08-19-2014 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 19,2014 INDEX Site Plan No. 24-2014 William&Pamela Roberts 1. FURTHER TABLING Tax Map No. 239.12-2-64 Subdivision No. 2-2014 Joseph Leuci 2. SEEK LEAD AGENCY STATUS Tax Map No. 301.15-1-19 Site Plan No. 62-2012 Kirk Roberts 3. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 295.6-1-8 Site Plan No.40-2014 Paul Deslauriers 5. Freshwater Wetlands 3-2014 Tax Map No. 297.19-1-45 ZBA RECOMMENDATION Site Plan No. 50-2014 Heather O'Neill 7. Tax Map No. 288.-1-55 Subdivision No. 14-2005 David Howard 10. MODIFICATION Tax Map No. 308.6-2-18 Site Plan No. 51-2014 Brian Donovan 15. Tax Map No. 296.9-1-15 Site Plan No. 52-2014 Hudson Headwaters Health Network 18. Tax Map No. 309.13-2-31.2, 38, 31.1; 308.16-2-2.1 THESE ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ADOPTED MINUTES AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD AND STAFF REVISIONS. REVISIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING MONTHS MINUTES (IF ANY) AND WILL STATE SUCH APPROVAL OF SAID MINUTES. 0 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 19,2014 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT CHRIS HUNSINGER, CHAIRMAN DONALD KREBS, SECRETARY PAUL SCHONEWOLF STEPHEN TRAVER DAVID KREBS BRAD MAGOWAN JAMIE WHITE,ALTERNATE LAND USE PLANNER-LAURA MOORE STENOGRAPHER-MARIA GAGLIARDI MR. HUNSINGER-I'd like to welcome everyone to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, August 19, 2014. For members of the audience, welcome. There are copies of the agenda on the back table. There's also a handout for public hearing procedures. We do have several items with a public hearing scheduled later on the agenda. The first item on the agenda is approval of minutes from June 17th and 24th, 2014. Would anyone like to move them? APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 17, 2014 June 26, 2014 MOTION TO APPROVE THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17TH AND JUNE 26TH, 2014, Introduced by Paul Schonewolf who moved for its adoption, seconded by Donald Krebs: Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014, by the following vote: MR.TRAVER-Just a comment, Mr. Chairman. I believe that the second meeting was the 26th, not the 24th. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes,good catch. Yes,that's right. MR.TRAVER-The resolution was correct. MR. HUNSINGER-The resolution is correct. Okay. AYES: Mr. Deeb, Mr. Schonewolf, Ms.White, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-We have two Administrative Items under Item Two. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS SP 24-2014: WILLIAM&PAMELA ROBERTS-RESOLUTION FOR FURTHER TABLING CONSIDERATION MR. HUNSINGER-It was suggested by Staff that we table this to October. Was there a preference provided for which meeting? MRS. MOORE-No, there's not a preference at this time. I think that they're still resolving some minor issues and then you can place it on the October 28th meeting. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Would anyone like to make that motion? RESOLUTION TABLING SP# 24-2014 WILLIAM&PAMELA ROBERTS 1 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) A site plan application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes construction of two cottages previously approved for replacement within the existing footprint area. Main cottage to be constructed within 50 feet of the shoreline. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance hard surfacing within 50 feet of the shoreline shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. SEQR Type II-no further review required; PB made a recommendation to the ZBA on 4-15-2014; the ZBA tabled the variance requests to a June meeting; subsequently the PB tabled the application to 6-26-2014; A public hearing was advertised,public hearing opened and left open on 4-22-2014; The applicant has requested further tabling-see letter from Dennis MacElroy dated 7-29-2014; MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN NO. 24-2014 WILLIAM & PAMELA ROBERTS, Introduced by David Deeb who moved for its adoption,seconded by Paul Schonewolf: Tabled to the October 28, 2014 meeting of the Planning Board. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb, Mr. Schonewolf, Ms.White, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-We also have a Site Plan 2-2014 for Joseph Leuci, Resolution to Seek Lead Agency Status for purposes of SEQR Review. S132-2014: JOSEPH LEUCI-RESOLUTION TO SEEK LEAD AGENCY STATUS FOR PURPOSES OF SEQR REVIEW JON LAPPER&TOM CENTER, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Is there any other background information that you want to provide at this time? MRS.MOORE-Tom Center is here. Do you want a brief description? MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, I think that would be helpful. MRS.MOORE-Okay. MR. HUNSINGER-Good evening. MR. LAPPER-Hi. For the record, Jon Lapper and Tom Center. We were here a few months ago with Joe Leuci who's here tonight also on a conceptual level to talk about this. It's a density variance in an area that would be two acre lots but with a junkyard in the back and the character of the area not two acre lots, and so we wanted to run this by you before we prepared the application for the Zoning Board and you were favorable at that time. So we went forward. So now it's a coordinated review. So we're seeking the Planning Board, of course, as Lead Agency, and we'd be at the Zoning Board for them to accept it tomorrow night, and then we can get into the review next month. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Any questions or comments from Board members? MR.TRAVER-We had preliminary discussions last time. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. KREBS-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Anything else from Staff? MRS.MOORE-No, I don't have any additional information. 2 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. RESOLUTION SEEKING LEAD AGENCY STATUS FOR SUB # 2-2014 JOSEPH LEUCI WHEREAS,the applicant proposes subdivision of a 14.8 +/- acre lot into 18 lots ranging in size from 1.46 to 0.58 +/- acres. Subdivision: Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance a subdivision shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variances: Relief requested from density,lot size,lot width requirements of the MDR zone. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has determined to begin an environmental review process under the State Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA), WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has identified the project to be a Type I action for the purposes of SEQRA review pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617, WHEREAS, the Town Board is the agency most directly responsible for approving the actions because of its responsibility for approving the land uses for the property, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby indicates its desire to be Lead Agency for SEQRA review of this action and authorizes and directs the Zoning Administrator to notify any other potentially involved agencies of such intent. That Part I of the SEQRA will be sent to the following agencies [as identified in EAF]: Zoning Board of Appeals, NYS DOH, NYS DEC MOTION TO SEEK LEAD AGENCY STATUS IN CONNECTION WITH AREA VARIANCE NO. 61- 2014&SUBDIVISION NO. 2-2014 JOSEPH LEUCI, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Brad Magowan: As per the resolution prepared by Staff. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb, Mr. Schonewolf, Ms.White, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. We have one item for Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SITE PLAN NO. 62-2012 SEQR TYPE II KIRK ROBERTS AGENT(S) JARRETT ENGINEERS OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING RR-5A LOCATION 11 OLD WEST MOUNTAIN ROAD APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF A 1,500 SQ. FT. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH DISTURBANCE FOR SEPTIC, DRIVEWAY, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. SITE PLAN: PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-6-060 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN 50 FEET OF SLOPES GREATER THAN 15% SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCES: RELIEF REQUESTED FROM SIDE & FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE RR ZONE. PLANNING BOARD SHALL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE AV 57-14 WARREN CO. REFERRAL SEPTEMBER 2012-NCI LOT SIZE 6.14 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 295.6- 1-8 SECTION 179-9, 179-6-060 TOM JARRETT, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-Okay. The applicant proposes the construction of a 1500 square foot single family dwelling with disturbance for a septic driveway stormwater management. Site Plan Review is required for construction within 50 feet of slopes greater than 15%, and variance is required for side and front setback relief. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. JARRETT-Members of the Board, good evening. For the record, Tom Jarrett of Jarrett Engineers, and Kirk Roberts, owner of the property in question. Mr. Roberts purchased this lot a 3 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) number of years ago, several years ago, and I don't think he realized at the time how difficult a lot it is. It's steep, for those of you who have been there. He started developing the parcel and constructed a portion of a steep driveway, which became problematic. We started working with him earlier this year, and we're proposing site development which we believe is much more amenable to the neighborhood and to the Town. Much less site disturbance is required, and we believe much less impact to the stream that's on the property, but in doing so, we need to propose two variances, one to the side line to the north, and one to the front on Old West Mountain Road. We want to keep the house down near Old West Mountain Road so we shortened the driveway, and we want to keep it near the north line so we can soften the grade of the driveway. We've cut it down to about 8% right now, and the driveway that you saw on the site when you visited it is over 20. That's closer to 25%. We've softened that impact considerably, both to the site and to Mr. Roberts'use later on. So I'll open it up to any questions you have. MR. HUNSINGER-Questions,comments from the Board? MR.TRAVER-We discussed the project in its previous iteration and I think this is better,the map. MR.JARRETT-Yes, I wasn't privy to prior discussions,but I understand that there were concerns. MR.TRAVE R-Engineering,yes. MR. KREBS-Plus the fact that you're considering keeping a lot of foliage between the house and the road. MR.JARRETT-We are trying to do that,yes. MR. KREBS-Both for his privacy and for. MR.JARRETT-And for the neighbors,right. MR. KREBS-Yes. MR.JARRETT-Exactly. I'm glad you picked up on that. MR. HUNSINGER-Any other questions or comments? MS.WHITE-Just that it's a very appropriate size house for that lot. MR. HUNSINGER-So this is an unusual question. This project's been before us for a long time. MRS.MOORE-Correct. MR. HUNSINGER-So we tabled the public hearing, but we don't typically have a public hearing for a recommendation to the Zoning Board. MRS.MOORE-Correct. MR. HUNSINGER-So do we have a public hearing this evening? I mean, we had one on the old project. MRS.MOORE-It would continue into its next,into September. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MRS. MOORE-So it's still open. It's still considered a Site Plan of 2012. So that's still considered an open project, and now that he's presented a new project, in the sense that it needs variances, it needs to go through the continued process. So the public hearing is still opened on the Site Plan Review portion. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Is there anyone here that wishes to address the Board on this project? PUBLIC HEARING OPEN MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Good. My concern was that somebody might be hereto address the Board on the public hearing, again, when we don't usually have a public hearing until it goes before the 4 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) Zoning Board. There's really no reason to take comments. Are there any other questions or comments from the Board? Would you like to make a recommendation? RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV# 57-2014 KIRK ROBERTS The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,500 sq. ft. single family dwelling with disturbance for septic, driveway, and stormwater management. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance any construction within 50 feet of slopes greater than 15% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variances: Relief requested from side & front setback requirements of the RR zone. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals &Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE NO. 57-2014 KIRK ROBERTS, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Stephen Traver: Per the resolution prepared by Staff. The Planning Board, based on limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with the current project proposal. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Magowan, Ms.White, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR.JARRETT-Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-Good luck. MR.JARRETT-Hopefully we'll see you next month. MR. KREBS-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-I think we actually tried to go up that driveway with the Town vehicle,remember? MR.TRAVER-Yes. It's pretty amazing. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. We have one other item for a Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was tabled. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SITE PLAN NO. 40-2014 FRESHWATER WETLANDS 3-2014 SEQR TYPE II PAUL DESLAURIERS OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING MDR LOCATION WINCOMA DRIVE APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF A 2,475 SQ. FT. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-6-050 & CHAPTER 94 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FILLING AND HARD SURFACING WITHIN 50 FEET OF A SHORELINE (WETLAND) SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. APPLICANT HAS OBTAINED A.C.O.E. PERMIT AUTHORIZATION FOR DISTURBANCE OF A PORTION OF THE WETLAND. PER CHAPTER 94 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FWW REVIEW REQUIRED FOR DISTURBANCE WITHIN 100 FEET OF A REGULATED WETLAND. VARIANCE: RELIEF REQUESTED FROM FRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF THE MDR ZONE. PLANNING BOARD SHALL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE AV 62-14, AV 46-14, SEPTIC VARIANCE, SB 5-65, SECT. 3/4 WARREN CO. REFERRAL JUNE 2014 APA, CEA, OTHER DEC & NWI WETLANDS LOT SIZE 1.15 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 297.10-1-45 SECTION 179-6-050,CHAPTER 94 5 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) PAUL&LINDA DESLAURIERS MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-This application is the proposal construction of a 2,475 sq. ft. single family home. The Site Plan Review is required for filling within 50 feet of the shoreline, subject to Planning Board review. Under Freshwater Wetland it's review required for disturbance within 100 feet, and under the Variance this is a new relief requested for this applicant. It's for front setback requirements of the MDR zone. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. DESLAURIERS-Good evening. Paul Deslauriers and my wife Linda. We're here before you again. We've been asked for, okayed by the Zoning Board, we had 50 feet between the septic and the wetland setback and the house. In doing this, it caused us to have to do some re-design on the house, and we found that it just plain doesn't work unless we move the house forward. So we're asking for the seven feet difference so that we can put the house, position it as you see on the plans. Are there any questions? Pretty much it explains it in the narrative what we've been through on this. MR. HUNSINGER-Any questions or comments from the Board? This is similar to the last project, because the project changed since we had made the prior tabling. MRS.MOORE-Yes,the house is now closer to Wincoma Drive. By seven feet. MR. DESLAURIERS-We also moved the septic system from where it was designed,where it actually infringed on the wetlands, to the front of the property. So that there's no more problem with that at all,which unfortunately is going to result in loss of some trees. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes,that's too bad. We do have a public hearing scheduled this evening. Is there anyone here that wanted to address the Board on this project? PUBLIC HEARING OPEN MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. We will leave the public hearing open, and unless there's any other questions or comments,we're ready for a recommendation. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV# 62-2014 PAUL DESLAURIERS The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes construction of a 2,475 sq. ft. single family dwelling. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance filling within 50 feet of a shoreline (wetland) shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant has obtained A.C.O.E. permit authorization for disturbance of a portion of the wetland. Per Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance FWW review required for disturbance within 100 feet of a regulated wetland. Variance: Relief requested from front setback requirement of the MDR zone. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals &Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE NO. 62-2014 PAUL DESLAURIERS, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Stephen Traver: The Planning Board,based on limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with the current project proposal. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Magowan, Ms.White, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Hunsinger 6 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-Good luck. MR. DESLAURIERS-Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-You're welcome. Thank you. We have several items under New Business. NEW BUSINESS: SITE PLAN NO. 5 0-2 014 SEQR TYPE II HEATHER O'NEILL OWNER(S) L &M INVESTMENTS, LLC ZONING CI LOCATION 1439 STATE ROUTE 9 APPLICANT PROPOSES TO OPERATE A FOOD TRAILER IN A 414 SQ. FT. AREA IN THE EXISTING PARKING LOT OF FRENCH MOUNTAIN COMMONS. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FAST FOOD SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE SP 46-86M WARREN CO. REFERRAL AUGUST 2014 LOT SIZE 4.11 ACRES (PORTION OF) TAX MAP NO. 288.-1-55 SECTION 179-3-040 HEATHER O'NEILL, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-Okay. The applicant proposes to operate a food trailer in a 414 square foot area in the existing parking lot of French Mt. Commons. The Board may consider the applicant's request for waivers on items that do not apply to the application, and they're identified below as landscaping,traffic,floor plans,etc. MR. HUNSINGER-Good evening. MS. O'NEILL-Hi,how are you? MR. HUNSINGER-Good. MS. O'NEILL-I'm Heather O'Neill. This is my father, Joseph. We are looking to open a food trailer where a wood carving business used to be in the corner of the French Mt. Outlets. Obviously massive influx of customers there. One less restaurant there. We're looking to offer quick service to keep shoppers in the area,so they don't leave and stop spending money. Any questions? MR. HUNSINGER-Questions,comments from the Board? MR. DEEB-You mentioned the Montcalm Restaurant. They went out of business so you want to provide another food service. MS. O'NEILL-Just with, especially with all the new outlets that are being built. There's less food service options. This is obviously not to replace the Montcalm by any stretch of the imagination, not even close, but to offer another choice for shoppers and visitors that are in our area. As I said, this would be a quick service option. MR. DEEB-I think you're going to do well there. MS. O'NEILL-Yes. MR. DEEB-And it does keep people on one side so they don't have to cross to go over to the other one. MS. O'NEILL-And it's always been pretty, I mean, well, the Montcalm, obviously, did a wonderful, amazing business, but, you know, other than that it's been pretty limited as far as food service options on that side. So, again, not going to even remotely replace the Montcalm,but hope to get a nice shot in the arm,that's for sure. MR. DEEB-Are you going to prepare your food in the trailer, or are you going to bring it from across the street? MS. O'NEILL-We'll do a little of both. We're also now operating the French Mt. Deli, which we've changed the d/b/a from The Commons Deli,which is in the corner of the French Mt.outlets. 7 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-I was going to ask you about that. MS. O'NEILL-We just took over a week ago. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. So you'll operate both then. MS. O'NEILL-Correct. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MS.WHITE-Will it be a similar menu of items then there as in the deli? MS. O'NEILL-No, actually we're going, the name is O'Pablo's. So we're going for a Mexican food truck. Thought we'd incorporate a little bit of our last name in there. Give it a little twist. Just, you know, there's nothing like it. I mean, obviously there's nothing like it in the area as it is, you know, and,you know,there's definitely no Mexican,Tex/Mex even remotely in that area unless you went to the Village or into, I think Glens Falls is the closest. So,just giving more dining options for people. MR. HUNSINGER-So the food court would be self-contained? There's no power or water or anything? MS. O'NEILL-We have propane. MR. HUNSINGER-But it's contained to the? MS. O'N E I L L-Absolutely. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. JOSEPH O'NEILL MR. O'NEILL-Fresh water and wastewater is all contained. MR. HUNSINGER-So how often would you move it in and out? MS. O'NEILL-We're looking to keep it there pretty much permanently, you know, operating on weekends,weather permitting. If it gets too cold,obviously. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MS. O'NEILL-Yes,nobody wants to stand outside to eat tacos when it's 20 below. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MS. O'NEILL-There will be no black water. It's just gray water that will be,you know, removed and brought to either the Commons Deli or The Old Post Grille,just for hand washing and that's it. Any types of pots, any cooking utensils, anything like that, will all be washed at The Old Post Grille,just because we have the large commercial equipment there to handle it. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Other questions, comments from the Board? We do have a public hearing scheduled for this project. Is there anyone in the audience that wishes to address the Board? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR. HUNSINGER-I don't see any takers. Any written comments, Laura? MRS.MOORE-There were no written comments MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, it's interesting. I remember when the wood carver went in. I know it says in the notes how long ago that was, but there were actually a lot of comments from the general public about that. MR. SCHONEWOLF-Yes,there was a chainsaw demonstration. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. 8 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR.TRAVER-2002 was the year. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, interesting. Anyway, since there are no comments, I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-It's a Type II SEQR so no SEQR review is necessary, and unless there's anything else from the Board, I'll entertain a motion. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP# 50-2014 HEATHER O'NEILL A site plan application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes to operate a food trailer in a 414 sq. ft. area in the existing parking lot of French Mountain Commons. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Fast Food shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. SEQR Type II; A public hearing was advertised and held on 8-19-2014; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 50-2014 HEATHER O'NEILL, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Brad Magowan: As per the resolution prepared by Staff: 1) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; 2) Waiver requests granted: L -landscaping, N -traffic, P -floor plans, Q -soil logs, R -disposal of waste from construction/demolition, S-snow removal. 3) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 4) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. 5) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Magowan, Ms.White, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-Good luck. MS. O'NEILL-Thank you very much. MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you. MR. DEEB-When are you going to open? MS. O'NEILL-We're shooting for September 2nd,right after Labor Day. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. I was going to say, I thought you'd try for Labor Day. MS. O'NEILL-I think it might be stretching the rubber band a little too much. 9 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. DEEB-Good luck. MS. O'NEILL-Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-You're welcome. SB 14-2005 MODIFICATION SEQR TYPE REAFFIRM SEQR DAVID HOWARD OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING MDR LOCATION 500 LUZERNE APPLICANT PROPOSES A 2ND MODIFICATION TO AN APPROVED SUBDIVISION. THE MODIFICATION IS FOR EXCEEDING THE 2ND APPROVED CLEARING LIMITS OF 1.74 +/- ACRES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER A-183 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE MODIFICATIONS TO AN APPROVED SUBDIVISION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE BP 11-217 APA, CEA, OTHER NWI WETLANDS LOT SIZE 9.23 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 308.6-2-18 SECTION CHAPTERA-183 DAVID HOWARD, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-The applicant proposes a second modification to an approved subdivision. The modification is for exceeding the second approved clearing limits of the 1.74 acres. The information shows the site at 2.6 acres cleared where the applicant has cleared .86 acres beyond the 2011 approval. The applicant has provided information that indicates that,accounts for 28%of the lot that is cleared, and the applicant has talked to neighbors in the area and experienced and viewed that the other lots in the area have additional clearing, all within the limits of the subdivision, but they're obviously more than his lot is compared to size of the parcel versus size of the lots in the subdivision, and it is noted that it is part of a court action that is still pending, and the Code Compliance Officer has visited the site and indicated there's no erosion problem at this time. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. HOWARD-Good evening,sir. MR. HUNSINGER-If you could identify yourself for the record. MR. HOWARD-My name is David Howard. MR. HUNSINGER-And if you could just tell us a little bit about the project and what brought you here tonight. MR. HOWARD-Yes. A couple, three years ago, sir, I cleared the property that I built on and it was stopped at one point because it's part of a subdivision and I got approval to clear further and build my home. After a couple of months everything went well and I built the home, and then I went around the property, cleared up all the trees that were dead. In the meantime, since then, since the house has been built, it's been, I think, three years or so, went around the property and cleaned up what was dead and what not, and the wind blew down, etc., and one day the Town set up a meeting with me on the property and they came out, and before I got there, when I showed up they were measuring with the tape measures and what not, and said it looks as though you cleared more than what you're approved, and I said okay, fair enough, and we spoke about everything in general, and he said that you're going to have to go to the Planning Board,and I said okay, I understand,and then I'm building a house across the street from my property, and when I went to get the building permit, they wouldn't issue me the building permit because I had to, they said, they wouldn't issue me the building permit because I had issues on my property, which is 500 Luzerne Road. I'm building on 495. So they told me to show up at the Town here and get my appearance ticket with the Town of Queensbury Court and they'll give me my building permit for the new house, and then if I show up at this Planning Board meeting, and if all goes well, they can work with me on the appearance ticket. So it was come get your appearance ticket and we'll give you a building permit. So I thought it was kind of a strong arm tactic,but it worked. So that's why I sit here before you. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. So back in September of 2011, when we approved the clearing that was done then,so was there a clearing beyond that? MR. HOWARD-I cleared, sir, and when I went in there, I had a gentleman come in and clear for me and he took down all the trees and he chipped everything and he brings it to colleges to burn for fuel and all this stuff, and he kept clearing and I got shutdown, and I'm in a subdivision, so I was 10 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) like, oh,that's not good. So it's not just a,like the lot across the street I'm building on now,you can clear the whole thing because it's not a subdivision. Well,that was unbeknownst to me at the time. So when they stopped me I said, all right, I have to go through the proper avenue, and I got approved, and that was great. It just took me two months,you know,that's all right. I already had the footings laid out and what not. So when I finally got the approval and your blessing, it was wonderful, so I could start building my house again, and then once the house was built, and since that time, I have gone along the property, I've gone along the edges, and you probably have maps of that, and, I mean, it's not like I methodically cleared or anything. I went over and I just tried to make things look better, but, I mean, yes, there's more clearing, there's dead trees and, you know, the canopy on some of those prints, I mean, it might look worse than it is,but of course I'm going to take down trees, I'm going to take down dead trees and so, I have, since then, taken some trees down, but with that being said, sir, my neighbor and I planted probably 60 Christmas trees, you know,and even before this came about,we did that,you know,it's not like I'm running a junkyard. MR. HUNSINGER-So was the house built in the wrong location as well? Because looking at these plans,it looks like there's two. MR. HOWARD-I know those plans kind of area little different. I don't understand it. MRS. MOORE-I think it's a survey issue and clarification between the applicant and the surveyor and to clean that house location up, because there's a portion where I think the footings were, and then where he actually constructed the house may be a bit different. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes,well it's even on that. MRS.MOORE-Yes,you can see it on the drawings. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MRS.MOORE-I think it's just a clarification issue between the applicant and the surveyor. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, I just found that confusing. I wasn't sure what it was showing. MR. HOWARD-I found it confusing,too, sir,when I saw that,because when I got approved to finally build the home, the footings were already in place, while we were pouring, so they were there, and when I finally got the blessing, all I did was pour cement. So I was kind of wondering, too, when I kept seeing these surveys. I was looking at them, and I was like, the one survey, the septic comes out the front, and I'm like the septic's not even coming out the front. It's out the side. So I would say the house with the septic coming out on the side there, that's the right one. Because my driveway swoops in on the end. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR. HOWARD-So I don't know why that other one's on there, I really don't. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MRS.MOORE-I think it was just overlaid. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. So were there any neighbor complaints about the clearing? MR. HOWARD-Yes, sir. Yes, I don't think it was necessarily about the clearing, sir. I have a neighbor across the street from me on Luzerne Road, and his name is Mr. LaCrosse, and he calls, I think he's got your number on speed dial, and he calls all the time, and I own a dump truck, in my name. I just have a dump truck because I do. I don't own a business or anything like that. I'm just a State worker, so he keeps calling and the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and that's the reason they came out, sir, initially, so they came out. I have a dump truck. So when they came out, that's when, I don't know if they were hunting or whatnot, but they started running their tapes and fair enough. So,yes,that's his name. He's across the street, and he's probably,he can't,like I supplied some pictures,sir,folks,and I took four pictures from his home and you can't even see my property. So the complaint wasn't necessarily about the clearing because every neighbor that I went to, I explained to them who I was and about the clearing and they really were unaware of the situation, and,you know,they signed my petition. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. 11 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. KREBS-And the petition was signed by 18 people. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. HOWARD-And I really did go door to door, sir. I didn't have much time, but it was nice to actually meet some people that I hadn't met before, even though I know most of them, you know, I'm friendly with them, everyone was great,you know, and some people that, like the few folks that didn't sign it actually were still open to the idea, they just wanted to clarify,you know, and I didn't have much paperwork. I was like,if they don't see it, I understand. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR. DEEB-Are you going to continue to plant trees on your lot? MR. HOWARD-Yes, sir. I probably will absolutely, because I planted, like I say, my neighbor and I, who's actually here tonight, planted 60 Christmas trees, and it'll take a while for them to become Christmas trees,but I'll probably do, I love my deer. I know that might sound crazy to you guys,but we have a lot of deer. So I'll probably do like a food plot and stuff, too, and it's my home. I'm not selling it or anything,and I'll probably never get what I want anyway,so I'm going to stay there,and I probably will plant some nice arborvitaes or something and make it look nice, but Rome wasn't built in a week and like I said I'm just a State worker. MR. HUNSINGER-Well,if you have a lot of deer they'll eat your arborvitaes. MR. HOWARD-Exactly,and I might have to cage them in a little bit. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. HOWARD-That's the problem I'm running into with these Christmas trees. I don't even know if I have anymore,but I used to run them over with the lawnmower. MR. HUNSINGER-Any other questions or comments from the Board? We do have a public hearing scheduled this evening. Is there anyone in the audience that wants to address the Board about this project? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR. HUNSINGER-I don't see any takers. Any written comments, Laura? MRS.MOORE-There are no written comments. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. I'm sorry. Sir, you're going to need to come up and get on the microphone,please. If you could state your name again,sir. BOB BOWMAN MR. BOWMAN-My name's Bob Bowman. MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you. MR. BOWMAN-Okay. I've known Dave a long time. He works with my son, actually, and he's been nothing but great. Done everything,you know, first rate job. He's a great neighbor, and anything he's cleared is either dead,needed to be taken. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. MR. HOWARD-Thanks, Bob. MR. HUNSINGER-Anyone else? DONNA BARBER MRS. BARBER-I would. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes,ma'am. 12 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MRS. BARBER-My name's Donna Barber. I'm at 480 Luzerne Road, adjacent to Mr. Howard. And I have only one concern, the clearing of the land, if there's any prior applications to develop on this 1.74 acres that he exceeded to develop, or not develop, but to clear, and what can we expect in the future,seeing that there is a water problem there,level, and I'm not out for any witch hunt here,but I would like to know what's going to happen, seeing that prior to this he was running a business, landscaping, and it was brought between the Board, and we have resolved that. He still has some trucks there,but that's not a big issue as far as I'm concerned, as his neighbor, as long as they're not running from seven in the morning until nine at night like they were, but I'd like to know if, now that he is applying for this application,and he has cleared 1.74 acres of supposedly dead trees,is his intentions to develop on that 1.74 acres? And if it is,has he put in any applications for that. MR. HOWARD-I could answer that. MR. HUNSINGER-Well,yes,that's not how the public hearing works,but that's okay,we'll give you a chance to answer after we're done with the public hearing. We'll ask him and we'll get the answers for you, ma'am. MRS. BARBER-Okay,because that would be another issue if you're clearing that much land and you still have quite a bit more to clear,if needed,it could be done in a subdivision way,okay. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. MRS. BARBER-Thank you. MR. HUNSINGER-Anyone else? Did you say there were no written comments, Laura? MRS.MOORE-There were no written comments. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. HUNSINGER-Well,if there are no other comments,we will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-And now I'll give you the opportunity to address the questions that were asked. MR. HOWARD-In reference to Mrs. Barber's questions, sir, the clearing that I've done, the reason I bought the property and Thank God the way it is, is it's 9.23 acres and it can't be subdivided any further,Thank God,because I probably would build more houses,just like I've done in the past,but I need this land for my home because I just like being kind of set back,you know, I deal with people all the time, so I can't do anymore developing, as you know. It's just one lot, and it's Lot Number 17, I think,but it has its own address of 500 Luzerne Road. So my intentions are not to clear more and try to develop more because you just can't, and in reference to the water table, I understand people's concerns, because it used to be extremely wet, and I built a home on top of the ground. I put the footings on top of the ground. I hauled in 10,000 yards of fill,but the other day I'm trying to figure out the sprinkler system situation and I don't really want to pay for Town water, so I was going to put in a well. So I dug down, and because of the drainage they've done,between Sherman and Luzerne Road, I dug down approximately six feet and it just started getting wet and it used to be within like two feet. So it's really a pleasant surprise, actually, not for me being able to sprinkler my yard, but for a water table it's a really good thing, and I don't plan on developing anymore, clearing anymore. If trees fall down,you know,which they do sometimes, and I know the Barber's had a tree fall down recently and I let them throw it on the property. I'll clean them up,but you just can't develop anymore anyway,and it's going to stay the way it is. MR. HUNSINGER-And I would add, ma'am, just for the record, if he were to propose anything, it would have to come back before this Board for review. Okay. Any other questions or comments? MRS. MOORE-For the Board's reference, right now the total clearing is 2.6, and that's the 1.74 plus the current.86 acres. I just don't want you to be confused that there is 2.6 total cleared on the site now. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. HOWARD-I do have a buffer,too,with wetlands and stuff like that, and I would never, never go near that,just so you know that. I'm not like that. 13 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-Sure. MR. KREBS-But it's 2.6 acres of the 9 acres total. MR. HOWARD-Yes,sir,that's correct. MRS.MOORE-Correct. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Are you ready? MR. KREBS-I'm ready. RESOLUTION APPROVING 2nd MODIFICATION TO SUB # 14-2005 DAVID HOWARD A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a 2nd modification to an approved subdivision. The modification is for exceeding the 2nd approved clearing limits of 1.50 acres. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 Subdivision Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance modifications to an approved subdivision shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. A public hearing was scheduled and held on 8-19-2014; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION TO APPROVE 2ND MODIFICATION TO SUBDIVISION NO. 14-2005 DAVID HOWARD, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Brad Magowan: Per the draft resolution prepared by Staff. 1. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; 2. The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered, and the proposed modification[s] do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and,therefore,no further SEQRA review is necessary; 3. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 4. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. 5. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; 6. As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: MRS.MOORE-You will need to re-affirm SEQR. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MRS. MOORE-As a Negative Declaration, and that's actually in that resolution. Re-affirm SEQR. Just confirm that as part of your resolution, I apologize. MR. KREBS-Okay. This is to confirm that the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the proposed modifications do not result in any new or significant different environmental impacts,and therefore no further SEQR review is necessary. AYES: Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Ms.White, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE 14 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-You're all set. Good luck. MR. HOWARD-Can I ask you folks a question,please? MR. HUNSINGER-Sure. MR. HOWARD-I really appreciate your time. In reference to the appearance ticket I was given, and this is,what happens with that? Do I still go to court? MRS.MOORE-We'll have to talk with Craig and confirm with. MR. HOWARD-How can I talk with him if he doesn't returns my calls? MRS.MOORE-I will communicate with him and we'll get in touch with you. MR. HOWARD-Okay. I'd appreciate that. MR. MAGOWAN-Dave,you could always pull him over on the way home. MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you. SITE PLAN NO. 51-2014 SEQR TYPE II BRIAN DONOVAN AGENT(S) DAVID HUTCHINSON OWNER(S) CUMBERLAND MINE, LLC; d/b/a QUEENSBURY CIGAR & PIPE ZONING CM- COMMERCIAL MODERATE LOCATION 1036 STATE ROUTE 9 APPLICANT PROPOSES A 410 SQ. FT. ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING, ADDITIONAL PATIO SPACE WITH PERGOLA; 720 SQ. FT. GARAGE FOR STORAGE OF PRODUCT. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE EXPANSION OF THE USE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE SP 73-12, BP 12-454 WARREN CO. REFERRAL AUGUST 2014 LOT SIZE 0.998 +/-ACRES TAX MAP NO. 296.9-1-15 SECTION 179-3-040 DAVID HUTCHINSON, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-The applicant proposes a 410 square foot addition to an existing building. Also included is additional patio space with pergola, and also part of the project is a 720 square foot garage for storage of the product. The applicant has requested waivers from the proposed project including lighting, landscaping, stormwater, traffic, demolition and snow removal information, and the Board may consider those waivers requested for Site Plan Review. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. HUTCHINSON-Good evening, Chairman, Board members. I'm David Hutchinson, agent for the applicant Brian Donovan. This project is an addition and a small storage garage at the existing Queensbury Cigar Shop on Route 9. I don't know if everybody's familiar with where that it. It's just up the road across the road from Davidson's new brew house and right across the street from the go kart track. It's a pretty small addition that's sort of simple. Just increasing the square footage of the seating area, indoor, and increasing the square footage of the outdoor seating area a little bit,and to help in the business operations,the building's only so big,there's need for a little bit more storage. So located in the southwest corner of the lot,a small porch. It would also be heated. We submitted site plan,floor plan elevations,etc. Between submitting them and today,there's been a slight modification to the storage garage to increase the size of one of the garage doors. I brought updated drawings. Essentially it's the same elevation, two garage doors. Now one's a little bit bigger than the other. MRS.MOORE-I'll take a copy,unless the Board members want to see that. MR. HUTCHINSON-The same character. It matches the existing building exactly,hip roof,the same shingle siding,trim works and colors,everything. MRS.MOORE-Could you just open up one page and show it,so the Board can see it? MR. HUTCHINSON-Absolutely. I have it. MR. HUNSINGER-So the size of the garage didn't change. 1s (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUTCHINSON-No. MR. HUNSINGER-It's just the one door. Okay. MR. HUTCH INSON-Well, technically the height would change a little bit. It would be slightly taller to allow for the header over that taller door, but not significantly. You might not even, you wouldn't notice it if I didn't point it out. MR. SCHONEWOLF-The truck was a little bigger than you thought? MR. HUTCHINSON-It was to service like a FedEx truck. MR. SCHONEWOLF-Yes. MR. HUTCHINSON-So you can see on the left would be the smaller,on the right. MR. DEEB-And originally they were the same size? MR. HUTCHINS-Yes. It's just something I overlooked. Thinking about the business operations and being able to handle a truck that's taller. You know FedEx starts out at a certain height already, so they're a taller truck. As far as the site's concerned,the drainage will remain the same. Presently there are drywells, spotted on the site plan. There are drywells spotted all around the site. The pervious is only changing, I think it's slightly under one percent. We're stealing a little bit of pervious and gaining some impervious by what we're doing. So the trade changes it five percent. We're still under the zoned,or over the zoned 30%. MR. HUNSINGER-Questions,comments from the Board? MR. MAGOWAN-It's a pretty comfortable area now to smoke in, and I can just see this being an improvement. MR. HUTCHINSON-We're hoping so. It gives it a little more space and it also has the benefit of adding another door. So for egress purposes the building is already fully sprinklered, which is great,but the addition will add a second egress door,which is great for safety as well. MR. KREBS-And it's not like it's facing Route 9,either. It's facing the back of the property. MR. HUTCHINSON-Which is fully wooded at this point. MR. KREBS-Yes. Right. MR. HUTCHINSON-I mean, it's actually a, the way the building's broken up, and with the hip roofs and stuff, it's actually a pretty attractive building, and we want to keep the same look. The hope would be that you would never even know it was an addition. It has the same, it's the exact same size as the outcrop now, so it'll come out, have the same hip roof, etc. The garage the same thing. It'll look like it was part of the original construction,built at the same time. MR. HUNSINGER-Any other questions or comments from the Board? Quiet group tonight. We do have a public hearing scheduled. Is there anyone in the audience that wants to address the Board on this project? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR. HUNSINGER-I don't see any takers. Any written comments, Laura? MRS.MOORE-There were no written comments. MR. HUNSINGER-All right. I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-And let the record show no comments were received. This is a Type II SEQR. So unless there's additional comments or thoughts from a Board member. 16 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. DEEB-It's kind of interesting. We had this before us now, then we have the Hudson Headwaters after. So it's kind of paradoxical, I'd say. I mean, I'm not making any one way or the other. I just thought it was interesting. MRS. MOORE-I will note that one of your comments is from the Wastewater Department, and indicating that the addition is potentially on top of the existing grease trap,so. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MRS.MOORE-Yes,so the applicant should take care of that. MR. HUTCHINSON-If you want me to address that. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. HUTCHINSON-I've already addressed that with her, but I'll address that. In the updated site plan that I also just turned in, we show where the grease trap, sewer manholes, and where the waste leaves the building in the site plan, and it's a good, in the neighborhood of 20 feet north of where the addition is. There is no plumbing or grease trap,and I talked to Sandy on the phone, and walked her through it. She hadn't had our submitted site plan to see exactly where the foundation was. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. HUTCHINSON-She just knew in general, in the vicinity that the grease trap and waste lines were there,but they're to the north of the addition. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Good. Thank you. That makes it easier. Okay. If there's no other questions or comments. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP# 51-2014 BRIAN DONOVAN A site plan application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a 410 sq. ft.addition to an existing building,additional patio space with pergola; 720 sq. ft. garage for storage of product. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Expansion of the use shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. SEQR Type II; A public hearing was advertised and held on 8-19-2014; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 51-2014 BRIAN DONOVAN, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Stephen Traver: Per the resolution prepared by Staff. 1) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code. 2) Waiver requests granted: lighting, landscaping, stormwater, traffic, demolition and snow removal. 3) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 4) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. 5) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution. 17 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) 6) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Magowan, Ms.White, Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-You're all set. Good luck. MR. HUTCHINSON-Thank you very much. MR. HUNSINGER-Who would have thought there was so much money in cigars. SITE PLAN NO. 52-2014 SEQR TYPE UNLISTED HUDSON HEADWATERS HEALTH NETWORK AGENT(S) RICHARD E. JONES ASSOCIATES; BARTLETT PONTIFF, STEWART & RHODES OWNER(S) SAME AS APPLICANT, WILLIAM CAREY, CAREY REAL ESTATE, A & C RENTAL HOMES ZONING CLI LOCATION 161 CAREY RD., CORINTH RD. APPLICANT PROPOSES A 2,110 SQ. FT. ADDITION TO EXISTING HEALTH CENTER AND CONSTRUCT A NEW 28,636 SQ. FT. HEALTH CENTER WITH ASSOCIATED SITE WORK INCLUDING PARKING. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE EXPANSION OF THE USE & HEALTH RELATED FACILITY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE SP 15-14, 61-13,45-13,45-10; BP 14-111, 13-567, 11-549, 11-256; SB 9- 89 WARREN CO. REFERRAL AUGUST 2014 LOT SIZE 6.48,2.17, 0.344+/-ACRES TAX MAP NO. 309.13-2-31.2, 38, 31.1; 308.16-2-2.1 SECTION 179-3-040 JON LAPPER&RICHARD JONES, REPRESENTING APPLICANT, PRESENT MR. HUNSINGER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-Okay. The proposed project is for a 2110 square foot addition to the existing Health Center and to construction a new 28,636 square foot Health Center with associated site work including parking. There's waivers to be requested, and I won't belabor that, and then the only other item on here is in reference to Glens Falls Transit,to incorporate bus stops into the plans. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. LAPPER-Good evening. For the record, Jon Lapper with Dick Jones, project architect, and Jim McCormack from Hudson Headwaters. This is really an exciting project for Hudson Headwaters, as you know because you reviewed and approved their corporate office building and then the clinic. The clinic has been very successful in the West Glens Falls area. It is under capacity for the demand, and what is proposed is a small addition on that building where it'll work, which is the 2100 square feet, and then a brand new building on the rest of the lot, almost 29,000 square feet, which will be to provide services that aren't provided there now, and just to handle a lot more patients. It's worked really well being in the Carey Industrial Park, and this one is even farther back from Corinth Road, but part of this plan is that we were able to get a contract and actually close on the purchase, a couple of weeks ago, of that white house which was kind of an old junker which was blocking the view of this really attractive clinic and nice landscaped parking. The owners had it as a rental property and we made them an offer and with very little negotiation they were willing to sell for basically the assessed value or a little higher. It was just a very friendly deal. That'll be demolished as soon as this project starts. We moved parking there and some landscaping, but just the whole view when you're coming in Corinth Road should be improved by getting rid of that older structure. So that's one part of this, and the rest of it will work really well by connecting the parking lots as they already are, but pass through between, from this site to the administration building,and everything will just work with the connected,shared parking. There is some urgency, which I never like to come and talk about, but they're really hoping to get this in the ground in September so that they could be closed for winter and open in the Spring. Dick will go through the design details on the site plan. We've got about a couple of page letter from Chazen, but although it seems like a lot of items, it's really pretty basic stuff. We didn't include in the application the SHPO and the endangered species which we already had on this lot from last time. So we'll just submit that to them. That was already part of what you had already seen, and in terms of the stormwater,this is like 12 feet of sand. So the most important thing that we'd asked for was to be able to do any necessary soil tests during construction, and that Chazen had no problem with. Everything else is really much more minor. It's all the exact same soil conditions of what Dick designed for last time and we all know that it's all sand out there. So we don't anticipate any issue, 18 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) and the majority of the rest of the issues were just that they had said that the stormwater plan had some generic sections that it needed to be a little more site specific, and they've already drafted that. So we're hoping that after this discussion you'll see that it, you'll be comfortable with a conditioned approval and we can just work out these engineering details with Chazen,but with that said, I'd like Dick to just walk you through the site plan. MR. JONES-Good evening. Basically, as Jon indicated, we're kind of looking at a phased project. The project involves both the addition to the existing Health Center and the new Health Center that we're proposing. Initially what we'd like to be able to do is get the old white house down. Jimmy and I were here, I think it was last,was it this Spring or last Fall? No, it was last Fall, I think, for the parking lot extension behind the existing facility. We ended up putting 39 spaces in that area, which we needed, between the shared parking for the two facilities, and with the white house coming down, we've basically designed that area for 38 spaces. So what we'd be looking to do is flip flop the 39 that we have to that front area,which gives us the space that we need in the interim while we're building the new facility. Basically the white house demolition and that little bit of site work on the front corner with the paved area for the parking would be typically the first part of the project. The second phase of the project would be the construction of the new Health Center. With that we're looking at a facility of a little over 28,000 square feet. It's a single story structure. It's designed as reminiscent of both buildings. We have a design for it which incorporates both flat roofed areas and peak roofed areas. It's our intent to basically put our mechanical systems on the flat roofed areas of the building, using the peaked roof areas, similar to what we did for the corporate office building and hiding those from view. The original center, we're doing a small addition to for palliative care. It's a specialty type practice. We looked at trying to expand the original Health Center and we had limitations in directions that we could actually expand the building, and basically, since we've started the construction and the design actually design and construction in Warrensburg, we've come up with a new method of design for their pods of care, and we weren't able to address that properly with the existing building,with subsequent additions. We just didn't have enough space to do it. That's why we're looking at the construction of the new facility on that site, and it basically consists of five pods of treatment area, and basically what we're attempting to do with that design is minimize the patient distance that they have to travel from the front waiting check in to the actual treatment areas. So we're able to minimize that, too, a little less than the 120 feet, which is the ideal scenario. Basically the design of the site itself, we're looking to eliminate the one connector drive that we have on the back side of the corporate office building, which connects to the back side of the Health Center. We would maintain the one on the Corinth Road side. We would then do connectors between the existing Health Center site and the new Health Center site. We're looking to add a second entrance drive, which would be primarily for the new Health Center, from Carey Road on the east side, and we we're expanding the parking between the two with enough to basically take care of all of the parking for, this would be for the pharmacy which currently exists in the original building, the original Health Center with the addition, and then the new proposed design for the new Health Center on the back side of the property. As I'd indicated before when we were here, basically what we're finding is that the parking requirements for health centers for Hudson Headwaters requires around four and a half vehicles per exam room or consult room in the facility. So between the facilities that we have, that's why we have the expansive parking that we've indicated on the site plan. The original corporate office building we did standard bituminous paving, blacktop paving and we had infiltration systems of drywells and infiltrator pipes. When we did the Health Center, roughly, three four years ago, we went to a porous pavement material on that site, and it has performed very, very well for the infiltration and drainage requirements. It is our intent to basically use the porous pavement as well for this proposed new building and do the connection between the two. Where we're tearing down the white house,we're also going to use porous pavement in that area as well. So it's performed well. We know that it performs very well on that site because of the existing site conditions that exist. The site itself is,you can go down 40 feet,we went down 40 feet with geo technical borings and we hit nothing but sand. So it's a very sandy site and it seems to be carrying from one to the other. The small addition to the Health Center is actually the second phase of the project. We currently have a grant requesting for monies for that project, and we're supposed to hear September 1St, I think,Jim, so we're going to know fairly quickly, and at that point we would continue with construction documents for that. That would be bid separately from the main building. The main building that we're looking at on the back side of the site is basically going to be a private money type process. They will actually be getting a mortgage for that. It'll be single prime contract. The addition to the existing building,because of the Federal grants involved, will actually be,will require separate prime contracts. It'll have bidding and prevailing rate and all that kind of stuff. So it's a different type of project, and that's why we've separated the two. But basically when I looked at the comments, both from the Town Planning and from Chazen, you had indicated we were asking for some waivers, and I think there was some confusion when you looked at our application because I had indicated attached, and what I meant by that, it was attached in the 19 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) other literature, the answers were in the other literature. The only thing that we didn't address was the traffic counts. Wasn't that the only thing? Yes. MRS.MOORE-And so that's the only waiver that's requested at this time? MR.JONES-Yes. That's really the only waiver that we would ask for. MRS.MOORE-Okay. MR. LAPPER-Everything else that appeared to be asking for a waiver,we're not. MR.JONES-Yes. We had provided all the lighting plans and the fixture cuts,all of that. MR. LAPPER-Dick's intention was it wasn't on an SP sheet, it was on an attachment, and that's what he meant. I should have called you today after I figured that out. MR.JONES-Because we were trying to figure out what I was asking for,and we couldn't find it. MRS.MOORE-Okay. That's good. MR. JONES-With regard to the comments from Chazen, as Jon said, most of them are minor in nature. I know previously on our other projects we were able to secure an approval with the contingency of working with the Town Engineer in correcting or addressing any items that he felt we'd left out or needed to address in the SWPPP's, and it would be our intent to do the same thing here. MR. LAPPER-And you are very familiar with the site conditions. MR. JONES-Yes, we're very familiar with it, just from our prior experience with the other two parcels, and I think we've demonstrated, and Hudson Headwaters has demonstrated, a very good track record with the Town, with regard to adhering to the requirements and completion of those projects. With that I'd be happy to answer questions. MR. HUNSINGER-Questions,comments from the Board? MR. DEEB-You're not asking for waivers for traffic,traffic count? MR.JONES-I think there's one that talks about traffic counts. MRS.MOORE-Yes,so that's Letter N. MR. DEEB-All right. That you're going to have your entrance on the east side of Carey Road. MR. LAPPER-It's two entrances,one existing,one new. MR. DEEB-There's one there now. Farther down you'll have another one, and they'll both be egresses and ingresses? MR. LAPPER-Yes. MR.JONES-Yes. MR. DEEB-Okay. All right. MR. HUNSINGER-Other questions? MR. DEEB-I can't get over how exponentially you've grown, Hudson Headwaters has grown in the last,it's just unbelievable. You've been here so many times. MR. LAPPER-There's obviously a need. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. You commented a little bit on the paving, and I happened to be there one day about a year ago, on a rainy day, and saw the porous pavement in action and it was just mindboggling. MR.JONES-It's phenomenal. 20 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR.JONES-It really is. MR. HUNSINGER-I mean, you get out of the car and it's pouring rain. You expect to step out into water,and I mean,not that it was dry,but your feet didn't get wet,you know. MR.JONES-Right. Even during the snow season it clears tremendously. MR. HUNSINGER-Really? MR.JONES-It's fast,it really does. MR. HUNSINGER-So my question is, when I looked at the site plan, there were a couple of areas where it was labeled non-porous. MR.JONES-Yes,those are required adjacent to septic field areas. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR.JONES-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. So the new building, all of the pavement would be the porous pavement except where noted? MR.JONES-Right,except where noted,yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Great. Thanks. MR. JONES-Yes, we had actually had a company provide a demonstration to us of the porous pavement, and they had an eight inch fire hose off a hydrant, and they opened the hydrant and the flow came out of the eight inch pipe and it went about six feet in the porous pavement and disappeared. It was just incredible. It was mindboggling. I wasn't sold on porous pavement until I saw that. MR. HUNSINGER-So was it a video or did you see it? MR.JONES-It was a video. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Because I've seen some videos of the porous pavement,and,yes. MR. KREBS-You also have the ideal soil below that. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR. DEEB-Dick, are there any studies on longevity of the permeable pavement? MR.JONES-I don't know of any. I'm not sure. MR. DEEB-So it's fairly a new concept. MR.JONES-Yes. MR. DEEB-So we never know. MR.JONES-I know they used it up in Beach Road up in Lake George. MR. DEEB-Yes, but that's only been there for a little bit. Right? I guess we'll have to wait a few years down the road,because every time it gets plowed. MR.JONES-Yes,our pavement's about four years old right now. MR. SCHONEWOLF-And you put salt on it for about five years and see what happens. 21 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. JONES-Yes,just salt and plow, and basically because of the need, we can't put sand on it, so the original pavement, which is the normal blacktop, they basically right now use salt on the entire parcel between the two properties, because they have the, the same maintenance company provides maintenance for both,and that's all that's used on that is a straight salt. MR. MAGOWAN-Well, I was going to ask,do they use less,since a lot of that water will,you know,go down in, it won't really freeze over the top? I was just wondering, like a lot of times on a closed pavement you'll have to put more salt and sand down,you know,for that hard packed surface,but if it's actually with the warmth of the sun and that, goes down into the pavement, you know, would you be using less salt? MR.JONES-I think they use less on the porous pavement than they do on the hard pavement. JIM MC CORMACK MR. MC CORMACK-Yes,there is no lights on the pavement,that's very nice,but do use less. MR. DEEB-It's a win/win,then. MR. HUNSINGER-How much more expensive is it to build? MR. JONES-I really don't think it's a heck of a lot more expensive. Originally I think the indication that we had gotten was that it might be a dollar a square foot more, but I think that with the advent and the use of it now, I think that price has started to come down. MR. HUNSINGER-Down,yes. MR. DEEB-We talked about that before. MR. MAGOWAN-My only other question is, are you sure this is going to be big enough for you? I was actually thinking that maybe we ought to have you on the agenda every other month. MR. LAPPER-Here's what I didn't mention. We have under contract the next two lots going back from the Carey Trust which is just, there's no plan for it, but they're going to own it. So we'll see what happens. MR. DEEB-It's just amazing. MR. HUNSINGER-Well, there was an interesting article, I think it was in the New York Times recently, about the shift in jobs, and they actually had a map, over time, from 1990 to, I think it ended in 2012 or something like that, and it showed States, and of course in 1990 it was all manufacturing, you know, most States the primary jobs were manufacturing. Then it switched to retail, and now of course it's health services. So in a lot of ways, you know, health services is the modern day manufacturing. MR. JONES-Much of our practice right now is health care, between Hudson Headwaters, Glens Falls Hospital and outfits in Albany. So, I mean,that's the direction that it's going. MR. HUNSINGER-How many new jobs would be created in the new facility? MR. MC CORMACK-I would say there's probably 30 to 40. Some of the providers are currently with us that will get transferred to this new center, and they need the space like today. So that's the challenge we're up against. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes, and I also saw an article today about the Adirondack Health Institute, which is housed in your building. MR. MC CORMACK-Actually they moved out. MR. HUNSINGER-They did? I didn't realize that. MR. MC CORMACK-Yes,they went to Glens Falls MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. MC CORMACK-So that actually helps are parking situation. 22 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. MC CORMACK-So we're currently arranging people within our building, but they work closely with us. MR. HUNSINGER-Part of the reason why I asked about the jobs is,you know, I don't know how often the Town has looked into, you know, the old block grant fund, if there's enough jobs to try to leverage the sewer extension. MR. LAPPER-We've been talking to the Town about that and we understand that there is a map plan and report to move it down Corinth Road to the industrial park. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR. LAPPER-But Dick's designed this with septic for now, with the ability, and keeping in mind what it would be like to just do some laterals to ultimately hook up once it's there, but because of timing,it'll have to go in as leach fields. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. But, you know, again, if you can get a big employer to leverage the block grant money. MRS.MOORE-But the block grant,isn't that certain employees,their qualifications? MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. That's true. MS.WHITE-This doesn't include doctors. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. But all the health aides and support staff. MS.WHITE-The original grant that we wrote for Hudson Headwaters when you first built on Carey Road, I was involved in that project, and we were able to demonstrate and use CMBG monies in that for the buildings. So it's not unheard of. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR.JONES-The one thing that I didn't address was the bus stop. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR.JONES-And I don't know if Scott sent you the letter today. MRS.MOORE-I didn't not receive the letter. MR.JONES-Because I was on his case today about it. I actually was at a big opening with him and I asked him about it and he said, oh, well, I owed Laura that two weeks ago. Right now there is personnel or people that actually wait in front of the Health Center on Corinth Road. There is no official sign or anything like that, and I think what Scott's letter was going to indicate was that they actually need a spot to pull over, which we would be able to develop for them, and Glens Falls Transit would put a bus stop sign, and they would request that we do like a park bench or something at this point for people to sit on, and we're certainly willing to do that as part of the project. MR. HUNSINGER-So where would that be,though? MR.JONES-It would be somewhere adjacent to where the little white house is right now. MR. HUNSINGER-So it would be along Corinth Road? MR.JONES-Yes. It would be on the Corinth Roadside. MR. LAPPER-We would certainly agree to that, as Dick said. MR.JONES-Yes. 23 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. KREBS-Sure, and that would also make it possible for elderly people in the Downtown Glens Falls area to utilize this facility. MR.JONES-Yes. Yes, I know they pick up and drop off there. MS.WHITE-They are currently doing that. MR.JONES-They're currently doing that without a bus stop. MS.WHITE-Without the stop. MR. JONES-They just, they get on the bus and they will drop them off because they loop all the way up to, what is the road up there by the fire company, Luzerne Road, and then they'll come back down through and they'll drop them off at the Health Center, or pick them up if they're standing there,but they're standing there on the side of the road. It's a little bit iffy. MS.WHITE-I've just got a question on this drawing. MR.JONES-Yes. MS.WHITE-So there is future,it looks like. MR.JONES-Yes. MS.WHITE-But this is a one story. MR.JONES-Yes. MS.WHITE-Why are there stairs? MR.JONES-We have mechanicals and storage in the basement area. MS.WHITE-Okay. So that's just to access the basement right now? MR.JONES-Right. MS.WHITE-You're not planning on going up? MR.JONES-We're not going up. MR. HUNSINGER-So do you use the basement for storage? MR.JONES-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Medical records? MR.JONES-Well,what we have right now is that large storage unit we came through with. MR. HUNSINGER-Right. MR. JONES-And what we're trying to do is get any of that record storage into a basement of a building. The original Health Center does not have a basement. There's no storage. There's limited storage in that building. MR. HUNSINGER-Wow. MR. DEEB-Somebody mentioned, for the bus stop, that maybe we should consider an enclosure for the winter. Would that be something you could consider? Instead of just a bench. MR. MC CORMACK-It would be a good idea for the public. We do have a lot of elderly. MR. MAGOWAN-Just a three sided,lone,to keep you out of the wind. MR. JONES-When I originally had talked to Scott, I had mentioned an enclosure, and he said it is something that you could do,and he said all we would basically look for would be a bench. 24 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. DEEB-But it would be nice to have both. MR. SCHONEWOLF-You've got a pretty good shot of wind across there, and you don't want to freeze those poor people. MR.JONES-Yes. The prevailing wind comes right into the building. MR. LAPPER-We can agree to do it, as long as DPW approves, and I don't see any reason why they wouldn't,but we just,it's up to them because it's their road. MR. DEEB-Okay. MS.WHITE-Similar to the Municipal Center. MR. LAPPER-Yes. MS.WHITE-Where they have that bench,but it's enclosed. MR. HUNSINGER-So would it be on your property,or would it be in the County right of way? MR. LAPPER-It would probably be in the right of way. MR.JONES-There's not much right of way there. MR. KREBS-It's probably a combination. MR.JONES-Yes,the enclosure maybe on their property. The drop off would be in the right of way. MR. LAPPER-We'd certainly agree to it. MR. HUNSINGER-Any other questions or comments from the Board? We do have a public hearing on this project as well. Are you here for the public hearing,sir? AUDIENCE MEMBER-We live right across the road,but we were just here listening. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Was there anything that you wanted to ask or say? AUDIENCE MEMBER-The only thing I was disappointed about is that, the gentleman in the middle said this old house, white house. I live right across the road. But I'm glad this guy mentioned a seat, because the old people walk back and forth and back and forth and they wander, and they do need a place to sit. I almost feel like putting a chair out there for them. MR. HUNSINGER-Any written comments, Laura? MRS.MOORE-I had no written comments. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MR. MAGOWAN-We'll work on your presentations,Jon,all right. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. I will open the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR. HUNSINGER-And close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-Any other comments or concerns? It is an Unlisted Action. So we do need to do SEQR. What's the Board's comfort level with the engineering letter? MR.TRAVER-They seem to be predominantly omissions and relatively minor technical. MR. DEEB-We won't sign off until it's done,right? 25 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MR. KREBS-But the motion says, on Item Number Seven, engineering signoff required prior to signature of the Zoning Administrator of the approved plans. So I'm not worried about that. MR. HUNSINGER-I'm asking about the comfort level the Board has and if there's concerns. MR. MAGOWAN-They've come enough to us that they know if they don't comply we'll have to strong hold them next time. Yes. MR. LAPPER-And we know, in order to get this in the ground in September,we've got to get Chazen to satisfy. MR. HUNSINGER-Sure. MR. KREBS-Right. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. Do we have a,did you provide a SEQR resolution? MRS. MOORE-I did not provide a SEQR resolution. That's what I was just looking for and I don't see it in here,and I don't have a draft. MR. HUNSINGER-Do you have a blank one laying around? MR. KREBS-I've got one some place. MR. HUNSINGER-I have forms,but I don't have a resolution. MR. LAPPER-You could say simply that after reviewing the Short Form, you issue a Negative Declaration. MR. KREBS-Are we ready? MR. HUNSINGER-We're ready. We're waiting on you. RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE SEQR DECLARATION SP# 52-2014 HHHN The applicant proposes a 2,110 sq. ft. addition to existing health center and construct a new 28,636 sq. ft. health center with associated site work including parking. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Expansion of the use & Health Related facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part 1 of the Short EAF has been completed by the applicant; Part 2 of the Short EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, as noted, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO APPROVE A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SITE PLAN NO. 52-2014 HUDSON HEADWATERS HEALTH NETWORK, Introduced by Paul Schonewolf who moved for its adoption, seconded by Brad Magowan: The Planning Board reviewed the environmental assessment forms provided and found that there is no significant adverse environmental impact. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: 26 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) MRS. MOORE-I would include language that says that you, as a Board, reviewed the environmental assessment forms provided and found that there is no significant adverse environmental impact. MR. SCHONEWOLF-After extensive review, we've determined that, and therefore we have a Negative Dec. MR. KREBS-Okay. MRS.MOORE-That works. MR. HUNSINGER-For the record, Paul,go ahead. MR. SCHONEWOLF-I just said that, after extensive review, we've determined what she asked us to, and that's why we have a Negative Declaration. MR. MAGOWAN-I second it. MR. HUNSINGER-We have a motion and a second. Will that suffice, Laura? MRS.MOORE-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. AYES: Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Ms.White, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-And so the only waivers are traffic flow,right? MRS.MOORE-Yes. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MRS. MOORE-And I was include as part of your motion, unless you don't need to,just highlight that, yes, it needs to be compliant with the Wastewater Department, which is Item Five, and then one of your last conditions may be working with the Glens Falls Transit with the bus stops, including a bus shelter or a bus stop on the site. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP# 52-2014 HUDSON HEADWATERS HEALTH NETWORK A site plan application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a 2,110 sq. ft. addition to existing health center and construct a new 28,636 sq. ft.health center with associated site work including parking. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Expansion of the use & Health Related facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. A public hearing was advertised and held on 8-26-2014; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN NO. 52-2014 HUDSON HEADWATERS HEALTH NETWORK, Introduced by Donald Krebs who moved for its adoption,seconded by Paul Schonewolf: We are modifying the resolution prepared by Staff: 1) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code. 2) The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration. 3) Waiver requests granted:traffic flow 27 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) 4) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff. 5) The Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review,approval,permitting and inspection. 6) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; 7) Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; 8) That a bus stop on site will be developed with Glens Falls Transit, subject to DPW approval, with an enclosure. 9) If required,the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current"NYSDEC SPDES General Permit from Construction Activity"prior to the start of any site work. b) The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; 10) The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: a) The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit,or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project. 11) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 12) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. 13) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution 14) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Ms.White, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Krebs, Mr.Traver, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. LAPPER-Thanks,everybody. MR. HUNSINGER-You're all set. Good luck. Is there any other business to be brought before the Board? MRS. MOORE-I did provide the Board members that asked for it a new zoning map. If there's other Board members that wish one, I still have two left. If not, then you received the latest updated zoning maps. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay. MRS.MOORE-That's all I have. MR. HUNSINGER-Would anyone like to make a motion? MOTION TO ADJOURN THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2014, Introduced by David Deeb who moved for its adoption,seconded by Paul Schonewolf: 28 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/19/2014) Duly adopted this 19th day of August, 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Schonewolf, Mr. Deeb, Mr.Traver, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Magowan, Ms.White, Mr. Hunsinger NOES: NONE MR. HUNSINGER-Thank you, everybody. On motion meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Chris Hunsinger, Chairman 29