1987-206 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF +QUEENSBUR'Y No. 87- 206 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK � o tad PERMISSIOIN is hereby granted to .John Barrett rt .t m OWNER of property located at 3 Arbutus Drive rl Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Above—Ground Swimming Pool at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is 3 Arbutus Drive Queensbury , New York 12801 c rr c m 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Rid On Pools a c ra 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Geyser Road Saratoga , NY 12866 d. ARCHITECT'S Name tY 5. ARCHITECT'S Address G C m 1 C] rl 6 B_ TYPE of Construction — {Please indicate by Xi t�- I 1 Wood Frame I i Masonry f } Steel { I cry 7. PLANS and Specifications 1 r� No 32 ' xl6 ' steel /vinyl pool perplot plan and application °4 0 0 8. Proposed Use Above Ground Swimming Pool $ 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 1 19 87 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queenshury before the expiration date.l Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 29th Day of A r31 19 87 SIGNED BY )fta4CA Ct - w+t. for the Town of Queensbury Building and zoning lnspectyt' r �Jou ri oseeenshrcrt�r L I ;l 13U1LDING and ZONING Dr= PAPTMENT APR ?a 4 'iSY+1 Say and Haviland 'Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 Quee3nsbury, New York 1280; BUILDING & CODE DEPT. 0, SWIMMING POOL PERMIT AI' LICATIiJN FEE PAID Owner " s Name �.'��,'�*r''� .�3 �..4� �e"/ �-- / 1 e t . Location 3 Type of PooZ - - in - ground above ground F Size : Length S3 ,.�. ft . - Width 1 Z2 ft . - Diameter ft . - Depthy t . Approximate water capacity 1aZtons . MateriaZe used in construction : ( circle one ) SteelfyingZ - FibregZass - - Gunite - -Poured Concrete - - Other Corr trac tor,/.lns to Z Zer / LS Te I Address - _ t-1�� I JA q e:L %Sd t-1 t2 -J1 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : On a separate piece of paper , submit a diagram ; drawn to show ; PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - LOCATION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . Application for Electrical Inspection is necessary . The New York Board of Fire Underwriters will 'make this inspection . A copy of the application is to be filed with this office . This office is to be notified upon completion of construction ; including installation of fencing . A FINAL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE 'USE OF T '_ POOL IS AUTHORIZED & r Signature of Applicant '` - Date r 02 / 86 and - vl Town OF QUEENSBURY SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS - ARTICLE ? , SECTION 7 . 074 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES 4 ) $ 15 . 00 Fee for Pool Permit 4 ) Private Swimming Pools . Private swimming pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a principal , non-commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows ; except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming Pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the Principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from any side lot line , principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Shall be landscaped . d ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood , e ) All private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a permanent fence of durable material at least four ( 4 ) feet in height , f ) In the case where a lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public rights-of -way , a private swimming pool shall be erected only on that portion of the said lot that is directly adjacent to that side of the principal building which is . directly opposite the architectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case shall the pool be any nearer to the lot lines abutting any public right-of -way than the required front setback for the principal building of the zoning district in which it is located . e Furthermore , the pool shall be screened fron the view of the public right-of-way and the neighbor - ing property by means of landscaping . ( See defini - tion of " Landscaping " ) NOTE : ALL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST STATE MATERIAL TO BE USED . SUCH AG : STEEL VINYL FIBERGLASS POURED CONCRETE GUNITE ABOVE' GROUND THE NEW YO► RK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS F 411- :c i1 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 111 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SUITE 744, ALBANY, IVY 1221 ❑ � Application No. onJilc 1 `i .`('1r7 Date F1{ i('xtS;i'1' l l : a .r ica THIS GERTIRIRS THAT t nansedam the abaoe application nrsnabaar in theprensiees of only the eisetric+nl sgaapajone so dercriboti halo+: areal intraaltrr�aEl by the 11_7Hli 3�F�F:FF7`l"1' , 711n Fil l'r11S 11R . c�?l1r;F=115F311k`� , N L ()(')1 , Section Block Lot in thefatlowini{ location; ❑ Baseatent ❑ Ise Fl. End woa examined on Fil)(.10ST 1 G, . 14_0}10 a an to be in compliartce with the National ElectHcal Code. J K. W. T.TURESANOM eoanNo DICKS erve+ls CON wASNRRS I�rcNwusT PANS UtNi *4CLn SMIITC"" NCANDttctNr PWOt�9MT OTHER T. C W. AMT. AM TE.W. AMT. AMP. k. W. CK"UI H. r. OUTTi + NOVIT TIMR Rpt UNIT INEATURS DRYERS PLO"ACE MOTORS "JTUM A!*l1ANCR l�RS TRANS. AMT. H. P. AMT. WATTS AMT. K. W. a► H. P. aAi H. P. AMT. NQ A. W. a. AMT. A00. AMT. Nil. Of "M 3 ■ R Y 1 C R SHVTCR WSCONNR!CT N4.Oi F ry No- to Ntur+rA�i vs iAI TeR 1 X RW T X 7W 3 Jr SM/ 9 X iW N4. 0* CC WHO. A. W�. . No. HI-LEG a HMI- AMt. AMP. SG N O ram! A. TF1S! APPARATUS, 11019OP' i , 1 -F i5h1:[14i'TT1(I ! Thi - l Sl;:l:F'°.' Y 1.i:El s?Il �- `✓ . �3f"..'::S11 T;� !tt] 'I'.' 1.4E}t1:31.1 ct. .� t�T71X i. x _,r}nrr. E�t. it i. r: L0Vi �'cklJi Fl l'.(1 (i T - -r+t�lElrs 17.� :-+ '-{11;i 1 1 $- 7 ••[i }7f'- 1` K?r3lt . IE�Hta Fth,RF ETT RR,LNCN MANAG[+R rrXRBEJTIK1 i OP ;:1JF E:NSk�Eile'r'' , till' . rs be identified by Their credentiah�. This certificate mutt "Of be altered in any manners return to the 04fkO O4 the $oord ect if incorr , Inspec►o may COPY FAR BUILDING DEPARTMENTTHIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MAIIINER. .._ "mono* TOWN OF QUEECSSSUR'Y S CODE ENFORCEMENT BUILDING 742 DAY ROAD QUE ( 510 ) 745- [ 4 44478\3 IY�`►-rr INS ARRIVE : i.-=-c•-T�` RESZVENT FINAL INSPECTION REPORT DATE INSPECTION 6 QUEST RECEIVED : NlhME LOCATION V� PE IT f DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURS FRAMING BAC VILL FOOTINGS,____. FOUNDATSOS •IC INSULATtoN ROUGH PLUNGING W ODST'+d OR P' IRSPLACE FINAL ELECTRICAL N S O . CHI MN HEIG VENT I T P U ING V N ROOF N EXIT RIOR N SH DECSC PO RC PS NG RE IEF VA V 'S FURNACE HO WA P G IN ER OR R VA DOO FINIS O S • BATH K ITCH WATER O HE F SWEE OTHER RS C RR TED STAIR CL RANCE RAI INGS SNG E D TO S G ATHRO M 'FAN i P U BIN FI T S Fou nA oN A ION GpyIpGF FIRE P OOFING i DO O CLOSERS E ECT IC SITE LAN VARIAN E RE FIN L SURVEY LOT PL N OK TO S O O C C Xv .... ,,ter• (�. xM / L- l 'Icon OFEROA�RY 531 BAY YORK 12804 iQUEEt�SBURY + ( 511a) 7 4 RgpOR�C TELEPHONEIKSPEC'TfIR` S BLIILCIIIG � p4 FYKAI.- I PEGEI ' -D J REQUEST FOR IKSPECCTI TI0n 41 ,e RA14E �- LOCAT I pumll# DATEP4% - -TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE) MARS14AL APPROVAL t BACKFILL FRAMING FIRE SEPTIC FOUNDATION "FOOTIKG , FINAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH PLUMBINGWO�STOV'E/FIREPLACE' INSULATION 1 vvv"• `." REMARKS APPROV AL NO NIA YES CHINII+EY HEIGHT/LOCH I B VENT /LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING EP IRA LINGS DECK/PORCH/S G —�- " RELIEF VALVES ONG FURNACE/ HOT LATION DUCTWORK_--- —' BASEMENTIN T M/ 'PRIMA Y DOORS — INTERIOR RS _ TT FINISH F TCHEN yiATE IGH BATH/ FLOORS AT E ABLE OTH RP TED FLOORS CA OTH CLEARANCE/ "AN Al INGS ACCESS AN IC,APPED S KE DETECTORS U E N BATHROOM FANS /WH L ALL PLUMBING 4ROOF INGS flPE� GARAGE DOOR CLOSERS OTHER FIRE SEPARA I N`�-- - �"" � FIFLUDE141SE WALLS DUMPSTER C REQU EM N SITE PLAN/ ANGTRIC L --- _-- - FINAL ISSUE 'A OR C ~ OK TO _ I� pEPART�-�--------�' BUILDING DEPT. COPY OF APPLICATION FORM 46-EL, NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. FILE THIS COPY WITH BUILDING DEPT, WHEN REGUI RED. TEMP Its DATE 4 CITY OR —..__,._.__.._....... _. VILLAGE iZ4 jr jf�^ TOWNSHIP ire COUNTY STREET AND NO. Oft ROAD AND POLE NO. -"' POLE BETWEEN WHAT TWO CROSS STREETS IS L ,/ lS t ' [.TIp,N BUpG,1K LOT PREMISES LOCATED? OCCUPANT'S pCCU 0141CU INGPANICY __j `�rJ NAME OWNER'S NAME �� TEL, # AND ADDRESS - -� vDIMENT SUPPLIED FRgM THEMR tr OFFICE By 1 .�f 1 . .. ,� ! .. (.�I DEFECTS BUILDING is NEW ❑ OLD LT(L WORK q ❑ REMOVED ❑ IS NEW ADDITIONAL LIST BELOW ALL E{OUIPMENT WHICH YOU INSTALLED No. of Flxtetes & JBRANCH OFFICE USE NUMBER OF OUTLETS Lenat Reoeplacles MOTORS HEATERS CIRCUITS ONLY trap Side AtImicl of Sedieh Patldant Staskat No. TYpr EH�PMt Nn Each IN No, A.W.G. ~ INSPECTION Ceilirrll Wall RocW*k Goui Out- side Sub- babe Beer n1anR Ft. end Ff. 3rd Pl. REMARKS: LIST OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES NOT SET FORTH ABOVE: DO N07 USE THIS SPACE. This application is intended to curer the aboy"Hilled equipment to be inspectad but if at xirne of inspection throe is found additional equRpment not abow listed, you are authoritad tc make Me inspection and adjust the fee to ctniw the additional equipment. as provided by the apPlicant. SIZE Of ELECTRIC $IGN TOTAL MAINS FEEDERS LAMPS WATTS CHARACTER EXPOSED GAS TUBE SIGN OF WORK CONCEALED TRANSFORMERS Of VA WORM[ TO BE INUMBERl ICAPACITYI STARTED COMPLETED SIZE OF SIGN SERVICE OVERHEAD UNDEROROUND MAKER ENTERS DESIGN ILDI INSPECTION REQUESTED pONORBLE AS NEAR AS NEW OLD AVOID DELAY BY GIVING FULL AND ACCURATE INFORMATION. ALL SPACES DATE OF MUST BE FILLED IN OR APPLICATION MAY BE RETURNED. APPLICATION PRINT NAME F NAME AN ADDRESS ,�e.,r �,,.. X SIGNATURE APPL CAN,+„�''tf�i -�yJr.,r--.�'��— -�E ►o"'�'`- ,/—/r J'�• OF APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS z:�L".7 ! �' .Le�•F+ T£ HONE # CITY OR I �� - ,�s ZIP LICENSE NO. POST OFFICE + „Q 3 t i f" �y�t 1f CODE � �^y,��� WHEN APPLICABLE 46 EL REV. 1f667 A SEPARATE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED FOR EACH SEPARATE BUILDING _.__.___ _._. -_._ ._._P �a 9-� C