1989-455 � w +CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Data July 3 _19 89 his is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. s9- 455 T has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a ,. Storagc Sh 532. Location O%vner Atlantic Refining By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y No. _ 89_ 45S WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK U PERMISSION is hereby granted to ATLANTIC REFINING OWNER of property located at AVIATION ROAD Street, Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. x 1 . OWNER'S Address is r SAFE x C 2_ CONTRACTOR or BUI I 5 Name n KERRY WROBEL c 3_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 2501A BUTLER ROAD FORT EDWARD N . Y . 1 4. ARCHITECTS Marne x 5. ARCHITECT'S Address — .- 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by XI 7 t I wood Frame ( l Masonry 11 Steel I 7_ PLANS and Specifications No. 10 ' x 14 ' Storage shed as per plot plan , specifications , and application . B. Proposed Use u C Storage Shed n u n $ 1500000 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES January 1 1990 ` (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 20th y of June 19 89 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and o ing ctor IC � T TOWN C)F L' *E.'v'SBURY : ` 3 �. f � R 'ALIT LP ait- �, Nn - � N N, r rr, vL%iiT t'a C 4 ' Fee Pizid s ICU I LD I NC AND CODES-` tjj -] Wr Tl fElXT Date 74a ued elY .', nd IIAVILAND ROADS RD 1 BOX 93 peillfLd t lJU . � nUEENSBVRY , NEW YORK ? 2z?04 - Tel . ( 518 ) 792 - 5832 EYE 204 Y i Y / Y ! ! '! ■ ► ♦ f ! f R R i ■ ! i ■ Y ■ R ! ! ■ r i ■ ■ a ! Y R R A 1' f RTtIT mus'C L13 OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING. CONSTRUCTION ., NO INSPECTIONS 141ILL B1: MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS P.L. CI_ IVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT . All applicsblt spaces on this application must be completed and the 0 (TDature of the applicant must appear on the reversc side of this sheet * * r R x * * * * A * A k * * * k * * * * * It * * * * • * * * * * * The owner of this property is : AT.& 6 2Z:: ' PL7-FIA/ 4LL4 'A 11 . 0 . Address TEL . troperty location A4244271© ,12 ra. x MAP NO . / f teas there been any split of this property since October 1 , yes no If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . � UDDIVISION t1AMC , IF APPLICAnLC LOT NO . The person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : NAME P . G . ADORCES TEL . NO . «ume of builder &��je / &.Wogg: Address ttiume Of Plumber T.ddressy N"Me of Mason Aadreas Tel : 4ATURt OF PROPOS 0 hl]Rh= : * ZONING, iN ! 01C' WrION ( orface use onto nstructiun of a jL+�w bui.ldirL7 ZONING DL'SICNATION OF PROPERTY Adaicion to a bUila.lirtq * PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY �Alr, iC aLiOn to :.� Lwildlnq € 110 cl "eik.3� to exc � ri,zc climenLionz1 ' REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARD ZONING SOARD� Uci « r nark € a10 cri6Uk! I # SITE PLAN REVIEW tl APPROVEsa DATE kuSS AFtI:l. Ot' LyFtOPDSL' D, PfcU � '1' UFc>i VARIANCE 0 APPROVED HATE 1st Floor f41C) sq fte. Remarks . 2nd Floor 5q f t . COr•tPLL''1't: Icil'O[.M11'1'10N Scr r2ULicl:t] uL: t (dN . + .'" izu of prop rty 1` t x rL # Other Floors sq fc . Lxi:. ti � ic) Y;.uil.1L , ig ( ;i; ) Saem, .art - ( not cellar or basement ) TOTAL FLOOR ARCAe, 4 Q sq f t . * L'xa : �j nu ► I. Iiar•3 ( :. ) Uae yf" CS.AJC.Wr��rf ur' new structure: 10 ft k Iq ft ` r'uu� rd;ation -riicr/ »ia Crawl art1..1/ toll ' Nropo :cd bualaang , di :; r:►r►cu icotu L.r.alaurty 1111A.: (Csercler on+e ) f front yard _ t naar yard ft Nde of bcorie» (t►:►)ti c:.hl.: ` 1 wce ) * Sid.: y;ard5! r t ;.ncl it tte: .ight ( Urado to ridq.: ) `]� ft . * If on corner , :,Lr„U.ae: k from sick: :trti[ t tC If ra!; iduntial , no . of familim5 C Ho , of rocun3jQy*cludinq baths ) 1 " OCCUPANCY 1NFQP,MATICTI tlot of budrooinss # PRIMARY LUILD7NC eve No * of br40iroow .; , Onc taruily dwelling t' riur.ry ttiu.acirul s:y :: t ulu i f:.uu.ly dwulliny 'lyl,.s of fuel w Multil.+lea .)wailing / Number of units. Noe of fir`plac"4 Urea• !uu in5t:ailuct L'4er%A.anc9tr. occuP"XLCy will 4 +W.kS s:Lowc3 lma ifWt,eltll#Acd? lrr"n::iertit o4w;C1JV;+tWy Luntrcal Air * i34S1nL:SS UU ) t.L1 } NG STYLE, PRImARY STRUCTURE * Industrial yoctuir i`■rrC)t CGnctewq:or..ry LGn c:&bin * It .■dellLian , W14"r- Will uA-Q bes? 1Wis"d rancl► PLAnzii food r Llul,lux 1101at lvv*21 Old aeylc Uu+se w C"Pu Cod Cott;q%j C- kC r ' ACCESSORY UUILDIWCt CoLani..i tuow TOW1e }louse U4tachau yur..elo/ono cur/ two ❑;ar/ czar ( CIACLL•: OHL PLEASE ) ' ACcached q"ragu/Q41a C;ar/ two cwr/ cua' ■ a e ■ * ! r t ■ + a ■ ■ w ■ * :911riW"U%: Ltor"ga building t: STIMATED MARKrl' VALUE OF * Orhe c CON ::'rkUCTIU �l INPCnttATiom ON surLDING SprCIPTCATTONSo ON REVERSE: sJor OF TtsIS 4."FtemET, 61'0 Be COMPLCTE-0s Form DPA I0188 v1 BL IiLI ,*!G PEP.MIT APPLICATI . INUT BUILDING SPECIFIC.AT IONS : ype of construction , wood frame , rz safe , etc , Flili tiny second-hand or ungraded lurnier be used : If so , for what ? F,Dundation wall material Thickness Depth of foundation below grade ( tc bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar ? (:sated or unheated ? Floor sq , footage sq ft Will there be a basement ? Will any portion be used as living space ? ( If so , what portion ? sq . ft . - - Type of use ? Type of roof - sloped/ flat/shed/other .Iterial of roof Site . wood studs " X „ spacing " o . c . length ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 1st . floor " X spacing "'o . cl span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor ' X " spacing "C . c . span ft . Cverlays ( ceiling beams ) " X spacing " o . c . span ft . Roof rafters " X " spacing o . c . span ft * Roof trusses ( pre- engineered) spacin,a " o . c . sL.an ft . Exterior wall finish of what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire- rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? will a flue- lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft , Depth of fireplace hearth ft . in . water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . ( A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system ) DEC LA RATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and ,all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be compiled with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature i 4 4-A�4t -/,) "'�7"J" / Owner, ow er s a e , archtteet , cunt actor It At It It Or Or At Or Ar Ar At It It Or ft Or A W Or It Or Or It SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : Sy- - __� __- __-- TOWN OF QUEENS$URY O� J BUILDING AND CODROADS FARTMENT BAY & HAVILAN PORK 1280`56 OUEENSBURYr fr 792-g832 TELEPHONE ( Rt � REp©RT NJILDING INSPECTQ rr d INSPECTION RECEIVED REQUEST F Cs�� 2C NAME _ / / LOCATION - 7 �- PERMIT Iff DATE ~~ APPROVED YES NO nDOTINGIPIERS FORMS FOUNDATION/ MONOLITHIC AMP-PROOFING BACKFII,L APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING �FTNAL YNSPECT3dN: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING PORCHES/S`r S ,EXTE RNAL LS STAIRS-CLEA CLEARANCE REL IF VALVEFjxrTm PLUMBING TRIM PE VACY INTERIOR FINISHED FLOOR FING GARAGE FIREPR DOOR CLOSER ( RS SMOKE DETEC INSPECTI FINAL ELECTRI AL7F CONSTRu TIO�N FINAL APPROV L C A SIGNED C TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM PREMISES THE UILDING OCCUPTED �EPARTMEN2' BEFOR THESE REMARKS : INSPECTOR 621 - - - TOWN OF QUEENSBURY -- -- -- zoning-AAdministr_rat -- -- _ . till I �r4 i I