1989-246 �':.'�:.: � � .r. :`�sig3:`r'o- .,: r-.r :.r.—•::: 3°' xya,a.:�,;. z •.,�n.l-< x+v. .:.� �R.X714' :.; �;�.!�"r, . �,, � -.._,i , _ .. +fir` I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY j WARRE14 COUNTY, NEW YORK I Date September 1 19 89 I This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89-246 i i has been completed. I This structure may be occupied as a Stta rage Building Chvner Robert Nolan i By Carder Town Board i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i - Director of Bldg. 1Sc Code Enforcement � i i f i I r I BUILDING PERMIT a +tilt+ ' ae TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 'g w C+ PERMISSION is hereby granted to Robert Hula 04 ar OWNER of property located at Everts Avenue Street, Road or Ave. AMC w r in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a RIEPIACE ROOF r� at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and r%3 approved and in compliance with the Town of Queenshury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is 2 POTTER RD . GLENS FALLS , N . Y _ 12801 z 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name M EUGENE BURT IZ. SR. 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address P _ O. BOX 12 HUDSON FALLS , N . Y . 12839 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5, ARCHITECTS Address 4 C .c VD e-r H 6. TYPE of Construction — {Please indicate by X} C J9 { } Wood Frame I } Masonry { ) Steel { } c ra 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 60 ' x 60 ' roof replacement as per plot plan , specifications , and application . 8. Proposed Use Roof over storage bldg . b 10. 00 C/C $ 360 np PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 7 79_ 89 rya llf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.} Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 28th Day of 09 April19_$� L SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zaning Ifnspector TOWN OF QUEENS}3UT2Y APPI. ICATTON FOR BUTLI)ING AND ZONING PERMIT L�at j r �ar ,aGy Rev Leveed u� / NSSURY f iiU- R�T Fee Paid t BUILDING AND CODES U PARTME ' s Date Taaued � y/J1 - APR 2 0 1989 1AY and IIAVXLA41D ROADS RD I Lox 93 nuE>rxssu r, nrEr,r rail; 12804 Pennii t Na . II r BL.DC3. a CODE DEFT. Tc1 . (518) 792-5832 Ext ,2D4 '* f • i * * I* * I * * it * ■ W ■ * W Yr +k w ■ a fs x Ii R • w t w ■ ■ ri rt s w A PER14IT MUST E4 OBTAINED BEFORE L' EGINNING CONSTRUCTI4 . NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICAT:T HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUI INC PERMIT . All applicable Spaces on this application )''�inust be com feted and the `. . Slsvuature of the applicant must appear on the reverse side of this sheet . Y� ilc �: is sIc yl tle is dk �c yc 9c �Ic * k � � ok 7k Yc :K is at k at * at yt de He YG �e * �k 9e Yc . 116Ile owner of this propertyrir��operty is : /I6P � /' I rub? V . O . Address Pa f / r Yl TEL . property location r2 Y i r TAX MAP NO . l/Vq '`moo llas there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988 ? I yes no If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . SUBDIVISION NAME , IF APPLICABLE LOT NO . The person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : NAME �jcea7e wj- s/e P . 04 ADDRESS TEL . NO . Name of builder - ' 9Tr XAV 1dress 4 y 0+ j jr:: Tel Name of Plwnbcr caress Tel Name of Mason Address Tel 1.b'1TURk Or PROPOSEED 6fRK : W1 ZONING INFORtIATION ( office use on19 ) COn:: trUCtiOTL of a new buildingj w- .ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY _Addition to a ]auildin9 # PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY �Alte:r:ation to a building ` duo clti uicl+,: to exc4zrior Dimensions) W REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Uchor work (43scrilua ] Iwf�t� dad _— " SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DATE r GROSS AREA or PROPOSED STRUCTUREVARIANCE # APPROVED DATE 1st Floor sq ft . * Reinarks 2 nd Floor A.^ e9- sq £ t . w Cprmsf+f Lrr IjAI Okv" IQN SLwUlrtED L12LAA1 . ocher Floors _ Al / sq ft . S414Q of pro}l4irty �� � ft X�Ft . tnat cellar or I� aseme nt } L::ac"U4' ncJ IauilJinj ( ;:) Si : u / LLLc H' et . TOTAL FLOOR AREA— Al ja _sq �7� / cam'✓ LCxi;Sting bui. ldinal ( a ) Usv /yA `_- iGs of new -:tructuroIV X FC ~ L•'caexcadation-pier/;;la]a/crawl/L)arcial/ full Propa::ed .building , dintance iVOw IjrQjJ0rty iiru: (ci rcla one ) r Front yard f t Roar YiAe4 'IV /`� f t Na . of stories. (h:alait:able :lycacc) _ Side: .ards _ft :and 1 ft !bight (yradea to ridges ) ft * r y - I F re:siduntial , now of families If on corner , setback frOln sick: ;'scrQo Alh , Cc No , of roolnti ( excludincj baths) AIY9 OCCU['ANc:Y INFORMATION . No0 of bL:drooiny A/24 PRIMARY BUILDING Na , of b;athroomt; . - * One family dwelling L,rilaary huacii%cj uysL'L4, i awwwwwomTwo f"Wly dw4llinu •rypx of Purl Multilale: Uwell%ng / Number of units No . of fireplace:: to ]aa irt ::cµiltd Pcrllaancnt OCCUP:atrcy Will " wood sLOVQ tow in_ L all+ud? � 'i'r:an::icns oc cuta.antry C=Rcx"l Air coff4diclon:ing? ,A/ " V '.A'::::.zUsinUSS UUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY :TRUCTURE it IlndusUraal l C:.ancla Cont.:umpor µry =,.on cabin r Ocher JgLai*Ud ranc]L M"nsiu11 Duril4�:x . If .addition , wheat will u::+.; b u? 31,011c luva:l Old acylo Uu, ujslaw ` C ;tplu Cod coct:aga OCkwr ' ACCESSORY UUILDINC— Ooio[ l"I t:ow Tow!"l llowze " ' - ucached rjarzage/ono cur/ two cat/ .mar ( CIRCLE CK]l: PLFlRSC ] '" AttiaChud garacju/ocla: cur/ two carf� ec► c' r a w s r • + w a w r x a w * lxriv:ata: storage building IiSTIMATFD MARKrol` VALUE OF * Ochar CON S 16kUC'L' I0L! INFORkkATTGN ON BUTLOINC SPT FICATIO . ON REVERSE SIDr: OF THIS .C111 4P* TO 91C COMPLE" C01 Form FPA 10/88 V1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . 1601 Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used ? If so , for what ? Foundation wall material � 1 Thickness-- Depth of foundation below rade (to bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar? ,A&Heated or unheated? T- 1Z!2- Floor sq. footage sq .£t Will there be a basement? -Will any portion be used as livinig space? ( If so , what portion? sq . ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - sloped/flat/shed/other per. Material of roof Sizes , wood studs-"3��" spacings"o . c . length 6Y,�L. _ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 1st , floor N.4 " X spacing 41,#9 "o . c . span ft . .joists ( floor beams) 2nd . floor . 1&,) "4 "X.,4,;a.2" spacing _"o . c . span.,&,r ft . Overlays (ceiling beams ) "X " spacing /"o . c . span 1� z ft . Roof rafters "X " spacing o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing Ai y " o . c . span q O ft . Exterior wall finish rS , Of what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to: be used for FIRE SEPARATION : rf/ Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? 4z_- q Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above roof. y",y _ ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth-ft . A�oLin . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( inciuding adjoining properties A6!E ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) D E C L A R A T 1 0 N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature 0wne er s agent , a ect , contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : ti By.............._ ..............-......_�_ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY a HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2804- TELEPHONE (538 ) 392-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION REC/EX V,E,D�,.,�,.� NAME LOCATION ' r �j DATE _ PERMIT # ' 1 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIO W DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL AlTROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH- XN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE$IST S - STAIRS-CLEARANOtE & ILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/REL fEF VALVE INTERIOR TRI2!j[ PRIVACY `yPOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING _ --- DOOR CLOSER (S) i SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTIO FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCT N 't A SIGNED' CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE TlfESE P EMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: NSPECTOR TOWN aF QUEEN ,1} BUILDING AND CODESES DE pEPARTMENT �f�r BAY & HAVrLAND ROADS EW YORK I280k QUEENSBURY . � � ? 92- 5$ 32 TELEPHONE t5 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT AIR REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME � LOCATION DATE +'�- FERMIT DATE APPROVED YE5 NO FOOTINGlPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS G FOUNDATION/DAMP— F BACKFXLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING L000diORAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH'�IN INSULATXON: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILXNG FINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL F0RCHEs1STEP,'5' . STAIRS—CLEARANCE & �T FLL7MBING FIXTURES/''RELIE VALVE Y NTERIOR TRIM f#PRIVACY D .RSA—� FINISHED FLOOR'S GARAGE FIRE FING DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTR14 FINAL APPROVAT. OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPTEDI REMARKS: ItSx+> XN`SFEC OR f 1�x_ccccec=rsaaa=e�:s:ssaa__�.�cmzassssa=mas:�.:aaavasmaaaaaasa-_z=xc--��.:^-..�ssusx_xsc�=sc�=�axasseara�sasxsasaassaxxa r rfl c o R !� ci= RtlFlCp1E !1F INSURANCE Date04tIAr:s3 I iFRtSitltlGER Qper . 10 1M1 #this certificate is issued as a MssttEr of irdweatiors only and confers r,o I I The KirawyiAgencys lnc. If-ights upon the ceortificwtr tsolder-.This certificate does root mrevd,raterd i # PffD. EWA -30 " for alter- the coti•£ra a afforded policies g try the L,rlur. I i Argyle W 1 . 1 1 ------____---- l E 8 R F F 0 R D ! me C O V E RAS E-____--_—_-__-_------I iJWOLIIeEA ICGWVWY LETTER A: Hatirrnal ibr-weige Mutual # I E. Ho Burt, Into #tiCRIG4MK LETTER Ifs I # 35-37 Lc wr Oak Street IiOFKVW LETTER Ci # f tiudsors Falls MY l:6 33 ICOWANf LETTER fl: # I ICOMPOCY LETTER E: f EC tT v E R A B E # Thus is to certify that policies of insurwnce listed below harve bean issued to thr irmured rFased above fear- the policy pericd I I iedirated, rFer#neit#sstrorrding astry 'rrquircrmerrtj tern or ccrriditicns of any crmtract cer other docuov"t faith respee•t to ►+hich 'this I I certificate Mary be issued car racy pertairF, the irswur-arrrce afforded by the policies described 1FereirF is subject to ail the terMs, 1 I eAclusirxrs, rerd corditiorm of sucts policies. _ --------- #Lt3 LTR ITYYE OF INSAPRANCE IFEILICY HUWWR IEFF DATE #EXi+ DATE TALL LIMITS IN ThUIyINDS I ! 1GElEYiAL LIABILITY I I I IGE1EFIAL. M3AE#IATE 2000 # L A f (XICO VERCIAL ClENEAiit LIABILITY I uoassigr" 1 (14/1 i!#Y9 1 Uif14f30 IMOOLCYS-COMP/OPS tiUUMCIATE .E^OW I i If l { 31CLAIM3 MADE t%IOCCt#RREWE I r r r # r r #*Ef?5rt1#i1LRiiEIirER7 153t1C? lNitmy 1(k,PO 1 I it )OW NEWS A C ONIOr. i=isOT£CTIYE 1 i f I ! f ! IEAiCH b(tiff(R 4iCE l(rLFCF I i of ] r 1 r I r ! $FIRE OAR" #Aiff ONE FIRE) 5 # ! it 3 # 1 ! ! I ! ! #IED Eftt'Er A (AHY ONE PERSON) 5 I t ---------___--------------—---------—--------------------—------------------—-----------------------------------_______-1 I 1ALYTOMMILE LIABILITY I it 3ANY AWO I # ! f 1 ! ! # # # it ]ALL OwW.t1 AWOS I i [ 3SOED#ILED flW03 1 # f r I r ! ifrLdilLY 1H3L1r7'Y11KR PERIZA O I I II 3##IAED AMOS i I f f I ! f 1 WILY lfUURY(PER ACCIDENT) i I It ItOt-IYANED ALITCra # # f ! 1 ! r I L ERTY tAAHAW I I It lQkkcFLW LIABILITY I It 3 i fEXCES3 LIABILITY f 1 I I L r I t IL#6bKLj-A Ft" i I f f I f ! IEACH OCCURMCE, # ! It lOt ER TWIN LOW EL.LA FORM I I ! 1 I r ! 1 AF OR£GATE I # --------------_-- --__----._---- __ M �__--_......----------------- ____ __ _ __ ______ __—_________—__I 1 i # 1 I ISTATIYTOky I i IWOWER'rs CO E1MsilTiilN 1 I I # IW TEACH ACCIW:baI I I A I Aldo I WC F33 579 1 t4tr"t`A3 I rKr2sr3D I O iOISEASE4MICY LIMIT# I I PEWUNER'S LIABILITY I I / ! 1 ! ! I AOD (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) 1 ----------- i lC1T#tR 1 # i E i i 1 # I r r t > r I # # I 1 # r r 1 f ! I L OE5C,##ILTIOII OF fiFERATIiJH:rtLL1EY7TlEiNt3rYEiiICLE3r1 3TRlC?I[tf5s3L£CIAL 1TE115_ ___� r____ ____�_r__ ___�______ ___. ________1 r 1 i r I 1 #CERTIFICATE 11[rf1ER- ___—___------CPAv9LLM low-_ —----- _—__r---------__-1 # Tarn tf QUetrrsbirry I Should 'any crf the above drsc'ribed policies be carncelled before the vApi'r-ation date ttFereofi I i the issuing rcrrparry will erdeavor- to Mail SO days writtwn vwAice to the certifiewtr hviderrl L Bay Read I -hared to the leftebut failure to trail suctf ruticf strall iirpos+e rFo obligation or liability I I Ourr!rrsbury W Itw&ri # of any Bird upon the ctOparFfl its &writs esesrtativrs. i i I f%JT"MI ZED REf'RESE►ITATIVe I i----fKXAt} %Jr-'S{l it ia�=a====—:aa==x�c:=.rzss.=aassasw:.uawo:::a:s.=am>z=scram: CN+; =y_n.['c am.�i.s .y�:sFFiF.ar-assarcnsw:sac==a.a==.=1 - - — -- .— . _ _. _ —//_ .//—— - — — — e ..—­..— 'k .-. ....­ i - Te-.. ,e+c IAe Tvn I/_ fl%1 C1 i GA5 OF EXH. V (o0�-O// 2"X E (RT) P PLAN — ROOF LAYOW'r ,0 DETAIL SECT. C FILLER - SUBJECT TO FIELD ADT,. 18"X 3G"' VENT ry -� LAr r� MAX. TYP. 1 iI � 40 —O 60'— 3" � NT ELEVATION :TAL ROOFING INS 2"x4'x 12' T Y P. T Y P. CUSSES F D. C26±) 6RAC E TY P. PLS.- 4, OM EDGE 'A' CHORDS /2"xe"ANCHOR BOLTS OX.,NOT TO INTERFERE iS TIE POINTS (Y- CEMENT _L AROUND lk 8" FLOCK BALL ALL AROUND T. HOT ROO F 'Y POLE k 4-3 - 5 I 40' O" A - TRUSS Imo- 20 = 3"- 5 —TRUSS TRUSS - DETAIL SECT. D - D KNEEWALL 2"x 6" CONST. SCALE %Z=1 -O" ALL STRUCTURAL LOCATIONS AS SHOWN P/O DIMENSIONED .11" NOTE REACTIONS, LOADING DURATION FACTORS PER — GRIFFIN ENGINEERING 24" O.C.TYP, Y T- T 12't MAY SE %Ufl-j ECT TO FIELD. AD?: TOWN OF WILDING & REVIEW✓ED BY �Qfis t.. BATE - IROOF IREHABILITATION HARRON CABLE TV ekU#L tNG QUAKER RD. QUEENSSURY N.Y. CONSULTINGTECHNICAL. FERVICES LAKB GEORGE N.Y. 12845: DATE 4/4/89 REV. D W1 SCALE 206" = I -U" D 0 -* I t df 'r x