Addendum No 1 Qby RenovationGlens Falls National Bank Addendum #1 Queensbury Renovation February 5, 2024 Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM #1 TO THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR GLENS FALLS NATIONAL BANK QUEENSBURY RENOVATION The following changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made part of the construction documents of the above project, fully and completely, as if contained in the documents. All other conditions of the original Invitation to Bid and bid set remain unchanged. This Addendum must be acknowledged on the Bid Form. The Bid submittal date and time are not changed by this Addendum. General Information:  A link is included in this email to the original 1959 construction drawings and the construction drawings for the 2004 addition. These drawings include building section and floor to floor information. Addendum Items: 1. Question: What is the floor to deck height at the exterior walls where studs and spray foam insulation are called out? Answer: Refer to original drawings, see General Information above. 2. Question: What is the required R-value or thickness for the spray foam at the exterior walls, Wall Type E? Answer: There is no required R-value, per the Existing Building Code. The insulation thickness at Wall Type E shall be full stud depth, plus a maximum of 1/2" inch space between the existing walls and the studs. The offset of the studs from the existing walls is intended to take into account any uneven or non-plumb conditions. 3. Question: Is this project Open Shop or Prevailing Wage? Answer: This project is Open Shop. 4. Question: What are the thicknesses of the binder and top course for site paving, and what is the asphalt type? Answer: We need to confirm the depth of the existing base layer and “crusher course” at the upper parking lot; the thicknesses and types of asphalt and any additional required paving work will be in the following Addendum. 5. Question: Please confirm the extent of the paving and striping work. Answer: The extent of the paving and striping is limited to the upper parking lot, the six-foot parking lot extension, and the trench across the existing car lanes. END OF ADDENDUM