1989-304 + ER,TI�"I A�.TE 01 C+DTVII'LI1�►.I�TCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i WARREN COUNTY , NEW YO'RK l I Date i _ t 'Phis is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit INo. y has been completed. 'Tmis structure may be occupied as a 1.,ncation Ealst Ro2kd i i I Owner By Order Town. Board I TOWN OF QUEFriNSBURY I I� ement Director of Bldg. & Code Enforc i k BUILDING PERMIT a TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ; 6T WARREN COUNTY, NEW PORK I� r✓ PERMISSION is hereby granted to Street, Road or Ave. OWNER of property located at in the Town of Queensbury. To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ C9 t. OWNER'S Address is P . D_ Box 4046 r- Queensbury , M . Y . 12804 m MI 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LIDE R'S 'Name es fp Sel f 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Same 4. ARCHITECT'S Name rTl a N e-a• S. ARCHITECT'S Address fZ 6. TYPE of Construction — [Please indicate by Xi ( l Wood Frame [ ) Masonry ( i Steel l i 7. PLANS and Specifications Tan , specifications , and application . No. 8 x 16 shed as per plot p rr c $, Proposed Use Shed PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES _ 1lpt��Y'r • 19—$9_'_ (If a Longer period is required a n application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_) r„ of 19 P!9 - Dated at the Town of Queensbury this for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY Buildirvgahingt'ynspactor TOWN OF QUEENSBU1RY APPf. rCATTi1N FOR BUILprNG AND ZONING PERMIT ' TOWN OF OURENS13URY Re+�xe�ued `� S FiCIVf1 w Fee Feud MAY 1 Sjd NkIl BUILDING AND CODES U1 .11AWDfEN'T Date 1.64ued 13AY and 11AVILAAVD ROAD,a RD 1 Dox 93 BL.DCi. !�► CODE L7EPT. pUEENSBURY, NRW YORK 22804 P +CJkrrt i t No Te-1 ( SI $ } 7921111 Ext 204 * * * t * * y' * � t * * * * ! a * • w w w ■ s t w * w } • r t w : w + w '+ A PERMT NjuS'f 111I3 OBTAINFL) BEFORE BECINNING CONSTRUCTION * NO INSPUCTIONS VILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RL, CEIVED A VALID BL' ILDTNC PERMIT . A11 applicably spaces an tfris application must be completed and the q •ir* Ltature of the must appear on the reverse side of this sheet % i r x * * * x x x * x * ,1• he owner of this Property is : 139UCI'' /'t p * o . Address /I V(DX •} C.+ ''f II NE 14111 TEL . 19 property location ,rArA F rr AO 40 TAX MAP NO * 57v alas there been any split of this property since October 1 , 19880> yes no ad if yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . SUIILIIVISION NAME , IF APPLICAnLE LOT NO . 111he person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : NAME P . G . ADDRESS TELw NO , Address Tel Name of builder Tel t4zime of Plurnkber T.ddress Tel Name of Mason Address 14ATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : w Z {7NIt1C; INFORMATION ( Of -I use' Only ) C:On::; trUctiGr& of a now building ' 'ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY lAd.3ition to a builairig ' PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY Aitvration to " Luilding REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD � ( sso Cf <<+ciqu dimensions ) Utk, ur work (d ,: criL�. ) ' SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED HATE VARIANCE # APPROVED DATE GROSS A4RL: A Cll" PROPOSED, t;TK4. uc4ruRE sq f t . Remarks : Ist Floor +► 2 nd Floor sq f t . ,* Cs7itP [. ls:'i'E ItNi'Oi4tmA 'ION 14LLQUIULD liL:iUWa 'I ft fled /,'r9 - S i'Lu o f prOpL.Iy / S G f t x / cf7 f t . Other Floors I � s �i . - t * l::xi�ta.rsg f�uLtaiis�] ( :: ) Situ JG .�i t ?( t _ 9 ,L ( not collar or bas .: ment ) TOTAL FLOOR AREA sq ft * E:xi : Gisig 13uiL lir«J (:: } U:a.: L+( � iv.0 Of new structure , �fIt k J G ft �' iino vuLuad:ation pier alaL/crawl/parti"l/ full VropoLjad building , di:;z:aneu tres�u L.tal,urty ( circlu one) Front yard 9S^ � 1' t Re ar y:ar. d 51r'_ ft Na . of stories. ()stabicablo space ) * Side yards ! v r c :and i t 11., ight ( tirade to ridyu ) /o / 6J/ ft . + If on c6rnar , liutb:ack from si.du scruec fG If rouiduntial , no . of families OCCUPANc;Y INFOWIII IOI I Now of rown% ( e'xcludinq baths] * C10. of bedrooms PRIMARY BUILDING No * or Aizftroou�s one fatrsily dwelling k'rirniry iYr,::atirrrl ;;y :;Cutu� il,Cf) -- � 'iti,1t? family dwa:lliny oryiau of fuel dwelling / Number of units uo . of firuplaca: ;;; to Lu iri::t:ailad Pew„A.InI occupancy will " wQQJ "QVu TransiUILZ nucuPa11c:y L•4nLr.al Air cor,aiitiunirsg:' „ k3usinc:5s BUILDING STYLED PRIMARY STRUCTURE * 1'rtciustrial lunch Contuusl:c.rax y Loy'? Cabin W If addiCion , wkisat will use y y i. r0 l:.aia4d ranch M.:tn�ic,�s Dui+lux split luvc:l old tirylu uu,ky.alow Cakju Cod CoLt"Uo i7Gk�ur * ACCESSORY )5UILDYbIC- czar Colon al House La�:tsahad 9"rcagei /one c"r/ two cat S * llttr"aCYta:+'1 g a,r,f„t+c� w/CU3�a car/ two car CIRCLE QNL PLEA-.!: f w t a w * IN s • a a ■ a r * ■ w + Privata: Storage building LOSTIMATI' D MARKr9` VA1- U2 OF ' OGha: r CoNiVin uCTION b 1r1F'ORi�tATION ON LIUILDIT1Ci5 [' [ CII' ICATIONS , ON REVCRSE: SIDE_ OF TkITS SH[ ET, To Be COKPLC'1'UDI Form BPA 10/88 V1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . r,,,,,dpp Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? � Foundation wall material Cosy CfC T Thickness I / Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) y � ,ipN Will there be a cellar?_,ie Heated or unheated? a gW&a, ._ Floor sq. footage —„Ly2 q sq Et Will there be a basement? ,�+l,Le.Will any portion be used as living space ? �yr� ( If so , what portion? sq . ft . - - Type of use ? Type of roof - sloped/flat/shed/other S-Le ,pcj Material of roof Size , wood studs " X No spacing " o . c . length ft . ' Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor X spacing "o , c . span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor " X " spacing C . C . span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams )_'"}� r�!' spacing ' _" c . c , span�Pt . Roof rafters " X-_(�" spacing r c o . c . span ,ram! ft . Roof trusses (pre- engineered) spacing " o . c . span ft , Exterior wall finish Of what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue -lined chimney be installed? Height above roar ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft . Water supply - ,Municipal or Private well SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new .installation of septic system ) DEC LARATIO N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with., whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Owner, owner's agent, architect , contractor * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY 6 HAVILAND ROADS YO NEW YORK U TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECT©R' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION + DATE �/ PERMIT # —" APPROVED' YES INO r FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING .� BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS r WALLS FsILING r—. INAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING a SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST S STAIRS—CLEARANCE L ~— PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ELr INTERIOR TRIMIPP-TVACY DOO FINISHED FLOURS —�c-- GARAGE FIREPROOF 'NG `. DOOR CLOSER (S) --�-- SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTI ;ICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED' REMARKS : � �t 1 .INSPECT R TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ,BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS OUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 32809--- TELEPHONE (5I8 ) 792-5932 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED.- NAME 6Zd LOCATION DATE u .Z. PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL ANAL ROUGH PLUMBS G FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU H-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ TEPS STAIRS-CLEARANC & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTU SJRELIEF VALVE .INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOORS FINISHED F S GARAGE FIRE OOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DETE TORS FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPR VAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! S: REMARK To 00 0 fz� NSPECTOR I i I I I -- 741 !e' 61 ` I I I 95" IS,I ls8 _� —— ----------------------- -.—_—_— — --- ------ ----- -- -'A s 7 RAAD pzo7- P.,h'/✓N LT/2lta/ GoIvHG/N TOWN OF QU E y/tl APPROVEp BY SCALE: DRAWN BY DATE: Zoning /4/a toRt .m, CRAWINO NUMBER '7Y1aM?EPOST 1BAB-08 -11 x 17 DATE I T7- -------------- -Ch r 7' A/ A 7-11 SCALE: DRAWN BY APPROVED BY DATE: I-J A A4'/, MAP 'I'll 18AB-08 11 x 17 ti