CC-0008-2024 Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#:CS--0068 2012 APPLICATION Town ofQuccnsbury Permit Fee:$ 200 -- 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 //'pp, P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: lo'-!O Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: Project Location: EV-etr3( J'L La-41c- Cleciis bLi 124Pq Tax Map ID#: Q ci' Subdivision Name: PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: ❑ Residential GA Commercial, Proposed Use: ❑ Single-Family ❑ Two-Family ❑ Multi-Family(#of units_) ❑ Townhouse ❑ Business Office ❑ Retail ❑ Industrial/Warehouse ❑ Garage (#of cars ❑ Other(describe ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1st floor: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: 3rd floor: Basement(habitable space): Basement (habitable space): Total sq ft: Total sq ft: Scope of work to be done: JI!SIX,/I Cdi'on Q/ 14✓4//1-ih 1 r-Ze ze, (/q'yg') ge-fri)ei-dal (10 x S) )n ) n f--i 07 room • IJH;f5 Ace &haw/ o1 Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 1©r OO°` d / 2. Source of Heat (circle one): El Gas El Oil El Propane El Solar ❑ Other: /1//a4 Fireplaces/inserts need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimney Application 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? El YES El NO Explain: n//4 4. Are there any easements on the property? ❑ YES El NO SITE INFORMATION: • Is this a corner lot? ❑ YES • El NO • Will the grade be changed'as a result of the construction? El YES ❑ NO • What is the water source? El PUBLIC El PRIVATE WELL • What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? El SEWER El PRIVATE SEPTIC DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the-building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is retained by the-Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 6. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAM :."-..7 SIGNATURE: I.-wt. �✓ Mf DATE: 0��19G Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Skiva IcN Aroly Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 7 11'ac, sf- (TtenJ rrtAIJ AA( 124-07 Cell Phone: ( S1Y ) Z3 z d i7 (71-1') Land Line: ( ) Email: O-6c5ipftl S78-Ps i I-cc.vv1 • Primary Owner(s): ' Name(s): 11'-t.Ca,y-5 Mailing Address, C/S/Z: `{-'vat Vic- ZZ 11 Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: El Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): � ' ©v-k--ir\sNr VC.NrN v,Z. Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: •N( 12ca0?) Cell Phone: ( ) . Land Line: ( ) Email: **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: I, Cell Phone: ( 516 ) 22 2 — b jam, Land Line: ( ) Email: Addition/Alteration Application Revised June 2022 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Home of Natural Beauty... A Good Place to Live" PLAN REVIEW The Cedars kdO3 2 1Id 35 Evergreen Ln CC-0008-2028 Walk in Freezer/Refridgerator FILE COPY 1/09/24 I have reviewed the submitted drawings for the above project; and offer the following comments: 1) Verify Storage 2) Verify Fire Extinguisher 3) Verify No Obstruction of Fire Extinguisher's 4) Locks /Latches shall comply with 2020 NYSFC. 5) Verify Paths of egress -6) Verify operation of existing exit/emergency lights. 7) Protection of the Fire Alarm system during construction According to the 2020 NYSFC Chapter 33 8) NFPA 72 Letter of compliance from Fire alarm company on if smoke detectors or Heat detectors are needed. • 9) NFPA 13.letter of compliance from Sprinkler company on the heads being able to handle additional fire load. 10) Third party Electrical Inspection needed 11) Final Walk-through at-end of project Deputy Fire Marshal Fire Marshal's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 • Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@queensbury.net •, www.queensbury.net s' Tyson Converse 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8205 tysonc@queensbury.net • • • Fire Marshal's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 ■ Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@queensbunj.net • www.queensbuny.net csidi0 / PROJECT: �K� MODEL#: : QUANTITY:' Indoor Walk-in Box - For Comme ' I se Only 8.2' x 16.4' x 7.5' (With Floor) Technical Drawing TOWN OF QU Y BUILDING & G ` PT DOOR ON 16.4' SIDE Reviewed GV , Date: 16A' I. 19.7" 39.4" 39.4' 39.4" 39.4" 15.8" ^ I I 1 I I. FILE B�EENg 3DRCOPY a 4. N OF R�I�EN�4. Uan ce m rn �dIN lN- ati tkon, mP 8.1LD ino stNed Or. - x. . x x itedexam a CO. are i� CV co m d on 0'1r Gm hall n difIcafollot b of R13 i our ormejan and s buildlnf Codes o0 0 \n C8tln9 Hance ` the 0 loo i,ew ou\State iri - c LA) -.I N - C 1 I I3r.7estryoODOR! 1 I V C1 =U W I 15.8" 39.4" 19.7° 59.1" 39.4" 19.7" CJ rn-rn g) NOTICE n i4 'I I 16.4' - LEVER HANDLES REQUIRED - B cD 0ON ALL PASSAGE DOORS i° d F+ CONSTRUCTION WHETHER INTERIOR OR NJ =a) CD V Name Mode! Size E ,` RIOR DOORS -c WP-3982 39.4"x 82.1" 8 Wall Panel WP-1982 19.7"x 82.1" 3 p- WP-1982-C 19.7"x 82.1"(Corner) 4 '� WP-1582C 15.8"x 82.1"(Corner) _ 4. �' -t n CF-3998-H 39.4"x 98.4"(Hook) 1 i l0 6Ceiling Panel CF-3998-B. 39.4"x 98.4"(Bolt). . 1 CD O ' CF-3998 39.4"x 98.4" 3 rt Door Panel DP-5982 59.1"x 82.1" 1 O IQCF-3998-H 39.4"x 98.4"(Hook) 1 Floor Panel CF-3998-B 39.4"x 98.4"(Bolt) 1 IQ CF-3998 39.4"x 98.4" 3 Threshold Cover -.. DPL4404 39"x4" 1 Plastic Plug 124 pcs in total NOTE i * 1 x CP191982=1 x WP-1982-C+ 1 x WP-1582-C * 1 x WP-3982=2 x WP-1982 1 x CF-3998=2 x CF-1998 _ ' - *Configurable Door Location I `- ___ *Floor Panel=Ceiling Panel Plastic Plug USR v USR Brands,Inc. Rev.07-2023 BRANDS Phone:800-764-1172 I www.usrbrands.com I sales@usrbrands.com Page 825 USRBRANDSO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE ws: . • ,., . :,: . ,: : . ,,,,,,. „. ,;, : , •.. ::•. ..'• ." :':,: ' ' -... !.:'; , • • :' ;' ;;'•, ;;..';;-:',': ..,,, .•;.. .,.1 , ! . .. .. .. ;,:: . ., .... ,• . , ... .. ... ..• ,, . . ,I ! L. 1... . `;;, ' !,;:. :: ; ;. :!;•.t.;;,,: •1: ...;, I : ' • :7; 17;: II,...! • ! •I I ;•: I •; • ,. ;.. , ::::• : ;:. •. ; ;• . : • •:.••;'' :;•; ::. • i •;..: :-.H• ' :::•:•:•:, "•• ••: : : "•• ••'•, -- ::•!: -.•::, , '::: :;•1:1:.: .::•.' . :!: '1'1!;!:. ; • ;•• ;1;::::;,•. : , ; ' ' ' "' :'; :: 1'• ":1 'I .i; •'; ::• : ''.. 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Pr',::::,,i«,,,,,i'd;;;,;:-4..,,, '‘::: : :, , ',,,r;;!.,.•—':7`;'_".:-5,--,":—., ?,:',-5.:'''Y'. • (Connection:Cam lock) ' ' . .11 ', \iii.;;-r•-„`.. ' -",,,..;':....'il''-.4,',-,,',..,.',.;,',,,;:,,,,.. '',.i''',.:,:'','...r.7.'",:,: r.‘:.'''!','''/ ."'" i.k.;,' '''''• , '.'".-.,..1!../ . _ 41!) (re „.... ,, .....„:„...„.:.,..::,, , ...... ,:, ,.. ,,,,,,, .. .-100,,, . •-., , , ,.. ....„---. :„ color steel Galvanized steel !' , (surface material) • ___- ''';'0 i • C.D ' ' . . E mbossed aluminum _ . • '" _ . ...-.-._ . • • 0 57 Box Street Brooklyn, NY 11222 1 (917) 525-2066 l www.Kitchenall.com To Whom it May Concern, This is to confirm that Coldline Walkins may be used outdoors with proper sealing and coverings. In addition,please see the officinal Interek ASTM test report.Should you need the R-Value of the units,that number is 28.22 Sincecerly, Richard Franchise P:917.525.2066 E:Richard@Kitchenall.com W:www.Kitchenall.com intertek Total Quality.Assured. Test Report Issue Date: 2023-05-22 Intertek Report No. 230506006SHF-001 Test Items,Method and.Results: Test Item Test Method Mean Temperature Test Result Thermal Resistance ASTM C177-19 -20°C 4.97(m2 K)/W 28.22(ft2•h•°F)/Btu Note: 1.Mean temperature was specified by applicant. 2.Test item was subcontracted on accreditation by CNAS L0846. „• ' • • ;• •' : • •-•-•• • ••-• ":: :•-•• •-• • , • „ , ” .--f - ,• ••• : ::.• „ • • 4 • • .•. • • - :•:;•.. • : :.- • .• . • •,;., • • • q3 u s cc oL ER md Installation u ' 1 , L Click the following to view U.S. Cooler® Installation Guide. These plans will guide you through the steps of building 1 assembling your cooler or freezer unit. https://www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 1 of 10 Wetosdr►Cooker and Freezer Nimatusil r t..�re..r:r+y+ r i , , , :,n,.:., goo ,..aim U.S. Cooler Installation Manual Installation Instructions General: • Check bill of lading for correct number of boxes. • In the event of damage, be sure to notate'damaged' on the freight bill. It is imperative to take pictures of any damage and send to our Customer Service Department. • Remove packing list attached to the end of the skid and installation pack attached to door. • Locate the installation pack (clear plastic bag containing the packing list, installation drawing, cam plugs, and cam wrench). • Locate freezer/cooler drawing in installation pack along with cam wrench (large L shaped alien wrench). Tools Required: • Cam-lock wrench (Provided) • Gloves for handling panels • Caulk gun and NSF silicone caulk • Power drill with phillips driver and 1/8" drill bit • 1/2" metal drill bit (for side mount refrigeration units) • 4 ft. carpenter level https://www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 2 of 10 Introduction: Once you have located the clear installation pack attached to the door, pull out the installation drawing for reference. Each panel is labeled with a C (Ceiling), W(Wall), or F (Floor) and a number. Separate the panels by grouping the C panels together, the W panels together, etc. Prior to installation, ensure there is proper clearance where box will be located. There should be a minimum 2" clearance around exterior of panels for airflow. Before setting panels, make sure there is proper clearance for door swing and Heated Pressure Relief. Floor Installation (Floored Units): Locate panels that are labeled letter F. These are floor panels. Using chalk line, measure out and mark floor for location of box. Lay the F1 floor panel in the location designated on the floor plan drawing (see figure 2). Take the F2 floor panel and fit male side of F1 panel into female side of F2 panel. Align both ends until they are even. Insert cam wrench into center hole on F1 panel. If hook is showing, back cam counter clockwise until you reach a stop, but do not force cam. Turn cam wrench clockwise until a solid stop is reached. Again, do not force past stop. Check to see if F1 and F2 floor panels are firmly attached together. If not, repeat this step. Otherwise, lock remaining cams and go to next panels until all floor panels are assembled. U.S. Cooler floors are not designed for the use of forklifts, pallet jacks, or hard wheeled carts. Damage caused by this usage will void the panel warranty. T eshold Bar Inst. - ion: The door t' - -••Id bar st be installed in the floor panel before the door is set in place where the door is to be located. With 'sks pointing in the same direction as the pins on the cam-locks in the floor, place the hooks of the t' -shold ba e slots of the cams. Push the bar in the direction of the pin of the cam-lock until they ►. tact. Gently tap the •_ • g bar until it locks into the cams or quits moving. This movement is about /2". The locking bar is now insta . When the door is installed, screw the threshold down to the to g bar with the self-tapping screws provided in the install pack. SL -ding Install. Floorless Units): Using chalk line -tion of box walls according to enclosed plans. Lay two beads of silicon caulk within the •vall location. eeding can optionally be shot down with nails placed directly in the center of - . -•ing. Put one bead of caulk • each inside edge of screeding. Wall Panels Installation: Start with corner wall consisting of W1 and the adjacent wall panel that forms the corner. On floorless walk- ins, work panels into pre-installed screeding. On floored units, place male bottom of wall panel in female groove of floor panel. Make sure the floor arrow on the wall panel is pointing down. Once panel is inserted correctly, install W2 wall panel with W1 panel, male edge will be inserted into female edge of W2 panel. https://www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 3 of 10 Special care should be given to ensure that top edges and sides of wall panels are flush. Take cam wrench and insert it into center hole of W1 panel. Be sure cam lock is set by first turning wrench in a counterclockwise direction until stop is felt. Do not force cam. After checking set of cam, turn wrench in a clockwise direction until stop is felt. Again, do not force cam. Check to see if panels are firmly locked together. If not, repeat this step. If they are, finish panel installation by locking all wall cams. Do not lock the panels to the floor until all wall and ceiling panels have been locked together. Continue installing wall panels by alternating from the lowest wall number to the highest wall number. On combination units, install center wall before continuing into cooler section. If the floor is uneven, adjustments must be made to ensure wall panels are flush at the top. When installing door panel, remove door by lifting door in an upward direction on panel and set aside until the frame is installed. Door Installation: Doors on standard nominal units can be installed in any of the standard, full size wall panel locations, while custom built order units have fixed door locations. A door threshold hold down bar must be installed in the floor panel where the door is going to be installed. Place the hooks of the door threshold hold down bar, with the hooks going in the same direction of the cams, in to the slots on the cams. The hook on the bar should contact the pins in the cams. Gently tap the hold down bar in the direction of the cams and hooks until it quits moving, locking it in place with the cam hooks (approx. 1 'W"). Gap on handle side between the door&frame should be the same from top to bottom, and the gap across the top of the door, left to right should be equal. Continue installation of wall panels. Custom Unit With Floor: Check your drawing to locate where the door will be installed. 3 screws are provided to screw the threshold to the floor. Cooler Without Floor: Angle brackets should be installed on exterior door legs using angle brackets and screws provided. Warning: Risk of fire or electrical shock. Connect only to a grounded circuit protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter(GFCI). Failure to do so can result in death or serious injury. Heater Wire Instructions: Connect to incoming power source, via junction box, per local wiring codes. Heated Pressure Relief Instructions: https:J/www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 4 of 10 Connect to incoming power source, via junction box, per local wiring codes. Liaht Swath ifs tiray-arse=3g:31__ 1. Read all labels on unit and understand all risks. •z. uisconnect power at oreaker. 3. Route all high voltage power(Line, Switched, Neutral, Indicator, and Three Way) through separate conduit than the temperature probe(s) and battery cable conduit."NOl t: junction poxes must oe rates ror "Wet/Outdoor Location" if used in outdoor application Used Teflon/PTFE tape to wrap all thread conduit connections. 4. Connect power wires to terminal block. If wires fray while installing, it is required to tin (solder) the wire leads in order to press into terminal block. Do not allow stray wires to exit the terminal block. 5. Connect battery cable and temperature probe(s) on back of unit. Select Temperature Units with black jumper. 6. Push all wire into junction box. Secure to junction box with screw/washer. Must fully seat screw/washer and gasket. Special Note: Seal all conduit wire openings with a silicone sealant. This will keep moisture out of junction boxes. Ceiling Panels Installation: Once wall panels are installed, proceed with Cl ceiling panel by placing it in location according to drawing... Align it so it is even on all edges. Many times uneven floors may cause ceiling to either be slightly bigger or smaller than wall panels. If this is the case, split the difference. All panels are made to allow adjustments due to varying installation conditions. Lock all cams according to previous instruction. After locking Cl panel, lift C2 panel into location so male side of Cl fits into female side of C2. Line up both ends and lock all cams. Continue installing ceiling panels from smallest number to largest number. Ceiling Support Installation: Drill and rivet ceiling support bracket to male or female cam. After brackets are riveted to female ceiling cams and ceiling is locked into place, bring male ceiling into place by lining the slot of the bracket up with the female slot and male lock. Wire cable must be hung straight up from the attached bracket to support beam. Bolts, washers, clamps and wire cable are supplied by others. Drip Cap Installation: Stainless steel drip caps are supplied with outdoor walk-ins to reduce the amount of precipitation that would otherwise collect across the top and down the edges of the door. The drip cap is installed just above the door closer hook on the door frame. The 90 degree fold will be against the walk-in facing up. To install the drip https://www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 5 of 10 cap, drill (3) 1/8" holes across the 90 degree fold and using the 1/2" long, pan head screws provided, attach the drip cap to the walk-in. To insure the drip cap is sealed tight against the walk-in, place a bead of silicone caulk either behind the fold when attached to the walk-in, or a bead of caulk along the top of the drip cap after attached. Door Adjustments: After all panels have been installed, close walk-in door. If the door does not shut correctly, verify that the reveal between the door and frame is even around the perimeter of the door. A reveal that increases or decreases across the top of the door, indicates one leg of the door frame is lower than the other and will need to be shimmed to correct the condition. The door and frame should be flush around the perimeter. If one corner of the door protrudes from the frame, it indicates that the bottom of one door leg is not aligned with the other leg and the frame has a slight twist. Unlock the cams around the perimeter of the frame and move the door leg in or out to correct the condition, then relock the cams. Once box is completely installed and door alignment is verified, screw the threshold down to the threshold bar on floored boxes and to the floor on floorless boxes with the stainless steel screws provided. On floorless units, attach L-shaped hold- down bracket to door legs and floor. Locate bracket on edge of door frame, small hole against the door leg, large hole to the floor. Install included Phillips self-tapping screw through small hole of bracket and into door leg. Install included concrete anchor through bracket and into floor. Adjustable Hinge Adjustment Instructions: Click on picture for larger version. Adr[pbablet-tinge,4dJcbvi'tle fr se.mocior s' _______- 1 I.bw.z....m..4dp.a.:oew•a•Nw,Eq: 1 t ] { yy-R.a¢-ww-v lzt.ta tzy.]n.zNMa w F ]era® r 'e 9 Caulking Instructions: https:J/www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/304, 8:53 AM Page 6 of 10 it is advisable, but not absolutely necessary, to caulk ail joints inside the walk-in. This will provide for an even better-sealed unit. Use NSF-approved silicone caulking. R. in Roof stallation: install e ••ra . •ii prior to rain roof installation and silicone caulking around the carriage bolt heads to avoi• .erforating the r- •of. S - red Fo..' Installation: install eva•- -tor co _ to rain roof installation and silicone caulking around the carriage bolt heads to avoid p: orating the rain roof. Typical Slope Foam Installation: Slope foa stallation for - + aik-in consists of the tapered foam and the vapor barrier material. The slope foam taper typ :-Ily star - at ' " and goes up to about 4". The foam is typically marked A,B,C,D, etc. depending on ho • • y rows of foam are needed to cover the walk-in. Starting at a corner of the roof panel, place a row of p- -Is •. • , depending on which direction the taper is made to run across the top of the walk-in. After -ch row is pl.. • down, it's always best to run a strip of furnace tape across the foam panel, just to ke= • them temporarily in p -.- until the rain roof membrane has been installed. After installing all the tapere► oam panels, we have provide. - oll of 4 mil vapor barrier, that needs to be placed over the tapered foam panels. This protects the membrane from any gasses that may escape from the foam, which will reduce the life span of the membrane. With the foam and vapor barrier now in place, the roof membrane can now be installed. Refrigeration Installation: For saddle mount and side mount units, set refrigeration system over notched wall panel with compressor mounted on outside of walkin. Drill through wall with 1/2' drill bit and bolt unit on with provided bolts. If unit has top mount self-contained refrigeration system to be installed, place unit in prefabricated hole in top of walk-in with air flow marker pointing away from wall. Caulk around perimeter of refrigeration unit. All wall penetrations are required to have an airtight seal. All refrigeration components must be installed by a certified refrigeration contractor, who must be present at startup. Failure to do so may affect your warranty. https://www.uscooler.com/support/installation-guide/ 1/3/24, 8:53 AM Page 7 of 10 MR igarant ilow ral kr-coo�kdtoncf rs er ftCeS NkceEvapcaator door Expansion Canpressor ` a ` * *4 fey ::;. .l• - ,',„ 5,;'' �v{�Syb 6'...,.+.'¢.- ` 1., �M t�+9 �#L w�,+ �yAy-i+i�'a4'46 }'i_" �1®-{ .y�j.c:y°f�-�.Mk'a�,�to 2l��.s' tr 7.r r ir'� y `+i°'v""n'.yr:+_�,µ_ 'Sl..7-.: � a,,",.. < i 1 '.\tea :' .:E:�T . s';a --�7j , 1 ;-4' -ST ..,-r;. -`..":, 1 , ez-;:.,.,........ .,.,1.—‘,..,!,t5:::..::'.;_,...7.7.:,:c47,-..„:::‘,...,,,,,:.?...zi,-,71,14.,...7,r: , ,,,...., ."..,,,,,,:_::: ' ii u-----:).''-':--::',--.1-'—''• "-_._. __,-,--,.-1-1--:f- `` gd't. nPfts __ 0 el moo. , s , 1,1 li C 07°i ., ] )lat C 141 i r. aM _ d 0 O _J s � S.. o 1 — ' i !tj i I f ,�.'G. { ' it ; R f J ,..' li, '',:','' u . .,, ail r ;cT' ,'1;*-'',41'-',.;P,f,-.-'.'-', .•,,,,,,is'''''‘'''' :1)-'): '':'''-1::.:-..,'''''' ''''''' .'''- L----;'"-4.' 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'.--- --- -- -,•-•••---....P.1.'.:'-.-- -2•_:,-_••-,."--TL='-,,- -- • .---•...-7-...— —.-- — - .............,-.— • , -_- • ,. . .' \ \ I 1 . , • —i • .... 1 1 . - .. 1 I I —— - — — , — -- — __________ ___—___—_ ____ --__— I_ 1 1F11%—r''::f ''... 1 . - ..4.: .. . . , ., ,........,,. , ... ,. _ . ,, - ,.,• . -: , • t . 1-'.....:.:.-:-,,:1-:..'" - • . I .., .- . 1 i \ . . ... . , ,.., . / ., \ / . ., . , ...... . . . ... • . .._.. Head Pressure Control For GRASSLIN's DTSX-B-240 type ; refrigeration and fans. The DTSX Defrost Timer is identical in This system is used to increase the efficiency of the system by controlling the function, terminal identification, and Setting Defrost Initiation Time condensing pressure when the outside temperature is low. wiring to the Paragon 8140 and Precision Move a white tab (tripper) on the outer A. Fan ON/OFF Control System (Standard) 6140series Defrost Timers. dial outward at each desired initiation The DTSX may also be used to replace time. For example, to set defrost This system controls the condensing pressure by turning the condenser fan on/off using Paragon 8040 and Precision 6040 series initiation times at.6:00AM, 11:30AM, a pressure switch. time terminated defrost timers . 4:30PM and 11:OOPM, move the tab One fan model turns off at 157psi condensing pressure and turns on at 228psi. In the With the addition of a remote pressure adjacent to the "M" in AM on the dial two fan model, one fan is turned off at 157 psi condensing pressure, turned on at 228 switch, the DTSX can replace the (6:OOAM), the tab that lies between psi, and the other fan turned off at 138 psi and turned on at 203 psi. Paragon 8240 series and Precision 6240 11:30AM and 11:45 AM, the tab between series pressure terminated defrost timers. 4: 30PM and 4. 45PM, and the tab B. Head Pressure Control Valve System (when supplied) Defrosts will be initiated at the times set adjacent to the 11:00-11:15PM marks. This valve used on high pressure refrigerant systems controls the head pressure at on the timer, which will accept from 1 to approximately 180 PSIG. over 24 defrost initiation settings per day Setting Maximum Defrost Duration C. Fan Speed Controller System (when supplied) at 15minute intervals (8:OOAM, 8:15AM, Different defrost durations may be set for 8�30AM, etc.) each defrost initiation setting. Each white Fan speed controller XGE-type stabilizes condensing pressure by changing condenser's fan speed. The controller reduces fan noise and saves energy in low ambient conditions. Defrost duration is settable in 15 minute tab (tripper) provides a 15minute interval. intervals from a minimum of 15 minutes The tabs that set the initiation time Fan speed controller keeps the condensing pressure at a steady level by regulating the up to several hours (15 minutes , 30 provide a minimum of 15minutes of speed of the AC/EC fan motors. When pressure is declining the controller decreases the minutes , 45 minutes , lhour, 1 hour-15 defrost. For longer defrost duration, output voltage changing the speed of AC/EC fan motor. minutes , etc.) move additional tabs (following in time) XGE saves energy and reduces noise by lowering the fan speed or cutting it off. The defrost duration determines the from the initiation tab. For example, if a The easily accessible adjusting screw is situated on the top surface of XGE. The termination time. 45minute defrost is to start at 7:OOAM, direction to turn the screw for decrease or increase in the setting pressure is indicated In standard configuration, the contacts move the tab outward that lies between by arrow markings next to the adjusting screw (lturn = 21.7psi). between terminals 1 and 3 are normally 7:00 and 7:15 on the AM side of the dial, open and close during a defrost to and the tabs adjacent to 7:15-7:30 and Locating and Mounting Condensing Unit energize defrost heaters ; the contacts 7:30-7:45. (3 tabs moved outward). The between terminals 2 and 4 are normally defrost will initiate at 7:OOAM and time Locating Condensing Unit. closed (when timer is energized) and terminate at 7:45AM (if temperature Condensing Unit must be located and be at least lm and 2m from wall. Other open during a defrost to de-energize termination does not occur first.) installed where there is an unrestricted sides should be at least 0.5m from wall. area. Avoid areas where there are No impediments should be located in corrosive vapors or flammable materials. front of condensing units intake and Avoid locating units too close to walls. discharge. Fan intake and discharge air space should If above is not followed correctly noise 13 14 and inadequate air flow may result. from general public and the street. than compressor power by fan delay will re-freeze into ice during the next Condensing units should be located away Make sure units are kept horizontal. thermostat. If it does not, a partial defrost cycle. Ice removal will require a manual results and the residual water and slush defrost. Mounting Condensing Unit. Defrost Thermostat Mounting base should be concrete or pads to avoid vibration or shifting. Bimetal Disc Type steel sufficient to support between 2 to 5 The anchor bolts should be used to fix Turbo air uses Klixon type thermostat control fan delay time and defrost times the weight of condensing unit. the unit and tightened with spring washer made by Texas Instruments Company. termination time, adjust the position of Condensing units must be mounted using and nuts. This thermostat terminates defrost at thermostat. If this method is used, it will 50°F(10°C) and prevents the fans from result in higher temperature. running when the coil temperature is Spring Mounted Compressor. above 40°F(4.4 C). And defrost Adjustable Type ( F25 Series ) termination/fan delay thermostat The F25 Control terminates defrost and Semi-hermetic compressor unit use the mounting assembly shown in Figure 11, the terminates defrost at 55°F(12.8 C) after delays evaporator fan operation following shipping spacer is to be in place during shipment to insure maximum support for the defrost is finished. a defrost cycle. The coil temperature compressor body during transit. This will allow fan delay time for rises during the defrost cycle to the Before the unit is put in operation, the shipping spacer should be removed and discarded. eliminating the residual water and slush control cut-out setting. At this setting the Before operating the unit, it is necessary to follow these steps. in the evaporator coil. defrost cycle terminates and refrigeration 1. Remove the upper nuts and washers. Fan delay time can be eliminated by starts. The fan remains off during the 2. Remove and discard the shipping spacers. jumping the fan switch contacts. This will initial start-up of the refrigeration cycle. 3. Install the rubber spacer. (rubber spacer tied to compressor.) allow the fans to start immediately after When the coil temperature drops to the 4. Replace the upper mounting nuts and wahers. defrost termination. This will disable the control cut-in setting, the fan is turned 5. Allow 1/16" between the upper nut and the rubber spacer as Figure 11. fan delay. on. The delayed fan operation prevents When the coil temperature reaches warm moist air from being circulated into Figure 11. Spring Mount. approximately 40°F(1.7C), fan delay is the controlled space and danger of Q� sends a signal to the control circuit, and increased vapor pressure and product it will run fan motor. If you wish to damage is eliminated. Mounting Bolt Mounting Nut (upper) Defrost Timer Setting Leave 1�16 inch space\ after installation NIMI Rubber Spacer For Paragon's 8145-20B type ; termination time. Air defrost termination Shipping spacer Compressor Timer should be set correctly. Determine time is usually 30 to 50 minutes. The Mounting Foot Mounting Spring the number of defrosts per day and the colder the room, the longer the fail-safe Mounting Nut (Lower) compressor best time of day for it to occur. Insert time required. Electric defrost systems Lockwasher Mounting Foot Mounting Base—] ase VIEW o" (S=NS) pins accordingly. Set the fail-safe time to normally have a 25 to 40 minute fail-safe terminate the defrost a few minutes time. beyond the estimated temperature 15 12 DEFROST System Operation. Once ice forms in an evaporator coil it keeps building more ice and eventually will lead to equipment failure if not manually defrosted. Evaporator Superheat. Some symptoms of ice forming in the coil are: Evaporator superheat is generated from the expansion valve bulb. Obtain pressure 1. loss of air circulation and air throw the compressor suction line reducing at a Schrader fitting in the evaporator 2. loss of room temperature. system efficiency. suction connection area, near the 3. no off-cycle time. Normally WF to 12°F is acceptable on expansion valve bulb, and convert to 4. flood back. most refrigeration systems. Preferably, temperature with a P-T chart. 5. water spitting out of the fans or coil on air defrost systems. 6°F to 8°F on low temperature systems Subtract the converted temperature from Long term ice formation will crush the refrigerant tubes in the coil causing leaks and and 8°F to 10°F on medium temperature the measured temperature and the major equipment problems. If ice formation is suspected, carefully check the interior systems are desired. For systems difference is superheat at the rows of the coil with a good light. Ice formation usually starts at the bottom of the coil operating at higher temperatures, the evaporator. Obtain the desired in the middle rows and can be difficult to detect. superheat can be adjusted to 12°F to 15°F superheat by adjusting the expansion For most applications, two to four defrost cycles per day should be adequate. The as required. valve. The method of measuring evaporator Evaporator superheat greater than 14'F defrost requirements will vary on each installation so the defrost settings should be determined by observing the system operation. superheat is found by P-T method. can substantially reduce system capacity, Obtain evaporator superheat by while superheat less than 4°F has the Air defrost measuring the suction line temperature at potential for flood back. The normal "off cycle" of the compressor initiated by the timer, but the evaporator may be adequate to keep the evaporator fans continue to operate to facilitate the Compressor Superheat. coil clear of frost. In other applications, a melting of frost on the fan surface. Other Compressor superheat has an effect on Compressor superheat can be changed by defrost timer may be necessary to help types of defrost schemes require that the system capacity and efficiency. adjusting the expansion valve, adding a assure a clear coil in a medium fans on the evaporator shut off during the Compressor superheat affects suction-liquid line heat exchanger. compressor life and recommends a Obtain compressor superheat by temperature environment, Air defrost„ is defrost period. minimum of 20°F superheat at the measuring the suction line temperature Electric defrost compressor. Too low a compressor about 6 to 12 inches from the compressor The recommended electric defrost During the defrost cycle, if the room superheat can permit liquid return to the service valve. circuitry is typically using a defrost temperature rises above the desired compressor causing damage. Obtain pressure at the suction service heater. setting, defrost heater will turn off Too high a compressor superheat can valve and convert to temperature with a During defrost cycle, compressor and fan automatically and if the room temperature cause high discharge temperature, P-T chart. Subtract the converted are stopped automatically by the timer at drops lower than desired temperature, resulting in lubricant breakdown, temperature from the measured predetermined times. Defrost heater will turn off. compressor overheating and can lead to temperature and the difference is In generally, electric defrost uses defrost If the defrost time finished, defrost timer compressor damage or failure. superheat at the compressor. timer for preventing over heating. will turn on and the compressor and fans There are two kinds defrost tuners. will run continuously. Turbo air uses bimetal method. At this time, fan power is supplied later 11 16 Table 2. Recommended line size for suction diameter. ( R-404A) Refrigerant Charging. SYSTEM SUCTION TEMPERATURE When charging a system with refrigerant charging 90% of system refrigerant CAPACITY +30. F +20o F +10. F —10o F that is in a vacuum with vacuum pump, capacity. BTUII 30' 75J 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' the above process is very important to Start the system and finish charging until 3000 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 remove moisture inside system. The the sight glass indicates a full charge and 4000 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 moisture can cause system damage or the proper amount have been weighed in. 6000 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 failure. If the refrigerant must be added to the 9000 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 12000 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 Charge refrigerant into a System through System through the SllCtlon side Of the 15000 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 a filter/drier in the charging line. This compressor, charge in vapor form only. 18000 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 extra drier will insure that all refrigerant Liquid charging must be done in the high 24000 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1 1/8 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/S 1 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 30000 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 supplied to the system is clean and dry. side only and with liquid metering devices. Weigh the refrigerant drum before If R-404A 1S Used, liquid must be Charged 36000 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 42000 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 charging SO an accurate record Can be and read Up refrigerant explanatory. 48000 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 15/8 15/8 kept Of the weight Of refrigerant put in 54000 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 the system. Liquid refrigerant can be 60000 1 5/8 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 1 1 5/8 1 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 1 5/8 15/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 66000 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 5/8 15/8 added directly into the receiver tank and SYSTEM SUCTION TEMPERATURE CAPACITY —20o F —30e F —40. F LIQUID LINE SIZE Start—Up. BTUI-I 30' 75' 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' 30' 75' 100' 150' Use the following operating procedure after the installation has been completed,. 3000 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1) Check all electrical and refrigerant connections. Check if the electrical status is 4000 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 in manual and if there are no holes in the refrigerant lines. Start-up 6000 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 9000 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 2) Check all fans on the evaporator and condensing unit to be sure they are 12000 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 13/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 operational and turning the proper d1Y2CtlOn. 15000 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 3) Check high and low pressure switch, pressure regulating valves, and adjust if 18000 7/8 11/8 1 1/8 13/8 7/8 11/8 11/8 1 13/8 11/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 necessary. 24000 11/8 11/8 11/8 13/8 11/8 11/8 13/8 13/8 11/8 11/8 15/8 15/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 30000 1 1/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 1 1/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 1 1/8 13/8 15/8 15/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 4) Continue charging Until system has Sufficient refrigerant for proper Operation. 36000 11/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 13/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 15/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 DO not Overcharge. Bubbles in a sight glass may be caused by a restriction as 42000 13/8 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 13/8 1 1 3/8 1 5/8 15/8 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 15/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 well as a Shortage of refrigerant. Check Service Valve and Open if refrigerant 1s 48000 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 13/8 1 5/8 1 1 5/8 1 3/8 13/8 1 15/8 1 5/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 sufficiently Charged and you Still have bubbles In the sight glass. 54000 13/8 13/8 15/8 1 5/8 13/8 13/8 15/8 1 5/8 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 15/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 60000 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/S 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5) Observe System and d0 not leave unit Unattended until the System has reached 66000 13/8 13/8 15/8 1 5/8 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 13/8 13/8 1 5/8 15/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 normal operating conditions. 1. All line size are basic for O.D type L copper tube. The above table is maximum suction size and riser size should not exceed horizontal size. WARNING : SCROLL COMPRESSOR IS DIRECTIONAL DEPENDENT. 2. Suction line size should be selected at pressure drop equivalent to 20 F, and reduce estimate IF NOISY, SWITCH ANY TWO SUPPLY LINES. of system capacity accordingly. 3. For easy oil return, use U trap in suction line. 4. Consider double suction risers, if capacity control can reduce capacity 35% below. 17 10 CAPACITY Evap. Temp EXPANSION VALVE Pressure Switch Setting. MODEL (BTUH) (°F/°C) SPORLAN(R-404A) SPORLAN(R-448A/449A) Turbo air Condensing Unit uses "Dual Pressure Switch" as standard for pressure setting. TCA084AE 8431 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-AA-C TCA113AE 11352 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-A-C The high pressure setting is "425 PSIG" as the factory setting. If the system stops due TCA187AE 18827 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-A-C to a high pressure trouble during system operation, you need to reset the "dual TCA207AE 20761 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-A-C pressure switch". If a problem occurs on the high pressure side, it is necessary to TCA249AE 24986 25/-4 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-B-C check the system, so be sure to reset the system after visiting the site. Turbo air applied a manual reset method to protect the system. TCA285AE 28475 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-B-C TCA338AE 33843 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C Refer to the following "Table 3" for the low pressure setting value, and change the TCA381AE 38137 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C setting value if necessary. TCA477AE 47796 SSE4-C SBFDE-C-C TCE066BE 6731 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-AA-Z Table 3. Dual Pressure Switch Low pressure setting values. TCE093BE 9398 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-A-Z Box Setting Low Pressure side setting TCE156BE 15793 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z Cut Out(PSIG) Setting Temperature (T) Cut In (PSIG) DIFF. (PSIG) TCE175BE 17697 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z 40 TCE214BE 21415 -20/-29 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-B-Z 30 TCE241BE 24247 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-B-Z 20 36 29 7 Factory Setting TCE288BE 28959 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-C-Z 10 TCE325BE 32738 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-C-Z 0 TCE410BE 41243 SSE4-Z SBFDE-C-Z -10 15 13 2 -20 Field Setting CAPACITY Evap. Temp EXPANSION VALVE MODEL -30 8 8 0 (BTUH) (°F/°C) SPORLAN (R-404A) SPORLAN(R-448A/449A) TTA085AE 8535 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-AA-C TTA130AE 13053 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-A-C TTA176AR 17595 25/-4 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-A-C TTA221AR 22151 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-B-C TTA248AR 24887 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C TTE064BE 6570 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-AA-Z TTE102BE 10369 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-A-Z TTE140BE 14240 -20/-29 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z TTE179BE 18152 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z TTE203BE 20508 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-B-Z 9 18 Expansion valve selection. Unit Cooler troubleshooting. Expansion valve selection for each model (Table 1) Table 1 refer to SPORLAN, other expansion valve be referred to their catalogue. Symptoms Possible causes Solution Insufficient refrigerant Add refrigerant Table 1. Expansion Valve Specs by Model. Check the easy oil return in CAPACITY Evap. Temp EXPANSION VALVE Cooling is Too much oil in unit cooler MODEL suction line. (BTUH) (°F/°C) SPORLAN(R-404A) SPORLAN(R-448A/449A) insufficient. Superheat too high Adjust expansion valve. ADR043AE 4285 SBFSE-AA-C SBFDE-AAA-C (Room Room thermostat set too high Adjust thermostat ADR060AE 6058 SBFSE-AA-C SBFDE-AA-C temperature too high.) Coil iced-up Manually defrost coil. Check ADR089AE 8989 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-AA-C defrost time, period, controls. ADR112AE 11280 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-A-C Defective distributor Replace. ADR125AE 12609 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-A-C Defective distributor Replace ADR137AE 13744 SBFSE-A-C SBFDE-A-C 25/-4 Defective heater Replace ADR171AE 17213 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-A-C Uneven coil Adjust defrost termination setting ADR191AE 19213 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-A-C frosting. Defrost termination set too low higher and move defrost ADR258AE 25883 SBFSE-B-C SBFDE-B-C thermostat. ADR325AE 32584 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C Fin spaced too narrow Replace coil ADR352AE 35287 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C Ice build up in Evaporating temperature too low Adjust expansion valve ADR392AE 39317 SBFSE-C-C SBFDE-B-C coil quickly Decrease of air volume Check fan and clean air filter LED025BE 2584 SBFSE-AAA-Z SBFDE-AAA-Z Unit cooler capacity is too small Replace unit cooler LED036BE 3764 SBFSE-AA-Z SBFDE-AAA-Z Main switch open Close switch LED052BE 5351 SBFSE-AA-Z SBFDE-AA-Z Replace fuses. Check for short LED072BE 7369 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-AA-Z Blown fuses circuits or overload conditions LED081BE 8313 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-AA-Z Defective motor Replace motor LED090BE 9161 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-A-Z Fan not Defective timer or defrost LED114BE 11587 -20/-29 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-A-Z operating Replace defective component thermostat LED124BE 12608 SBFSE-A-Z SBFDE-A-Z Unit in defrost cycle Wait for completion of cycle LED157BE 15901 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z Coil does not get cold enough to Adjust fan delay setting of LED176BE 17842 SBFSE-B-Z SBFDE-A-Z reset thermostat. thermostat. LED225BE 22711 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-B-Z Defective heater Replace heater LED244BF 24664 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-B-Z Drain line plugged Clean drain line LED273BE 27609 SBFSE-C-Z SBFDE-C-Z Ice accumulating in drain panel Defective drain line heater Replace heater Defective timer or defrost Replace defective component. thermostat 19 8 Do not over tighten bulb clamps or the transmission of vibration into the Symptoms Possible causes Solution deform the bulb in anyway. Install all building. Coil temperature not getting above refrigeration system components in The piping chase must be thoroughly Check heater operation freezing point during defrost. accordance with applicable local and sealed to protect the tube and prevent Adjust timer or more defrost national codes and in conformance with ambient air from entering the refrigerated Coil not clearing Insufficient defrost period cycle good practice required for the proper space. Seal around the drain line where it of frost during Adjust defrost thermostat or operation of the system. passes through the wall. Air leaks can defrost cycle Defrost cycle too short timer for longer cycle All piping must be protected where it cause equipment problems. Damage the Defective timer or defrost passes through walls or ceilings. structure and product, increase load, Replace defective component thermostat Precautions should be taken to see that increase operating cast, and can cause a Adjust defrost termination the piping does not touch any structural safely hazard. Eliminate all air leaks. Ice accumulating Defrost time is too long thermostat. on Not delaying fans after defrost ceiling ,around Check fan delaying thermostat period. evaporator, on Defective defrost thermostat or fan guard, or Replace defective component timer. blades. Too many defrosts Reduce the number of defrosts 7 20 System troubleshooting. Unit Cooler Piping. When brazing refrigerant lines, an inert symptoms Possible causes Solution gas should be passed through the line at Figure 9. suction piping installation on Main switch open Close switch low pressure to prevent scaling and multiple evaporators. Check electrical circuits and oxidation inside the tubing. Dry nitrogen motor winding for shorts or is preferred. Blown fuse grounds. Use only a suitable silver solder alloy on Replace fuse after fault is suction and liquid lines. All piping must corrected. be adequately supported to prevent Check all wire junctions. Tighten vibration and breaking. Compressor Loose wiring all terminal screws. Tube clamps should have a gasket not running surface to prevent abrasion. System cable shut down Replace shutdown cable. Overloads are automatically The system as supplied by Turbo air was Figure 10. Installation of expansion valve Thermal overload tripped reset. Check unit when unit come thoroughly cleaned and dehydrated at the bulb. back on line. factory. Defective contactor or contactor coil Replace or repair Foreign matter may enter the system bySucCion Plpe System shut down by safety devices. Check cause of shut down way of the evaporator to condensing unit + piping. -+-; Liquid line solenoid not open Repair or replace coil Remole Bulb x 45 Therefore, care must be used during Flooding of liquid refrigerant into 1 3�8", 1 5/8" 2 1/8�� 2 5/8" Check expansion valve setting installation of the piping to prevent crankcase (034- 041mm) (053- 056mm) Noisy entrance of foreign matter. Improper piping support on suction or Compressor Relocate add hangers. Use only refrigeration grade copper liquid line. tubing properly sealed against Refer to Figure 8 through 9. Suction line Worn compressor. Replace compressor contamination. risers must be carefully selected, have an Non-condensable in system. Remove non-condensable. oil trap at the bottom and at 15 foot High Too much refrigerant Remove excess refrigerant Figure 8. Suction piping installation on an intervals up the riser. They should be the discharge Discharge shut off valve partially Open valve evaporator. same size as the vertical riser connected closed pressure. to its outlet. Miser should not be larger in Fan not running Check electrical circuit and fuse. diameter than horizontal runs. Dirty condenser coil Clean condenser coil Refer to Figure 10. Faulty condenser temperature controls Check head pressure control Expansion valves are supplied with clamp Suction shut off valve partially closed Open valve for securing bulb to the suction line. The Low discharge Insufficient refrigerant Check leaks. Add charge. bulb must be secured at the evaporator pressure. See corrective steps for low outlet, on the side of a horizontal run of Low suction pressure � suction pressure. suction line, before any trap. 21 6 Locate evaporators so that air pattern cleaning without the use of tools. When symptoms Possible causes Solution covers all of the room. Do not restrict the lagging or bolting unit flush to the Excessive loads Reduce load. inlet or outlet air stream. When installed, ceilings, seal the joint between the top IIigh suction Check bulb location and clamping. there should be 12"clearance from and the ceiling with an NSF listed sealant. pressure Expansion valve overfeeding. Adjust superheat. bottom of the unit. Always avoid Ends of open hanger channels must be Lack of refrigerant. Check for leaks. Add charge. placement of unit coolers directly above sealed to prevent accumulation of foreign doors and door openings. material. Evaporator dirty or iced Clean and defrost. Most evaporators can be mounted with Refer to Figures 1 through 4. Air flow Clogged liquid line filter drier. Replace filter drier. rod hangers, lag screws or bolts. (use distance must be considered when Check and reset for proper Low suction Expansion valve malfunctioning. 3/8" and 5/8" stainless steel bolts) Refer coolers or freezers will not accommodate pressure. superheat. to Figure 7. Mount the unit level so that all required evaporators on one wall. Check and replace head pressure Condensing temperature too low. condensate drains properly. When using Refer to Figure 7. Traps on low control rod hangers, allow adequate space temperature units must be outside of Improper expansion valve. Check for proper expansion between the top of the unit and the refrigerated enclosures. Traps subject to valve. ceiling. (NSF Standard 7). The area freezing temperatures must be wrapped Add facilities so that conditions Compressor Operating beyond design conditions above the unit cooler must be sealed or with heat tape and insulated. are within allowable limits. thermal exposed in such away to allow hand Discharge valve partially closed Open valve. protector Dirty condenser coil Clean coil switch open. Figure 7. Unit Cooler Installation Diagram. Overcharged refrigerant Reduce charge. Check for leaks and add Lack of refrigerant refrigerant Compressor Excessive compression ring blow by. Replace compressor. loses oil Maintain proper superheat at Refrigerant flood back. � compressor. BOLTS hnproper piping or traps. Correct piping. Clogged suction oil strainer. Clean. Check crankcase heater. Excessive liquid in crankcase. Adjust expansion valve. ri Check the solenoid valve. 0 -t . Low oil pressure safety switch Replace. Little or no oil defective. \ / pressure Oil pump reversing gear stuck in Reverse direction of compressor NUTS wrong position. rotation. LOCK NUTS Worn bearings. Replace compressor. Low oil level. Add oil. Loose fitting on oil lines. Check and tighten system. Pump housing gasket leaks. Peplace gasket. 5 22 Field Wiring. Locating Unit Cooler. Minimum space required for Unit Cooler. Diagram 1. Typical wiring diagram for single evaporator with or without defrost timer. Figure 1. One evaporator Figure 2. Two or more evaporators AIR DEFROST WITH DEFROST TIMER (Dual Speed EC motor) H H 209-23OV/60n,CONDENSING UNITS DEFROST TIMER USE COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY H 2111 H I FACTORY WIRING TM " FIELD WIRING 3 2 I RI 3 RT nslalled'ode tFe access s1�le Ounel of unit coelar. LEGEND t~ TM TIMER MOTOR LEV LIQUID SOLENOID VALVE FAN RT ROOM THERMOSTAT POWER SUPPLY MOTOR R1 SWITCHING RELAY 2 WN WIRE NUT IN FAN X I I=Space Required, Unit Cooler Ieight MOTOR UNIT COOLER Recommended location methods of Unit Cooler. AIR DEFROST WITH DEFROST TIMER (Single Speed EC motor) 1. Avoid placing Unit Cooler close to doors. Install like Figure 3 or Figure 4. 2SE COPPER CONDUCTORS CONDENSING UNITS 2. Avoid having them face each other when installing multiple units. Install like Figure 5 DEFROST TIMER USE coaRER coNDucroas ONLY FIELDWIRINGING 3. Recommended placement when installing multiple units see Figure 6. N TI.1 FIELD WIRING — RT I ( H= Saace Required, Unit Cooler Height ) LSV LEGEND Figure 3 Figure 5 T" TM TIMER MOTOR LSV LIQUID SOLENOID VALVE FAN RT ROOM THERMOSTAT vv POWER SUPPLY- IAOrOR R1 SWITCHING RELAY WIN WIRE NUT IN M a a a a FAN �✓ IS door doorCOOLER p p n, A fS II 1S � a a AIR DEFROST WITHOUT DEFROST TIMER Figure 4 Figure 6 POWER SUPPLY FAN InoroR IN FT Lsv FAN II II f3 II MOTOR (OPTIONAL) FIELD—MOUNTED UNIT COOLER OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS 2 H door �-2H— door a II a I7 23 4 Safety Information Diagram 2. Typical diagram for single evaporator defrost timer only. Be sure all power sources are turned off before checking the electric wiring or appliances to avoid electric shock. °TIM TIMER Do not run fan if cover or case is removed. This is to avoid electric shock. - ------------ COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY -- -----MELD W 41I1ING ________________________ All units are pressurized with dry air or nitrogen gas. All units must be evacuated ---------------- ----- RT -- before Charging the System with refrigerant. Keep finger away from moving parts. % ----------------li-� FIELD-MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS I I I I I I Avoid touching refrigerant lines. Some parts are very hot and can cause burns. LEGEND ONLY MODELS WITH EC MOTOR_ Avoid contacting sharp edges or coil surface that are a potential injury hazard. TM TI1111 TDR I I I I � J LSV LIQUIDQIUD 1 SOLENOID VALVE RT 1111 THERMOSTAT Avoid touching the units or electric box in wet hands to prevent electric shock. o a e d d d d e e . o d d d d DTFD DEFROST TERMINATION/FAN DEIAY 111 H2 113 I11 u2 N % 4 ] 1111 H2 H3 11 M2 N % J HL HEATER LIMIT P a OH1 DEFROST HEATER CONTACTOR Please Call the specialized installation Company or trained personnel When you installing DHR HEATER HOLD OUT RE Y FAN MOTOR mo V ing, Operating Of the Unit. RED BED- D F R1M SVIITCHING RE— DTU Field wiring must confirm to the requirements of units' electric specification. D j HEATER 2 DTr PEACE, B j 1 J CI InspectionD)YELL L HE(ALEN SUPPLIED)YELL J A person at the job site to receive material holds responsibility. Each shipment should be carefully inspected against the bill of lading. The shipping receipt should not be Diagram 3. Typical diagram for single evaporator with defrost timer and single phase signed before careful inspection. Check carefully for concealed damage. Any shortage heater contactor. or damages should be reported to the delivering carrier. Damaged material becomes the delivering carrier's responsibility, and should not be returned to Turbo air unless prior DEFROST approval is given. Check the serial tag information with invoice. Report any TIMER __ USE COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY discrepancies to Turbo air sales representatives. , nELO„IRR1D ---ii ----- -------,I ----- ---------------- -------r-- -- -L -------------DHR __T i I FIELD-MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS I I I I I I I -Ti ONLY MODELS WITH EC MOTOR ONLY �f— --1 ---------------------- I I I i I I TM TIMER MOTOR LSV LIQUID SOLENOID VALVE RT ROOM THERAIOGTAT On d a o o e d d d a d o o d d d d DTFD DEFROST TERI4Nw ON/FAN DEIAY DHR, DH1 a ] d H HL HEATER WIT p DUN DEFROST HEATER CONTACTOR DHR HEATER HOLD OUT RELAY onN BRD'A'1 FAI FAN MOTOR RI SWITCHING RELAY \l HEATER rD HEATER R B ELLDW F. HL(WHEN SUPPUEOy YELLOW IL(WHEN SUPPLIED) NOTE L� ------- ----J DHR, DH1 : FIELD-MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS Refer to the"unit cooler wiring diagram"and attach it to the applicable model. 3 24 Diagram 4. Typical diagram for single evaporator with defrost timer and 3-phase heater CONTENTS contactor. DEFROST TIMER o= ------- aPPER allo°ITOR= ARI Safety Information ..••....•.e.•e••.•e.•e.•e......•e.•. ••.... 3 _ ________________ - °RYw,R ______ FIELD v1117ISG -----------__I I II FIELD—MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS Inspection •........ .•..e.•.••.•..................•.........•.... 3 I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — -'--��---------I LEGEND _ —� ONLY MODELS WITH EC MOTOR � T, TIMER MOTOR Lsv LIQUID SOLENOID vLVE Locating Unit Cooler .......e e..a.ea a.•e.e e •••ee••e•eees•ee 4 RT ROOM THERMOSTAT �"� d d b a e d d d d d d d o o d d d d DTFD DEFROST TERMINATION/FAN DELAY DHR, DH1 a J HL HEATER LIMIT (OPTIONAL) DH1 DEFROST HEATER CONTACTOR Unit Cooler Piping •••e•e••e.•. .e••••••..e e••e e••.••.e•••.•.. 6 -- o^ _______ DHR HEATER HOLD OUT RELAY FM FAN MOTOR RI SWITCHING REUY FM FAA EO °Rohl , HEATER FM J HEATER aA FT` T­ iExpansion Valve Selection ... ....00O110•e•ee1O•1e•°1eeee 3 .ELLLN HL,wna,SUPRLIED� 1., HIIIIIENSUPPLIED ! Defrost .ee...e......eee.eeeee..e...ee ..e ...... ....e.... ....e....e 11 NOTE DHR, DH1 FIELD—MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS L- — Refer to the "unit cooler wiring diagram"and attach it to the applicable model, Locating and Mounting Condensing Unit e e e e e e e•e•• 14 System Operation ........OBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOO11O1B•eO°•BBe•• 16 Diagram 5. Typical diagram for single evaporator defrost timer only (TTE-TYPE). Unit Cooler Troubleshooting .Oee•e•eeeeeeeeee• .....Oeee 19 DEFROST TIMER 208-23OV/50hz/10 CONDENSING UNITS N _______--_______ USE COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY TM FACTORY"TIRING System Troubleshooting eOeeee .BOeeee.BOeee1..BOeeeee1Oee 21 - ---� I V 3 �_---- --- — FIELD WIRING RT 4 --- — ------ r------———— Field Wiring ....••..•...........• •.......• •.•.......•.......... 23 -- FIELD—MOUNTED OR SUPPLIED BY OTHERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I LEGEND d a d d TM TIMER MOTOR LSV LIQUID SOLENOID VALVE RT ROOM THERMOSTAT HEASI DT DEFROST TERMINATION THERMOSTAT FD FAN DELAY THERMOSTAT e R HL HEATER LIMIT THERMOSTAT DHR HEATER HOLD OUT RELAY FM FAN MOTOR 5 R1 SWITCHING RELAY 25 2 Turbo air Speeds Up the Pace of Innovation 7 7RM7j U41VUF AIRS? aIrPart No. KUCTB2504 September 2020 edition I<-efriger°ation system Installation & Operation Manual Please read this manual completely before attempting to install or operate this equipment! s Unit Cooler ' '" Condensing Unit Sf JA 4184E. Conant street Long Beach, CA 90808go on m ®w . FAX : 310-900-1008 swS �'wo WR ow, fflumm Toll Free : 888-900-1002 manna MWgo w on ww �wrnu MP�� I soM.. (U.S.A & Canada) http://www.turboairinc.net