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BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � No. 87-753 � }{ f 'WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ;' Holly Ploof PERMISSION is hereby granted to 00LL I w { Corner Nottingham & Kings ( Sherwood l OWNER of property locat 1 Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Garage cc at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is Kings Place. Sherwood Aures Queensbury , N . Y . 12801 F �c 2. CONTRACTOR or SUI LDE R*S Name O Robert Ploof o m 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Same r� a n a 4. ARCHITECT'S Name H 2 4 Pt rt H- 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 04 W 19 x 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X1 Pq 0 ( A Wood Frame I '! Masonry i ) steel i I uo 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 20 ' x 22 ' per plot plan , specifications and application . S. Proposed Use Two Car Garage w 0 v w n $ 10 , 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 1 ' 19 88 GQ ro (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this �bth` Day of /'November 19 87 � G SIGNED BY �'r/C C. OdQ,2,� for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector TO BE COMPLETED BY BLDG _ DEPT . Application No . �/nwn © it,een burg Permit Issued _19 BUitIDING a:..d ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Expires 19 - Bay and Hawiland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 zoning Designation ?? ` } :: j r. L! Queensbrlury, New York 12801 Variance No . - 1. ry 'lp Site .Plan Review No . L � 1987 J Approved br ......... Nov1■ �J APPLICATION FOR EU I LD I NG AND ZONING PERMIT A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING , The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the Permit . y ............-... d -------pro pert P. O. Address A7 A149 Tel . Property Location : eF ( IZ /� Tax Map No . Sirc=eF number or building lot number Subdivision name ( if applicable) tf C2!r TH PERSON RES NSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS BUILDING CODES IS : Name �+ P . O. Addresses � Tel . No . / Name of builder/2 lQe Address !r I /JU.!!`�5 Tel , 7 Name of plumber Address Tel . Name of mason Address t + Tel . NATURE OF . PROPOSED WORK : ZONING I NFORMAT I ON : �/�onstruction of a new building A PLOT PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED , _Addition to a building drawn reasonably to scale and attached. hereto , Alteration to a building showing clearly and distinctly all buildings , (no change to exterior dimensions ) whether existing or proposed and indicate all _Other work (describe) set-back dimensions from property lines . Give * street and number or lot number and indicate FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT , STATE SIZE AND whether interior or corner lot . Show location of water supply and location and configuration LOCATION OF STRUCTURES AFFECTED_ * of septic disposal area . COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW . Size of property 9%00 ft X 01_Le-zj ft _ Existing building ( s ) Size fflg; ft X 5+ 4 ft . PROPOSED BUILDING AND USE : * Existing building ( s ) Use qp.'s Size of new structure ::Le ft Xc,2D, ft � Foundation-pier/ a crawl/partial/full Proposed building , distance from property line (circle one ) No . of stories (habitable space) / Front yard ,/ aZ ft Rear yard i' z� ft Side yards Z, ft and ft Height ( grade to ridge ) ,/� /� ft • if on corner , setback from side street ft If residential , no . of families - ---- No . of rooms ( Excluding baths )._. * OCCUPANCY . INFORMATION No. of bedrooms PRIMARY BUILDING - No . of bathrooms Primary heating system One family dwelling Type of fuel --- x �Two family dwelling No . of fireplaces to be installed Multiple dwelling / Number of units Will a wood stove be installed? " Permanent occupancy Central Air conditioning? Transient occupancy Business BUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE _Industrial } Ranch em rar Lag cabin * Other r�.�/C /�,� '9'--4� Raised ranch M na lion Duplex If addition , what will usba _ Split level Old style Bungalow Cape Cod Cottage Other ACCESSORY BUILDING- Colonial Row Town House * Detached garage/one ca two car/, ear ( CIRCLE ONE PLEASE ) * Attached garage/one car car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private storage building ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF * 'Other CONSTRUCTION $ �3eee. 00 x INFORMATION ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS , ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET , TO BE COMPLETED ! Farm BPA 4/86 and-vl BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , od fram!e fire safe , etc . Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what? Foundation wall material Depth of foundation belowSHeated de (to bottom of footin Will there be a cellar? or unheated? Floor sq. footage � -6 sq ft Will there be a basement? Will any portion be used as living space? ( If so , what portion? sq. ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - op flat/shed/other Material of roof ,v.Z .SS Size , wood stud ' X oC spacing�"o . c . length �____ft . Joists ( floor beams) lst . floor . "X ' spacing "o0c . span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor —" __ spacing "o . c . span ft . overlays (ceiling beams ) "'"'R' - - spacing "o . c , span ft . Roof rafters " :� "' spa�ng O . C . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-enginefered) spacing "o . c . span r ! ft . Exterior wall finish I X 7 .*� �? of what material? LA';M�p Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? �J5 If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? d2.' e Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? 410 Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade' ft . Depth of fireplace hearth �- w in . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining proper ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) Town of Queensbury p F F 1 T D A V I T STATE OF NEW YORK County of Warren 1l iJ 1l I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done - on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not , and that such work is authorized by the owner . SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature- ___ ------------------ - owner , owner ' s agen -, arcnicect , contra ctor day of 19 Notary Public , Warren County , N . Y . * * * at it '► * * yt * ye 'k * yt * * '�' * it * x '+� �' � * k * * * 9k '!r * yt tit Mr yt at '�' * * * * rk ,► * it SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By__- -----------------.-_ _ _- »------- TOWN of QUEENSBURY -8UXLDXJVG AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS -OUEENSBURY, NEW YORK Z280sg TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTORS REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION R z � CEIVEb NAME LOCATION .DATE GPg PERMIT #� APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS Yes Aro MONaLxTfiIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATXQlV1DAMP-PR BACKFxLL APP. aOFIN � ROUGH PLUMBING AL �~ FRAMING --�----, ELECTRICAL ROUGH. INSULATXON: FOUNDATION FLO04RS WAZZ,S CEILING i.,e+xNAL INSPECTION,- CHIIyNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ EPS L STAIRS-CLEARANCE PLUMBING FIXTURE EF RATES ; INTERIOR TRIM/P IVACYTDdaRS iVA VE FTIVTSHED FLOOR 1 GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSERS SMOKE" DETECT FINAL ELECTRIC L '- -�- P•INAL APPROVA xNSPECTIdN .� OF cdNSTRucTxaN A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OBTAINED FROM THE BUTLDINC DEPARTMENT MUST' BE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDf BEFORE 11 REMARKS: w INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAvrL qND RC7AD5 QUE.E'NSBURY, NEW YORK 1280¢ TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION %r DATE PERMIT #� APPROVED FOOTINGfPIE YES NO MONOLITHIC pOUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP.PROOFING BACKFILL APPROV q r, RO H PLUMBING t'=NXNG ELECTRICAL ROUG IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING , . 'NAL INSPECTION: / CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING � . EXTERNAL .PORCHES/ TE'P' STArRS-CLEARANC & RAIF PI,UM83NG FIXTU ESfRELIE VALVE INTERIOR TRI PRIVACY DRS FINISHED F h,S GARAGE FI PROOFING DOOR CLO R (S) .SMOKE TE'CTORS FINAL E CTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL PPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A IGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIVCY` MUST BE OB INED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTN2 BEFORE THESE PREMISE'S ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: ,. . 0 �A VISO INSPECTOR la' r BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT µ Bay and Haviland Road, R . D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BRlI1_ DING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME� LOCATION/ - 1 Late /J` / Permi 't. I3o . _�,,t- APPROVED - YES 0 �oting/Pier Forn'Ls Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roof i ng Siding Masonry Vene r Rough Plumb! g Relief Valves Ext , Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railing Cellar Drain Ti Concrete Floor Plbg . Fixture Gar . Fireproo ing Door Closers Smoke Detec ors Chimney /��I,,N_� SULATION _ J / �undatlon L/ Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey. Next scheduled inspection ( call when ready ) Remarks- f Ruild ng Inspe or +6/86 and-vl BUILDING DEPT. COPY OF APPLICATION FORM 46-EL, NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, FILE THIS COPY WITH BUILDING DEPT, WHEN REQUIRED. _ TEMP. s IDAT19 / R r"" CITY OR VILLAGE germs i-{` p:;.. TOWNSHIP -- C ik'is i 4d COUNTY ye STREET AND NO. OR i ,I ROAD AND POLE NO_ ,� liyr -ef 4c 44, POLE NO. BETWEEN WHAT TWO PREMS R E PREMISES �r 1Lt� ' � "" A'S 46,4`' MEL,SECTIONBLOCK LOT OCCWANT'S BUILDING NAME r; ,, OCCUPANCY d p'1/ AO O ADDRESSER'S NAME if f I f TEL. ifr�r BSA PLIED r 0.;E ojoe ey "_t,r FROM THEIR �+„� � /b-400 4 OFFICE IBUILDING NEW OLD 0 IIIISORK NEW ADDITIONAL, 0 RE PHONED ❑ LIST BELOW ALL EQUIPMENT WHICH YOU 114STALLED N� ofNUMBER OF OUTLETS Loop R&�WUNAM�j MOTORS HEATERS tuirvo pRCµUITTS OFFICE LISE Lxr ONLY tloM Slag AcwWt H.Pt MTatts A-W.G. GeMlny Wall Recop'IR $ Brooker Na Type Each Na Each Na pe1� INSPECTICIN Out- owe Sul. Mere rne" matt let FI, ,'Ina PI. 3rd FI. REMARKS: LIST OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES NOT SET FORTH ABOVE: - DO NOT IiSE THIS SPACE. This application is intended to cower the above fistad equipment to be inspected but if at tome oI irreFeCtkm there is found addixio.sal aquiprnant not +bore hsxad, you era au tharirad to make the inspection and adjust the Tee to corer the eddHxional aquipeneot, as ptnwided by the applicant. SIZE OF ELECTRIC SIGN TOTAL MAINS FEEDERS LAMPS WATTS CHARACTER GAS TUBE SIGN OF WORKS. ,t D TRANSFORMERS OF VA WORK TO BE INUMBERI ICAPACITV) STARTED COMPLETED SIZE OF SIGN MILSERVICE OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND MAKER ENTERS OF SIGN DI INSPECTION REQUESTED d -. ON OR AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE NEW OLD AVOID DELAY BY 4I VI NG FULL AND ACCURATE I N F O R MATT . ALL SPACES DATE OF MUST BE FILLED IN OR APPLICATION MAY BE RETURNED. APPLIC:ATI6N_.-. PRINT NAME AND ADDRESSS Syr OF APPLRE ICANT NAME OF f A APPLICANT ■r -+� � P,.� OF APPLICANT STREET ADOR€$S iEL' " 4 TELEPHONE iIR' 'T ee_ e y)5I,me z CITY OR ZIP - LICENSE NO. POST OFFICE ___y�++""�F / ., / +".w a �. ,� / ,-, CODE /, ')�' S�/ NBIEN APPLICABLE . . 46 EL (RLv. 1/80) A SEPARATE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED FOR EACH SEPARATE BUILDING W / qk 400 '� ti er Pff J 410 T rIAli /^7 oof1 !d " /w/ f e AV f Alf 1 ,gyp t.-ANtj s` . �_ _ � . _ . �. Ef � +���E.P4ri✓C'� Vie' T'o lwccc) . la1 Ev�.r a a�tv p�.rry c Aeo0WA,�cy ..> .ta►aP v ry ��4 *P�' \s:. .r 'y aN�ra : erfts'Jiy7G .sg�rJy3-5 ` 9r 31799 e.�` " Or AA/ 4,.r,mowi•v6a L o r R/o- .56 ,drt/17 .9" �o27'rc7n/ Df' L07 000N/c7- 37 /A/ ✓' r 7— Ll/ 4 T"t' 0 do 7'0 .✓ o x- C,a uEE�✓se 4/.0 %/ . W"op'&N/ Coal, /'Vr Y Wo b e !2 T z r , / 4oDo-T [aN( op c Ale 7r j IV lAo ,&;i 1 4s � s