1986-210 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Ne 86-210 an •e� WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 'I- 5� PERMISSION is hereby granted to John Pohl OWNER of property located at 4 Cedarwood Drive Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Sewage Alteration at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. I. OWNER'S Address is 4 Cedarwood Drive Glens Falls, New York 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name Andy Scarpellino 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Seward St. Glens Falls, New York re 4. ARCHITECTS Name 0 0 a 1 H 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( 1 Wood Frame ( )Masonry ( 1 Steel 1 rn 1. PLANS and Specifications E 3 6'x10' drywells - new dist. box per plot No. and application submitted. 9 8. Proposed Use ID Sewage system for dwelling r+ O 7 $ 10.00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES MaY 9 19 88 (If a longer period is required an application far an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Oueensbury this 9th Day of May 19 86 SIGNED BY 711 ad a' '� '� for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector /~ TOWN OF' QUEENS E Jomn Of Queenioury 1i--.=w..� , nl iC it I? �j 1'.II I'., BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT _� ���� JyIYI[ (a S b V S Bay and Haviland Road, R.O. 1 Box 98 /��!a�� MAY 919801 Oueensbury, New York 12801 AM. bp W fbb bfA M. 71 g 191100 2/11213141618 I� //gEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION / Owner 's Name ' l/l()//j+/V� Ad/ Tel.7�/3-7Oc�/ ' Address y, eat WOac// 12 . Person/Firm installing system AV f(f ,C,/N O Number of bedrooms (residential only'YY/ . Total daily��flow: (compute @ 150 aal.per bedroom per day)_7(�d Topography:/zl!)- rolling - steep -(circle one) Decree of slope B s. Nature of soils: sand loam-clay- other- Depth /0 ft. Ground water-- at what depth? Ot#ct/O ft. Bedrock or impervious material--at what depthI2W/Oft. Percolation Test C-Not. teauired / equired -Rate min/inch. Domestic Water Supply - Munici Well - Other IMPORTANT! On a separate piece of paper, submit a diagram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions; including distance from any structure, distance from property lines and distances from ally domestic water supply or shore-line of lake, stream, pond or wetlands. Include all dimensions of the system itself. ' Description of proposed system: G yA _ /I k Septic tank size/QUO gal . S0 N Y 4etai 'c -- Size of stone A Seepage Pit (s) NumberaLlizankralarflize of stonet • Any contractor, corporation, individuel,Etc. , engaged in the construction of a Sanitary Sewage Disposal System, who covers the same before inspection, does not have an approved Permit, or varies from the approved application, will be subject to a Penalty of $250 as provided for in Section 6. 010 of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. —n � ‘ Sign ure Applicant - Datt 01/S6 and/vl Jown of Queeniburry BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSALD� SYSTEM INSPECTION (( NAME 1"O l4 L LOCATION A) doian2W0ooa DATES/K / $b O PERMIT NO. (2 -at D SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field, total Length of each tre Depth of tre s Size of g aveI_ SEEPAGE PITS{Nunber of) / Size- ft. X ft. 9 ,( 7 X Gravel size - i .5 PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to to Tank to dist. bo Dist. box to field/pit Openings sealed? YES NO ial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Absorption to lot line ft. Separation of pits ft. LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY(circle one) Front - Rear - Left side - Right side - CCOMMENTS: / lhs /Dsn6cruzu /K 2° 51-*-eiGE Fir O,V t j Are- Qra-ulo✓S SLIP 5//1 ryyrfli( ton.' 5-2 x5 ° Pouttko Ca vert_ 5kerrous _ SYSTEM USE APPROVED NO / NO /]%I�a tea. Hu lding Inspe. or 01/86 and vl H I li _/own of Queenabury l///BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Newland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME Pei. , f1 L LOCATION/ 4 Ccr,MLWooD DATE ? / RC, PERMIT NO. F 0- `.Z/ O SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: ahcnrpt:i+n s4-"4, total length h....,Lh of each trench Heprh-of Menthes wee-pf-grevel_ SEEPAGE PITS{Number of) Size- _ft. X __ft57rk 1j trsri, Gravel size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to tank Tank to dist. box 41 " G Dist. box to field/pit y" V Openings sealed? ES NO Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to tank /) ft. Foundation to absorption 7-0 ft.f Absorption to lot line ft. Separation of pits ft. LOCATION OF YSTEM ON PROPERTY(circle one) Front - CrIP Left side - Right side - Cct4MENTS: Slit-0V6PET- SX lb- OKToCovb c 5/i7 ov6Plr criW4w4-12_ 4 6-y W/ 35rov�l SYSTEM USE APPROVED YES N Bui din n ector 01/86 and vl ✓own of Queenatury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. R.D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 MAY 14 1986 RE : POHL, 4 CEDARWOOD DRIVE TWO ON-SITE INSPECTIONS, THIS DATE, REVEALED PROBLEMS WITH LOCATION AND CONFIGURATION OF SEEPAGE PITS AS DESCRIBED ON PERMIT . LOCATION OF ESTABLISHED TREES DENIED SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR THREE PITS . APPROVAL WAS GIVEN FOR ONE 8FT DEEP, 8 FT DIAMETER PIT WITH MIN. 24" OF 03 STONE SURROUNDING, AND ONE RECTANGULAR PIT, 7FT DEEP, 7FT WIDE AND 11 FT LONG WITH MIN. 24' OF 113 STONE SURROUNDING . ONE OLD PIT WAS REMOVED. 8X10 PIT(CYLINDRICAL)= 251 SQ FT 7X7X11 RECTANGULAR = 252 SQ FT 502 SQ FT ( REQUIRED FOR 4 BEDROOM MOME, 500FT) fz f 1 of r �f r V f�io i t`( 2•1; c- x M sec'` \ .0e� St: Se II' 7X 7 X II ull _11 li�8�x t l4��e fi15' "rs 9 `0004 m f!OoS C—