2010-565 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY •" 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 " m Community Development- Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20100565-37354 Date Issued: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20100565-37354 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 309.17-1-17.1 Location: 415 BIG BAY RD Owner: R&P Quaker Realty LLC Applicant: R& P Quaker Realty LLC This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY IFIT* 742 BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20100565 Application Number. A20100565 Tax Map No: 523400-309-017-0001-017-001-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: R&P QUAKER I REALTY LLC For property located at: 415 BIG BAY Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: R&P QUAKER I REALTY LLC 728 QUAKER Rd Septic Alteration Commercial QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2010-565 septic alteration commercial $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,December 03,2011 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To Queens , '4d�� ,December 03,2010 `' <� 4 for the Town of Queensbury. SIGNED BY o� � Qu m'Y Director of Building&Code Enforcement 12/0312010 12:53 Chris Rogers (FAX)518 793 1245 P.0011001 Community Development Office Town of Queensbury • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, New York •12804 Office Use Orii TAX MAP / 7 / PERMIT NO. / Li �t. ' PERMIT FEE APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT: A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE WORK BEGINS.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT. OWNER: P 1 Q `` ter I T eO\ ( INSTALLER: ADDRESS: 4I5 Q) 6)-V .nCL(A ADDRESS: p l PHONE NOS. 7 3 6, C_ PHONE NOS. I LOCATION OF INSTALLATION: t-I S Qryr8 NO. COMPUTATION RESIDENCE INFORMATION: YEAR BUILT BEDROOMS X = TOTAL DAILY FLOW (Gallons per bedroom) GARBAGE GRINDER 1980 or older X 150 = INSTALLED? /f/9 1981-1991 X 130 = SPA OR HOT TUB / 1992-present X 110 = INSTALLED? X.4.1 PARCEL INFORMATION: ✓ TOPOGRAPHY: FLAT ROWNG STEEP SLOPE %SLOPE ✓ SOIL NATURE: SAND - LOAM CLAY OTHER ✓ GROUNDWATER: AT WHAT DEPTH? ✓ j3EDROCK/IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: AT WHAT DEPTH? ✓ DOMESTIC WATER SUPLY: MUNICIPAL WELL (If well:water supply from any septic system absorption is: ftI I PERCOLATION TEST: RATE IS PER MINUTE PER INCH[mpg (Test to be completed by a licensed professional engineer or architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: All Individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). TANK SIZE: .5CCO GALLON(MIN.SIZE IS 1,000 GAL.)Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank for each garbage grinder, spa or whirlpool tub. SYSTEM TYPE: ❑ABSORPTION FIELD(WITH NO.2 STONE) Total length ft. Each trench X ❑SEEPAGE PIT(S)(WITH NO.3 STONE) How many? Size? /046/i-k444 ❑ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Bed or other type? O/v HOLDING TANK SYSTEM Total required capacity? Tank size? Number of tanks? NOTE: ALARM SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE INSPECTED BY A TOWN APPROVED ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AGENCY. PLEASE REVIEW LIST PROVIDED. For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury,any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by th=s- a i d,- requirements of the Town of Queensbury QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL Sanitj,,�i�;y'� al Ordinance. codeseoueensburv.net `/� VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Sign-toreerson Responsible W0/0 www_gueensburv.net , ____„ _2 _ 47 , e&,,L),., Septic Inspection Report te Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Ins req =- -' ed: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: ,7r a� •, ��, ,=rt: _ • , pm 742 Bay Rd., Queens• it.• , N 804 Inspector's Initia NAME: _ • 1 NO.: /2-2, 0 LOCATION: ihI '2'!t:c^~". 8` � NSPECT ON: .11)— r RECHECK: / l �', Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/ Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+/- Y N N/A [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number ,_ Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box . Distribution Box to Field/ Pit 0 01- - • Sealed: _Y N End Cap __ N c--- _,\J\„ ' .\ (..k, ni • Pipes&Baffles N \ , Man •res "or less below grade Y N " .3 \1/4r()(-'-' N [p = •- extension collar if Yes] Y N Location/ Separations _, i �- Foundation to tank '/ ft. . ' Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. C.)\&-. '' Conforms as per Plot Plan _Y N Engineer Report and As-Built Y_N ETU Maintenance Contract _Y N provided Location of System on P • ,-rty: Front R- Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear em .s . Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Whiting\2010\Buiiding Codes Fonns\Inspecton FormASeptic Inspection Report_03 2910.doc -7(7,1,4i-e, 1 0 c„,, - , (......... p . _......-- u:-)riN - (c,, cc:z7 Septic Inspection Report / Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins�ionr�qu, ' I � '. C/ Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: -1 7 a-- /p ► r rt: " ;m/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Ins is Initial.: NAME: 1, ,l�".cG"� T''' ' •E' IT NO.: 4U l6-- 3 P 5 ^ LOCATION: /s i 1 KS"— I PECT ON: i. . /01 0/f RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type. oam/Clay Type of Water: 1 cipal/ Well Water Waterline separation distance _ ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50'+/ - Y N N/A [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank 1,A`t �%a\ t,p Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/ Pit Opening Sealed: _Y_N End Cap Y_N �vk Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles Y N Manholes 12"or less below grade Y!N ‘)\13,,,,e---ti [provide extension collar if Yes] Y N � c\ ��� TD a Location/ Separations ! h u� V ` � Foundation to tank ft. €(Lc.. /J Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. `c ,`'' Conforms as per Plot Plan _Y N � Engineer Report and As-Built Y—N � ETU Maintenance Contract Y_ N c provided Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear stem Use Sta , : Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Whiting\2010\Building Codes Forms\Inspection Forms\Septic Inspection Report03 29 10.doc r1 r),,served, or believe I saw ,"" n 'afi rv1 p}s, PIIS, l.re" tv�}L..� s., O represe`�t flat I n -aS°'r d 11he distances setm,tl' on the °TURE 1 1 1F _ u POOR`-_ SILVER CIRCLE S84°56' 000E EXISTING ASPHALT 5UREAGE TO REMAIN i 1 l I I t t 3 1 air i r — — — — — — — I :r 101. jXISMG AmMS�it SYS7t7l i i MAIhXWfif TO N i U l E i a o B o o 1,7777777777777777 0 ISWAGE i � � AREA O2 � � nasnrc 74 940 Sq . ft . STORY to PETAL SM re �. >G 1.72 ac S Caver neN AWA ro N ..; A EccA� ,w Aarw BO T� 1I,J60 �F) a► O G !sww a i •�� � EXI57MG � SffED GRUSTONEFAGEPQ�� m 1 " TO REMAIN ' C �storloFLOAR �N CT G ' At 3200 6F pRaoosw I MWAM-) 1 w D AAE LP =aPR200SWE, VVWaE sr0PA&E mav IK,Y�rPANEr O P , ---------------------- c , (- 485.77' w N84056'00°W I 0 -r• LEGEND: PROPO ISTING IRON PIPE FOUND 0 IPF=EX CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND 0 CIRF = EX ' _6 0 S.F. = EXISTING SPIKE FOUND a p IRS =EXISTING IRON ROD SETITO BE SET LANDS NIF OF c1W = EXISTING UTILITY POLE DAVID W COOK s ® = EXISTING WELL 694/969 > � = EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT v Ec�a = EXISTING ELECTRIC METER ` Cns a = EXISTING GAS METER n c.a = EXISTING AIR CONDITIONING UNIT = EXISTING MAIL BOX EXISTING TSTREET SiGNS CE M.e.® _ EXISTING L PACK FIXTURE (Q7Y-5) Cs� �UAVDnWUAV iin� ro RB+N ;"0 FAWAV B - SPACES o� C O tic W A a �.-•O fs* PROPOST a 25 S.F. �O B PRS .,.cu --NT 526 PARXWC fA00? PARMNG sem► Town of QueensburY Planning Hoard REAL LLC / ROBERT NEMER APPROVING SITE PLAN 71-2010 R & P QUAKER I RESOLUTION November 18, 2010 ax Map ID 309. 17-1-17.11 iicant proposes to 415519 Bay Road [T pVanning Board for the following: APP as been made to the Queensbury as well as administrate nova and A site plan application h it and sales for new and used veh�es Flanng Board review and app utilize building for automobile/truck repair of use in a CLI zone req and operation of a tow truck company. .and A public hearing was advertised and held on 11/18!2010; comment and application material in the file of record; supported with all documentation, public QUAKER 1 REALTY NEMER, Introduced by This applicet?on is suppo, is adoption, seconded by Stephen Traver: MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN t N0.71-2010 R & P QU Gretchen Steffan who moved forParagraph 1 complies. by Staff. the Planning Board According to the resolution prepared Zoning Code [Chapter 179-9-080C]Ode, and tons of the Town of Queensbury 1 pursuant to relevant sections sal complies with the requirements as stated in the Zoning ) has determined that this pr Po SEQR Type II, no further SEQRA review is necessary; and Community Development 2) submitted to rsonnel. The !lance with the Site Plan, must be and Codes Pe tuning of 3) Final approved Plans, in comp the Zoning Administrator or Building Permit and/or the beginning Department before any further review by rior to issuance of Building Permit is dependent on comp with Staff after approval and p building Pe applicant must meet Subsequent issuance of further per including any site work• Subseq rovided prior to with this and all other conditions of this resolution; and din to the approved Plans to be P that the site plan is developed according 4) As -built plans to certify in and lighting issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and drawings, �rmwater, grading, landscaping Waivers are requested and granted for topography Permit will not be issued 5) permit is required. A building Wed or changed a driveway Pe Office; and 6) If curb cuts are peed driveway perm has been Provided to the P18nning until the app 7) This is approved with three conditions• include total spaces, 17 of them. Q 1. That the applicant will update the site data on parking to cant will contain all snow storage on site. 2. That the applicant � 3. All signage will be Code compliant. of November, 2010, by the following vote: adopted this 18th day Mr. Hunsinger Duly Mr. Ford, Mr, Schonewolf, Mr. Sipp, AYES: Mr. Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mrs' Steffan` NOES: NONE SIGN PANEL (12 x 18) HEAVY DUTY ALUM.; HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (P4 -6C) Cc: Town, Ryan 8, partners, P•C. �� _-; o a7.sz _ - _ Sr ----- --- --� �A ! i O � ! I 6 O V� �! 0--- 0- -- OVERHEAD !_ i i cm Ao U 1 i PRaooswWW MERHW u71 L_ — — — — �,rivc T� K� D RE1AUN E BLMC �N-40 PROpOSED j2 SF. 6E ro BE �D � SF. 526 PARXWC fA00? PARMNG sem► Town of QueensburY Planning Hoard REAL LLC / ROBERT NEMER APPROVING SITE PLAN 71-2010 R & P QUAKER I RESOLUTION November 18, 2010 ax Map ID 309. 17-1-17.11 iicant proposes to 415519 Bay Road [T pVanning Board for the following: APP as been made to the Queensbury as well as administrate nova and A site plan application h it and sales for new and used veh�es Flanng Board review and app utilize building for automobile/truck repair of use in a CLI zone req and operation of a tow truck company. .and A public hearing was advertised and held on 11/18!2010; comment and application material in the file of record; supported with all documentation, public QUAKER 1 REALTY NEMER, Introduced by This applicet?on is suppo, is adoption, seconded by Stephen Traver: MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN t N0.71-2010 R & P QU Gretchen Steffan who moved forParagraph 1 complies. by Staff. the Planning Board According to the resolution prepared Zoning Code [Chapter 179-9-080C]Ode, and tons of the Town of Queensbury 1 pursuant to relevant sections sal complies with the requirements as stated in the Zoning ) has determined that this pr Po SEQR Type II, no further SEQRA review is necessary; and Community Development 2) submitted to rsonnel. The !lance with the Site Plan, must be and Codes Pe tuning of 3) Final approved Plans, in comp the Zoning Administrator or Building Permit and/or the beginning Department before any further review by rior to issuance of Building Permit is dependent on comp with Staff after approval and p building Pe applicant must meet Subsequent issuance of further per including any site work• Subseq rovided prior to with this and all other conditions of this resolution; and din to the approved Plans to be P that the site plan is developed according 4) As -built plans to certify in and lighting issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and drawings, �rmwater, grading, landscaping Waivers are requested and granted for topography Permit will not be issued 5) permit is required. A building Wed or changed a driveway Pe Office; and 6) If curb cuts are peed driveway perm has been Provided to the P18nning until the app 7) This is approved with three conditions• include total spaces, 17 of them. Q 1. That the applicant will update the site data on parking to cant will contain all snow storage on site. 2. That the applicant � 3. All signage will be Code compliant. of November, 2010, by the following vote: adopted this 18th day Mr. Hunsinger Duly Mr. Ford, Mr, Schonewolf, Mr. Sipp, AYES: Mr. Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mrs' Steffan` NOES: NONE SIGN PANEL (12 x 18) HEAVY DUTY ALUM.; HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (P4 -6C) Cc: Town, Ryan 8, partners, P•C. �� o� A =PROPOSED 175 W METAL HALIDE W Q.y5) W TUNGSTEN FLOOD LIGHT W1 MOTION SENSOR ( Chardon, Oh. = PROPOSED (2) 150 ACO Polymer Products, Inc., 93 13* RE TO BE REMOVED (QTY -2) WALL PACK FIXTURE with golvanized steel K—rails as manufactured Y C =EXISTING 175W a rail. c be of alvanized steel edge male female joint. Each channel shall channel system / er concrete K100S integrally cast -in g with a w � tem shall P The surface drainage system al ester resin polymer concrete with an d from p o{ O.6%• All channels shall be Interlocking provided by ACO Channels shall be manufacture overall width and abuilt-in slope an and all warranties N a 6.1 in. A ominal in`1de width with the bottom for vertical connection with underground Pi and/ Improper installation will void Y Si TE PL shall be 4 inches n tem design means o{ a The systemi ov i drill -outs on deviation or partial system 4 in. round and 6 n. lication. Grates shall be secured by CONTRACTOR have preformed er Products, Inc. Any GENERAL ACO polymer ecified and intended °PP class. BUILDER tem shall be b tem load class sp specified H-20 load The ALL FIELD VERIFY ALL fete drainage System the sys to meet the sp th of 1500 SH The comp Inc ro riate to meet endently certified 4500 psi; tensile strength alkalis. = AND STRUCTURAL er Products, Grate type shall be app P dilute acids and 0 polymer rate shalt be indep th between 3800- _-, DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO BEGINING to Load doss H-20 Channel and g si; flexural strength cycles and chemically resistant to U 17� PR bolt and bar. 14,500 p fepetitive frost CONDI_ OR ORDERING MATERIALS Channel shall withstand IOQQ`u'cklok" device or, lacking th range between 14,000 - soli exposure, either a boltless locking " compressive streng prolonged CONSTRUCTION, ht and shall be resistant to � material pro�ierties of: COm weig Pot xceed 0.1% by endations- Polymer Concrete shattlOh° ro{e shall not material water absorption manufacturer's instructions and recommendations - 'instructions � DESIGN LOAD H-20 TRAFFIC The system shall be installed in accordance with the 1 1 /2" T-7 ASPHALT TOP COURSE } D CAP I -_- - ` 2 1 /2" T-3 ASPHALT BASE COURSE 0 NEW FLOOR DRAW W/EN '-O" "f PIPE CAP iI ��rJ /� t > NYSDOT fiYPE 4 GRAVEL 8 12 W _ I o c COMPACTED TO 95% STD. PROCTOR t�.l:st NEW vW 4„ DVC EXIS6 INd G. . FLOOR �1 �;� --�a-.....�--A- -d'�rt... �,,� �,�-..• ..--._-•' I ya, �t� 0 -40 C-40OUTLET � ..O+ �•r• � .� L TO SUBG RADE 4. ITCH SO � ACT BA KF t COMP PIPE 0 2% Ps ROCTOR % STD. OR 90 EXISTING FLO" :I iI Li. INV. fENTDETA IL EXISTING" N �� N.T.S. PLAN VIEW INV. 19.5 E TREPL�CE PAVE — h " plq. FRAME ASPHALT; PAVEMENT A t �� ° AND COVER (TYP) FLOAT ALARM CONDUIT RESTORAt.ION A g e e a va TO PANEL FINISH GRADE / - EXISTING OUTLET PIPE TO BE r a A CAPPED AND SEALED NEW 4' PVC �. a, e , :.' e . CONCRETE 24" DIA. SCH-40 �. g GRADE RiNGS ~ �' q w ea ° °. �`.a EXISTING 30" CMP W/24" (TYP) 24' z c FRAME AND GRATE s k :..,< WATERTIGHT JOINT TD X , A A ° AA F NEW �- `-' 24 �' GASKET SEALER w 4 NEW 18"� PVC_GP O INVERT TO BE A SUMP LINER �� Z.• tiA-S DETERMINED iN FIELD., NEW CONCRETE BEDDING Sc BACKFILLEULL to LU LU in A Ae �fA 4" i a TO ENSURE <' -40 6'-3" VIBRATORY PLACEMENT 'u 4" PVC SCH LIQUID '" FLEX" LIQUID SUPPORT, 4000 PSI MIX op/626g �� 0 PIPE 0 2% PITCH 8,_5" MAX. "ECO- } WATERPROOF 6" 6AIi� ' UPPORT LEVEL RUBBER TO UTAN A RD POST GALVANIZED IZED STEEL LOCATE SIGN 2'-6" OFF EDGE OF PAVEMENT SLEEVETO ANNEL MATCH POST FiNISH GRADE 0 1 -N ° g" DIA. SONOTUBE FOOTING I I 3,000 PSI CONC. t 1 COMPACTED SUBGRADE SIGN DETAIL CONCRETE FLOOR REPARS AS REQ. 40001 PSI MIX — 'ACO" K1005 DRAIN PRODUCT SECTION AA—A BRACKET CKET COATING APPLIED d INTERIOR &EXTERIOR .. A, A �`.. a . ... a a a• a 1 A NTNG BOARD RESOLUTiO SURFACES ° A 4_ ° /10 TOWN COMMENTS; PIAN ' :t.>4 , > :1. As�"E,'cL' ' "' �� •y•: .,�y„,� >` ih a L F e e ' i A 11/19 � NOTE. HIGH LEVEL ALARM 0 FLOAT SENSOR MIN . 6 12DATE: 6.WIN LC. N0 076269 N.T.S. piFICATsONS LETt UMP M HED STONE S? 2 CRUSRAIN ` GGREGATE EXISTiNG D EVAACTED SUBGRADE N.T.S. n r% wr. TANK GALVANIZED SLSTEEL SLOTTED GRATING N.T.S. r EXISTING FLOOR �OWN 4. ITE BEDDING & BACKF It I CONCRE MENT [0 E NSU VIBRATORY PLACE IZF FULL SUPPORT, 4000 PSI MIX INVERT SOQ 006) DRAIN, ( 'A EXISTING CONCRETE v RECEIVED NOV 19 2010 8" MIN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PLANNING OFFICE N -T -S - WARREN COUNTY TAX MAP #309.17-1--1 R $c P QUAKER I REALTY, LLC 415 BiG BAY ROAD STATE OF NEW COUNTY OF WARREN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SITE PLAN & DETAILS DWG. NO.: nemer.d SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 10/14/10 P.E. KEVIN LA HASTINGS'S SHEET1 -- of CONSULTING SNSINNR NEw YORK 12803 LL�L3 JACKSONAVENUE. SOUTH GLEN II � D PROP� 4- WVE i� ---__ _ PAINED �! p(15TING M.B. cm f MERHW u71 D RE1AUN r r I i i r r s r t r s r r o� A =PROPOSED 175 W METAL HALIDE W Q.y5) W TUNGSTEN FLOOD LIGHT W1 MOTION SENSOR ( Chardon, Oh. = PROPOSED (2) 150 ACO Polymer Products, Inc., 93 13* RE TO BE REMOVED (QTY -2) WALL PACK FIXTURE with golvanized steel K—rails as manufactured Y C =EXISTING 175W a rail. c be of alvanized steel edge male female joint. Each channel shall channel system / er concrete K100S integrally cast -in g with a w � tem shall P The surface drainage system al ester resin polymer concrete with an d from p o{ O.6%• All channels shall be Interlocking provided by ACO Channels shall be manufacture overall width and abuilt-in slope an and all warranties N a 6.1 in. A ominal in`1de width with the bottom for vertical connection with underground Pi and/ Improper installation will void Y Si TE PL shall be 4 inches n tem design means o{ a The systemi ov i drill -outs on deviation or partial system 4 in. round and 6 n. lication. Grates shall be secured by CONTRACTOR have preformed er Products, Inc. Any GENERAL ACO polymer ecified and intended °PP class. BUILDER tem shall be b tem load class sp specified H-20 load The ALL FIELD VERIFY ALL fete drainage System the sys to meet the sp th of 1500 SH The comp Inc ro riate to meet endently certified 4500 psi; tensile strength alkalis. = AND STRUCTURAL er Products, Grate type shall be app P dilute acids and 0 polymer rate shalt be indep th between 3800- _-, DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO BEGINING to Load doss H-20 Channel and g si; flexural strength cycles and chemically resistant to U 17� PR bolt and bar. 14,500 p fepetitive frost CONDI_ OR ORDERING MATERIALS Channel shall withstand IOQQ`u'cklok" device or, lacking th range between 14,000 - soli exposure, either a boltless locking " compressive streng prolonged CONSTRUCTION, ht and shall be resistant to � material pro�ierties of: COm weig Pot xceed 0.1% by endations- Polymer Concrete shattlOh° ro{e shall not material water absorption manufacturer's instructions and recommendations - 'instructions � DESIGN LOAD H-20 TRAFFIC The system shall be installed in accordance with the 1 1 /2" T-7 ASPHALT TOP COURSE } D CAP I -_- - ` 2 1 /2" T-3 ASPHALT BASE COURSE 0 NEW FLOOR DRAW W/EN '-O" "f PIPE CAP iI ��rJ /� t > NYSDOT fiYPE 4 GRAVEL 8 12 W _ I o c COMPACTED TO 95% STD. PROCTOR t�.l:st NEW vW 4„ DVC EXIS6 INd G. . FLOOR �1 �;� --�a-.....�--A- -d'�rt... �,,� �,�-..• ..--._-•' I ya, �t� 0 -40 C-40OUTLET � ..O+ �•r• � .� L TO SUBG RADE 4. ITCH SO � ACT BA KF t COMP PIPE 0 2% Ps ROCTOR % STD. OR 90 EXISTING FLO" :I iI Li. INV. fENTDETA IL EXISTING" N �� N.T.S. PLAN VIEW INV. 19.5 E TREPL�CE PAVE — h " plq. FRAME ASPHALT; PAVEMENT A t �� ° AND COVER (TYP) FLOAT ALARM CONDUIT RESTORAt.ION A g e e a va TO PANEL FINISH GRADE / - EXISTING OUTLET PIPE TO BE r a A CAPPED AND SEALED NEW 4' PVC �. a, e , :.' e . CONCRETE 24" DIA. SCH-40 �. g GRADE RiNGS ~ �' q w ea ° °. �`.a EXISTING 30" CMP W/24" (TYP) 24' z c FRAME AND GRATE s k :..,< WATERTIGHT JOINT TD X , A A ° AA F NEW �- `-' 24 �' GASKET SEALER w 4 NEW 18"� PVC_GP O INVERT TO BE A SUMP LINER �� Z.• tiA-S DETERMINED iN FIELD., NEW CONCRETE BEDDING Sc BACKFILLEULL to LU LU in A Ae �fA 4" i a TO ENSURE <' -40 6'-3" VIBRATORY PLACEMENT 'u 4" PVC SCH LIQUID '" FLEX" LIQUID SUPPORT, 4000 PSI MIX op/626g �� 0 PIPE 0 2% PITCH 8,_5" MAX. "ECO- } WATERPROOF 6" 6AIi� ' UPPORT LEVEL RUBBER TO UTAN A RD POST GALVANIZED IZED STEEL LOCATE SIGN 2'-6" OFF EDGE OF PAVEMENT SLEEVETO ANNEL MATCH POST FiNISH GRADE 0 1 -N ° g" DIA. SONOTUBE FOOTING I I 3,000 PSI CONC. t 1 COMPACTED SUBGRADE SIGN DETAIL CONCRETE FLOOR REPARS AS REQ. 40001 PSI MIX — 'ACO" K1005 DRAIN PRODUCT SECTION AA—A BRACKET CKET COATING APPLIED d INTERIOR &EXTERIOR .. A, A �`.. a . ... a a a• a 1 A NTNG BOARD RESOLUTiO SURFACES ° A 4_ ° /10 TOWN COMMENTS; PIAN ' :t.>4 , > :1. As�"E,'cL' ' "' �� •y•: .,�y„,� >` ih a L F e e ' i A 11/19 � NOTE. HIGH LEVEL ALARM 0 FLOAT SENSOR MIN . 6 12DATE: 6.WIN LC. N0 076269 N.T.S. piFICATsONS LETt UMP M HED STONE S? 2 CRUSRAIN ` GGREGATE EXISTiNG D EVAACTED SUBGRADE N.T.S. n r% wr. TANK GALVANIZED SLSTEEL SLOTTED GRATING N.T.S. r EXISTING FLOOR �OWN 4. ITE BEDDING & BACKF It I CONCRE MENT [0 E NSU VIBRATORY PLACE IZF FULL SUPPORT, 4000 PSI MIX INVERT SOQ 006) DRAIN, ( 'A EXISTING CONCRETE v RECEIVED NOV 19 2010 8" MIN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PLANNING OFFICE N -T -S - WARREN COUNTY TAX MAP #309.17-1--1 R $c P QUAKER I REALTY, LLC 415 BiG BAY ROAD STATE OF NEW COUNTY OF WARREN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SITE PLAN & DETAILS DWG. NO.: nemer.d SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 10/14/10 P.E. KEVIN LA HASTINGS'S SHEET1 -- of CONSULTING SNSINNR NEw YORK 12803 LL�L3 JACKSONAVENUE. SOUTH GLEN