1982-03-04 61 are deating with tonight, these people are asking me,why they probabZy know a Zot more than I do but I guess they are beating aZZ around the bush. i Unknown- How much wouZd it cost to get the professionaZ expertise? Supervisor WaZter- in our discussion here tonight we found that the costs of the f expertise would be quite high. . .Based on that]we can take no action tonight or are we going to, I�>did not say it was cZosed completegy. . . Asked for further comments. . .none were heard. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS RFS0LTJTTnN Nn_ 6 ._ Introduced by Dr. CharZes Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that Audit of BiZZs as Zisted on Abstract No. 82-2D and numbered 297 through 301 and totaZing $3,966. 78 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None Absent: None i Abstain: Mr. OZson No. 297 Dr. Eisenhart No. 298 Mrs. Monahan No. 301 i On motion the meeting was adjourned. t i Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk i TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 4, 1982 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS i Mrs. Frances WaZter-Supervisor Mr. DanieZ Olson-Councilman Dr. CharZes Eisenhart-CounciZman Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ-CounciZman ABSENT Mrs. Betty Monahan-CounciZman Mr. Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PZedge of Allegiance Zed by Supervisor WaZter Press: G.F. Post Star Meeting Opened 4:05 P.M. Supervisor WaZter- the purpose of this meeting is to setthe Public Hearing reZative to the estabZishment of a Water Dist. in the Broadacres section of Queensbury. We have had an informationaZ meeting and the proper papers have been fiZed in the Town CZerk's Office. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BROADACRES WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-A OF THE TOWN LAW i RESOLUTION NO, 63. Introduced by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ Olson: WHEREAS, a map, pZan and report have been prepared, in a manner and detaiZ as determined by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, regarding the estabZishment of a proposed Water District in the Broadacres area of the Town; and WHEREAS, such map, plan and report have been fiZed in the Town CZerk's Office in the Town; and WHEREAS, the map, pZan and report were prepared by CharZes H. Scudder, a competent engineer Zicensed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district, and a generaZ pZan of the water system, and a report of the proposed 62 method of operation; and WHEREAS, the map and plan show the source of mater supply, the water mains, distributing pipes and hydrants, together with the location and a general i description of all public works existing or required; and j WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed Broadacres Water District are as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly corpora- tion line of the City of Glens FalZs at the north- easterly corner of lands of Louis and Vivian McArthur, said point being the southwesterly corner of the intersection of Jerome Avenue and the roadway commonly _ referred to as the "Fire Road", running from thence southerly along the westerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls, following the westerly bounds of --} Jerome Avenue to and across Dixon Road and continuing southerly crossing Pershing Road, Broadacres Road and Coolidge Avenue, to a point in Western Avenue at the intersection of the said westerly corporation line of the City of Glens Falls with the extension easterly of the southerly bounds of lands of Marrs; thence running westerly to the southeasterly corner of the said lands of Marrs and continuing the same course westerly along the southerly bounds thereof to an angle point in the easterly bounds of lands of DeRocker; thence running southerly, westerly and again southerly along three courses in the easterly bounds of the said Zands of DeRocker, to the south- easterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the '! southerly bounds of the said lands of DeRocker to jthe southeasterly corner of lands of Barber; thence westerly, northerly, again westerly and again north- erZy along the four courses of the southerly and westerly bounds of the said Zands of Barber, to a point in the southerly bounds of lands of Reichert; thence westerly along a portion of the southerly bounds of the said lands of Reichert and continuing - westerly along the southerly bounds of lands of Canavan, Lebowitz and Hopkins to the southeasterly corner of lands of McDonough; thence westerly, northerly and again westerly along three courses forming the south- erZy bounds of the said Zands of McDonough, to a point in the easterly bounds of Zands of King; thence j southerly along a portion of the easterly bounds of the said Zands of King to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Zands of King and the southerly bounds of Zands of Robert and Claire Dempsey to the south- easterly corner of Zands conveyed by Vicary Clark to Kenneth and Carol Hopper by deed dated January 3, 1977, recorded in book number 602 of deeds at page 630 in the Warren County CZerk's office; thence running westerly along the southerly bounds of the said premises conveyed to Hopper, to the southwesterly corner thereof;thence running west- erZy along a portion o f the southerly bounds of other lands of Kenneth and Carol Hopper and being also along the northerly bounds of a portion of the bounds of Zands of Carl Kreiser, to the north- westerly corner of the said Zands of Kreiser and continuing the same course westerly for a total distance of 200 feet, more or less, to a point; - thence running northwesterly to a point in the southerly bounds of Zands of Thomas and Elizabeth Remsen; thence westerly along a portion of the southerly bounds of the said Zands of Remsen, 20 feet, more of less, to the southeasterly corner of Zands of Arthur BinZey, III; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of the said Zands of BinZey and the southerly bounds of Zands of Elliot and Jane Fleet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly hands of the said Zands of Fleet to the southerZy bounds of Griffing Place; thence westerly along the southerly bounds of Griffing Place to the southwesterly corner thereof in the easterly bounds of the Adirondack Northway; ' I I i thence northerly along the westerly end of Griffinq Place 50 feet more of less to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of Griffing Place to the -southwesterZy corner of lands of L. Michael and Charlotte Daly; thence north- erZy along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Daly and along the several courses of the west- ', erZy bounds of lands of Raymond and Marion Bates, to a point in the southerZy bounds of Dixon Road; thence running northerly along a line which is a continuation of the preceeding course across Dixon Road to a point in the northerly bounds thereof at the southwesterly corner of lands of Ruth Hadley; thence running northerly along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Hadley, being still along the easterly bounds of the Adirondack Northway, to a �- point in the easterly bounds of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence northerly along the easterly bounds of the said lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and the westerly bounds of the said lands of Hadley, to the northwesterly corner of the said lands of Hadley; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of the said lands of Hadley to the northeasterly corner thereof, being on or near the northerly bank of HaZfway Brook; thence running northeasterly along the northerly bank of the said brook as the same winds and turns, being also the northerly bounds of lands of Morgan and Ruth Boyd, to the northeasterly corner thereof in the westerly bounds of lands of Dixon Court, Inc.; thence running southerly along the westerly bounds of Dixon Court, Inc. to the northwesterly corner of Zadds of Philip and Margaret Smith; thence run- ning easterly along the northerly bounds o-F the said lands of Smith, the northerly bounds of lands of Harold and Elizabeth Katz, Harold and Dora Bradley, the northerly end of Northup Drive, the northerly II! bounds of lands of Robert and Susan Heide, Charles and Katherine Cote, the northerly end of Bullard Avenue, the northerly bounds of lands of Charles R. Wood Enterprises, Inc., the northerly bounds of Zands .of Douglas and Judith Neely, to a point in the westerly bounds of Linden Avenue; thence north- erZy along the westerly bounds of Linden Avenue, 140. 29 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof: thence easterly along the northerly bounds of Park- view subdivision, being three courses which total 800.99 feet, to the westerly bounds of Jerome Avenue at the point and place of beginning. and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said Broadacres Water District are the construction and installation of pipes, hydrants, valves and appurtenances for the distribution of water to and in said District; and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing the cost of the improvements consists of the issuance of serial bonds of the ,Town to mature in annual installments over a period not exceeding Fifteen (15) years, payable in the first instance from assess- ; ments levied on an ad valorem basis on benefited real property in the proposed district: and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement is Four Hundred Ninety-Six Thousand Two Hundred Ten ($496,210.00) Dollars; and WHEREAS, the map, pZan;' and the report describing the improvements are on file in the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection, NOW, on motion of Mr. Morrell, and seconded by Mr. Olson, it is hereby i j ORDERED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, shall meet at the Town Office Building in the Town, situate at Bay and Haviland Roads, on the 18th day o. March, 1982 at 7:30 o'eZock p.m., for the purpose of_oanductinq a public hearing on the proposal to establish said water district with the improvements specified therefor and to consider the map, plan and report, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, and to take action as may be required and authorized by law, and E l 64 i i it is further i ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized and directed to pubZish, a copy of this order in the official newspaper of the Town of Queensbury and to post a copy of the same on the signboard of the Town of Queensbury, in the time and manner required by law. The vote adopting this order is a follows: Frances J. Walter, Supervisor Voting ems_ Daniel C. Olson, Councilman Voting yes Dr. Charles R. Eisenhart, Councilman Voting yes Daniel H. Morrell, Jr., Councilman Voting erg Betty C. Monahan, Councilwoman Voting Absent The order is adopted. Dated: March 4, 1982 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT ACTING CEMETERY SUPERINTENDENT SOLUT Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, the position of Cemetery Superintendent is vacant, and WHEREAS, Robert Engwer has been employed in this department and is aware of procedures and daily operation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Mr. Robert Engwer be appointed acting Cemetery Superintendent, j effective March 4, 19823 for a period of time until a permanent replacement can be hired. i DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Walter 4 Noes: lone Absent: Mrs. Monahan I Councilman Eisenhart- noted that he met with the Cemetery commission on Wednesday and a discussion was held in regard to a replacement, it was noted at the meeting that Mr. Engwer was not interested in the job. . . Supervisor Walter- the job will be advertised in the local paper and applications will be accepted up until March 19th at 12:00 noon. CounciZmmn Olson- thanked Dr. Eisenhart and the Cemetery Commission . . . Supervisor WaZter-This Commission is the only one of its kind in the State of New York, it was created by a special act of the legislature for the powers they have, it is unique, we were looking for some kind of consultant to help us with a problem relative to investing money and in dealing with the Department of State the answer to my inquiry as to who might be the one to h6Zp us)they really did not have anyone because there isn!t anything like that in the State of New York, so we are on our own. i RESOLUTION TO ATTEND SEMINAR j RESOLUTION NO. 65 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. anieZ Morrell: WHEREAS, Fire Marshal Bodenweiser has requested permission to attend the "Fire Leadership Institute Seminar" at the N.Y. St. Fire Academy, at Montour Falls, N.Y. on April 4th and 5th 1982 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT I RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby grants permission for Fire Marshal Bodenweiser to attend the Seminar providing the monies are in his 1982 budget and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary expenses,