. 00 from A7310. 100 Recreation, Personal Services to H-11 Recreation Facility - Capital Construction account, and the balance of $7, 200. 00 A7310. 300 to H-11 . i Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes : None Absent: None r RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 286, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its ad-0-P-77-07 seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: i i RESOLVED, to transfer $750. 00 from Contingent A1990. 0 Account j to A1355. 440 Contractual for payment to Jordan and Hafner for tr."Z preparation and court appearance on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes; Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs . WaZter Noes: None I Absent: None RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT WITH THE FIVE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANIES IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RF —STTITTaN N2 ?RZ, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the Town of Queensbury a fire protection district embracing all of the geographical territory of said Town, and WHEREAS, the Town has provided for fire protection therein by contract with the five volunteer fire companies in the Town which current contracts will expire on December 31, 1981, and WHEREAS, negotiations have been held between the Town of Queens- i 21 bury and appropriate representatives of the five volunteer fire companies in the Town relative to the renewal of said contracts on behalf of the fire protection district with the five volunteer fire companies for fire protection in said district, and WHEREAS, a tentative proposed agreement has been reached by the Town Board of the mown of Queensbury with each of the five volun- j teer fire companies for fire protection for the fire protection district for the period from January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1983, and WHEREAS, said five proposed agreements have been reduced to writing in the form annexed hereto, and i WHEREAS, the form of each of said agreements has been approved by Joseph R. Brennan, Esq. , Counsel to the Board, and WHEREAS,, Town Law $ 184 mandates that a public hearing be held prior to entering into a contract for fire protection in a fire protection district, and WHEREAS, there was duly posted and published notice that such a public hearing would be held before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury at 7: 30 p. m. on December 22, 1981 relative to the pro- ' posed agreements as annexed hereto, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held and all persons interested in the subject thereof were heard, and WHEREAS, it .appears that said proposed agreements with the five volunteer fire companies are fair and reasonable, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury on behalf of the fire pro- tection district enter into said contracts with the five volunteer fire companies in the Town, in the form presented as annexed hereto, ^ f for fire protection for the fire protection district for the per- iod from January 1, 1982 through December 31, 1983 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and she is hereby authorized to "execute each of said five contracts, in the form provided, on behalf of the Town of Queensbury and the fire protection district. Duly adopted by %the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell , Mr.. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None j i Discussion re: Landfill Councilman Olson-asked Mrs. Walter if the City of Glens Falls had met their obligation in regard to , the Landfill payment? �`- Supervisor Walter- no, I wrote to the Mayor in November and told him that the Town of Queensbury could not underwrite the costs of the Cities solid waste. I have written to the Mayor as of last week indicating to him that if there was no payment by the City of Glens Falls to the Town of Queensbury by December 28th that we would consider the landfill _ agreement teminiated with the City and we would close the gate of the Landfill to the City of Glens Falls. Currently the City owes the Town of Queensbury under the current contract about Forty Six thousand Dollars, we have not received any money at all from the City since last year. The Bookkeeping Dept. has ,vouchered the City on a monthly basis, as per j their request. The amount is sufficient enough to make this Town concerned, it is not a large amount for the City to completely take care of their solid waste for eleven months, it is reasonable. . . i i Councilman OZson- noted that the figure is not large in viewing what the City in the past paid for their own landfill operation. . . 22 i Supervisor WaZter-The City has asked to go into negotiations because the contract is based on population and we were waiting for the new census figures to come in-, however one the stipulations in the contract would be that it could be changed once the census figures were determined to be valid, after the first of November of the calendar year, 1981, that does not have any real bearing on why there has been non-payment since the early part of the year. Councilman Morrell- where are we getting the fortysix thousand dollars that we have not received? Supervisor WaZter- the General Town Fund Discussion held on Jail fees: { Supervisor WaZter- discussed with the Board a letter from Chief Judkins. . . re: the lock up fees that will be in effect January 1982 the fee to date was $3. 00 per day it will now be $45. 00 per day. . . at the City Facility noted that this was totally unrea UAic. . this will mean that our Judges will have to et u during the nights 9' to 9' p g 9' arraign persons that can then be taken to the Warren Co. Jail . . . or we win have to convert one of the rooms at the Police Station into a temporary lockup. . . Councilman Olson- asked that the County Board of Supervisor be contacted about this and asked if some arrangements could be made for temporary lockup facilities for the Town. . . Letter- D. O. T. -on fiZe- 45 miles per hour on Route 9L in the vicinity of the Du.nham 's Bay causeway. Letter- Mack Dean- re: attendance at New York State Energy Technology conference. Discussion held in regard to conference. . . RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 288 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adopt2on, secondeby Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that Mack A. Dean, Assistant Building Inspector is hereby given permission to attend the New York State Energy Technology Conference and Exposition at the Empire State Plaza, Albany, N. Y. from January 25th through 28th 1982 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury _hereby authorizes payment of all reasonable_:and necessary expenses . Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs . WaZter Noes : None Absent: None REPORTS The Police Report for November 1981 on fiZe. . , Councilman OZson-This is the last meeting for this year and the last meeting for; Councilman Robertson, I would like to wish Hammond the best of luck, as he goes up to the county to represent us . - Councilman Robertson- I thank you, I in turn would like to express my ! appreciation to this Board for all the help and all the consideration and all the other things that made this a very pleasurable job. I am going on to another job, it is not without regrets . You cannot work here twenty years and not have a lot of feelings about leaving. This is the seat of government, it is a place that people Zook to, we are the people who get all the problems w Sher they are in our scope or not, this is the place they come to. It is for that reason, I have always considered that job an honor and a priviZege- and most of all I would like to say that I thank the people in Queensbury for giving me the opportunity to have served, that is the most important thing. Coming back to the Board, I do take some knowledge with me, I am no further away than a telephone call if there is anything that you think I could contribute and with that i 23. I I wish you and the incomin board and particularly Betty the Best of everhing. 1%y years te�Z me tonight that this is not without problems, it never has been I think you are going to get right in the thick of things and my best wishes to all of you. Supervisor Walter- I would also like to express my appreciation to Mr. Robertson, who I have Zook to for guidance in my couple of years here and he has acted as my Deputy Supv., been on hand whenever no one can find me, I appreciate that because we always knew where to find Hammond. It has been my pleasure to serve with you and am looking forward to working with you for a couple of more years at the County . Councilman Eisenhart- I have always appreciated Hammond 's help, and I am going to miss him, I wish him well. Councilman Morrell- I would Like to say something, as the new kid on the block, there are times., when out of ignorance.� I totally disagreed with Mr. Robertson and I have had the fortunate opportunity of sitting next to him and can talk with him while other conversations were going on, and the education that I have received in the Last two years is worth more then I ever paid for with the degrees I have to show for my education. From Me personaZZyJ I thank you for the knowledge and I wish i you good speed, good Luck and good future.. . Ovation from the Audience. . . OPEN FORUM 8: 13 P. M. Lloyd Demboski-County Supervisor-I have served with Hams as you know on the Town Boards I know what a fine contribution he has made to the Town of Queensburyjone of the most dedicated public servants I have ever had the pleasure of working with and so I guess it is my good fortune that January 1, Ham and F are both going to be sitting together again !, at the other building and hopefully he will sit next to me to give me the guidance and help that he gave to me when we sat together on the Town Board. I came here tonight to wish Ham weZZ. . . Supervisor Walter- Wished everyone on the Board and the Public a very ` ! Merry Christmas and have a good holiday season. . . Councilman Eisenhart and Supervisor Walter thanked Mrs. Freebern and i Miss Dougher for their work on the display windows throughout the year. . . RESOLUTIff TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS �RFSnT,I1TT(JN Na. 289. Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as--Zisted on Abstract No. 81-12D and numbered 2251 through 2339 and totaling $42, 669. 91 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes : None Absent: None Discussion re: Police Car Supervisor Walter- Chief Judkins in a special report n o$ed he would - Zike to purchase a new police car, with what he can be hifie wrecked car plus insurance and workmen 's comp he would need Nine Hundred and Four Dollars to purchase a new car. Councilman Olson-Why, we have two on order that will replace the two we retires tAe one which was smashed will now be retired. . .why do we have to buy a third one. . . Councilman Robertson- You are going to run one car a year Longer then he wants to run it, that is what he is saying. Supervisor Walter- he does not have the money, it will have to come from somewherejit will have to be transfered. . . I i i 24 - CouneiZman OZson- As far as I am concerned, ' l say no. CouneiZman Eisenhart- 'no. . . Supervisor WaZter- Let the record show that it '2s the consensus of the Town Board not to entertain a motion to add Nine Hundred Dollars to the Police Budget. Discussion on JaiZ Housing Supervisor WaZter- we are Zooking at the Hudson FaZZs Zockup to see if they couZd accomodate us. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. { Respectfully, DonaZd A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury TOWN BOARD SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 31, 1981 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances WaZter-Supervisor Mr. Daniel OZson-CouneiZman-Absent j Dr. CharZes Eisenhart-Councilman Mr. Daniel MorreZZ-CouneiZman Mr. Hammond Robertson-CouneiZman Mr. Joseph Brennan-Town CounseZ-Absent Guests : Mr . Girard Meeting Opened PZedge of Allegiance Zed by CouneiZman Robertson Meeting Opened 10: 20 a. m. i RESOLUTIONS t ( I RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS I EE SOLUTION NO. 290r, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ: RESOLVED, to transfer $2, 126. 00 from Contingent A1990. 440 to A1355. 440 for payment to Town Attorney for traiZ preparation and court appearance on behaZf of the Town of Queensbury. i DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote : i Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter Noes : None Absent: Mr. OZson i RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved -� for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, to transfer $1, 964. 65 from Contingent Account A1990. 440 to A1420. 440 for ZegaZ counseZ for the Town of Queensbury. DuZu adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter f Noes : None I Absent: Mr. OZson RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 292, Introduced by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ who moved for its i I 25 adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, to transfer $1, 448. 00 from Contingent Account A1990. 440 to S 18130. 440 for payment to Town Attorney for Sewer TraiZ preparation and court appearance on behaZf of the Town of Queensbury . DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None Absent: Mr. OZson RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS ES Q,4Z�y( �, Introduced by Dr. CharZes Eisenhart who moved or its adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ: RESOLVED, that Audit of BiZZs as Zisted on Abstract No. 81-12F and numbered 2342 through 2344 and totaZing $12, 512, 10 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morre Z Z Mr. Robertson,so Mrs. Walter Noes: None I i Absent: Mr. OZson t RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS R LUTION N 0 29 4 Introduced oduced b i Mr. �.�� .,_,. y Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ: t RESOLVED, to transfer as foZZows: I from A 3120. 440 $4, 000. 00 j A 3120. 810 800. 00 A 3120. 840 20. 13 I $4, 820. 13 to A3120. 100 i from A 3120. 840 1, 938.87 A 3120. 420 1, 577. 25 j $3, 516. 12 to A3120. 860 from A3120. 420 $ 229. 70 to A3120. 830 DuZy adopted by the foZZowin 9' vote: Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs . WaZter Noes: None i i Absent: Mr. Olson Mr. Girard from the Qsby. Bookkeeping Dept. reviewed the above transfer. . . Supervisor WaZter and the CounciZmen wished everyone a Happy New Year. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. j Respeetfully, Donald A. Chase Town CZerk Town of Queensbury i I