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pkNC FICATEOF occu TDyyN 0F QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW Y0FLK 87 OCTOBER 19 �- 4 Date I pp y I 1 1 � � ✓ ✓ to done by Permit Nc�, This '1i mat is to eery*� war1� requested be do 't hss beer* completed cuael vaiaili.au This mtructon tnaY Y 2 rot: 37 Full w `� Location Kichael Vaailiou Omer g y Order To•vn Beard TOWN l+i C]F Ql�+3EENS�U RY y I i S ' i S ;` E i•i i° [} R A ii y CERTIFICATE (�F +C�CC�L.TI',A� NC B TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Late Iu1} " 33 � 19 t37 work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. This is to certify that S 3 17 7 has been completed. st ."wre may be occupieed as a GNr- FAMIILY DWELLING Location i t7T � 37 i4IL'; tZSc Rt3AI) 5 T . NU . 2 i ,fjC.hkEL VASIL.IOU Qwner i-t!4 P IR AI:'; C: / 0 ISST.]I�L' FOfC 60 DAYS By larder Town Hoard ?;G FINAL 7E; EC;"TR'.C:A€ I`+SYP;CT i `2v . TOWN OF QUEENSSLIRY l Suildina & Zoning Inspector Il .I BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 87-177 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Michael `7asiliou `- PERMISSION is hereby granted to Lot 37 Willow Road ( St II, No * 2 7 ) Street, 'Road or Ave. sc'n OWNER of property located at e Ines o Queens ury 111111116 r• One—Family Dwelling o in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is 32 Willow Road Queensbury , New York 12801 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name same C' 0 rt w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 1~ same 0 0 E 0 4, ARCHITECT'S Name a rn R 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 0 s..> S. TYPE of Construction — IPlease indicate by X) (X} wood Frame { ) Masonry { ) steel ( } m I 7. PLANS and Specifieatians 28 ' x72 ' per plot plan , specifications and application submitted No. including sewage system and two-car attached garages . S. Proposed Use m One—Family Dwelling 00 $5 . 00 C /o Nov . 1 1g 87 $ 178 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES r (If a longer period is required an application for an sxtsnsion must be made to the Building and mooning inspector of the town of Qusensbury before the expiration date.) April 19 87 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 20th Day of p .� , a for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY f E Building and Zoning Inspector TOWN OF QUF; our°' _ G. TO BE COMPLETED BY BLD DEFT . [ ` I I. , 1 Application No . L c 19 _7 /,o,vn o/ Queen3iury Permit Issued BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Expires l9 k APR`� ���� Bay and Haviland Road. R. D. 1 BOX 98 ,Zoning Designation D Variance No . UILDING & CVE DEFT. C}ueensbury, New York 12$(f Site plan Review No . 1-6o e'er 3 yC� O l _ 377 Approved by : K zJfrJ APPLICATION FOR „( 2 L� _ 9 �f t ° . ; EU I LD I NG AND ZONING PERMIT III. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING . The undersigned hereby applies for a Building permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted , and such special -conditions �as -may be-indicated-on-the-Permit - _'--_____-_�-___ ...._-__-- The owner of this property is : Kt /E'l - - Tel . le �"= — ✓ p . 0 , Address �, Tax Map Property Location : Street ntm ble or b eing lot numlaer 00) Subdivision name ( if applicable) THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK. AS REGARDS BUILDING CODES IS : Name r P . O. Addre Tel . No . Address [ e, I ,1a t2 , Tel . Name of builder G O -----�"� Tel . Name of plumber AddressIII 2. - Name of maSOIl _�}����r"„ �� � '�' �Address Tel . NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : * ZO ING INFORMATION : ak:Construction of a new building A PLOT PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED , drawn reasonably t , o scale and attached hereto Addition to a building Alteration to a building showing clearly and distinctly all buildings , (no change to exterior dimensions } " whether existing or proposed and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines . Give Other work (describe) street and num4.7ax' or lot number and indicate whether interior or corner lotit . Show location FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT . STATE SIZE AND * of water supply and location end configuration LOCATION OF STRUCTURES AFFECTED . * of septic disposal area . COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW . * Size of property ft X-, ft . Existing building ( s) Size .�-�=I X ft . PROPOSED BUILDING AND USE : Existing building ( s ) Use * Size of new structure I ft x t distance from pro erty line Foundation one) * Proposed buildings (circle one) * Front yard � ft Rear yard Lei fit No . of stories (habitable space)_ * Side yards+ _ G ft and ^ft Height (grade to ridge) 4l ft . * If on corner , setback from side street ft If residential , no . of families * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION No . of rooms ( excluding baths) No . of bedrooms PRIMARY BUILDING - No . Of bathrooms * e family dwelling Primary heating system * Two family dwelling ^.Type of fuel Multiple dwelling / Number of units No . of fireplaces to be installed * Permanent occupancy f Will a wood stove be installed? * Transient occupancy Central Air conditioning? * Business BUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE * Industrial other Ranch Contemporary Log can * If addition , what will use be? Raised ranch Mansion Duplex * split level Old. style Bungalow pthex * ACCESSORY BUILDING- C Cottage car Town House * Detached garage/one car/ two rW Colonial Row * CIRCLE ONE PLEASE car ( } Attached garage/one car/ wo car Private storage building ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF '� Other CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS , ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET , TO BE COM.PLETEDI Form BPA 4/86 and-vl BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? if so , for what ? Foundation wall material Depth of foundation below grade Thickness 9 (to bat f footing ) Will there be a cellar?Heated or unheate Will theme be a basemen Floor sq, footage sq ft r� Will any ion be used as living space ? ( If so , what portion? ft . - Type of use? Type of roof - sloped/flat /other Material of rho Size , wood studs _FIX ,F spacing "o . c . length ft . Joists ( floor beams ) Ist _ floor_ Soists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor „X— Ito spacing_ jG ^o , c , span g ft , Overlays ( ceilin beams ) FIX � T,X--t spacing_ IF span ft . raf l !r spacing_ o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered spacing To span p ft . Interior wall finish what material? . If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : I here o be an opening betw en garage and dwellin door , enclosure , and self-closing device be providedm g' If so will a Fire-rate Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? rb Depth of chimney foundation below grade�Heigh% above roof ft . Depth of fireplace hearth %weft , in . Water supply - Municipal or private well 40ow r SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) Town of Queensbury T� 1 � County of Warren A F F I D Y A I T STATE OF NEW yORK I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all Provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all ether laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not , and that such work is authorized by the owner . SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature _day of 19 .Y /'� + owner ' s ag t , archirect , contractor Notary Public , Warren County , N. y . * * For * * * IF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * It * * For * * * * SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : f By TOWN or WARREN CGUNTY , NEW YORK A" 11CAt1on for : BUILDING PEMIT IN COMPt, IANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY COUSERVATIGN CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work , ANSWER ALL of the following : I . Gross floor ar :: a 2 . Type of heat A/ 0 ✓ (.�[ 1'=,�+-�/. � 3 . Is the building mechanically cogled ? rz C> 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors 1 ,3 As Over 16e DnIY - l . Uo value of grows area, of walla , roof / ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES NO �■�� a . Are foundation walls insulated ? NO NP 1 . If YES , what i8 the R valuer ? �'► �/ 3 . Slab on grade YLS Pi0 a . If YES , what is the value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES Np A * R value of insulation 5 . Type of insulation •W t S . Under 1E+ t Gnl 1 . R value of roof and flonrs exposed to ambient conditions _ -.. 3 w 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area /:;Z 2� 4 . R value of doors 5 . R value of floors over heated space $ — 6 . R value of slab edge i. nsu i at <. nn , ,- a i 4 .•.r 7 . R value of slab inattlatio -n - heated ;slab B . R value of heated basement / cellar walls ( above rlro7e3e') _~ , 9 . R value of heatedbasemment / cellar walls ( below grade 104 Type of insulation 45' C . Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum hecit aettinv 2 De Duct System :s 1 . Is duct syst'wm instsll_ed in unheated spaces ? Y17S t: c� a . If YES , R value of duct installation be R value of duct in other.- areas E . PiPing Insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent Pipe 2 . R value of pipe innulatian� F , Service water tieeatincr �y? 10 Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature C0ntrO1 setting maximum " ' ,, � r� 0 G . For Swimming Pool_ On1Y 1 "' 1 . ,Maximum heating Tt� ,A ephvnv NO * t nI, }alica4#9 n .rt sre ? APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DXSPOSAL PERMIT DATE/ W r LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION " g Owner's Name: /a'G. fa1.� Telephoner Z J �3 Address: „r►+�) f <' L- v �-.,, Installer*s Name: �,J� f�"► _�,F ..'— Telephoner ■ Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute @ 150 gal per bedroom) Q -- Topography; circle on : Flat Roiling Steep Slope %u of slope Soil Nature: circle on San Loam Clay Other / Depth: feet Ground 'Water: At what depth? feet Bedrock or Impervious A aterialr At what depth? feet Percolation test: circle one: of require required rate min. inch. Domestic water supplys circle ones unicipa ell Other IF domestic water supply is a Well*- Separations Watersupply from Septic absorption feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank gal. (minimum size: 1 ,000 gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trench ��. feet / Total system length feet SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of Size each feel: by feet Size of stone to be used Depth or Thickness feet I M P O R T A N T ...Please...LIST NEW -RQUl[PMEN'r TO BE INSTALT XD (over) Section II Septicm Inspections: _ Syste A. All applications for septic system installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing: I .) the proposed location of the system 2.) location and distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to structures 4.) location and distance to any water supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, tile fields and/or drywells B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $25o,00. C. An approved COPY Of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage, Do Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. l have read the regulations above and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Que4ensbury Sanitary Sewage Dispcwal Ordinance. Signature of responsible person: r/ w� Date: "Town of Queensbury Building and Code Department Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12801 (518) 792.-5832 SETTLE] 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY A GOOD_ PLACE TO LIVE �ueens �urt�r f3L}fLC11h1G and ZONING DEPART$ox 9$ Bay and }iaviland New o F D12$OI p,s,eensbu ry, g Lf i L�'yD�I f NG INSPECTORTS REPORT . NAME � II II LOCATION +� f� Permit. No o Date_ '7 �- * * * * * * * k * * NO APPROVED YES Footing/Pier Forms Foun dat ion Waterproofing aackf ill F ramming goofing Siding Masonry Veneer �-- Ro.ugh Plumbing Relief Values Ext . Porches Finished FloorS i terior Trim tairs 6 Railings_ �-- Cellar Drain Tile�� Concrete Floors � - ,„ bg . Fixtures ar . Fireproofing �pqr Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION Foundation Floors T Walls Ceilang INSPECTION_ t pINAL ELECTCPL � - - ,)RIVEWBuila n&V survey Final ctlOn. Next scheduled insP e (call when ready) 14 Remarks~ Building YnSp'sctor b/S'S and-vl /pe+�r� o QueQns IRA rF BUitDiNG and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. R.D. 1 Sox 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BL) ILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME 1�✓� 1� 1� 1 �- LOCAT I QN �, "3 1 Permit NO . " C * * * * * * rr * �* �* YES NO APPROVED Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill F aming goof ing (� iding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing L' Rellef valy tC 1�fxt . Porches tej�inished Floo Ljwn�teri.or Trim Stairs & Railing, Cellar Drain Tile concrete Floors p'jbg _ Fixtures Ga Fireproofing r Closers -� • rnoke Detectors .� � l�fz imney [.} S SULATION 1 --Tr`oundation I Floors Ceiling L/'p' INAL ELECTRICAL INgpECTION_ i DRIVEWAY AppROV k,.�inal Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call rotten ready) Remarks- -tcn t /� CeA Building Inspector £,/86 md--vl _Jawn of gQuee" J .1 " ry BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and 1-{aviland Road, R.D . 1 Sox 98 Queensbury, New `fork 12801 SEPTIC SPOSAL YSTEM INSPECTION NAME ` ? 7 -- LOCAT I ON DATEo7 It PERMIT NO . "- SOIL. TYPE - Sand. - Loam - ClaY - Percolation Test. Required? YES - ,NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch _ TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total length Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of gravel" 11 SEEPAGE PlTS-(Number � _ Size- �,ft. x z Gravel size Sir T e PIPING : Bldg . to tank — Tank, to dist. box Dist. box to i feld/ O artial openings sealed? LOCATION/SEPARATIONS : f L ft. Foundation to tank tian eft . Z. Foundation to absorpft. Absorption to lot line haft. one)Separation of pits -"-- LOCATION Cif' SYSTEM ON PROPERTY (Circlerl� ant Rear - Left side - Right side - NTS : ,1 C C C.e tl SYSTEM USE APPROVEAiling YES No Bui nspector 01/a6 and vl ._.Jp4t/►t fi� a�tlBE+I'+3b+t,e+r't� BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. R_D, 1 Sox 98 ❑ueensbury. New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME Afq i f/ ' 5 / / /'�� -- LOCATION n 4 Date /' l�e`rmit No APPROVED - YES NO Footi.ng/pier Forms Foun,datior► Waterproofing L;g k.fill raming Roofing Siding Masonry veneer +. ugh Plumbing Relief Valves Ext , Porches Finished Floors interior Trim stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete ]Floors Plbg - Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing Door Closers smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION Foundation Floors Walls ceiling dift FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL rvey Final Building Next scheduled inspection (call vher► ready Remarks- Suildi g In pec r!1 6/ 86 and-vl f� crr coo � � z - 9' �+ a► .}own 01 Queenj6urry BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Stay and Havitand Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury. New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOa ' S REPORT rr NAME,uanoi; �/1-� L LOCATION C(/JCC 0 ""/ Date permit rIo _ $�1 if �+ APPROVED YES *NO Footing/Pier Forms 7�Foundation \Waterproofing XBackf111 Framing Roofing Sidings Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext , Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim stairs & Railings Cellar Drain 'Tile Concrete. Floors plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney IN sU LAT I CN.3 Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION _ DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey�� Next scheduled inapection ( call when` early Remarks- 11/1 r 8ui1 'Ing Inspector 6/86 and-vl J©wri o Queenybu�r� Bu1Lc)%NG and Zot*41"G DEPARTME T Bay and Haviland N a Yark. I Oi 98 Clueensbury. BuI LDING INSf} ECTOR ' S REPORT NAME. L.00AT ION ! <iL7- permit No . Date APPROVED YE YE NO )(Footing/Pier Forms Foundation waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding MasonrY Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext . Porches �- Finished Floors Interior Trim stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing Door Closers gmo]Se Detectors Chimney INSULATION : Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling �. FINp� ELECTR,CAD INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Survey Final Building �- Next scheduled insp ection (call when ready ) Remar ks- Bu ding Inspector 6/86 and-vl owno QuQ,�n yhure� BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queenstmry, New Work 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME �� ,-7,r,J LOCATION Date. � r� Permit No ✓* APPROVED* de *S* NO t ing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backf i.l l Framing hoofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough plumbing Relief Valves Exte Parches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings �— Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing Door Closers Smote Detectors Chimney IN SU LAT I ON x Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL IINSPEC ION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey Y3ext scheduled inspection (call when ready ) Remarks- Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl Dturx D/ Queenshury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury. New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME � , r �, ct � � Y Si l i Cl c{ LOCATION ttTT 3 `7 GcJf fl our = 'Date L 143 ,/ � Permit No . 11/ APPROVED - 'YES NO ' Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext . Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete 'Floors Plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSUI.ATION : Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call when ready ) Remarks- F;uilding Inspector 6/86 and-vl BUILDING DEPT. COPY OF APPLICATION FORM 46-EL, NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. rl FILE THIS COPY WITH BUILDING DEPT. WHEN REQUIRED. TEMP. ! f CITY OR -^ /VILLAGE 7 !!.! S � IP C: .et"`.I , NTY +"Wr.Mr STREET AND NO. OR �.�I' ROAD AND POLE NO. "/ r CE4e, d POLE NO. BETWEEN FIAT TWO CROSS STREETS IS PREMi S LOCATED? SECTION BLOCK 7 OCCUPANT'S BUILDING NAME OCCUPANCY OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESSCURRENT SUPPLIED / BY .iF <'J FROM THEIR a„ . el7/' /' OFFICE IS.1ILflIMG NEW OLD ❑ IS RK NEW AObITtONAL © RDEFECTS EMOVED El LIST BELOW A IPMENT WHICH YOU INSTALLED No. of F BRANCH NUMBER OF OUTLETS Lang R MOTORS HEATERS CIRCUITS OFFICE USE Lacy ONLY lion Side Attaab"t Colling Side Reowls StIImil Rmmilmnt No. Type F wEnaacrel No GGewj W INSPECTION D ut- si" Sca ub a+eR- n..ttt Jet FBI Zod FL 3M FI. REMARKS= LIST OTHER ELECTRfCAL pEVICES NOT SET FORTH ABOVE: DO NOT USE THIS SPACE. This applicelion is inhiMad to cover the aho sated egllipment to be inspected but if et tilae ac inspection You are au thw ized to make theinspection and adjust liter Fewto amw the sW ip is litionet aquro as ent, Pwavid Iry st e�l � imatoi�ind uonl iprna��t not ehowa listed, spplimaw.at. SIZE OF ELECTRIC SIGN TOTAL MAINS FEEDERS LAMPS WATTS CHARACTER E%POSED GAS TUBE SIGN OF WORK CONCEALED TRANSFORMERS OF VA WORK To BE (NUMBER} (CAPACITY( STARTED COMPLETED SIZE OF SIGN E.MTERSE OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND MAKER ILDING OF SIGN INSPECTION REOUESTEO ON OR AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE NEW OLD AVOID DELAY BY 41 VI NG FU LL AND ACCURATE INFORMATION, ALL SPACES MUST BE FILLED IN OR APPLICATION MAY BE RETURNED, DATE DATE OF N PRINT NAME A D ��iiDRESS APPU ` NAME OF /Fls f } ` j �! SIGNATURE APPLICANT !! TT 'k z+�, *'-�. !^l OF APPLICANT''''",.��1�,�+,' +�r' _ STREET ADDRESS ` +i' f I L7 TELEPHONE # ; T "`� CITY OFFICE may__ ZIP POST OFFICE i i'i7w^'+a'f• {CODEIrNMEN APPLHCABLE 46 EL (REV. 1/ea) A SEPARATE APPLICATION MIDST BE FILED FOR EACH !SEPARATE BUILDING