2011-264 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20110264 Date Issued: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20110264 has been completed. Location: 52-1/2 RUSSELL HARRIS Rd Tax Map Number: 523400-240-005-0001-007-000-0000 Owner: MICHAEL F GLEASMAN Applicant: JAMES &NANCY WHITE This structure may be occupied as a: Boathouse By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board Director of Building&Code force ent or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN.OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)161-8201 Community Development-Building-&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20110264 Application Number: A20110264 Tax Map No: 523400-240-005-0001-007-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: JAMES &NANCY WHITE For property located at: 52-1/2 RUSSELL HARRIS Rd in the Town of,Queensbury;to construct or place at the;above location'in accordance with application together with plot plans.and other information hereto filed and approved'and,in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: JAMES &NANCY.WHITE MARY BROWNELL Boathouse $5,000.00 12 CEDARWOOD Dr Total Value $5,000.00 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or.Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications - 340 sq ft boathouse $75.00, PERMIT FEE PAID THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,June 21,2012 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of.Queensbury before the expiration date.) � �uee 4 .Dated.at the 1\p``n out ` ft�June 21, 2011 SIGNED BY for.the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&`Code Enforcement __ USE'ONLY �_____._ _-__._. /�_�.�_�_ 91,o /,7FFICETAX M oS AP NO. PERMIT NO. JUX"0.7 2011 FEE PAID BLDG. &CODES APPROVAL SOWN OF QUEENSBURY ACCESSORY STRUCTURE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Use this application for any structure other than the Principal Structure (house) to include, but not limited to: garage, shed, greenhouse, dock, deck, etc. Refer to Informational Brochure No. 3 entitled Accessory Structures- Sheds/Fences. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE WORK BEGINS. APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT. NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT. OWNER: PlYI1011� �'//bI P uNAI�ny�MQ1LUNll�IJ�bW7 INSTALLER/BUILDER: ADDRESSJ'� ULlar-U Dtw Otz fAp ADDRESS: // �f PHONE NO O 7 PHONE NOS.Coil 1 LOCATION OF PROPERTY:5 2y . K '5�e I SUBDIVISION NAME: 014 Clev�.�r tc e act • LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ANDIOR INSTALLATION. w 61/S�_ r HAS THERE BEEN A SITE PLAN REVIEW;VARIANCE OR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL? ❑YES ] NO IF SO,INDICATE APPLICATION No.AND DATE of APPROVAL: ESTIMATED COST'OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 00d- 'D&A"NY OTHER ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY? IF YES,PLEASE LIST: CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: PHONE: ' ND PROPOSED PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 1 FLOOR 2 FLOOR TOTAL HEIGHT SQ.FT. SO.FT. SQ.FT. FT.&IN. OPEN PORCH DECK 3 SEASON,COVERED OR ENCLOSED PORCH' BOATHOUSE 3 &0 I BOATHOUSE.WITH SUNDECK DOCK r SHED POLE BARN DETACHED GARAGE(NO.OF CARS: ) OTHER ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: *CONSIDERED FLOOR AREA & MUST COMPLY WITH FAR [FLOOR AREA RATIO].REQUIREMENTS IF THE STRUCTURE IS LOCATED IN THE WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL ZONE. To the best of my,knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Codes, the Zoning Ordinance, and,,all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall .be complied With, whether specified or noted,,and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit'prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issued, as requested by-the Zoning;Administrator.or Director. of Building and Codes, an As-Built Survey by a licensed .. surveyor, &awn to scale, showing actual location of all new construction. Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: i0 am/ Depart: am/pm Date Inspection request received//: Inspector's Initials: NAME: hk, _ PERMIT#: `LVZ'19� �ZAY LOCATION: t r:C 1 Q DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments: Yes No NIA 4" Building Number Address visible from road Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers Guards at stairs,decks,patios more than 30 inches above grade Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck,porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors Every level: Every Bedroom: Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: Battery backup: Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 s .ft:150 s .ft.vents Bathroom Fans,if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation to floor/Sticker on Panel Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 s .ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valves installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum W Gypsum Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/%hour fire door/door closer Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical;Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% Final Survey Plot Plan Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces/Tamper Proof Receptacles Flex Gas Pipe Bonding As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Cert ea to ,if re uir 7— Okayto issue I C o 10 ermanent LABuilding&Codes Forms\Building&Codes\Inspection FormsWesidential Final Inspection Form_revised_100405.doc; Revised January 7,2008; Revised 6/26/08; Revised 12/22110, Revised 04/13/11 5-r�c u 5 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: am/am De art:f( yam/pm Date Inspection request received: Inspector's Initials: I, NAME: (So c' ,ma-, PERMIT#: LOCATION: ,� k'c, DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments: 4" BuildingYes No NIA Number Address visible from road [_ 1 Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 18 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers Guards at stairs,decks,patios more than 30 inches above grade �, — �6!� Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck,porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall Interior/Exterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy 1 trim/doors/main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safe glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors/Carbon Monoxide Detectors Every level: Every Bedroom:Outside every bedroom area:. Inter Connected: Battery backup: Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches(height)in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access,1 s .ft:150 s .ft.vents Bathroom Fans if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation to floor/Sticker on Panel Duct work sealed properly/Blower Door Test Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 s .ft. Emergency egress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to fumace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valves installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum%"Gypsum Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Gara a Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/%hour fire door/door closer Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 50% Final Survey Plot Plan Arc Fault Breaker Habitable Spaces/Tamper Proof Receptacles Flex Gas Pipe Bonding As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Certification, if re uired Okay to issue C I C or C 10 Temporary/Permanent LABuilding&Codes FormslBuilding&Codesllnspection FormslResidential Final Inspection Form_revised_100405.doc;Revised January 7,2008;Revised 6/26/08;Revised 12/22/10,Revised 04/13/11 Attachment A to 10/7/2014 letter Gleasman 9/24/2014 Site Inspection Parcel 240.05-1-7, Town of Queensbury Gleasman openS�cles 13Z - t Lim. 2r . 90.6 LON-' STORMWATER MITIGATION: GENERAL NOTES: LOCATION PLAN RAIN GUTTERS TO BE PROVIDED ®FOR ALL ROOF AREAS AND RUNOFF TO TO BE DIRECTED TO STORMWATER RETENTION BASINS BEGIN NEW ROOF CONSTRUCTION SHALLOW 6" STORMWATER RETENTION BASIN JI IVI\l.Lll`IL SITE PLAN SCALE: SEE GRAPHICAL SCALE EXISTING RESIDENCE FOOTPRINT CONCRETE STEPS we"r--,-v GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 ( IN FEET ) SCALE: 1" = 10' NO STORMWATER MITIGATION REQUIRED. LESS THAN 5000 SQ. FT. OF DISTURBANCE IS TO OCCUR DURING CONSTRUCTION. NO INCREASE IN IMPERVIOUS AREA WILL RESULT FROM THE RENOVATION WORK. TO PROVIDE SHALLOW RETENTION BASIN FOR INCREASE IN ROOF AREA ONLY. AREA OF INCREASE 2' x 283" = 56.5 SQ. FT. 56.5 SQ. FT. x 1.5 GAL./SQ. FT. = 84.75 GAL. OF STORMWATER RENTENTION (PER SECTION 147-9.A.1 — QBY. CODEBOOK) PROVIDE A SHALLOW RENTENTION BASIN 8'W x 101 x 0.5' DEEP / 3 = 13.3 CU. FT. 13.3 CU. FT. x 7.48 GAL./CU. FT. = 99.73 GAL. FROM 7/19/03 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION OF PROPERTY, IN AREA OF PROPOSED STROMWATER RETENTION BASIN, AT DEPTHS LESS THAN 1', PERCOLATION RATES RANGED FROM 1 — 10 MINUTES/ INCH. SOIL: BROWN SAND AND GRAVEL. ,8'-0jp i STORMWATER BASIN DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. PROPOSED WASTEWATER HOLDING TANKS (TWO — 1250 GAL. TANKS); VARIANCE APPROVAL FOR HOLDING TANKS RECIEVED 6/2/03 BY QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD (BOARD OF HEALTH) RESOLUTION # 17.2003 8' W x 1 O' L x 6"D STORMWATER RETENTION BASIN 40 j �PGPOP RAIN GUTTERS TO BE PROVIDED FOR ALL ROOF AREAS AND RUNOFF TO TO BE DIRECTED TO STORMWATER RETENTION BASINS SECOND STORY 2' CANTILEVER LM LEGEND: EXISTING / BY OTHERS: NEW / PROPOSED IN THIS DESIGN: PROPERTY LINE: — — — CHAIN LINK FENCE: — X X X — WASTEWATER SYSTEM: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DRAWING # DETAIL REFERENCE TAG: NOTE: S- DI SEE DRAWING # FOR DETAIL DETAIL # DETAIL REFERENCE TAG: (4: SEE DRAWING # FOR DETAIL _,.,—SECTION CUT DIRECTION SECTION REFERENCE TAG: SECTION LETTER D1 SEE DRAWING # FOR SECTION G-1) SURVEY INFORMATION BASED ON MAP BY WAYNE R. RAYMOND, LLS, TITLED: 'MAP OF LANDS SURVEYED FOR JOHN CUMMINGS', DATED: 6/9/2000. G-2) WASTEWATER HOLDING TANK LOCATION AND SIZING BASED ON PLANS PREPARED BY JARRETT—MARTIN ENGINEERS, PLLC, TITLED 'SITE PLAN' AND 'DETAILS' DATED 5/7/03. Site and Zoning Requirements: Tax I.D. # 240.5-1-7 Zone: WR-1 A Waterfront Residential Zone i Required Existing Proposed/ZBA Approved PERCENT PERMEABLE: REQUIRED: 65% TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: 6492± SQ. FT. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA RESIDENCE: 862 SO. FT. PORCH: 128 SQ. FT. SHED: 25 SQ. FT. DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY/STEPS: 273 SQ. FT. RUSSELL HARRIS ROAD: 312 SQ. FT. TOTAL: 1600 SQ. FT. ,. EXISTING PERCENT PERMEABLE 6492 SQ. FT. — 1600 SQ. FT. = 4892 SQ. FT. 4892 SQ. FT. _ 6492 SQ. FT. = 0.754 (75.4%) PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA RESIDENCE: 862 SO. FT. PORCH: 128 SO. FT. SHED: 25 SQ. FT. DRIVEWAY/WALKWAY/STEPS: 273 SO. FT. RUSSELL HARRIS ROAD: 312 SQ. FT. TOTAL: 1600 SQ. FT. PROPOSED PERCENT PERMEABLE 6492 SQ. FT. — 1600 SQ. FT. = 4892 SQ. FT. 4892 SQ. FT. _ 6492 SQ. FT. = 0.754 (75.4%) FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): REQUIRED: 0.22 EXISTING RESIDENCE: 862 SQ. FT. PORCH: 128 SQ. FT. TOTAL: 990 SQ. FT. 990 SQ FT. _ 6492 SQ. FT. = 0.152 (15.2%) PROPOSED RESIDENCE (FIRST FLOOR): 862 SQ. FT. RESIDENCE (SECOND FLOOR): 508 SQ. FT. PORCH: 128 SQ. FT. TOTAL: 1498 SQ. FT. 1498 SO. FT. _ 6492 SQ. FT. = 0,231 (23.1 %) ADDITIONAL PLANNING BOARD CONDITIONS: 1) THE APPLICANT WILL PROVIDE AND INSTALL SIGNAGE TO REASONABLY ENSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES OR SUPPLIES WILL AVOID BLOCKING OR ENCUMBERING RUSSELL HARRIS ROAD ACCESS PAD OR PARKING AREAS USED BY ADJACENT LANDOWNERS TO THE EXTENT THAT IT'S REASONABLE AND PRACTICABLE. 2) A FULL BASEMENT, IF BUILT, WOULD NOT BE USED FOR LIVING SPACE. 3) NO EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION WILL OCCUR BETWEEN MEMORIAL DAY AND LABOR DAY. 4) THE CHAIN LINK FENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE WILL REMAIN DURING CONSTRUCTION. Building Setbacks Front 30 ft. 120t ft. 120t ft. ............ Side North .............)....................1......... ...........1. f.... ...... ..........1.....8..... ........ Side ... (South) .. 1.2. ft................. 5..ft, .7 in. ..............5. ft., .7.... . Shoreline ............. ...................... 50 ft. I ................................ 40 ft. 40 ft. ........ Minimum Lot Size . ............. 1 Acre .................................. 0.14f Acres 0.14f Acres ...... Minimum Lot Width ............ 150 ft . ... 25 ft. ......................... 25 ft. ...... ........... Minimum Lot Depth --- ft 244t ft. 244t ft. Maximum Building Height (Principal) .......... ..... 28 ft —....................................................... 14f ft. 25 ft. 8 in. . ........................ Minimum Percent Permeable 65% 75.4% 75.4% Floor Area Ratio (FAR) ......... ................ ........................................ 0.22 ..... I............. 0.152 .................. .... ........ 0.231 I ............... VARIANCES APPROVED FROM TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ZBA (7/16/03 VARIANCE REQUIRED EXISTING APPROVED 1. BUILDING TO NORTH PROPERTY LINE 12 ft. 1 ft. 8 in. 1 ft. 8 in. 2. BUILDING TO SOUTH PROPERTY LINE 12 ft. 5 ft. 7 in. .... .......... 5 ft. I ............ 7 in. 3(1. BUILDING TO SHORELINE (EXISTING PORCH) 50 ft 39 ft. 39 ft. 3b. BUILDING TO SHORELINE (NEW CONSTRUCTION 2nd FL./RAISED ROOF) 50 ft 47 ft. 47 ft. 4. FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) 0.22 .......... .. 0.152 0.231 ...... ..... 5. FLOOR AREA EXPANSION ......... ... <50% ................ — — — ..... .. 1.......... ....... 51.3% i Administrator :QUEENSBURY 027/03 C\ REVISED PER QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD 7/22/03 RESOLUTION RUH 7117/03 ® REVISED PER QUEENSBURY ZBA CONDITIONAL APPROVAL RUH (116,/03 QA SUBMITTED FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AND AREA VARIANCE RUH MATE REV # ISSUED / REVISIONS BY SITE PLAN RESIDENTIAL SITE PLANNING WHITE RESIDENCE 521/2 RUSSELL HARRIS ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK CIO JARRETT - MARTIN ENGINEERS, PLLC A.THO S JAR EFT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING P #57509 12 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PHONE: (518) 792-2907 OPYRIGHT m 2003 GLENS FALLS, N.Y. FAX: (518) 798-1864 ALLBE�ITH A BLLUE COPIES CO E MARCH 2003 PRO #01-039 SHEET:1 OF 7 ANDVALID ALTERATIONBY EOF Dails EERISUNT WRL FILE: F/ 1039032803 WHITE AREA VARIANCE PLAN.DWG PLOTTED / REVISED:8/27/03 10:00 AM BY A LICENSED ENGINEER � IMU.A1NFlIL D E C E 9 W E LQUEENSBURY 0 7 2011 TO BUILDING & CODES TOWN OF QUEENSBUR f BUILDING & C ES TrReviewed B, Dates LA ND -SIDE ELEVATION TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. LEFT & RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIONS SCALE: 114:.1.0 2 z 6 EAVE AND RAKE OVERHANGSWITH ALUMINUM FASCIA v AND VINYL SOFFIT 2.10 CEILING JOISTS WITH (I m S44PLAP SHEATHING AND ROLLOED ROOFING. BLOCKS PROVIDE SLIGHT PITCH. 2 x 4 STUDS Q 16' OIC WITH SHIPLAP SHEATHING AND VINYL SIDING ON EXTERIOR (SIDING NOT SHOWN) EXISTING 00;K TO REMAIN NOT SHOWN CROSS SECTION SCALE: are"=1'-C LAKE -SIDE ELEVATION scu F, vnro LAKE SIDE 1Jd FLOOR PLAN (EXISTING) SCALE: Vr I" FILF� 0� EXISTING BOATHOUSE AS BUILT Copy O COPYRIGHT WARNING I AN AUT, O ED. INDEPENDENT SU DER APF3 v_0 W THERN MMON A BUILDING ASSOCLSTES LTC. IS PERNe'TEO TO TI-_SE C<2AKitC.6. NORTIEM.I DESI^..t: S 61J WN A 6w.TE6 1R ED DES10.4 AYE PROTECTED Sv FEDERAL *AW EZ TENDOZ HIS �1IPt AS K=LL AS AL• kYJ ED CCM 47riE PLAFG. JER AI?CW G6A R NAv !,CT s4IXT r-IESE DPMWS TO eE 2E0 6<NOR. r;(1RP,ED YPSfiNS iGP f,T :S E ,EFRn U O P ED Ei NOR PERIfi THE E CWA-M Y, TO OE REPROJlCEO GP ED EITMER N:tlLLv OR GAY?ALLv, l9V - AUT.-Y.dIZED P+ 1?Ks 9Y Mv.^+ERN DE:-.".-r: A xJ4DF!i0 ASGC<3ATiS. L-O. z �I Sheet 1 Of 1 Project # 0000-11