1989-346 � a j CERTIFICATE k, OF' COMPLIANCE l TOWN OF QUEENSSURY I, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 O.te August 13 1990 i . `" 89-346 This is to ccrti£y that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No, has been compacted. Id This structure may be occupied as a j I Ejgz LIocarion ell street � tl a RaMS Owner By order Town 'Board ll TOWN OF 4UIRENSIBURY dd i ,I Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement i i x Y BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89-346 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK o+ 1 PERMISSION is hereby granted to Myrt3e Rmse OWNER of property located at 8 Royel le Street . Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a QreeZewaY at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. F2CONTR�ACTOR WP{ER5 Address is Same rn or BUI LDER S Name �f v* J ITO Service 3 CONTRACTOR or SUILDEWS Address 7112 Regency Apts . QueensburysN _ Y _ 12804 4. ARCHITECT"S Name Co 5. ARCHITECT'S Address I f fD J J t!f {^h 6, TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) —s fD { ) Wood France C k Masonry { ) steel { 1 7, PLANS and Specifications No. 101 x 110 Breezewayaas per plot plan , specifications , and application _ Vari c 1989 8, Proposed Use UO Y Breezeway M tt� $ 4 [1{1 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES February 1 19 gd (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Ckueansbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 25th Day of Jul F 19 89 for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY Buiidw a Zoning (niii ctor 7'C►ti� N OFUEL�`NSL3URY APPLTCATTON For, BUILDING AND 70NING PERMIT Pare- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RECEIVED �i' y gee Fcu d s ter! ' MAY 2 2 1989 BUILDING AND CODES UITARn"CII`.'r Date Iaaued BLDG.. $c CODE DI=PT. DAY and HAV.ILIND ROADS RD 1 pox 98 pUEENSBVRYr NE{V YORK 12804 PP.AmZt No . Tejo ( 518j 792-5832 Exc -204 * * * * * *1 '* * 1 * * i * * * * A IN f i i ai * i * ■ i 11[ s i r i ill * K '� A I'ERiIIT muS'r L4 OBTAINED 'BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . No INSPECTIONS V1 LL BE MADE UNTI L APPLI CAHmT HAS REaCI= IVED A VALID BUT LDINC PERMIT . All applicable spaces on this application must be colnplcted and the s .; VUat re of * the $ applicant !!tusA app car * O * xh* * cxe � } � � 1 * eacoafc �h � s � si�te * t * The owner of this property is : P , O . Address c7 � � trrJ `-, 7� r f '� ' 1L�! �- TEL . TAX MAP NO Property locationdNhv v- isas there been any split or this property since October 1 , 19 $ 8 ? yes/ nn if yes , planning Uoard Review is necessary . LOT NO , SUBDIVISION NAMEt IF APPLICABLE '!' he person responsible for supervision of work as regards r3uilding Codes is : P , O . ADDRESS T 11 EL . NO . NAhIi- � � Tel Name of builder Y I-PSGI�d' c Address �711 e- fcElL €dL7 irddtess Tel wime of Plumber _may t�—�-- Tel x �3 � Name of Mason �� �?� /CrJ9r/ / .Addroz; 1J.1TU(tE Cif` rrar�aMr=G LARF: ; ZON I t1L`. I N .1:01 tAT ION ( Ut t i c e " 0 n��i r ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY Ca:, ; cructiarj of a ltau building {Aclxicion to :a >,uil�ting PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY r hltuC:+Lion to ;.I ):wilding r* REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARDIIIIII00000, ZONING BOJJI1 ( JIG to exc � rior rumens' Iona) GcY �4r Work (ala_crila.rl ��/}r@r=� . .,c/ IN APPROVEDPLAN R1�YIEW # APPROVED DATE �' • VARIANCE # C% /� - APr'rtOVED yDATE.Z:II 5 - GROSS AREA O 1' r:OPOSLD !; TrcUC " RE 'floor S 4 f Remarks : I s t t . 2nd floor sq f t . C4i•tPf.i 'i'i Ipil'Ol 'i'I{3N IcI [ Ulisl;(] iss LU�J • � * sire. of LYroL34: rty r j-- rt X / rc . other Floors sq ft . ( not Collar Or basement ) OTAL FLOOR AREA sq ft ' Lxi scfinal building ( :.: ) Un44x C= .Icz caf no strucLuru ft xoIt a ` l'yau ol: io or ::la ctuwl/laarciai/ full ' Nrrlpo:;�cl �uilciing , di:;tanco fro"' I.,rQ14XI rGy lirw circ:lu one ) w Front y:srd rt Rear yard ft No . of '.tD1ri S (h"blc- a2 t;p4&Ce) Side yard:; rt :and .� Cc II&V ht ( a ra .: LCa rick • ] .: ��— g 3 f IY on a�rna:r , ::etl�:.c)c frDau sirla :Cra:Lt rc 1 c rI*:;idan ' al , no . f familie OCCUPANCY INFOfJ�IATICl� Noe of ro ns ( exclu rig t�:.th ; ) } No. of 11 • rooans FIZ"1MA.FtY itl]ILDIN(: No . of LbrooiJI oo�One family dwelling l'rilfk:Ar 11L" Ciatrl I;yL;L: % mt ; '"a fe-Amity dwelling 'i'ylyc: f € uel multiple awelling / Huiatikacr of tutitsi, No f firer cua to b 11L`Y111:.1n+[:att Occupancy It. 1 :.a wood L4V4 bu II:.; L] llr:cl . '1•ranr349IL" eC:CI.tLx:.uaC:y L'untr:sl Air co1L+d1Liun![%9? L;usincssS BUILDING STYLE, PRI► ARY STRuCTuRe In'iustr ial 4char 1 ,allCta--� ConC..:aui:or.sry 'LI cabin T r ;&edition , wlrut Will LI bra? R*AL:iwal rQalCll MansiC+1I Dulla:X uplic l &II Old acylo UL1ILa}.alQW `.,L.aw cod Cocc"JI Dc ) �� r ACGI SSORY iUIL01"Com Col oni:il I.Ow 'i'oa.11a Ii+ause '� v L�:tachau 9ar1ago one cur two car/ car ( CIRCLIC ONE PLE4..)+ ) * ACLctCYt�Ci ca:aragl: 4 czar/ two [ .arf cox ■ ■ i * w * • ♦ w i ;rt+DL:aqC building MhRKr'T` V A1. 0 0 OL " � Orha C. C ON ::016 K U C'1 I O N onW INFORMATTON Col BUTLDTNC SPFCIPTCATTONS , ON REVERSE Slon OF •rlixS SFt4`k"T, '!O 9E COMPLI~'!'LD ! Form FPA 10188 v1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - - r BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood fra fire safe , etc . Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? if so , for what ? Foundation wall material Thickness Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar? /l)C Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage Will there be a basement? _,-Will any portions be used as living space ? q ft Cif so , what por t ? _sq . ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - lope flat/shed/other Material of roof Size , wood studs " X spacing •'o , c . length ft _~' 3oists { floor beams ) 1st . floor "'X IN spacing "o . c . span ft . JOISts ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor "'X I " spacing "o . c . span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) '"X "' spacing "4o . c . span fc . Roof rafters 4pf" X •i '" s acin � ' o . c . span - _ __.,(si�. p g_ i✓J'� p .—f t . / 11 4 N &4r 2.E Ge�'.5''x Roof trusses { pre- engineered) spacing INooc . span_ ft . Exterior wall finish Of what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe m rials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening betwee arage and dwellin I£ so will a Fir rated door , enclosure , and salf- c zng device be prov ' ? Will a flue-lined chimne e installed? eight above roof ft _ Depth of chimney £ou anon below grade ft , Depth of firepla hearth ft . i . Water suppLy - unicipal. or priva well SEPTIC SYS M _ Distance from Y private welliinclu ' g adjoining properties ft . CA sepa to application is ecessary for any repa ' or new installation of septic system) D E C L A R A T 1 0 N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all Other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not , and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Owner owner's agent, are ct, contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By SYRACUSE ALBANY 12241 BINGHAMTON 1390t BUFFALO i4203 HEM PSTEAD t 155G NEW YORK 10047 ROCHESTER 146 14 State Office Building 100 Broadway Stale Olfice Buildrnq Slate plfice 8uilclrn9 t75 Fu11on Avenue Two World Trade Center 155 Main Street W. East Washington t- Menands Hawley Street 125 Main Street STATE OF NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD . .A THIS AGENCY EMPLOYS AND SERVES THE HANDICAPPED r. WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION. OFFICE AT EL ROBERT STEINGUT STATEMENT THAT APPLICANT DOES NOT REQUIRE CHAIRMAN WORKERS ' COMPENSATION OR DISABILITY BENEFITS COVERAGE (Ref : Sec . 57 , WC Law ; Sec . 220 , Subd . 8 , DB Law) --- " Applicant ' s Name F ' ' R ' No ` Address Z- office At Business or Trade Name , if Different From Above The above named applicant for permit subject to restriction under Section 57 of the Workers ' Compensation Law , and Section 220 , Subd . 8 , of the Disability Benefits Law , makes the following statement for the purpose of establishing that he / she does not require coverage under these laws . r/ 1 . Location of work Zr- //% 13 2 . Exact work to be performed RC O ~ ' - w L / 3 . Number of workers 0 W1 4 . Date work is to be (a) commenced (b ) completed //-Z-/ ❑ I have workers ' compensation insurance (certificate attached) . I do not need workers ' compensation insurance because status is Individual owner or partner with no employees and not a corporation . [] I do not need workers ' compensation insurance because : © 1 have disability benefits insurance ( certificate attached) . I do not need disability benefits insurance because status is Individual owner or partner with no employees and not a corporation . 0 I do not need disability benefits insurance because : I hereby affirm, under the penalties of perjury , that I am the above named applicant for permit subject to restriction under Section 57 of the Workers ' Compensation Law and Section 220 , Subd . 8 , of the Disability Benefits Law and that the foregoing statements are true . r/ Date Signed . Z z. kti --- 19 04 Signaturre of Applicant Telephone No . l Title 41�� "V TO STATE OR MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT , BOARD , COMMISSION OR OFFICE REQUIRING CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE UNDER SECTION 57 of THE WORKERS ' COMPENSATION LAW AND UNDER SECTION 2205 SUBD . 89 OF THE DISABILITY BENEFITS LAW Based on the foregoing statements made by the above applicant : or' he Board has no objections , at this time , to the issuance of the permit requested . [3 The applicant will be required to have a Disability Benefits insurance policy effective not later than four (4 ) weeks after the employment of one or more employees on each of at least 30 days in any calendar year . It is to be understood , however , that the Board reserves the right to request revoca- tion of the permit if , after investigation , it is found that the applicant is required to have workers ' compensation and/or disability benefits coverage for the work referred to in the above application . WORKERS ' QWENS BZIARD 0 ; By Date : (DistAVIct Admire t,rator or Supervisor of W . C . Enforcement) C- 105 . 21 ( 7-83 ) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BuILDI G AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & VILAND ROADS hm ORK J2$ QUEENS RY, NEW TELEPH E (5I8 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPE RIS REPORT REQUEST INSPECTION CEIVED— � IO '� ERMIT #Jg DATE APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIE MONOLITHIC PO FO FOUNDATION/DAM -PRE ING BACKFILL APPRO L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS y/ CEILING 11 FXbrAL rNSPECTION : 1 CHIMNEY HZTGHT ROOFING SIDING RCHE /ST 5�—�-� EXTERNAL PO LS STAIRS-CLEARANC & VAL�,E PLUMBING FIXTUR S/RE INTERIOR. TRIM/P IVACY RS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGS FrREPROO rNG DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DSTECTDR FINAL ELECTRICAL SPECTATO CONSTRUCT ON - - FINAL APPROVAL O C/C '-- --~- OK TO ISSUE C/O A ,SIGNED CERTIrl BUILD OCCU NCY MUST BE OBTAINED S'ROM THOI EDEE RTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMI,SSVS A ��.._ REMARKS: 1 , r Ccyj- At rt�txvE DZPAFaT..J.J � IN ECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS f QUEENSBURYt NEW YORK 12809- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE - ,I - / PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO (/ FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR RMS ' FOUNDATION/RAMP-P OOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH--IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION.- CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & IFS PLUMBING FIXTURES ELIEF ALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY DOLT FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO NG .DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICAL NSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A .SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE .BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS- INSPECTOR