1979-09-28 SP 107 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 28 , 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: MICHEL BRANDT-SUPERVISOR DANIEL OLSON-COUNCILMAN DR. CHARLES EISENHART-COUNCILMAN MRS . FRANCES WALTER-COUNCILMAN HAMMOND ROBERTSON-COUNCILMAN JOSEPH BRENNAN-TOWN COUNSEL PRESS: G. F. POST STAR, WWSC MEETING OPENED 4 : 35 P. M. i SUPERVISOR BRANDT-REQUESTED MR. BRENNAN TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD MEMBERS : TOWN COUNSEL, JOSEPH BRENNAN-ON SEPT. 27 MR. CIESINSKI , SUPV. ATTORNEY ON THE STAFF OF THE DEPT. OF AUDIT AND CONTROL INFORP49_i gE THAT THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL FOR THE QSBY. SEWER DIST . N0. 1 WOULD BE PRESENTED TO THE COMPTROLLER FOR APPROVAL SOMETIME ON SEPT. 28TH. HE INFORMED ME THAT IN ORDER TO INSURE THE STATE PORTION OF THE FUNDING FOR THE PROJECT THAT IT WAS THE POSITION OF AUDIT AND CONTROL THERE WOULD HAVE TO BE FINAL ACTION BY THE TOWN BOARD UPON THE APPROVAL BY THE COMPTROLLER CREATING THE DISTRICT PRIOR TO SEPT. 30TH. OR IN THE OPINION OF AUDIT AND CONTROL GRAVE QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE ASSURANCE OF STATE FUNDING. RELATING THAT INFORMATION BASED UPON AN OPINION OF ENCON IS WHAT MR. CIESINSKI HAD STATED. I HAVE DISCUSSED THIS WITH THE BONDING ATTORNIES WILKIE, FARR AND GALLAGHER , ( MR. GALLOWAY ) TO SOLICIT HIS OPINION CONCERNING5 WHETHER THE CONCLUSION WAS REASONABLEYTHAT IN FACT THE STATE PORTION OF THE FUNDING COULD BE IN JEOPARDY . . . MR. GALLOWAY INFORMED ME THAT IN HIS OPINION HE FELT IT WAS REASONABLE UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES TO BELIEVE THAT THE STATE PORTION OF THE FUNDING COULD BE IN JEOPARDY IF THERE WAS INACTION BY THE TOWN BOARD. THEY STRONGLY URGED THAT ACTION BE TAKEN EITHER TODAY OR TOMORROW. MR. CIESINSKI ALSO INFORMEDI(le''THAT THERE WERE FORTY OTHER APPLICATIONS BEING SUBMITTED TO THE COMPTROLLER FOR ANTICIPATED APPROVAL BECAUSE OF THE JEOPARDY SITUATION INVOLVING THE FUNDING. . . THE ADVICE THROUGHOUT THE STATE HAD BEEN UNIFORM. AT 1 : 30 P. M. MR. CIESINSKI INFORMED ME THAT THE ORDER i FROM THE COMPTROLLER APPROVING QSBY. SEWER DIST. NO. 1 HAD BEEN EXECUTED. RESOLUTION OF FINAL ORDER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO BE KNOWN AS QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO . 1 IN SAID TOWN RESOLUTION NO . 318 , INTRODUCED BY MR. HAMMOND ROBERTSON WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION , SECONDED BY MR. MICHEL BRANDT : ENTIRE RESOLUTION WAS READ BY THE CLERK. . . DISCUSSION FOLLOWED. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- I DISAGREE WITH MR. CIESINSKI , I THINK THAT SEPT. 30TH IS REALLY AN ANTIFICIAL DEADLINE AND IT IS A DEADLINE THAT IS USED FOR INTERNAL AGENCY AUDITING IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BECAUSE OF SOME OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ARISEN TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THIS ORDER TABLED. RESOLUTION TO TABLE RESOLUTION NO . 318 of 1979 . INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN WALTER WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION , SECONDED BY `-� SUPERVISOR BRANDT- THE MOTION TO TABLE DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- I FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT THE TOWN BOARD PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE IN ESTABLISHING A REFERENDUM IN AUGUST OF THIS YEAR AT THAT TIME WHEN I ASKED FOR A DELAY BECAUSE CERTAIN QUESTIONS HAD ARISEN REGARDING THE WARREN CO. SEWER PROJECT. SPECIFICALLY AS FAR AS QUEENSBURY SEWER PROJECT WAS CONCERNED, QUESTIONS INVOLVING SO. QSBY. MEETINGS TODAY AT EPA 3 1/2 HR. MEETINGS YESTERDAY, THERE HAVE BEEN MANY QUESTIONS RAISED ABOUT FUNDING THE INTERCEPTOR LINE WHICH PUTS THE WARREN CO. SEWER PROJECT AT THIS TIME IN A LITTLE BIT OF JEOPARDY . I THINK BEFORE I WISH TO CONSIDER SPENDING 7 , 370 , 000 . 00 DOLLARS OF QSBY. MONEY I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. COUNCILMAN OLSON- BASICALLY WHAT I READ TODAY , REGARDING THE DIFFERENCE OF OPINION ISN ' T THAT ABOUT THE WARREN CO . SEWER PROJECT? TO-DAY WE ARE LOOKING AT THE QUEENSBURY FUNDING? 108 COUNCILMAN WALTER- THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ARISEN ARE REGARDING SO. QSBY. AND PARTICULARLY THE NEEDS SURVEY THAT WAS PERFORMED BY RIST FROST WHO ARE QSBY. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEYS ARE IN QUESTION RIGHT NOW AT EPA. I THINK THAT IT DOES HAVE A BEARING ON THE QSBY. PROJECT. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I BELIEVE WE ARE ESTABLISHING A SEWER DIST. AND THAT IS ALL WE ARE DOING TODAY , WE ARE NOT SPEtUrNG 7 MILLION DOLLARS OR 22 MILLION OR ANY OTHER SUM. WE ARE ESTABLISHING A DIST. WHICH CAN MOVE AHEAD a'ND BUILD A SEWER SYSTEM, IT IS NOT GOING TO BUILD A SEWER SYSTEM UNLESS THERE IS GOING TO BE A COUNTY SYSTEM TO TIE INTO, THAT IS . PART OF THE PLAN. IF FOR SOME REASON THE COUNTY SYSTEM IS NOT BUILT THEN THE TOWN SYSTEM WON ' T BE BUILT. COUNCILMAN WALTER WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF GOING AHEAD TODAY WHEN THERE ARE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COUNTY SYSTEM? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I THINK, THERE IS ALWAYS QUESTIONS , YOU ARE TALKING ..� ABOUT THE TAXPAYERS GROUPn SED QUESTIONS CONTINUOUSLY. . . THAT COUNCILMAN WALTER- I AM TALKING ABOUT THE HERCULES INTERCEPTOR FUNDSNWOULD NOT BE FORTHCOMING FROM EPA, SUPERVISOR BRANDT- IF THEY ARE NOT FORTHCOMING THEN WE CAN NOT BUILD ,THERE IS NOTHING IRREVERSIBLE IN WHAT WE ARE DOING. I THINK WE SHOULD PROCEED ALONG IN AN ORDERLY FASHION AND GET ON WITH THE BUSINESS OF PROVIDING A SEWER DIST. THAT WAS DESIRED BY THE VOTERS . COUNCILMAN EISENHART-I THINK WE ARE MOVING AHEAD TO MAKE SURE THAT THE MONEY IS AVAILABLE . . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- THE FEDERAL MONEY FOR THIS YEAR HAS ALREADY BEEN OBLIGATED, IF WE SIGN THIS PAPER TODAY WE WILL NOT COME UNDER FEDERAL OBLIGATIONS OR APPROPRIATIONS FOR THIS YEAR. . . IF WE APPLIED ON THE FIRST OF OCTOBER OR THE 10TH WE WOULD GET FEDERAL FUNDS, THEY ARE AVAILABLE THE FACT THAT WE HAVE HEARD ALL ALONG THAT IF WE DO NOT PUSH AHEAD THAT THE MONEY WOULD NOT BE AVAILABLE IS NOTHING BUT A LOT OF BUNK. TWO OR THREE YEARS DOWN THE ROAD MAYBE A DIFFERENT QUESTION BUT THE MONEY IS THERE IT IS AVAILABLE AND I CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO GET BACK INTO A CORNER, I DO NOT THINK THAT IS THE WAY GOVERNMENT SHOULD OPERATE . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- WE DID NOT ARGUE ABOUT EPA WE ARE ARGUING ABOUT STATE FUNDS. COUNCILMAN WALTER- THE QSBY . SEWER SYSTEM IS GOING TO BE BUILT BY STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDS . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- ANYONE OF WHICH WE LOSE , WE GO OVER OUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- THE OTHER POINT WHICH YOU BROUGHT OUT WHICH IS A VALID POINT IS THAT THREE YEARS FROM NOW OR TWO YEARS FROM NOW THERE MAY NOT - BE FUNDS AND WE ARE GOING INTO THE DESIGN STAGE , THERE WILL BE DESIGNING ALL NEXT YEAR, CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT START UNTIL THE FOLLOWING YEAR. WE HAVE TO PROCEED ALONG IF WE ARE GOING TO GET THE PROJECT DONE BEFORE FUNDING FADES OUT FROM THE FEDERAL FUNDS. COUNSEL JOSEPH BRENNAN- I HAVE NO PERSONNEL KNOWLEDGE OF THE INTERNAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT WITH RESPECT TO FINANCING , WHAT I HAVE RELATED TO THE BOARD CONCERNING, IS STRICTLY WHAT MR . CIESINSKI HAD INDICATED TO ME WAS THE BELIEF OF THE DEPT. OF AUDIT AND CONTROL. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- I AM ALMOST - ASSURED} MR. BRENNAN THAT THE INFORMA- TION THAT OFFICE OF AUDIT AND CONTROL RECEIVED FROM ENCON PROBABLY CAME DIRECTLY FROM MR. FLACKE , BECAUSE THERE CERTAINLY HAS BEEN A POLITICAL PUSH TO GET THIS PROJECT . . . . THE TECHNICANS AND PROFESSIONALS THAT HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH IT , THEY ARE THE ONES THAT HAVE RAISED THE QUESTIONS ALL ALONG THE LINE. COUNCILMAN OLSON- MR. BRENNAN , ARE WE NOT LOOKING AT A PROPOSAL TO ASSURE US OF STATE FUNDING? COUNSEL BRENNAN- THE ONLY THING THAT I CAN RELATE IS THAT I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT IN FACT WITH RESPECT TO THE STATE FUNDING THERE WOULD BE QUESTION AS TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS . . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- THE CRITICAL ISSUE HERE IS THAT THE POSSIBILITY OF I I l � i I APPENDIX A DISTRICT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION s • i i 1 A-1 QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 DISTRICT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION The Queensbury Sewer District No. / 1 consists of two parts ; Part A situate in South-Central Queenshury,' and Part B situate in North Queensbury. These parts of: the district are. bounded as per the following descriptions : ' PART A - SOUTH-CENTRAL QUEENSBURY Beginning at the northwesterly corner .bf the corporation limits of the City of Glens Falls ; Thence southerly along the westerly Corporation line of the city of Glens Falls to the northeasterly corner of Section 115 of the Tax Maps of 'the Town of Queensbury said . corner. lying within the right-of-way of Western Avenue : Thence generally westerly along the northerly boundary of said Section ,115 to the northeasterly -.corner' of Parcel — No. 2,11,. Block No. 1;, Section 115 . :; Thence generally westerly along the northerly boundary . of Parcel ' No. 2. 1, to the northwesterly corner of said parcel said corner lying on the boundary of the Queensbury lighting .. district; Thence westerly along t'he boundary line of the Queens- bury Lighting District to a point where said boundary line intersects the easterly boundary of the right-of-way for Interstate Route 87; A- 2 Thence generally northerly along the easterly boundary of the right-of-way for Interstate '.'Route ' 87, S00 feet more or less, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel *No. 1. 3,. Block No. *l, Section 115, as shown on. Town� of..Queensbury Tax Map, and the southerly boundary of Griffing Place ; ` Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Griffing Place to a point on the.- easterly Right-of-Way boundary of Interstate Route 87; Thence northerly along the easterly Right-of-Way limits of Interstate Route 87 and the westerly boundary of Griffing Place to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 1S , Block No . Suction 114 of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury; , Thence in a northerly direction along the easterly Right- of-Way limits of Interstate Route 87 and the westerly boundary of Parcel Nos . 15 and 1, Block - No. 1, .,section 114to the tnorthwesterly corner of said Parcel No. .1 and the southerly w boundary of Dixon Road; j Thence westerly crossing Interstate Route 87, 1to a point where the westerly Right-of-Way limits of said Interstate 87 intersects the southerly boundary of lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, said P point also being where the southerly boundary of lands of Niagara Mohawk intersects ' the' easterly boundary of Parcel No. 6, Block No. 1 , Section 93; x 00 —_._ _ �_ __r� `'°{�'�d S �y, . gam.. A-3 Thence southwesterly along the - southerly boundary of said Niagara Mohawk Power p Corporation property roperty to the north- easterly corner of Parcel No. 18 of Block No. 2, . Section 94 ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 4, Block No. 2, Section 94 ; said', boundary also being the ` easterly boundary of block No. 2 , Section 94 ; to the south- easterly corner of Parcel No. 35, Block No. . 2, Section '94 ; Thencf southwesterly along the southeasterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 35, and 34 , Block No. 2 , Section 94 , to the southerly corner of -Parcel No. 34; Thence continuing southwesterly and crossing Clark Street to the easterly corner of Parcel No. 33, Block No. 2, Section 94 ; Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. '3-3 to the southerly corner of Parcel ,No. 33; Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of said Parcel No. 33, to the westerly corner of Parcel No. 33• Thence continuing northwesterly in a straight line crossing Reservoir Drive to the easterly corner of Parcel ' No. 11 , Block No. 1,- Section 94 ; 0. ,, s kr. �. 5 �. tp274 r'9t .' +4s;.i.vEa.w. nwa.,...,v�%Y ,i d �'¢� 'rI�� R �_ H •e'�,,`#st * v s A k� ; A-4 Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundaries of Parcel Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 1S, 16 at 17 +to the southerly corner of Parcel No. 17, Block No.; 1, "Section 94; Thence continuing southwesterly along a southwesterly extension of the southeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 17, crossing• Clark Street to the intersection of said boundary extension with' the northeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 2, Block .No. 2, Section 94 ; Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 2, to the easterly corner•.pf 4ai'di•Parcel •No. 2 ; Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. 2, a distance of 215 feet more or less , to a point, said point being the intersection of the said southeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 2 with the limits of the Warren County Sewer District Number 1 ; Thence northwesterly along said limits of the Warren County Sewer District No. 1 to a point on, the southwesterly boundary of Parcel No. 2 of said aforementioned tax map, Section 94, said point being located a distance of 90 feet 4 northwesterly of the ° most southerly, corner bf,°said Parcel No. 2, as measured along said south westerly °boundary of Parce 1 No. 2; ' • .y AFB t, - .. .., .. + f r A-5 Thence northerly along the southwesterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 2 and l and. an extension' of' said southwesterly boundaries to a point. on the centerlin&"of Old Forge Road; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Old Forge Road to a point on said centerline a--distance of 200 feet from the' centerline . of Dixon Road; Thence northwesterly along a line parallel to Dixon Road and 200 feet distant from its centerline, - to a point on the southeasterly boundary of Parcel No: 2 , Block No. 1 , Section 93,• as shown -on the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. 2 to the southerly corner of Parcel No. 2 ; Thence Northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary of Parcel No. 2, to :the westerly corner of said Parcel No. Thence .northealter.ly along the northwesterly boundary ' of said Parcel No: 2, to a point on said boundary . a distance of 200 feet from the. centerline of Dixon Road; . • g r Y g Thence' enerally northwesterl alon aaline parallel to' Dixon Road -and 200 ' feet distant from its centerline, to a point along the -southwesterly extension of the southeasterly boundary of .Parcel No. 8, Block No. 2, Section 92, as shown on the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps ; �I y' ..y .a�. . .r. �,.{eEyyktl7�t#i YRJ b N7�$4�' ,..._-�.....x'•w... ..... A-+6 i - Thence northeasterly along said southwesterly extension of the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. 8 to the south- erly corner of Parcel No. 8 ; Thence northwesterly along -the southwesterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . � 8, 6, and 5 to the westerly corner of Parcel Nos . 5, and the southeasterly boundary of Zenas Drive; t Thence northeasterly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. 5 and the southeasterly boundary of Zenas Drive* to the northerly corner of said . Pareel No. 5; Thence crossing Dixon Road to the southeasterly corner. of Parcel No. 7. 3, . Block No. 2 , Sec.ti'on '97 ,. as shown on the r Queensbury Tax Maps; Thence generally northerly. along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 7. 3,..7. 2, 7.4 , 7,60 . 7. 7s, 7.1 25, 80 9 , 109 ll , 12,13,21,and 14 of Block No 2 , Section 97, said boundaries also designated as the Queensbury Lighting District boundary, to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 2, Block No. 2, Section 97; Thence easterly along the southern boundary of Parcel No. 2, to the intersection of said boundary with the most westerly boundary of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 2 , Section 97 ; Thence southerly along the most -westerly boundary line of Parcel No. 3 to the southwesterly corner thereof; Ak A-7. J Thence easterly along the southerly . boundary of said Parcel No.. 3, and continuing along the easter4y extension thereof to a . , point on the westerly boundary of''Parcel No. S. 1, Block No. 2, Section 97; Thence -northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 5. 1 and the easterly boundary of Burke Drive to a J point at which the northeasterly boundary of. the access road for Parcel No. - 6, Block No. 2, Section 97 intersects the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. S. 1 and the easterly boundary of Burke Drive ; Thence generally southeasterly along .the northeasterly r boundaries of said access road and the easterly boundary I of Parcel No. 6, Block No. 2, Section ' 97, to the south easterly- corner of said Parcel No.' 6; Thence southeasterly along the easterly boundary- of Parcel No. 14,. Block No. 19 Section 96 to the southeasterly corner ofrsaid Parcel No.' 14 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said parcel No. 14, to the northeasterly. corner ; of Parcel No. 1S , Block No. 1, Section 96; Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. 15, to the most westerly corner of Parcel No. 2,. Block No. 1, Section 96; a � t� A-8 f ` ! Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 13 and 12, Block No. . l , Section 96 to the north- westerly corner of Parcel No. 11, Block No.• 1 , Section. 96 ; M Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 11, to• the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 11 ; V Thence southerly a1Qng the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 11, 240 . 53 ft.- to .the southeasterly:'corner of j Parcel No. 11 ; Thence generally .southeasterly crossing Harold Harris Road to the 'northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 10, Block No. 1 , Section 96 ; Thence easterly along the .northerly boundary 'of,, said Parcel No. .10, .to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 10 ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. .10- Ao the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 8.1, . Block , No. 1, Section 96 ; • , .. � . ' Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 8 . 1 to the northerly corner of Parcel No. 7, Block No. 1 , Section 96 ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 7, to a point on said boundary a distance of 200 feet from the centerline of Dixon •Road; i Thence generally southeasterly along a line parallel to and 200 feet distant from the centerline of Dixon Road taY>=$ v` V' ` �i _ _ _ A-9 crossing Interstate Route 87 to a point on the wos,terly boundary of Parcel No. 1; B1ock' No. 2 , Section 100, being a distance of 2001feet from the centerline of Dixon Road, said point also being on' the easterly boundary of;the Right-of-Way for Interstate Route 87; Thence generally northerly along the said easterly boundary of Interstate Route 87, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel . NO. 1, Block No. 1 , Section �.98 as shown on the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps ; ., Thence northeasterly and easterly along the northerly .boundaries of said Parcel No. 1 , to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 1 ; 7lience generally northerly crossing Aviation Road to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 18, Block No. 3, Section 72 ; Thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of said Parcel No. 18 to7the northerly most of the northeasterly corners of Parcel No. 18 ; Y2 4K tfM 'tk, 1 yC b A-10 Thence generally northeasterly crossing Carleton Drive to the north- westerly corner of Parcel No. 14, Block No. S. Section 72;- Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. ' 14, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 14; Thence northerly along.the westerly boundary •of. Parcel No. 13, Block No S, Section 72, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 13; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 13, to the northeasterly,corner of Parcel No. 13; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 13, to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 13, said corner being on the northerly boundary of the new Aviation Road; Thence generally southeasterly along said northerly boundary of the new Aviation Road crossing old Aviation Road, Seage Road and Bixh Lane, to the southeasterly most corner of Parcel No. 2, Block No. 4,, Section 98, as .shown on the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury: -. Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 2, to - the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 2; Thence generally northerly crossing the old Aviation Road to the most south- e4y of the southeasterly corners of Parcel No. 22, Block No. 6, Section 72; . Thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Parcel. Nos.. 22, 23, and 24, Block No. 6, Section 729 to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 21, Block No. 6; vi r. 4 410 On j £ , a, W9' 7 A-11 Thence generally northwesterly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos. ' 21', 13, 12, 11, 70 6, 5, 4 and 3 Block. No. 6 , Section 72 to the northeasterly .corner of Parcel -No. •3, Block No. 6, Section 72; � . Thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Parcel Nos 3 and 2, ,Block No. 6, Section 72 , to the northwesterly corner of said Parcel No.` •2 ; F Thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos. 121 130 14 and ' 15, Block No. 1 ; Section 71, , ,to the north- easterly' corner of Parcel No.. 15 , Block No. 1,- Section 71 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 3, Block No. , 1 , Section 71 to the southwesterly, corner of Parcel No. 3; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. 3 to the northwesterly corner of. Par»cel No. 3; Thence continuing northerly along an extension of the , said westerly boundary ,of Parcel No. 3 and crossing Weeks Road to a point on the northerly boundary of Weeks Road; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of. Weeks Road and crossing Pine Drive , to the southwesterly corner., . of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 1 , Section 70, said corner being on the easterly boundary of Pine Drive; A-12 Thence northerly t erly along the easterly boundary of Pine Drive _ to the southeasterly most corner of Parcel No. 1 3, Block No. 1 , Section 73; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 13 to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 13 ; Thence, northerly along the Westerly boundary' of said Parcel No. 13, to the northwesterly corner oflParcel No. 13; Thence we sterly along the northerly boundary of parcel No. 14, Block No. 1 , Section 73, to the 'northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 14, said "corner being on the easterly boundary of rthe right-of-way for Interstate Route 87; ' Thence generally northerly along the easterly boundary of Interstate Route 87 do a point on' the southerly boundary of Gurney Lane, said point also being the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 7, Block No. 1, Section 74, of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury; Thence northerly crossing Gurney Lane . to the point where the easterly boundary of Interstate Route 87 intersects the northerly boundary of Gurney Lane ; Thence northerly partially along the easterly boundary of the R.O.W. of Interstate Route 87 and crossing the access . ramp thereto (Exit No. 20) to a point on the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 5 , Block 1 , Section No. 3S of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury, 340 feet distant from the northwesterly <3 g �x 0a A-13 rcorner o r of said Parcel No. S as measured along the westerly boundary rof Parcel No. S ; - Thence northerly along the 'easterly R.O.W. boundary of Interstate. Route 87, and the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos S, 4. 1 , 3, 1 . 2 ' and l . l , of B"lock. No.. 1 , Section 3S of said Queensbury ' Tax Maps to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No.' 10 , Block No. 1 , fSection 34 of the Queensbury, Tax Maps ; rThence continuing northerly along th.e ,easterly boundary of the R.O.W. of Interstate Route 87 and the' westerly boundaries of Parcel rNos . 10, 91, 79 6 , S, 4 , 3, 2 , and 1 of Block No. 1, Section 34 of said Queensbury Tax Maps to the southwesterly corner of Parcel r No. 10, Block No. 1, Section 33 of the Queensbury Tax Maps ; r Thence northerly .along the easterly boundary of the R.O.W. of Interstate Route 87 and along the westerly boundary of Parcel Nos. 10, and 13 of Block No. 1 , Section 33 of the Tax Maps of .the Town of Queensbury to the northwesterly corner of said Parcel No. 13; Thence northerly to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 12 , Block No. 1 , Section 33 of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. 12 to the northwesterly corner of said Parcel No. 12 ; . rThence northeasterly, crossing 'Route 9 .to ~the northwesterly Lcorner of Parcel 7. 1, Block No. 1,' Section 33 of the Queensbury Tax Maps ; , P * , A-14 Thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of Parcel No. 7. 1, and the easterly extension thereof to a point on the easterly boundary of Section 33 as shown on the Queens- bury ,Tax Maps ; • Thence generally southerly along the easterly bound- ary of Section 33, 'to the southeasterly corner of the extension ..of Section No 33, as shown on section 34 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of -Block No. 1, Section 33, ' and Block No. 2` 0 Section 34, and along the .centerline of Farm to Market Road," oad to a point where the westerly boundary og Parcel' No. 37. 2, Block No. 1,' Section 36 as shown ron 'the Town of Queensbury Tax 'Maps -:as extended in a northerly direction,' intersects said -'southerly boundary 'of Block No. 2, Section 34; Thence southerly along the westerly -boundary of said Parcel No. 37. 2 and the extension thereof to the southwesterly corner of said Parcel No. 37. 2 • Thence generally easterly nd y southeasterly along the northerly and northeasterly boundaries of Parcel N6. 34. 1, Block No. 1, Section 36 to the easterly most corner of Parcel No. 34 . 1 ; 1 Thence continuing southeasterly along the ,northeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 33. 1 , Block No. I , Section 36 to the southeasterly corner of Parcel 33.,1; Ia A-1S Thence westerly along the northerly liound ary of P arcel No. 27. 1, Block No. 1, Section 36 to the northwesterly most corner of Parcel 27. 1 ; • r ' Thence generally southwesterly along the westerly boundaries of said Parcel 27. 1, to the southwesterly most corner of Parcel ' 27. 1 ; Thence easterly along the northerly•boundary of Parcel No. 24 Block No.. l , Section' 36, to the northeasterly most corner of Parcel No. 24 ; i Thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Section 37, to the northwesterly corner of Section 37 of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury; Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Section 37, to the southwesterly corner of Section 37; ' Thence southeasterly along a .straight line to the northeasterly most corner of Parcel No. 14 , Block No. 2, Section '36; Thence generally easterly. along the northerly boundaries of Parcel No. 3, -Block No. 2, Section 36 to the northeasterly most corner of Parcel No. 3; Thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos.3and 8, Block ' No. 2, Section 36 and continuing along a , southerly extension of this line to a point where said extension intersects the centerline of Round Pond Road'; � A-16 Thence southeasterly, passing through Parcel 1464 1, Block No. 2 , of. Saction 67 of said Tax Map, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 20 B1ock ,No. -1, Section 68 , as shown on the Town" of Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence southeasterly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 2, 150 and 11, Block No.' l Section 68 , to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 4 of Block N0. 1 , Section 68 ; Thence southwesterly along a straight. line to the north- easterly orner of Parcel No. 8 Block No. 1 Section 68; Baste y , , Thence southwesterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. .8 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 8 ; Thence' southeasterly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 10 and 9, Block No. 1 ,. Section 68 , to the south- easterly corner of said Parcel No. 9 ; Thence southerly, 'crossing Montray Road, to the north- easterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. J3% Section 69 of the Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence southeasterly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 1, 29, 28 , 27, 26, 25 , 24, 23, 22 , 21 , 20 , 19 , 18, and 17, Block No. 1 , Section 69 as shown on Town of Queens bury P Tax Maps to the southeasterly corner- of said Parcel No . 17; Thence southeasterly crossing Kendrick Road, to the northe#sterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. 2, Section 70 , as shown on Town of Queensbury Tax Maps ; . A-17 Thence generally southeasterly along the easterly boundaries of. Parcel Nos . 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8,9, and 10, Block No. 2, Section 70, as shown on Town of Queensbury TaxmMaps to the southeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 10 ; Thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 10, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 12 . 1, Block No. 2, Section 70; Thence southerly along ' the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. 12 .1 to the southwesterly cornea' of said Parcel , Thence soulheasterly crossing Swee t, Road, to the north- easterly corner of Parcel No. 1, Block No. 2, Section 71 ; Thence southeasterly along the easterly boundary of •i Parcel No. I to the southeasterly corner of said arcel • P , Thence southeasterly crossing through Parcel No. 2 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. . 20, Block No. 2 , Section 71 of said Tax Maps ; . Thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos. 20 , 19. 10 19. 2 , 14 ,13, 129 110 10, and 9 of Block No. 2, . Section 71, to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 9 ; Thence southerly crossing Montray Road, to the north- easterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. .7., Section 72.,' as shown on the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps; r ` A-18 . Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. -1 and continuing along a southerly. extension of said boundary to a point where said extension intersects the northerly boundary of Parcel No.- 4 , Block No.. 7, Section� 72; Y Thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of said Parcel No. 4 to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel. No. 4 ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 7, Section 72 , to the northwesterly corner of Section 63, as shown on Town of Queensbury ,Tax Maps ; ' Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Section 63 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel. No. 1. 1, Block No. 1, . Section 634, Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 1.1 a distance of 130 feet :to a point; Thence easterly to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 2, Block No. 1, Section 63, crossing a ro ert owned P P Y by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; ' Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. Z to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. 3, Section 64 , of the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps; t"1401-ON ftW, j 1 v� Y A-19 Thence continuing along an easterly extension of said northerly boundary line of Parcel No. 2 , Section 63, and the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. 3, Section 64, „and crossing Niagara 'Mohawk Power Corp. property to a point, • said point being the intersection of' said easterly extension with the southwesterly boundary of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 4 , Section 64 ; Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of Parcel No. 3, to the most southerly corner of said Parcel ; Thence continuing southeasterly crossing Country Club Road to the southwesterly most corner of Parcel .No . 3 . 2 , Block No . 1 , Section No. 62 ; Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of "--' Parcel No . 3. 2 to the most southerly corner of said parcel ; Thence northeasterly in a straight line crossing Woodvale Road to the most westerly corner of Parcel. No. 22 , Block No. 1 , Section 61 . Thence generally easterly, northerly and easterly along the r northerly and westf rly boundaries of Parcel No. 22 to the north- easterly corner of said parcel ; Thence, northeasterly along a straight line to the northwesterly ' ` corner of Parcel No. 23, Block No. 1 , Section 61 . l i A- 20 Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 23, to the northeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 23, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel .No. . 24 , Block No : 1 , Section 61 ; , Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 24 ,' to the northeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence easterly along a straight line to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 25 . 1 , Block No . 1 , Section 61 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. .25 . 1 , and an easterly extension thereof to a point where said extension intersects the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 26 , Block No. 1 , Section 61 ; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 26, to the northwesterly corner of said parcel ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 26 , to the northeasterly corner of said parcel . Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 27. 1 , Block No. 1 , Section 61, : to - the northwesterly corner of said parcel. I � . 1 A-21 Thence easterly along the southerly, boundary, of Parcel, No, 27. 2, Block No. 1 , Section 61 , to the southeasterly corner of said parcel; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 27. 2 to the , northeasterly corner of said parcel ; . ' Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 41 , Block No. 1, Section -61 to a point on.'said boundary ' a distance of 400 feet west of the centerline of Ba y •Road• Thence northerly along a line P arallel to. and 400 feet west of the centerline of Bay Road to a point on said line a distance of 400 feet south of the southerly right-of-way of ' Walker Lane ; Thence westerly along a line parallel to and 400 feet from the southerly right-of-way of Walker Lane to a point, said point being the intersection of said line with the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 46. 2 Block o 1 e Y Y , N S coon 61 , of the Town of Queensbury Tax Maps. Thence northerly along the westerly boundary odf Parcel No. 46 . 2 to the southeasterly most corner of Parcel No. is, Block No. 7, Section 60 ; Thence northerly and westerly and northerly along the easterly boundaries of parcel No. 15 to the northeasterly rcorner of said parcel ; A-2.2 Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No . ' 169 Block No. 7, Section 60 to the southeasterly corner of said ' parcel ; ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 16 to the northeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence northwesterly along a 'straight line to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 17, Block NO. 7, Section.160 ; Thence northerly along the easterly- boundary of Parcel No 17 to the northeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 5, Block No. . 7, Section 60 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 4 . 1, Block No. 7 , Section 60 • I � Thence southerly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 4 . 1 and 4* 2 , Block No. 7 , . Section 60 to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 4 .2 • Thence easterly 'along the southerly boundary of Parcel 4 . 2 , - and an easterly extension thereof, crossing Bay Road to I a point where said extension intersects the easterly right- of-way of Bay Road; Thence generally northerly along the easterly right-of-way of Bay Road to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 17 , Block INo. 2 , Section 60 ; I A . A-23 Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 17 to the southeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 17, to the northeasterly corner of -aid parcel ; Thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Parcel ' No. 17, to the northwesterly corner of. said parcel and the easterly right-of-way of Bay Road; Thence generally northerly along the easterly right-of- way of Bay Road to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No 18 , Block No. 2 , Section 60 ; Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 18 to the ' southeasterly corner of said parcel ; , Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 20, Block No. 2, Section 60 , to the southwesterly corner of said parcel . y .Thence southeasterly along the southerly ,boundary of Parcel No. 20 to the southeasterly corner of said parcel . Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 20 to the northeasterly corner of said parcel and the southerly boundary of the right-of-way for. Haviland Road; A-24 f Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the Haviland Road right-of-way and the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 16 . 1 , Block No. 2, .Section 60 , to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 16 . 1 ; Thence in a general southerly direction, along the easterly ' boundaries of Parcel No. 16 . 1 , to the southeasterly boundary of said Parcel No. '16 . 1 ; - Thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No 3, Block No. 2 , Section 60 to . the northeasterly corner tof Parcel No. 8 , Block No. 3, Section NO ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 8 , 9, and 10 of 'Block No. 3, Section 60 to the south- easterly corner of' Parcel No. 10, Block No. 3, Section 60 , as shown on the Queennbury Tax Maps ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary ,of said Parcel No. 10 to the northeasterly corner of Bayberry Drive right-. of-way; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the ' Bayberry Drive right-of-way xo t e southeasterly corner of the Bayberry Drive right-of-way , and the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 5, Block No. 4 , Section 60 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 5; to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 5, Block No. 4, Section 60 as shown on the Queesnbury Tax Maps ; Y( r { 3 f C A-25 rThence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parc'el No. S, to the southeasterly corner .of .Parcel No. S , Block No. 4, Section 60; Thence southerly along a southerly'.extension of the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. S to a point where r said extension intersects the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 4 , Block No. 2 , Section 60 ; .1 ' Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 4, to a point where said boundary intersects the , ' northerly extension of the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 6, Block No. 2, Section 60 ; 1 Thence southerly along said extension and the westerly ' boundary of said Parcel No. 6, to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 6; Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. .6, to the southeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 6 , and rthe westerly boundary of the Meadowbrook .Road right-of-way; Thence northeasterly, crossing Meadowbrook Rgad to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 9 . 3, Block No. 2 Section 46, as shown on the Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of said Parcel No. 9 . 3 to the division line A-26 ' between the Glens Falls City School District and the Queensbury Union Free School District, as shown on Section 46 of the Queens- bury Tax Maps ; ` Y Thence easterly along the division line between the Glens Falls City School District and the Queensbury Union Free School District, as delineated on the Queensbury Tax Maps , approximately 620 feet to a corner in the division line between the school ' districts , said corner lying within Parcel No. 9 . 1, Block No. 2, Section 46 ; Thence southerly to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 16, Block No. 2, Section 45 ; Thence northeasterly along the northerly, boundar•ies of Parcel Nos . 16 , 17, 18 , and 19 .1 to the northeasterly corner Of parcel No. 19.1, Block 'No. 2-, Section 46 ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 19. 1 to the southeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 19.1 and the northerly boundary of the Cronin Road right- of-way; Thence generally easterly crossing Cronin Road, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 20 Block No. 3 , Section 59 , as shown on the Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence generally southerly along the easterly oundaries Y of Parcel Nos . 2, and 1 . 22, Block No. 3 , Section S9 to' a point 200 �` feet north of the northerly boundary of the right-of-way of Meadow Lane ; VON- .......:_ .. .... A- 27 ;• rThence generally southeasterly, running parallel to and a distance of 200 feet from the northerly boundary of the Meadow ' Lane right-of-way to a point on the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 5 . 2, Block No.. 2 , Section 58 of Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence. northerly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel r Nos . 5 . 2, 5 . 1 , 5 . 3, 4, and 3, Block No. 2 , Section 58 to the northwesterly corner of said Parcel No . 3; ' t ' Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 3, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 39 and the westerly boundary of the right-of-way of Meadow Drive. Thence easterly crossing Meadow Drive to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 12 , Block No. 3, Section 58 ; Thence easterly. along the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 12 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 12 ; ' Thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of Parcel No. 7, Block No: 3, ' Section 581, to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 7;* ' Thence easterly crossing Meadow View Drive tb the north- westerly corner of Parcel No. 13 Block No. 4 , Section 58 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of .said Parcel No. 13, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No . 13 ; A-28 Thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of Parcel No. 8, Block No. 4 , Section i 58 to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 8 and the . • westerly boundary of the Ridge Road 'right-of-way; r Thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way boundary rof Ridge Road to the point where the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. 1 , Section 109, as extended. westerly ' intersects said westerl ri ht-of-wa boundary of Ride Road; Y _ g Y Y 8 Thence easterly, crossing Ridge Road, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block No. 1, Section 109 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said ' Parcel No. 1 to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 1 , *� as shown on the Queensbury Tax Maps ; Thence southerly.. along the easterly- boundaries of Parcel Nos . 1, 2 3, 4, 5 ,. and 6 to a point 200 feet north of the � P ' northerly right-of-way boundary of Quaker Road; Thence easterly and southeasterly along a line running parallel to the northerly and northeasterly right-of-way boundary of Quaker Road, and at a distance of 200 feet northerly w and .northeasterly therefrom, to a point where said line inter- . sects the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 13. 2 , . B1ock No. 3, Section 109; Y r * ' 4 A-29 Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel 13. 2, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel 13. 2 ; �'— Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said 4 Parcel 13. 2, to the southeasterly corner of Parcel 13. 2 ; 5 Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel 13. 2 to a point 200 feet distant from the northeasterly boundary of Quaker Road; Thence southeasterly running parallel to and a distance of ' 200 feet from the northeasterly boundary of Quaker Road, to a point on the northerly boundary of Parcel No. 4, Block No. 3, ' Section 109 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel ' No. 4, to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 4 ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel ' Nos . 4 and 5 , Block No . 3, Section 109, to the southeasterly ' corner of said Parcel No . 5 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 5 to a point 200. feet distant from the northeasterly boundary of Quaker Road as shown on the Tax Maps of the .Town of Queensbury ; Thence running southeasterly along a line parallel to ,and a distance of 200 feet from the northeasterly boundary of Quaker Road to a point where said line intersects the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 9, Block No. 4 , Section 109 ; Thence generally southerly along a straight line crossing A-30 Parcel Nos . 1 . 1 , 1 . 2 , 24 and 26, Block No, 1 Section 1100 and crossing Quaker uaker Road and Dix Avenue to th.e 'northwesterly . ; corner of Parcel No. 29, Block No. 1 , Section '110 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel e No. 29, to the northeasterly corner of Parc 1 N 0 . 29 •, Of Thence southerly along the boundary easterly o y £ said Parcel No. 29 , to a point 200 feet distant from the northerly i boundary of Warren Street ; Thence running easterly along a line parallel to and a distance of 200 feet from the northerly boundary of Warren Street to a point where. said line intersects the westerly boundary of �! Block No. 7 of Section 110 of the Tax Maps of the Town of ' Queensbury; Thence ,running generally northeasterly. along the westerly boundaries of said Block No , 7 , and Parcel No. 31 , Block No. 1 , Section 110 to the northwesterly corner of' said Parcel -No. 31 ; ' Thence westerly along the westerly extension of the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 31 to a point on said extension a Y P distance of 200 feet from the northwesterly boundary of Highland Avenue; „ . Thence generally northeasterly along a line parallel to and 200 feet distant from the northwesterly boundary of Highland Avenue , crossing Quaker Road and Dix Avenue, to a point where said i i A-31 line intersects the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 19, Block No. 1, Section 110 ; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel d • No. 19, to the northwesterly corner ..of Parcel No. 19 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 19 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 19 ; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 19 to. a point a distance of 200 feet from the northerly boundary of Dix Avenue ; Thence easterly along a line parallel to and a distance of 200 feet from the northerly boundary of Dix Avenue to a point where said line intersects the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 15 Block No 1 • . Section 110 ; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary" of said Parcel No. 1S to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 1S ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 1S to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No, 15 ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundary of Parcel tNo. 16, Block No. 1 , Section 110 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 10, Block No. .1 , Section 110 ; Thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said tParcel No. 10 to the northeasterly corner thereof and the westerly. bounda.ry of the right-of-way of County Line Road; t f • _ '' rvi' :, • •'If4'. ".. a s•6 ' VIA s. p,. A-32 , Thence crossing County Line Road to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 1 , Block. No, 2, Section I10 of the Queens- bury Tax Maps N Thence easterly along the northerly boundaries of. Parcel Nos . 1 and 2 to the northeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 2 ; , Thence northerly and easterly, along the westerly and northerly boundaries . of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 2 , Section 110 : to the northeasterly corner thereof and the division line between rthe Town of Queensbury, Warren County, and the Town of Kingsbury, . Washington County; Thence running southerly along the division line ' between the Town of Queensbury, Warren County; and ,the Town of Kingsbury, Washington County to the point at which the counties of Warren, Washington, and Saratoga join; Thence westerly along the division line between Saratoga and Warren Counties to the easterly corporation limitsof the City of G1ens 'Falls ; Thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly corporation limits of the City of Glens Falls to the point and place of beginning. A-33 PART B NORT14 QUEENSBURY ' Beginning at the -intersection of the easterly shoreline of Lake George with the 'county line dividing Warren and 4 Washington Counties ; Thence southerly along said 'county line to the northeasterly COTner of Parcel. No . 1 .4 , Block No. 1 , Section 20 ; Thence westerly along the northerly bound.,iry of Parcel No . 1 . 4 and a westerly extension thereof, crossing Route 9L to a point where said extension intersects the westerly boundary of the right-of-way of Route 9L; Thence generally, northerly along said westerly boundary Of" th.e right--of-way Route 9L to the southea'st' erl� corner of Parcel No . 10 , Block No. 1 , Section 20 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Parcel 'No. 10 to the southwesterly corn.er of said parcel . . , Thence continuing westerly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 7,, Block No,. 1 , Section 20 , and a we'sterly extension thereof to a point where said extension intersects the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 5 , Block No , 1 , . Section 20 ; Thence .southerly along the easterly boundary, of Parcel- No. 5 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 6, Block No . 1 , Section, 20 ; 4 A-34 Thence continuing southerly along the easterly boundary, of Parcel No. 6 . to the southeasterly corner of said parcel ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 6 to the southwesterly corner of said parcel ; Thence generally northerly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos . .6, $, - 4 , .3, 1 . 1 and 2, Block 1,� Section 20 , to the most northerly .corner of Parcel No.' 2 ,,-and- the south- westerly boundary of the right-of-way of Route 9L; • Thence northwesterly and westerly along the southwesterly rand southerly right-of-way of Route 9L as shown on Section Nos . 20 and 10 of the Tax Maps of the Town of Queensbury to a point, said point being the intersection of the southerly extension of the easterly .boundary. of Parcel No. 40 , Block No. 1 , Section 16, with the southerly right-of-way of Route 9L; Thence nort her ly along said s ou therl y extension crossing Route 9L (also known as East Shore Drive) to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 40, Block No. 1 , Section 16 ; Thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 40 and 42 to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 42 , Block No . 1 , Section 16 ; Thence westerly along the northerly boundary of tParcel No. 42 to the northwesterly corner of. said parcel ; 4 „ ,: - "3k.a1x:". 4 -,•:a ki_�,�.�•,+ �'�g`�e'�'' '��x..—,_ €�ttt.*r':�P� to, • _ Y A-3S Thence northwesterly along the most westerly Y boundar of Parcel No. 37. 1 , Block No. 1 , Section 16 . to the southwesterly corner of Parcel No. 37. 3, Block No. 1 , Section 16 ; Then . ce northwesterly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 37. 3, 37. 2 . and 43 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No . 43, Block No. 1 , Section 16 ; Thence northwesterly along the most westerly boundaries of ' Parcel Nos . 45 and 47, Block No. 1 , Section 1.6, to a point on the most southerly boundary of Parcel No. 4A , Block No. 1 , rSection 16, said point being the intersection of the most westerly boundary of Parcel No. 47 with said most southerly. ' boundary f Parcel No y 48 ; Thence southwesterly along the most southerly boundary dary of Parcel No. 48, to the southwesterly corner of said parcel . Thence northwesterly along the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 48 , Block No. 1 , Section 16, to the northwesterly corner of 1 said parcel . Thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel No. 49 , Block No. 1 , Section 16, to the southwesterly corner of said parcel . rThence northerly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 49, 50 and S6, Block No. 1 , Section 16, to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 6. 2 , Block No. 1 , Section 16 ; A--36 Thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of Parcel 6. 2 and a southwesterly extension thereof to a point where said extension intersects the westerly boundary of'Block No. 1 Section 16 ; Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Block No. 1 , crossing Rockhurst Road to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 16 , Block No. 1 , Section 12 ; Thence southwesterly along the southerly.lboundary of Parcel No. 16, also being the northerly boundary of Rockhurst Road and a southwesterly extension thereof crossing Cleverdale Road to a point on the westerly boundary of Cleverdale Road, said point lying on the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 26, Block No. 3, Section 12 , 120 feet north of the southeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 26 ; '! Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Cleverdale Road, crossing Hillman Road and Boathouse Road to the northeasterly corner of Parcel No. 20 Block No. 1 Section 11 • Thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 2 to the northwesterly corner of said parcel ; Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 4 No. 2, to the southwester) corner of said arce Y, p 1 , r A-37 Thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel r � No. 2 to the southeasterly corner of said parcel; �`- Thence southerly along the most easterly boundary of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 1, Section 11 , to the southeasterly corner of said parcel; Thence northeasterly crossing Cleverdale Road along a northeasterly extension of the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 3 to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way of Cleverdale Road; Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly right-of way of Cleverdale Road to the northwesterly corner of Parcel. No . 5 , Block No. 1, Section 10 ; Thence generally easterly along the .northerly boundaries of Parcel, Nos . S and 6, Block No . 1 , Section 10 to the north,- easterly corner of Parcel No. 6; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said parcel No . 6 and a southerly extension thereof, crossing Route 9L to a point on the southeasterly boundary of Route 9L; Thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of Route 9L to the northerly most corner of Parcel No. 7 , Block No. 1 , Section 10 ; Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly boundaries of Parcel, Nos . 7, 8 . 1, and 8 . 2 , Block No. 1 , Section 10 to the Southeasterly corner of Parcel 'No. 8 . 2 • A-38 Thence southwesterly along the southeasterjy boundary of Parcel No. 8 . 2 , to the southerly m ost corner of said Parcel No. 8. 2 ; Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 8 . 2 8 . 1, and 7 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 7, Block No. 1 , Section 10 ; Thence southwesterly along th.e southeasterly boundary of Route 9L, to a point on the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 1. 1 , Block No. 1 , Section 10, said point being the inter- section of said boundary of Route 9L with the. 'easterly . . boundary of Parcel No. 1 . 1 ; Thence southeasterly along . th.e easterly.' boundar y of .said parcel No. 1 .-1 to the southeasterly corner of said Parcel ; Thence northwesterly along the most southerly, boundary of Parcel No. 1 .1 to the most southwesterly .corner of said , arcel • P Thence generally northwesterly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel No. 1. 1 to a point, said point being the intersection of said westerly y boundaries w' h �,t the southerly boundary of Route 9L; Thence generally westerly along said southerly boundary of Route 9L to a point where the southeasterly extension of th.e northeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 14 , Block No. 3, Section 6, intersects the southerly boundary of Route 9L; �. Thence northwesterly along the extension of the northeasterly 9>.,y'=3+9ES ' ._ .___.._..._... __ aXr E;: vJ a..._..,.._...,. -f•'C4 "u;.i27`..$Y Y:.r_*'n _ _ __ .. ... A-39 boundary of said Parcel No. 14, crossing Route 9L, to the �.. southeasterly corner of said Parcel No. 14 ; Thence northwesterly,' along the northeasterly boundary of Parcel No. 14, td ' a point where„saia boundary intersects the southerly boundary' of the most southeasterly- extension' - of Brayton Lane, said point being approximately 520 feet from the southeasterly corner of. said Parcel No. 14 ; Thence generally westerly along the southerly boundary of Brayton Lane to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No. 14 , Block No. 3, Section 6, of the Town of Queen•sbury Tax Maps ; Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel No. 14 , also being the easterly boundary of' Assembly Point Road, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No . 1 . 2 , Block No. 1 , Section 10 ; Thence continuing generally southerly along the easterly boundary of Assembly Point Road to -the southerly most corner of Parcel No. 26 . 1 , Block N0. 1 , .Section 10 ; T hence continuing southerly along the southerly extension of the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 26. 1 , Block No. 1 , Section 10 , crossing Route 9L, to a point on the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 26. 22 , Block No. 1, Section 10 , said point also lying on the southeasterly boundary of Route 9L; e ' A-40 Thence generally southerly along the westerly boundary of Parcel No. 26 . 22 to the northwesterly corner of Parcel No, 25, .Block No . 1 , Section 10 ; • Thence northeasterly along the northerly boundary of Parcel No . 250 to a point at -which the easterly boundary of Parcel No. 19 .1 , Block No. 1, Section 10 as extended northerly, intersects said northerly boundary of Parcel No. 25 ; Thence southeasterly along said extension and the easterly boundary of said Parcel No. 19 . 1 , to the southeasterly corner of said parcel ; - Thence e ce southwesterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel 19. 1, to the northwesterly corner of Parcel, 19 . 2 , Block No. 1, Section 10 ; Thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said MParcel 19 . 2, to the southwesterly corner of said parcel . Thence southwesterly along a .strai,ght line to the southeasterly corner of, Parcel No. 2 , Block No. 2, Section 10 ; Thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of rParcel No. 2 , to the southwesterly corner of said parcel , said corner also lying on the easterly boundary of Alexy Road; Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Alexy Road to the southeasterly corner of said boundary. A-41 Thence southwesterly crossing Alexy Road to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 3, Block No. 2, Section 10 ; Thence southwesterly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 3, to the southwesterly corner of said parcel ; 1 1 Thence northwesterly along the westerly boundaries of Parcel Nos . 3, - 4 and 5, Block No. 2, Section 10 to -the northwesterly _ corner of said Parcel ' No. 5 ; t Thence generally easterly along the northerly boundary of said Parcel No. 5 to a point, said point being the intersection of the westerly boundary of Alexy Road with said northerly boundary of Parcel No. 5; Thence northwesterly along the westerly boundary of Alexy Road to the southeasterly corner of Parcel No. 31 , Block No. 1 , Section 10 ; Thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Parcel No. 31, to the southwesterly corner of said parcel . Thence northwesterly along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 31 , to the northwesterly corner of Parcel 31 , said corner also lying on the southerly boundary of Route 9L, .(also known as East Shore Drive) . ' Thence continuing in a generally westerly direction along the said southerly boundary of Route 9L to a oint where the he southerly boundary intersects the corporation line dividing the Town of Lake George and the Town of Queensbury. l A-42 Thence northerly along said corporation line to a point, said point being the intersection of the southerly shoreline of Lake George with the Queensbury Corporation Line; Thence continuing in a generally northeasterly direction along the shoreline of Lake George, to the point and place of beginning. , • t r t f • r. • t The question of the adoption of the foregoing Order was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: MR M f VOTING Cj i QHAFXLEV EI AR VOTING u VOTING YES MM VOTING VOTING` (yp T e Order was hereupon declared duly adopte� * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ._ r STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. • COUNTY OF WARREN ) . I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: . That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town including the Order contained therein, held on the 28th day of September, 1979 , with the original thereof on file in my office , and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had due notice of said meeting, and that, pursuant to Section 99 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law) , said meeting was open to the general public, and that I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the following newspapers and/or other news media as follows: Newspaper and/or other news media Date ,given THE GLENS FALLS NEWSPAPER a., RADIO STATION WWSC 9^27-79 RADIO STATION WBZA. 9-27-79 and that further notice of the time and place of such meeting was given to the public by posting such notice in the following y` places on the following dates, and by giving such other notice as follows: r i _ Location of Other method of posted notice giving notice Date given TOWN CLERKS BULLETIN BOARD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OFFICE BLDG. 9-27-79 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 28 day of SEPTEMBER , 1979. Town Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) i LOSING FUNDS THAT BRINGS US HERE TODAY TO VOTE RATHER THAN LATER, AS FAR AS WHETHER WE ARE GOING TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THIS RESOLUTION IS NOT A MATTER OF THE TIMING FOR BEING PUSHED BY THE STATE OF N. Y. AT ALLJ IT IS A MATTER OF DO WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE WANT TO CREATE THIS DISTRICT OR DO WE NOT? IF WE WANT TO ESTABLISH THIS DISTRICT THEN WE DO IT ON A TIMELY BASIS SO THAT IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION ABOUT THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS WE ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. COUNCILMAN WALTER- IS MR. GALLOWAY AWARE OF EPA STATEMENT REGARDING THE WARREN CO. INTERCEPTER. . . COUNSEL BRENNAN- I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF THAT. . . I ASSUME HE IS NOT. . . RESOLUTION OF FINAL ORDER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO BE KNOWN AS QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 IN SAID TOWN RESOLUTION NO . 31�8' INTRODUCED BY MR. HAMMOND ROBERTSON WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION , SECONDED BY MR. MICHEL BRANDT : WHEREAS, THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK HAS HERETOFORE DULY CAUSED A GENERAL MAP , PLAN AND REPORT TO BE PREPARED BY A COMPETENT ENGINEER, DULY LICENSED BY THE STATE OF NEW YORK , WHICH HAVE BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK OF SAID TOWN, TO BE KNOWN AS QUEENSBURY SEWER DIST. N0. 1 ; AND WHEREAS, AN ORDER WAS DULY ADOPTED BY SAID TOWN BOARD ON THE 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 1979 , RECITING A DESCRIPTION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID PROPOSED SEWER DISTRICT, THE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED THEREFOR, THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT PROPOSED TO BE EXPENDED FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS, THE PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING TO BE EMPLOYED , THE FACT THAT SAID MAP , PLAN AND REPORT WERE ON FILE IN THE TOWN CLERK ' S OFFICE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION , AND SPECIFYING THE 10TH DAY OF JULY , 1979 , AT 7 : 30 O' CLOCK P. M. PREVAILING TIME , AT THE COURT ROOM, MUNICIPAL CENTER, IN LAKE GEORGE , NEW YORK , IN SAID TOWN , AS THE TIME WHEN AND THE PLACE WHERE SAID TOWN BOARD WOULD MEET FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECT THEREOF CONCERNING THE SAME ; AND WHEREAS , SUCH ORDER WAS DULY PUBLISHED AND POSTED IN THE MANNER AND WITHIN THE TIME PRESECRIBED BY SECTION 209-D OF THE TOWN LAW AND PROOF OF SUCH PUBLICATION AND POSTING HAS BEEN DULY PRESENTED TO SAID TOWN BOARD; AND WHEREAS, SAID PUBLIC HEARING WAS DULY HELD AT THE TIME AND PLACE SET FORTH IN SAID ORDER , AS AFORESAID , TO WHICH TIME ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO BE HEARD WERE DULY HEARD; AND WHEREAS , FOLLOWING SAID PUBLIC HEARING , AND BASED UPON THE EVIDENCE GIVEN THEREAT , SAID TOWN BOARD DULY ADOPTED A RESOLUTION DETERMINING IN THE AFFIRMATIVE ALL OF THE QUESTIONS SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION 1 OF SECTION 209-E OF THE TOWN LAW ; AND WHEREAS, FOLLOWING SAID PUBLIC HEARING , SAID TOWN BOARD ALSO DULY ADOPTED A RESOLUTION , WHICH WAS APPROVED AT A SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION , APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SAID SEWER DISTRICT AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS PROPOSED THEREFOR; AND WHEREAS, IN RESPONSE TO AN APPLICATION DULY MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION 3 OF SECTION 209-F OF THE TOWN LAW , THE STATE COMPTROLLER HAS DULY MADE AN ORDER , IN DUPLICATE , DATED SEPTEMBER 28 , 1979 , GRANTING PERMISSION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SAID SEWER DISTRICT , PROOF OF WHICH HAS BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK AND WHICH HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO SAID TOWN BOARD ; NOW , THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY ORDERED , BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 . A SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK , TO BE KNOWN AS QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AFORESAID ORDER OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER , IS BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS SET FORTH IN APPENDIX A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SECTION 2 . THE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED FOR SAID SEWER DISTRICT , CONSISTING OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM TO SERVE SAID DISTRICT, INCLUDING ORIGINAL FURNISHINGS , EQUIPMENT , MACHINERY 110 OR APPARATUS REQUIRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH , AND ALSO INCLUDING THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND RIGHTS IN LAND REQUIRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH , ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE MAP , PLAN AND REPORT PREPARED IN CONNEC- TION THEREWITH , IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED. THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT TO BE EXPENDED FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENT IS ESTIMATED TO BE $22 , 946 . 330 . , OF WHICH IT IS EXPECTED THAT THE LOCAL SHARE THEREOF SHALL NOT EXCEED $7 , 370 , 258. THE LOCAL SHARE OF THE COSTS OF SAID IMPROVEMENT SHALL BE FINANCED BY THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $7, 370 , 258 . SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN MATURING IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS OVER A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING FORTY YEARS , WHICH COST SHALL BE BORNE BY LOCAL ASSESSMENT UPON THE SEVERAL LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND IN SAID DISTRICT WHICH THE TOWN BOARD SHALL DETERMINE AND SPECIFY - TO BE ESPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY , BUT IF NOT PAID FROM SUCH SOURCE , 3 ALL THE TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY IN SAID TOWN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE LEVY OF AD VALOREM TAXES , WITHOUT LIMITATION AS TO RATE OR AMOUNT , SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS THE SAME BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE. THE REMAINDER OF SUCH COSTS IN EXPECTED TO BE FINANCED BY AID MONEYS ANTICIPATED TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS. IF NECESSARY , REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES OF SAID TOWN SHALL BE ISSUED IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OF SUCH AID MONEYS. SECTION 3. THE TOWN CLERK IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO CAUSE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDER TO BE DULY RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK , WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDER BY THIS TOWN BOARD AND TO FILE A CERTIFIED COPY THEREOF WITH- IN THAT TIME IN THE OFFICE OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL , IN ALBANY , NEW YORK , BOTH PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION 1 OF SECTION 109-G OF THE TOWN LAW. WHEN SO RECORDED, SUCH ORDER SHALL BE PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE OF THE REGULARITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SAID QUEENS- BURY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 , OF THE PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS HEREINBEFORE DESCRIBED AND TO ALL OTHER ACTION TAKEN BY SAID TOWN BOARD IN RELATION THERETO. SECTION 4. THIS ORDER SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. (APPENDIX A. ATTACHED HERETO ) DULY ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE : AYES: MR. OLSON , DR. EISENHART , MR. ROBERTSON , MR. BRANDT -- ' NOES: MRS. WALTER ABSENT : NONE j; i DISCUSSION HELD ON NEXT RESOLUTION : COUNCILMAN OLSON AND COUNCILMAN EISENHART : QUESTIONED SECTION 4 OF THE RESOLUTION. . COUNSEL BRENNAN- WHAT THAT MEANS IS THAT THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE TOWN OF QSBY. IS PLEDGED TO A DEGREE. . . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO . 1 IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $22 ,946. 330 . , AND _ AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $7 , 370 ,258. SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN TO PAY THE LOCAL SHARE THEREOF. i I!, 2ESQLUTTON NO . 319_, INTRODUCED BY MR. HAMMOND ROBERTSON WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION , SECONDED BY MR. DANIEL OLSON : WHEREAS, THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK , HAS HERETOFORE DULY ESTABLISHED QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT N0. 1 • IN SAID TOWN PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-A OF THE TOWN LAW ; AND WHEREAS, IT IS NOW DESIRED TO PROVIDE FOR THE FINANCING OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS TO SERVE SAID DISTRICT ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED , BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 . THE SPECIFIC OBJECT OR PURPOSE TO BE FINANCED PURSUANT TO THIS RESOLUTION IS THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM TO SERVE QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK SUBSTANTIALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A MAP , PLAN AND REPORT , NOW ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK , INCLUDING LAND AND RIGHTS IN LAND, AND ORIGINAL FURNISHINGS , EQUIPMENT , MACHINERY OR APPARATUS REQUIRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. SECTION 2. THE MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF SUCH SPECIFIC OBJECT OR PURPOSE IS $22 , 946. 330. , AND THE PLAN FOR THE FINANCING THEREOF IS AS FOLLOWS : A ) BY THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $7 , 370 , 258 . SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN , HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED THEREFOR PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW ; AND B ) THE BALANCE THEREOF TO BE PAID FROM MONEYS ANTICIPATED TO BE RECEIVED AS GRANTS IN AID FROM THE FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS, WHICH MONEYS ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO BE EXPENDED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. IF NECESSARY , REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES OF SAID TOWN SHALL BE ISSUED IN ANTICIPATION OF THE RECEIPT OR COLLECTION OF SUCH MONEYS. SECTION 3. IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED THAT THE PERIOD OF PROBABLE USE- FULNESS OF THE AFORESAID SPECIFIC OBJECT OR PURPOSE IS FORTY YEARS , PUR- SUANT TO SUBDIVISION 4 OF PARAGRAPH Q OF SECTION 11 : 00 OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER DETERMINED THAT THE MAXIMUM MATURITY OF THE SERIAL BONDS HEREIN AUTHORIZED WILL EXCEED FIVE YEARS. SECTION 4. THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF SAID TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK , ARE HEREBY IRREVOCABLY PLEDGED FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SUCH BONDS AS THE SAME RESPECTIVELY BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE. THERE SHALL BE ANNUALLY APPORTIONED AND ASSESSED UPON THE SEVERAL LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN SAID QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICT N0. 1 WHICH THE TOWN BOARD SHALL DETERMINE AND SPECIFY TO BE ESPECIALLY BENEFITED BY THE IMPROVEMENT AN AMOUNT SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAaD BONDS AS THE SAME BECOME DUE , BUT IF NOT PAID FROM SUCH SOURCE , ALL THE TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY IN SAID TOWN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE LEVY OF AD VALOREM TAXES , WITHOUT LIMITATION AS TO RATE OR AMOUNT SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS THE SAME SHALL BECOME DUE . SECTION 5 . SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW , THE POWER TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF AND TO SELL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE SERIAL BONDS HEREIN AUTHORIZED, INCLUDING RENEWALS OF SUCH NOTES , IS HEREBY DELEGATED TO THE SUPERVISOR , THE CHIEF FISCAL OFFICER. SUCH NOTES SHALL BE OF SUCH TERMS , FORM AND CONTENTS , AND SHALL BE ALL SOLD IN SUCH MANNER, AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY SAID SUPERVISOR , CONSISTANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW . I 112 ECTION 6. THE VALIDITY OF SUCH BONDS AND BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES MAY BE CONTESTED ONLY IF : 1 ) SUCH OBLIGATIONS ARE AUTHORIZED FOR AN OBJECT OR PURPOSE FOR WHICH SAID TOWN IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO EXPEND MONEY , OR 2 ) THE PROVISIONS OF LAW WHICH SHOULD BE COMPLIED WITH AT THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION ARE NOT SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIED WITH , i i AND AN ACTION , SUIT OR PROCEEDING CONTESTING SUCH VALIDITY IS COMMENCED WITHIN TWENTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR 3 ) SUCH OBLIGATIONS ARE AUTHORIZED IN VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION . SECTION 7. THIS RESOLUTION , WHICH TAKES EFFECT IMMEDIATELY , SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE POST STAR AND TIME, TOGETHER WITH THE NOTICE OF THE TOWN CLERK IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM PROVIDED IN SECTION 81 . 00 OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW . DULY ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE : AYES : MR. OLSON , DR. EISENHART, MR. ROBERTSON , MR. BRANDT NOES : MRS. WALTER i ABSENT: NONE j TOWN CLERK-DONALD A. CHASE- I HAVE RECEIVED THE TENIATIVE BUDGET FROM THE SUPERVISOR AND AM NOW TURNING OVER THIS TO THE TOWN BOARD. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- THERE WILL BE NO TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 2ND. 1979 I COUNCILMAN EISENHART- RE : CONSERVATION COUNCIL. . . ASKED THE TOWN CLERK TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE . 000NCIL . WILL PREPARE INFORMATION FOR THE TOWN CLERK . . . ON MOTION THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. RESPECTFULLY , DONALD A. CHASE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I i I , i I I I i _ - i