1977-05-10 24 that this note, together with .all other indebtedness of the Obligor is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of New York. IN WITNESS WHEREOG, the Obligor, in accordance with the proceedings authofizing this .note, has caused this note to be signed and its corporate „ seal to be hereunto affA::ed and attested as appears below, and this note to be dated as of the 26th day of Aprif, 1977. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK By Supervisor Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs: Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None REGUAAR MEETING MAY 10 , 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Cou:.icilman Meeting Opened: 7: 35 P.M. Salute to the Flag, led by Councilman Frances Walter PRESS: WWSC, WBZA, Tri. County News , The G.F. Post Star TOWN OFFICIALS: Carl A. Garb, Floyd Martindale, Shirliy Shenk GUESTS: Daniel Gealt, Hr. & Mrs. H. Russell Harris, John Austin,Les Baird, Pliney Tucker,League of Women Voters , Mr. Clements, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Barber, Glen Greeno, Dan Morrell, Harold Akins,Jharjrc Noonan, Arthur Turnbull BID OPENING NOTICES SHOWN 7: 36 P.M. GAS PUMP AND TANK FOR UNLEADED GAS Clarence H. Elms 420 Ridge Road Glens Falls ,New York 12801 S8,929. 31 Non Collusive Adirondack Installers & Maintenance Co. 8619 Ferry Blvd. -� So. Glens Falls, New York 12801 $3, 737. 66 Non Collusive Trickey' s Tank and Pump, Inc. 22 Furlong Drive Albany, New York 12205 no figures listed on bid. no non-collusive DUCTILE IRON PIPE BID Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company 183 Sitgreaves Street Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865 $10, 369. 50 Non Collusive Vellano Bros. , Inc. 7 Hemlock Street Item No. 1 $4,998. 00 Latham, New York 12110 25 Item No. 2 $3, 191.50 Item No. 3 $1, 650. 00 Non Collusive Councilman Olson- requested that the bids on the Gas Tank and Pump be referred to the Highway Supt. for his recommendation. Councilman Robertson- requested that the bids on Ductile Iron Pipe be referred to the Water Supt. for his recommendatdmn. PUBLIC HEARING-NOTICE READ-REGARDING POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT INSTEAD OF ELECTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS – 7: 51 P.M. ( SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Requested to hear from all those opposed to or in favor of this proposed Local Law. Opened PLINEY TUCKER- What brought this about, to appoint the Supt. of Highways? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- It has been discussed informally, the Board consensus was to put it out to the people to let the people of the Town decide if they want to re-organize the function. PLINEY TUCKER- What are the benefits to do it this way? Is there someone in the wing that needs a job? SUPERVISOR BRXNDT- I do not believe it is aimed at all, to the best of my knowledge at providing a job for anyone in particular. My own thinking, to make someone or some group responsible for both funding and delivering road services. As it stands right now the responsibility and authority is split between the Town Board and the Highway Supt. This is not good for either, I can see the Town Board' s frustration and the Highway Supt. frustration. It makes more sense to organize it so that someone is directly responsible, it would have to be the Town Board since they do appropriate the monies to also deliver the read maintenance job. PLINEY TUCKER- It looks to me that the American Voter is `Nosing a little bit more of his power, you want to take one more elective office that we have a cho*e to elect. I think personally, Carl -Garb has been doing a terrific job. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I do not think that it is our intent to cridize bo to look at the current job of the roads . . . this is strictly a referendum for the people of Queensbury to express themselves on how they feel about it. PLINEY TUCKER- What is the cost to the taxpayers to have this referendum? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The timing can be in coordination with the sewer bond or with other potential referendums or it can be in conjunction with the general election so the cost does not have to be additional to what you are already going to incur, in an election process. This is strictly a decision the Board has to make. JOE MCPHILLIPS- I believe it is better to have five heads than one, the ( (Reardon Rd. ) Town Board sets up the Budget, the Town Board should be able to direct and supervise what and where the monies .- are spent, the full responsibility should be in the hands of the Town Board. HENRY PERRY- The present set up is an administrative nightmare, (Cleverdale) Impossible to get an answer, the Councilman san not answer because they have nothing to do with it. . . The Town Board should control the financing etc. rig'_-t now anyone can be elected whether they are qualified of not. I am in favor of giving the entire responsibility to the Town Board. LES BAIRD- How many elected people do we have in the Town right (Corinth Rd. ) now besides yourselves? 26 �- Carl Garb and Two Justices Donald Chase COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- LES BAIRD- Questioned why the Town Board does not have any control over the Supt. of Highways? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- This is by law,The Supt. of Highways does not work for the Town Board, he workd for the people directly. The Town Board makes the budget for the year and allocates the monies, for the highways . LES BAIRD- If this is appointed will the man come from Oueensbury? SUPERVISOR BRIIDT- Speaking for myself, I would look for the most talent, for the best dollar. I would not put the top emphasis if he was a resident, of the Town or not. JOHN AUSTIN- I understand that the referendum might be held —� in conjunction with the sewer referentbn I might point out to you that Vbafd tlhg�_k part town referen- dum, not all the town would be involved in the sewer disc. I think that might create some confusion. It seems to me that this is a matter that should be considered by the electorate in terms of elections and the only time really to have such a referendum would be at the general election. DAN GEALT- The Town Board has no effective control over the (Ridge Rd. ) Highway Supt. other than funding, the Town Board has no recourse? COUNCILMAN OLSON- The Highway Supt. can hire his own employees , the Town Board must pass on who Iae hires as office staff. The funding is decided by the Town Board at Budget Time, if the referendum passes it would take the majority of the Town Board to choose someone , it is not a position selected by the Supervisor along. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- . How the Supt. spends the motniks allocated is strictly his responsibility. DAN GEALT- If this was appointed would the man have a free hand to run the ,dept. or would he be second, guessed all the time? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- You can' t look over their shoulder every hour of every day. . .you hire a man to do a job and judge his over all performan^e, that is my opinion. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- In my short time here I have not seen`thstt .alry Board Member ever really tried to interject himself in making a decisions for any employee of the Town. DAN GEALT- Approve of the idea, of an appointment. DON CLEMENTS- Is there na method for the Town Board to gain control (Queensbury) over a Supt. ? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- This is the only method, it is up to the people of the town by referendum to decide if that is what they want. DON CLEMENTS- Requestdd a copy of the Town Eav,in regard to Highway Supp. and asked if the Law could be changed? ' COUNCILMAN BARBER- Through the Legislature. ARCHIE CORRIGAN- 100% for making the position appointed. —. (Glen Lake) GLEN GREENO- No tin favor of appointed posit$an . , do not take (Wt. Glens Falls) the power away from the voters. . .if the man it- irresponsible we will take care of him at election time. . .it is a good idea to keep the power in the hands of the people. COUNCILMAN BARBER- Most laws in respect to the Highway Supt. originated in the early 1900' s . a Highway Supt. really doesn' t have to come to work if he does not feel like it (irrespective to Mr. Garb because it does not pertain to Mr. Garb) we cannot be responsi3ie enough to the testtiente GLEN GREENO- Yourself, as a member of the Town Board are you required co come to every meeting or are you taking this as part of your responsibility as an elected official? COUNCILMAN BARBER- The latter. GLEN GREENO- The Town Highway Supp. is under the same situation. . . If this was appointed, questioned if the Town Board could not join with the City for a joint highway department? " SUPERVISOR BRANDT- There is no legal mechanisic~° for that , I do not believe. `J COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Under the law there has to be a Highway Supp. GLEN GREENO- I would rather have the Highway Supt. responsible to the people. H. RUSSELL HARRIS- Commented that he has been on both sides of the fence in his experience he noted that could not be convinced that you five could do any better highway work than a good supt. van on his own. . . felt that if the position was appointed there would be too much petty influence going ori: . . for 1400d government this should never go to referendum. . . DAN MORRELL- 1. Is the decision of whether there will be a (Lynnfield 1W.) referendum the decision of the Town Board? 2. What will be the Salary if the position is appointed? COUNCILMAN OLSON- It is my understanding, after the public hearing has been held it is the duty of the Town Board to decide if there will be a referendum. I have not as one person thought of any salary or individual for the position. DIANA BARBER- Are we going to maintain the salary? HOUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The salary of highway Supt. is considered once a year at budget time. . . JOHN AUSTIN- There has been some discussion regarding a Highway Supt. that does not do his job, there is a provision in the law that takes care of this. COUNCILMAN BARBER- Section 160 ARTHUR TURNBULL- Commented that he felt the Town Board should take over the duties of the Highway Supp. as a Highway Commission, then see if they can agree on the problems, they have not agreed in the past. SYLVIA ROUGHER= Keep the position elected. . . too many of the position (E. Sunnyside) that were elected are being taken away from us . . . I do not feel that five people would be any better at it ahan one . it would be easier to put one out than five The Highway Supt. salary has to be posted, if the position was appointed the people would not know the salary until January. PLINEY TUCKER- This looks Like a witch hunt, this looks like it is going back to problems that Mr. Barber had with Mr. Garb here a few years ago when you could not put any sand on the roads and make it stay there. This guy was hollering why the roads were not done. COUNCILMAN BARBER- Again noted that he would not get involved in this controversy :again and I have not . it has been stated before there are no personalties and I have not indicated any and I am not trying to nor will I. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Commented that if this was approved at the general election it would not take effect for two years. 28 PLINBY TUCKER- Commented that he had not heard anything about Mr. Garb not doing his job. HAROLD AKINS- Reviewed the checks and balances in government, noted that it is the duty of the Town Board to budget the monies and Carl' s job to nun the Highway Dept. The thing that worries a great2hfimy,- people is the t$adaacy in government to start centralizing power in the hands of a few. ISABELLE HARRIS- Question the Board that a professional would cost a lot of money. . .an elected official who is dedicated can do a good job. . . GERALD NOONAN= In favor of a referendum—commented when there (Chestnut Ridge Rd. ) is just one man and he says no there is no where else to go. . .would prefer a board so that at least there would be possible,- twonwould listen., DIANA BARBER- Questioned the Board if there was something that an individual did not like about a department head they could go to the Councilman and tell them their problem? COUNCILMAN OLSON- That is right. . .The Councilman would lice the problem to the Department . . . COUNCILMAN WAE'TER- Commented on - the Department heads elected vs. appointed noted that she had referred calls to Carl and had no difficulty but if he were to tell me he was not interested there is nothing you can do about it. BOB HICKEN- Questioned if any other position were mandated by (Arbutus Dr. ) law? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Yes. There are many positions mandated by law. BOB HICKEN- • When a position is appointed can it by referendum become elected? COUNCILMAN BARBER- Yes. DON CLEMENTS- Commented that he felt the Goverment is going too much into appointed position. . . BETTY MONAHAN- Questioned if the Board was trying to tell the public that the appointed departments in the town are moee efficient and more productive and morefof our tax dollar than the elected officials . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I do not think the board is trying to tell you anything, just would you like the right to have a referendum to choose to make a change or not to make a change. DAN GEALT- Commented that the meeting had changed his mind in favor of an elected Highway Supt. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Close the Public Hearing 8:53 P.M. RESOLUTIONS �..d RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS INVOLVING TOWN VEHICLES RESOLUTION NO. 108. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved for its !_J adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, there is no longer a need for a detective car, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to sell the Detective Car to both the Office of the Fire Marshal and the Office of the Assessor for the sum of $250.00 each. Duly adopted by 'the following ante: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None 29 RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS INVOLVING TOWN VEHICLES RESOLUTION NO. 109 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber, who moved for- 118 adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, there is no longer the need for a car being assigned to the Police Department therefore be it RESOLVED, to sell this car to the Building and Boning Department for the sum of $500. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING MEMBERSHIP OF NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS IN THE WEST GLENS FALLS VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. RESOLUTION NO. 110, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded y . r. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury approves continuation as members of the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co. the names of Richard Seelye and Robert Donovan even though members are not residents of the territor, defined within the corporation charter of the company. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs, Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO DONDUDT A CARNIVAL RESOLUTION NO. 111 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded y Mrs. Frances Walter: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to conduct a Carnival as follows : SPONSOR: West Glens Falls Fire Company CARNIVAL: (Annual Field Day) PLACE: Firemen' s Field DATE: June 11th & June 12th and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt of proof of liability insurance in the amount of not less than $500,000/$1,000,000 bodily injury liability and $50, 000 property damage liabiliiy insurance. `- Duly adopted by the following cute: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrsa Walter, Mr, Robe�'.son, Mr. Brandt ' Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION REGARDING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Councilman Walter-requested the tabling of the resolution until she had further information. . . COMMUNICATIONS Ltr. May 6, 1977 30 Mr. Michael Brandt Supervisor, Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Building Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Brandt: We wish to express our appreciation to the Town of Queensbury for the very informative fire safety programs presented to our students of N.W. Bodenweiser, Town Fire Marshal. The presentations were very interesting and much appreciated -by students and faculty alike. Again, we wish to thank you for this program on fire safety. Respectfully, /s/ WPB/rj William P. Brady 5/6/77 Elementary School Principal Ltr. received from D.O.T. regarding the traffic control device-*n Aviation Road it Maximum school speed limits at which vehicles may procedd on or along county roads and town highways in Warren County are established as follows: Section 1652. 10 Town of Queensbury (a) 25 MPH on Aviation Road, a town highway, adjacent to the Queensbury Schoold, between a point 100 feet west of Midnight Drive and a point 50 feet east of east building line of the Queensbury Gaade School , a distance of 2500 feet. Pursuant to Section 1180 (c) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, this school speed limit is in effect during the school noon hour, school recess, or while children are going to or leaving shhool during opening or closing hours . Ltr. May 2, 1977 Mr. Mike R. Brandt, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Bay Road Glens Falls , N.Y. 12801 Dear Mr. Brandt: As a homeowner and as Treasurer of the Old Orchard Park Association, I want to thank the people responsible for cleaning the streets in our area. They did a great job sweeping up the winter debris, and it greatly improves the general appearance of our neighborhood. In addition, this action by the Town gives the residents added incentive to keep the Wincrest Drive Mall and their own property neat. Again, thanks. Sincerely, /s/ Edwin F. Knoblock Ltr. May 6, 1977 Town Board Queensbury Town Building Bay and Haviland Roads Glens Falls , New York 12801 Gentlemen: i The membership of the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire company voted unanimously at the March 7, 1977 meeting to request that the Town of Queensbury have a referendum in connection with the November elections, to permit the non-profit organizations in the Town of Queensbury to have games of chance for fund-raising events. We would appreciate your consideration of this request and notification of your decision on this matter. Sincerely, /s/ Susan M. France Recording Secretary RD#1 Tee Hill Road Glens Falls, New York 12801 Councilman Olson-waived the reading of the monthly repots The follwwing reports were placed on file. Town Clerk-April, 1997 Building & Zoning-April, 1977 Dog Warden, 1977, April Councilman Olson- in regard to the D.O.T. letter on Speed limit on Aviation Rd. Mr. Garb will paint the cross walks in as soon as the weather permits also he is looking into purchasing locally two speed limit signs and flashing lights. Councilman Barber- commented on the recent savings in insurance that was achieved by Mr. Winnie and Mr. Flaherty—approximately 5 ,000 OPEN FORUM 9: 05 P.M. ARTHUR TURNBULL- Commented on the need for a P.A. System in the Board room. LES BAIRD- Commented on the 64 Acres on the Corinth Road owned by the Town hoped that this could be make into nature trails, ball field etc. Noted that he felt it was discriminktion in regard to trailers on private lands vs. courts as per the age of the trailers allowed. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I have discussed this with the Town Attorney,,'azid I do agree with you it is treating different people in different ways and it seems to me a violation of the 14th amendment. It is up to us to look for a change in the ordinance. GLEN GREENO- Requested that the Board look more closely at the regulations placed on the use of private property. ARTHUR TURNBULL- Questioned if the Board had any figures on the Town Sewer Dist. and Town Costs? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We do not, expect to have figures 1py the end of the month for part of the district. . . rough figures would be 100. 00 dollars per resident per year for the Town District. . . COUNCILMAN WALTER- I think when you are going to decide on June 7th that you should have the total picture of what it is going to cost, Town and County Costs. . .we should provide those titures, and we will be before the referendum. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Noted for the public that the reason that the Town' s figures are running close to the dead line was becasse the figttes did not come to us until the later part of February. LES BAM- Who are our engineers? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Rist Frost �G DAN GEALT- Oueatiioned how long after the referendum is passed before changes in the plans can be made, such as for expansion? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I think that you can do it contractually, immediately if necessary, special benefit district can be expanded. LES BAIRD- Questioned if the District was turned down could the Town on a smaller version place a sewer dist. in ? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- No way. . . too expensive. . . SUMMVISOR BRANDT- Noted the possibility of losing 75% funding. . . 1 UNKNOWN- Questioned fiche the Town was to pay for the _ Town District? SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We will have to pay our capital casts the County -✓ tax will take care of the operation of the plant . . the cost expense will ka-Ve to be Aigured before the Ttmr'referendum. . . the way it will be paid for. . . LES BAIRD- Questioned whp would inspect hook up' s? COUNCILMAANN WALTER- We will have to have a sewage dept.in the Town. maintenance etc. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 112 , Introduced by Mr.Hammond Robertson who moved or its adlp—tfon, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as lister' on Abstract No. 77-5A and numbered 475 through 583 and totaling $55 , 003.91 be approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: j Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt --� Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING MAY 17 , 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman' Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman PRESS: Tri County News, WWSC, Glens Fa11s' Post Star GUESTS: Mr. Harrison Winnie, Mrs. Sylvia Dougher, Mrs. Shenk { Meeting Opened: 7: 32 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESOLUTION 0__0__1,, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its a option, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: i